#244- "Crazed Gunman" Mental health IS a shooting problem!
#244- "Crazed Gunman" Mental health IS a shooting problem!
Not all mass shooters are severely mentally ill, but many certainly are. Unfortunately, "the narrative" disingenuously wants to blame firearms rather than the person pulling the trigger, regardless of their motivation. In this episode, Will Dabbs, MD joins us to talk about what untreated mental illness looks like "on the street." EPISODE SPONSORS The GUNS Magazine Podcast is presented by Riton Optics. Riton Optics has a solution for your optics needs, but the very latest from Riton is the 3 Tactix lineup of pistol red dots. The 3 Tactix PRD, MPRD, and EED marry with the RMR, RMSc and ACRO footprint, respectively, and offer the features you need for that EDC or competition pistol. Learn more about the 3 Tactix Red Dots or the entire lineup at and use code GUNS24 for 15% off at checkout. The GUNS Magazine Podcast is supported by HIVIZ Shooting Systems. HIVIZ® Shooting Systems is the designer, engineer and manufacturer of high-quality and innovative sights for handguns, shotguns, and rifles. From the unique molded LitePipe technology to their patented LiteWave H3® Tritium/Fiber-Optic sights and new FastDot H3®, HIVIZ continues to advance the art of shooting. See what you’ve been missing at . -- Have a topic idea or guest you’d like to see in a future episode? Let us know in the comments or email . Never miss an episode! Subscribe to our YouTube channel or sign up for our newsletter () to get the GUNS Magazine Podcast delivered straight to your inbox each week.