Born Leader podcast
Born Leader is a podcast founded on the belief that everyone is a born leader and there are many paths to discovering your own potential. We explore leadership through interviews with and profiles about everyday people who demonstrate we’re all born leaders. Hypatian Institute, Inc. Founder and CEO Gaea L. Honeycutt hosts Born Leader.
Born Leader BONUS: Ulysses James - Seamless Harmony
Born Leader BONUS: Ulysses James - Seamless Harmony
Imagine leading a team of dozens of people, working together harmoniously, all at one time as a seamless body? In this bonus episode of Born Leader, Ulysses James, maestro of the Washington Metropolitan Philharmonic Association, talks about amazing experiences leading orchestras in fantastic venues. And we learn how Ul pays it forward by giving emerging composers the chance to have their original work played by an orchestra.
Born Leader Ep 6 - Building a Culture of Excellence and Respect with Ulysses James
Born Leader Ep 6 - Building a Culture of Excellence and Respect with Ulysses James
Born Leader is a podcast founded on the belief that everyone is a born leader and there are many paths to discovering your own potential. We explore leadership through interviews with and profiles about everyday people who demonstrate we’re all born leaders. Hypatian Institute, Inc. Founder and CEO Gaea L. Honeycutt hosts Born Leader. In this third episode, Ulysses James, Maestro of the Washington Metropolitan Philharmonic Association discusses applying the lessons of organizational development consuting to growing a small nonprofit. Throughout a Navy career and several years of consulting, Ul James never lost his love of music and, more broadly, the arts. At the same time, it was those experiences that prepared him to lead and grow an orchestra – both his 20-year career in the military where Ul learned organizational development, and leading his own consulting firm where he put his expertise to work in the private sector. It was a pleasure to sit down with the unassuming maestro to discuss the similarities between music and the military, the evolution of his career, and his second life leading the WMPA. In the next episode of Born Leader, we’ll speak with Dr. Irene Trowell-Harris, a retired Major General and the first female and nurse to command a medical clinic, and the first African American to be promoted to General Officer in the National Guard. If you want to learn more about Ulysses James or other guests on the Born Leader podcast,or for a transcript, visit . Or follow us on , or . Talk to you next time on Born Leader from the Hypatian Institute. Thank you to Therese Arkenburg for her assistance in production. Key words: leadership, business consulting, organizational development, corporate culture, music, orchestra, planning, strategy, transformation, collaboration, teamwork, nonprofits, small nonprofits, corporate culture, organizational culture, dc, maryland, virginia MENTIONED ON THE SHOW Hypatian Institute - Washington Metropolitan Philharmonic Association - U.S. Navy - Herrmann Brain Dominance Instrument - ADVERTISERS Your Virtual Business Partner - Take Point Now -
Born Leader - Episode 5 - Michel Zajur
Born Leader - Episode 5 - Michel Zajur
Born Leader - Episode 5: Building Businesses and Community Together Lessons from Michel Zajur of the Virginia Hispanic Chamber of Commerce Born Leader is a podcast founded on the belief that everyone is a born leader and there are many paths to discovering your own potential. We explore leadership through interviews with and profiles about everyday people who demonstrate we’re all born leaders. Hypatian Institute, Inc. Founder and CEO Gaea L. Honeycutt hosts Born Leader. In this episode, we welcome Michel Zajur, Founder and CEO of the Virginia Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, an organization dedicated to building bridges to create, promote and enhance business opportunities for its membership by providing linkages with special emphasis on the Hispanic community. Our discussion focused on the trajectory of his career and how Michel’s business savvy and commitment to serving the Richmond community evolved into a entity that fosters cultural and economic exchange. We begin with the foundations of his work ethic, the challenges and rewards of growing a family business, and how the family business built connections with the community. Then Michel gets into the details of how how approached building the Chamber, his lessons learned, and the intersecting cultural education work of his wife Lisa. And we wrap up the interview discussing what makes Richmond the ideal location for business and the Virginia Hispanic Chamber’s headquarters, and the mentor who inspires him and drives the philosophy behind the Chamber. Also, we feature the first installment of our Two-Minute Leadership Moment. This episodes essay was inspired by Michel Zajur's interview, highlighting an interconnected set of ideas, or life lessons. First, you don’t get where you are on your own. The second idea is that you never know the impact your words or actions might have on others. Two things that have lead Michel to success and transformed not only his life, but many others. We’d love to hear from you in the comments section or on , and (@HypatianInst). In the next episode of Born Leader, we’ll speak with Ulysses James, Maestro of the Washington Metropolitan Philharmonic Association. If you want to learn more about Michel Zajur or other guests on the Born Leader podcast, visit . Key words: business, corporation, globalization, hispanic, chamber, international, leadership, mentor, mentoring, networking, strategy, transformation, venture, spanish, education, community MENTIONED ON THE SHOW Hypatian Institute - Virginia Hispanic Chamber of Commerce - Asian American Chamber of Commerce - Richmond Chamber of Commerce - Northern Virginia Black Chamber of Commerce - Passport to Education - ADVERTISERS Hypatian Institute College Fellows Program - Your Virtual Business Partner -
Born Leader Episode 4 BONUS - Babak Hafezi of Hafezi Capital
Born Leader Episode 4 BONUS - Babak Hafezi of Hafezi Capital
Born Leader Episode 4 BONUS - Babak Hafezi of Hafezi CapitalThe Soundtrack of LifeBorn Leader is a podcast founded on the belief that everyone is a born leader and there are many paths to discovering your own potential. We explore leadership through interviews with and profiles about everyday people who demonstrate we’re all born leaders. Hypatian Institute, Inc. Founder and CEO Gaea L. Honeycutt hosts Born Leader.In this bonus episode, I wanted to share a bit more from my interview with Babak Hafezi, CEO of Hafezi Capital. As we learned in Episode 4, his approach to business is informed by a global perspective and a background in conflict resolution and human rights. If you meet Babak, you’ll notice that he’s well put together, eclectic and sophisticated. After seeing photos of Babak on the web taking a spin at a DJ turntable, I was reminded of a friend years ago who revealed the song he always walked to in his head was . And so, that led me to think, “This dude has got to have a phenomenal soundtrack in his head.”
Born Leader - Episode 4: Globally Focused, Human-Centered Business
Born Leader - Episode 4: Globally Focused, Human-Centered Business
Born Leader - Episode 4: Globally Focused, Human-Centered BusinessLessons from Babak Hafezi of Hafezi CapitalBorn Leader is a podcast founded on the belief that everyone is a born leader and there are many paths to discovering your own potential. We explore leadership through interviews with and profiles about everyday people who demonstrate we’re all born leaders. Hypatian Institute, Inc. Founder and CEO Gaea L. Honeycutt hosts Born Leader.
Born Leader Episode 3 BONUS - Tara Palacios, Arlington Economic Development
Born Leader Episode 3 BONUS - Tara Palacios, Arlington Economic Development
Born Leader Episode 3 BONUS - Tara Palacios, Arlington Economic DevelopmentIt’s All Arlington, Everybody Wants a Restaurant, and Plan Smart From the StartBorn Leader is a podcast founded on the belief that everyone is a born leader and there are many paths to discovering your own potential. We explore leadership through interviews with and profiles about everyday people who demonstrate we’re all born leaders. Hypatian Institute, Inc. Founder and CEO Gaea L. Honeycutt hosts Born Leader.In this bonus episode, we speak more with Tara Palacios, whose high energy and business acumen are the foundation for Arlington Economic Development’s unique BizLaunch program, the City’s small business and entrepreneurial assistance network, and one-stop-shop for information on starting or growing a business. One of the perks of launching a leadership institute with its own podcast is getting great material on leadership and development from our guests . . . so much that we can’t possibly squeeze it all into one episode.Tara and I had a lot of fun and a lot of conversation because that’s how it always is with her. You can’t help but leave her presence re-energized, well informed and in a splendid mood. So, there’s all this extra material that I didn’t want to leave on the cutting room floor that I’m sharing between episodes in this BONUS track.First, we go into little detour into history and regional trivia that I’m calling “It’s All Arlington”, in which we talk about the region and it’s contribution to post Civil War history.Then, a theme that dominated my conversation with Tara was picking the right business, which led to a conversation about the often risky restaurant industry. I’m calling it “Everybody Wants a Restaurant”. Tara breaks down the reality of starting your own eating establishment. And, finally, we talked a bit more about the fact that most successful entrepreneurs Tara meets spend a great deal of time planning. And, with Tara’s financial background, you know you can take the information “to the bank”. I’m calling this “Plan Smart From the Start”.I’d like to thank Tara Palacios for being such an outstanding guest, and the ever steadfast Therese Arkenberg for cranking out transcripts and making sure we’re taking care of business. Our upcoming episodes feature international investor and consultant Babak Hafezi of Hafezi Capital, Maestro Ulysses James of the Washington Metropolitan Philharmonic, and Michel Zajur, Founder and CEO of the Virginia Hispanic Chamber of Commerce. If you want to learn more about Tara Palacios or other guests on the Born Leader podcast,or for a transcript, visit That’s H-Y-P-A-T-I-A-N institute dot com. Or follow us on Twitter @HypatianInst. Key words: leadership, business, community, arlington, women, glass ceiling, planning, strategy, transformation, collaboration, team-building, networking, dc, maryland, virginiaMENTIONED ON THE SHOWHypatian Institute - http://www.hypatianinstitute.comArlington Economic Development -
Born Leader - Episode 3: Strategies for Growth, Transformation and Change
Born Leader - Episode 3: Strategies for Growth, Transformation and Change
Born Leader - Episode 3: Strategies for Growth, Transformation and ChangeLessons from Tara Palacios of Arlington Economic DevelopmentBorn Leader is a podcast founded on the belief that everyone is a born leader and there are many paths to discovering your own potential. We explore leadership through interviews with and profiles about everyday people who demonstrate we’re all born leaders. Hypatian Institute, Inc. Founder and CEO Gaea L. Honeycutt hosts Born Leader.In this third episode, we welcome Tara Palacios, whose high energy and business acumen are the foundation for Arlington Economic Development’s unique BizLaunch program, the City’s small business and entrepreneurial assistance network, and one-stop-shop for information on starting or growing a business. Here sometimes unusual career prepared her to build and run BizLaunch, and she shares with us her advice about acting strategically and planning for success. Her lessons from graduating in a tough job market, taking missteps on her first job, and becoming a valued collaborator resonate with anyone starting their own venture — whether business, nonprofit or public.We dive into how Tara Palacios strives to be the mentor she never had and strategies for leaving a toxic workplace, as well as getting some pointers on how to assess whether you should start a business. Then, Tara outlines how Arlington Economic Development planned and laid the groundwork for the BizLaunch program and it’s partnerships, and how this preparation has served her well as the program has taken hold and grown. And, she talks about some of the leaders she admires, how she engages in continuous learning, and the Golden Rule in business and life.In the next episode of Born Leader, we’ll speak with investor Babak Hafezi, CEO of Hafezi Capital, who’s firm consults at the intersection of key operational functions — finance, human capital and strategic development. Special thanks to Therese Arkenberg who prepares our Born Leader transcripts and provides assistance on the business side of this venture.If you want to learn more about Tara Palacios or other guests on the Born Leader podcast,or for a transcript, visit words: leadership, business, community, arlington, women, glass ceiling, planning, strategy, transformation, collaboration, team-building, networking, dc, maryland, virginiaMENTIONED ON THE SHOWHypatian Institute - Arlington Economic Development - Greater Washington Hispanic Chamber of Commerce - Washington Network Group - District Taco - Dali Lama - Whoopi Goldberg - Think Food Group - Michelle Obama - ADVERTISERSTake Point Now - Hypatian Institute College Fellows Program - Your Virtual Business Partner - Brazen Maven (TM) Marketing Communications -
Born Leader Podcast - Episode 2
Born Leader Podcast - Episode 2
Born Leader is a podcast founded on the belief that everyone is a born leader and there are many paths to discovering your own potential. We explore leadership through interviews with and profiles about everyday people who demonstrate we’re all born leaders. Hypatian Institute, Inc. Founder and CEO Gaea L. Honeycutt hosts Born Leader.
Born Leader - Episode 1
Born Leader - Episode 1
Grounded, Centered and Growing: Leadership Lessons with Cindy Shao of the Asian American Chamber of Commerce