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HatTrick is a sports podcast hosted by Jordan & Braydon Dowler-Coltman and Elliott Tanti. Each week they take on 3 topics, its fast paced, and fun! Topics range from coverage of teams and players on the ice, field or court. As well as more political or controversial events surrounding world of sports. Nothing is off limits racism, sexism and diversity in sports! Each week is full of fresh "Hot Takes" and bold opinions.

info_outline THE OILERS ARE 4 WINS AWAY... 06/06/2024
info_outline Round 2 MotherPuckers! 05/06/2024
info_outline Two Musketeers 04/16/2024
info_outline Two's a Crowd 04/09/2024
info_outline Tis' But a Bump in the Road! 03/25/2024
info_outline Trades, Teams and Ruptured Testicles 03/04/2024
info_outline Hitting for the Cycle 02/21/2024
info_outline Tour D'Horizon 02/06/2024
info_outline Wild Wild Weekend 01/16/2024
info_outline The 3rd Annual "Best of the Year" - 2023 12/30/2023
info_outline Last Show of 2023 - THE HATTIES 12/20/2023
info_outline They Paid Him HOW MUCH? 12/12/2023
info_outline Thank you Christian Sinclair! 12/06/2023
info_outline Many Happy Returns 11/28/2023
info_outline Two Optimists and a Grump 11/08/2023
info_outline Hockey, Baseball and Mao Zedong 10/24/2023
info_outline Rapid Fire Sports Roundup 10/17/2023
info_outline Premature Overreactions and Celebrations 10/03/2023
info_outline AUTUMN - noun au·​tumn ˈȯ-təm 1 : the season between summer and winter AND THE START OF THE NFL SEASON! 09/11/2023
info_outline Roid-Rage 08/21/2023
info_outline Two Topics and a Lie! 07/31/2023
info_outline Off Season 101 07/03/2023
info_outline 100 Episodes! .... we think.... 06/15/2023
info_outline Episode 99 06/05/2023
info_outline Every Sport Everywhere All At Once! 05/29/2023
info_outline Well that's, that... 05/15/2023
info_outline When the boss is away... 05/08/2023
info_outline Bean Town Beat Down! 05/01/2023
info_outline Now it's best of 3 04/24/2023
info_outline 2023 NHL Playoff Primer 04/17/2023