The Mad Life of Harvey Kurtzman, Part ThreeAnd now the third part of this rambling and too brief biography of the great Harvey Kurtzman, as it sets out creating his own comics at EC, one of which would change the landscape of humor in America. /episode/index/show/historyofcomicbookspodcast/id/35570900
The Mad Life of Harvey Kurtzman, Part TwoAnd the second part of this rambling and too brief biography of the great Harvey Kurtzman, as he reenters civilian life after his military service to become a full-time comic book artist, leading him to the company that would reshape his life and comic book history. /episode/index/show/historyofcomicbookspodcast/id/35476200
The Mad LIfe of Harvey Kurtzman, Part OneAnd now the first part of this rambling and too brief biography of the great Harvey Kurtzman, one of the greatest artists of the comic book medium. /episode/index/show/historyofcomicbookspodcast/id/35364415
The Life of Don HeckAnd now a rambling and too brief biography of Don Heck, one of the great journeyman of the comic book medium who also managed to create some classic characters, including my all-time favorite, Iron Man. /episode/index/show/historyofcomicbookspodcast/id/35280310
The Life of Mike Grell, Part TwoAnd now the conluding part of this rambling and too brief biography of the legendary writer/artist, Mike Grell. /episode/index/show/historyofcomicbookspodcast/id/35185955
The Life of Mike Grell, Part OneAnd now the first part of a rambling and too brief biography of the legendary writer/artists, Mike Grell. /episode/index/show/historyofcomicbookspodcast/id/35092620
Archies-Charles Schultz-The Father of Charlie Brown and His Friends, Part FourAnd now a reposting of this last part of the this rambling and too brief biography of Charles Schultz, the creator of Charlie Brown and the Peanuts comic strip. /episode/index/show/historyofcomicbookspodcast/id/34989185
Archives - Charles Schultz: The Father of Charlie Brown and his Friends, Part ThreeAnd now a reposting of the third part of this rambling and too brief biography of Charles Schultz, the creator of Charlie Brown and the "Peanuts" comic strip. /episode/index/show/historyofcomicbookspodcast/id/34890190
Archives-Charles Schultz-The Father of Charlie Brown and Peanuts, Part TwoAnd now a reposting of part two of this rambling and too brief biography of Charles Schultz, the creator of Charlie Brown and the Peanuts comics strip. /episode/index/show/historyofcomicbookspodcast/id/34793650
Archives-Charles Schultz the Father of Charlie Brown and Peanuts, Part OneAnd now a reposting of the first part of this rambling and too brief biography of Charles Schultz, the creator of Charlie Brown and the Peanuts comic strip. /episode/index/show/historyofcomicbookspodcast/id/34705315
Archives- The Christmas Classics -Christmas with the JokerAnd now a reposting of this rambling and too brief review of this classic episode of "Batman: The Animated Series", which is not only a great Christmas episode but the first appearance of Mark Hammil's the Joker. /episode/index/show/historyofcomicbookspodcast/id/34542695
Archives: Christmas Classics - "Iron Man 3"And now a reposting of this rambling and to brief review of "Iron Man 3", the MCU Christmas film. /episode/index/show/historyofcomicbookspodcast/id/34542625
Archives: The Christmas Classics: "Batman Returns"And now a reposting of this rambling and too brief review of "Batman Returns", not a perfect film but makes for nice Christmas viewing. /episode/index/show/historyofcomicbookspodcast/id/34425345
Archives: The Christmas Classics - "Sin City: Silent Night" by Frank MillerAnd now a reposting of this too brief review of "Sin City: Silent Night" by Frank Miller, in which he tells a Christmas story but in the Sin City way. /episode/index/show/historyofcomicbookspodcast/id/34311485
Archives-The War Against Comics, Part FourAnd now a reposting of the last part of this rambling and too brief history on the war against comics in the 1950's. /episode/index/show/historyofcomicbookspodcast/id/34194310
Archives - The War Against Comics, Part ThreeAnd a reposting of part three of the "War Against Comics" series, this time focusing on the actual Comics Code itself. /episode/index/show/historyofcomicbookspodcast/id/34102186
Archives - The War Against Comics, Part TwoAnd now a reposting of the second part of this rambling and too brief history of the war against comics in the 1950's. /episode/index/show/historyofcomicbookspodcast/id/33939867
Archives: The War Against Comics, Part OneAnd now a reposting of the first part of this rambling and too brief history of the war against comic books in the 1950's. /episode/index/show/historyofcomicbookspodcast/id/33844637
Archives-Halloween Classics- Batman The Long HalloweenAnd now a reposting of this rambling and too brief review of "Batman: The Long Halloween", one of the best Batman stories ever. /episode/index/show/historyofcomicbookspodcast/id/33719897
Archives: Creepy Classics - "Gyo" by Junji ItoAnd now a reposting of this rambling and too brief review of "Gyo" by Junji Ito, one of his scariest mangas by the horror master him. /episode/index/show/historyofcomicbookspodcast/id/33607027
Archives-History of Batman, Part ThreeAnd now a reposting of this concluding chapter of this too brief and rambling history of Batman. /episode/index/show/historyofcomicbookspodcast/id/33521197
Archives-History of Batman, Part TwoAnd now a reposting of this second part of a rambling and too brief history of Batman. /episode/index/show/historyofcomicbookspodcast/id/33410102
Archives-History of Batman, Part OneNow in keeping with the recent Batman Day, a reposting of the first part of this rambling and too brief history of the Dark Knight. /episode/index/show/historyofcomicbookspodcast/id/33227372
Archives-History of Marvel Comics, Part ThreeAnd now a reposting of this final part of this rambling and too brief history of Marvel Comics. /episode/index/show/historyofcomicbookspodcast/id/33031477
Archives-History of Marvel Comics, Part TwoAnd now a reposting of the second part of this rambling and too brief history of Marvel Comics. /episode/index/show/historyofcomicbookspodcast/id/33031362
Archives-History of Marvel Comics, Part OneAnd now a reposting of the first part of this rambling and too brief history of Marvel Comics. /episode/index/show/historyofcomicbookspodcast/id/32938782
Archives-Jack Kirby, the King of ComicsAnd now a reposting of this rambling and too brief biography of Jack Kirby, the King of Comics. /episode/index/show/historyofcomicbookspodcast/id/32803867
Archives - History of Spider-Man, Part FourAnd now a reposting of this last part of this rambling and too brief history of Spider-Man, Marvel Comcs's most iconic character. /episode/index/show/historyofcomicbookspodcast/id/32707427
Archives - History of Spider-Man, Part ThreeAnd a reposting of the third part of this rambling and too brief history of Spider-Man, Marvel's most iconic hero. /episode/index/show/historyofcomicbookspodcast/id/32600967
Archives-History of Spider-Man, Part TwoAnd a reposting of the second part of this rambling and too brief history of Spider-Man, the flagship character of Marvel Comics. /episode/index/show/historyofcomicbookspodcast/id/32502157