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Homecoming Podcast

At Homecoming, we address two myths: 1) Hospitals are the safest place to give birth and 2) Black families don't birth at home. We broadcast how Black families birth in love and choose to birth at home, unassisted or with midwives. We interview parents, birth workers, cloth diaper enthusiasts and also feature stories of hospital transfer during planned home births and even stories of loss. Join us as we discover Black homebirth stories in the context of the national crisis in maternal and infant health. In spite of the statistics, we DO have beautiful births! Welcome home.

info_outline Chae, Mensa, and the Homebirth of Masara Mensah 10/01/2021
info_outline S3. E4. Talise and Arsalaan's Surprise Twin Homebirth! 01/06/2021
info_outline 3.3 Giving Birth to a Spirit: Miscarriage as Homebirth with Ellenie Cruz 12/01/2020
info_outline 3.2 Unpacking Medical and Obstetric Racism with Dr. Dana-Ain Davis 10/30/2020
info_outline 3.1 Answering the Call of Midwifery with Nubia Martin 09/06/2020
info_outline 2.11 Doula Shayla Brown's Homebirth Stories 08/07/2020
info_outline 2.10 Keeping it All the Way Real with Nicole Deggins, CNM. 07/01/2020
info_outline 2.9 Holding Space for Grief and Healing with Tayo Mbande 06/04/2020
info_outline 2.8 Jeanine Valrie Logan: Illinois Midwife and Breastfeeding Advocate 05/22/2020
info_outline 2.7 Chae Births Moziah at Home 02/27/2020
info_outline 2.6 Stacey and Tommy's Unassisted Home Birth Story -- Part II 01/23/2020
info_outline 2.5 Stacey and Tommy Fluker Talk Alabama Midwifery and Home Birth -- Part I 01/23/2020
info_outline 2.4 Kristin of exBreast Yourself Talks Cloth Diapers 12/18/2019
info_outline 2.3 Nuola's Homebirth Story (Part II) 10/30/2019
info_outline 2.2 When Loss Leads to Home Birth with Nuola Akinde (Part I) 09/29/2019
info_outline 2.1 Isis' Birth Story 08/30/2019
info_outline 10. Lou-Ann and Michael's Birth Story (S.1. Finale) 06/10/2019
info_outline 9. A [Week] in the Life of Detroit Homebirth Midwife Cynthia Jackson 03/05/2019
info_outline 8. Brittany's Home Birth Story 01/26/2019
info_outline 7. Mama Cloth with Alysia -- Part II 01/09/2019
info_outline 6. Cloth Diapers with Alysia -- Part I 12/11/2018
info_outline 5. Shayla and Isaiah's Birth Story 11/26/2018
info_outline 4. Chae's Birth Story 10/27/2018
info_outline 3. Roxanne's Birth Story 09/28/2018
info_outline 2. Kristen and Mosi's Birth Story 09/02/2018
info_outline 1. Welcome Home 09/02/2018