The Internal Battle Podcast
Often times we feel a disconnection with who we truly are. We feel lost, frustrated, and sometimes stagnant. What could bring about this? An Internal Battle. An internal battle is the battle between You Vs. You. External Vs. Internal. The internal struggles that we face within ourselves create ill feelings and hold us back from achieving and pursuing for the things we want in life. From our fears all the way to our desires an internal battle brews. This podcast is designed to help bring awareness to these battles and see them from a different perspective allowing us to reestablish our connection to our internal world
Episode 70: My Top 10 Books of All Time
Episode 70: My Top 10 Books of All Time
Welcome back to another episode of The Internal Battle Podcast! In this episode, I'm gonna share with you guys my top 10 favorite books of all time. These are the books that have inspired me, comforted me, and helped me gain several new perspectives. If you are a fan of the show, you know very well my views on books. A book provides so much life-altering value that you can receive for as little as $7. The books on this list are ones that I will consistently reference, consistently recommend, and share the insights that I gained. I hope you enjoy this episode and that it inspires you to either get one of the books on the list or reread one of the books on the list. Thank you so much for being here! And if you like this episode, LEAVE A REVIEW AND TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK :) Have a story to share? Reach out to me! [email protected] Want to hear more? Subscribe!!! Growing this community and spreading the perspectives!
Episode 69: The One Word Concept
Episode 69: The One Word Concept
Welcome back to another amazing episode of the podcast! Grateful for you to be here today as we talk about a concept that I believe can help almost instantly change your perspective in real-time. And this is the power of the one-word concept. This was originally coined by Kevin Hall the author of the book titled "Aspire" When I came across this idea I immediately wanted to share this on the podcast! In this episode, We discuss: What is the One Word Concept and why it's important. What My One Word Is How you can Figure out What Your One Word is. I think you will find this episode valuable and become eager to find out what your word will be. Thank you for being a part of the journey and enjoy this episode! And if you like this episode, LEAVE A REVIEW AND TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK :) Have a story to share? Reach out to me! [email protected] Want to hear more? Subscribe!!! Growing this community and spreading the perspectives!
Episode 68: Your new Daily Wins
Episode 68: Your new Daily Wins
Hello and welcome back to another amazing episode! As always I am grateful for you to be here as we discuss the power and benefit of winning! This episode was inspired by an Instagram post that I came across that spoke on 3 Daily Wins. I am sure we hear this all the time. But this post went even further to mention the 3 types of wins we should strive for. They are: Physical win Mental win Spiritual win I agree with this notion and want to expand further. If you want to see the post that inspired this episode you can find it In this episode, we go into: How winning affects your psychology How to set up your wins Tips on finding which win is best for you. Want to learn more about how the brain responds to the reward of winning? I learned a lot from Andrew Huber Man and his podcast, and the place to learn deeper into the science behind how our brains work, Check out this specific episode I hope you enjoy this episode and share it with someone who needs a dose of winning! If you like this episode, LEAVE A REVIEW AND TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK :) Have a story to share? Reach out to me! [email protected] Want to hear more? Subscribe!!! Growing this community and spreading the perspectives!
Episode 67: Overcoming the Internal Battles With Steffi Seefeld
Episode 67: Overcoming the Internal Battles With Steffi Seefeld
Hello all and welcome back to the show!! In this engaging episode, I welcome our special guest, Steffi Seefeld Steffie Seefeld is a certified **NeuroChangeSolutions** (is the correct title!) and trainer under the guidance of DR. Joe Dispenza. She teaches his principles and methods, which are backed by 30 years of research. Her services are designed to help leaders and couples reignite the spark in their relationships by restoring lost connections. With her extensive knowledge and experience, Steffie uses neuroscience-based tools and methods to help her clients make lasting changes in their lives. Steffie reached out to me when listening to a previous episode and wanted to have a conversation and boy did we have one! In this episode, we talk a great deal about: The truth behind what it takes to change behaviors. The process one can take to tune into their best versions Finding the quality in our lives over the quantity. And so much more. I truly loved this conversation with Steffi and hope you catch all the golden nuggets left behind. If you want to learn more about Steffie Here is where you can find her :) Website: :Steffi Seefeld : @TheSteffiSeefeld : Steffi Seefeld Steffi's Book Recommendation: Lost Connections: Why You're Depressed and How to Find Hope Let me know what you think about this episode! And if you like this episode, LEAVE A REVIEW AND TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK :) Have a story to share? Reach out to me! [email protected] Want to hear more? Subscribe!!! Growing this community and spreading the perspectives!
Episode 66: The Lost Art of Personal Development
Episode 66: The Lost Art of Personal Development
Hello! Welcome back to another episode of the Internal Battle Podcast! Today we discuss the lost art of personal development, and how we can once again reclaim our minds into making advances toward our potential. By some time after we are finished with our academics, we no longer have the pressure of learning and developing. And as Tony Robbins says, if we are not growing we are dying. This episode is one to remind you that we don't grow by accident, We grow because we put intention behind the actions we do to elicit growth. But so many of us are stuck in autopilot and forget that piece. Let this be the episode to remind you that the next version of you is waiting on the other side of growing your current self. This episode was inspired by an amazing book, The 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth by John Maxwell. I recommend reading this book and take away the golden nuggets that are stored within. Let me know what you think about this episode! And if you like this episode, LEAVE A REVIEW AND TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK :) Have a story to share? Reach out to me! [email protected] Want to hear more? Subscribe!!! Growing this community and spreading the perspectives!
Episode 65: Now VS. Later
Episode 65: Now VS. Later
Hello and welcome back to another podcast episode! I hope as always you are doing well as we dive into a topic of what holds us back the most, procrastination. This is the internal battle of Now vs. Later Later and Tomorrow, if we are not careful, can become a dangerous pair of words. As you listen to this episode think of all the things that you have sitting on the back burner, waiting for you to start on them. think of all the promises you've made to yourself on growth and change and see where you are at with those decisions. In this episode, I discuss: Why tomorrow and later have become terrible words to say to ourselves What truly holds us back from starting on our goals How we can get over the threshold of starting And plenty more. As always I hope you enjoy this episode and are able to get a lot out of it, and I hope that it is the push you need to get started TODAY rather than later or tomorrow. If you haven't already done so check out my YouTube video of me completing the 10k Steps for a Whole Month Challenge right ! And if you like this episode, LEAVE A REVIEW AND TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK :) Have a story to share? Reach out to me! [email protected] Want to hear more? Subscribe!!! Growing this community and spreading the perspectives!
Episode 64: The Journey VS. The Destination
Episode 64: The Journey VS. The Destination
Hello and welcome back to another episode of the Internal Battle Podcast! As always I hope you are enjoying each episode. Today we talk about the battle of the Journey VS The Destination. The cliche that we all know so well is that it is not about the destination it's about the journey in theory sounds great, but why do we take it with a grain of salt? Why do we get that "aha" moment and continue to speed up the journey and cut corners to reach that end goal? In this episode, I talk about Why the journey is very vital to your growth and development Why setbacks are actually a step forward in the right direction Why being lost is actually the start and more! I hope you enjoy this episode, and consider subscribing to continue on the journey to connecting closer with yourself. And if you like this episode, LEAVE A REVIEW AND TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK :) Have a story to share? Reach out to me! [email protected] Want to hear more? Subscribe!!! Growing this community and spreading the perspectives!
Episode 63: 10 Philosophies from my Journal Part 2
Episode 63: 10 Philosophies from my Journal Part 2
Hello and welcome back to another episode of the Internal Battle Podcast! Today we dive back into my journal which stores some of my favorite philosophies. A habit that I've picked up is writing down quotes, statements, and phrases that help reframe my mind. I think we love quotes so much because they allow us to hear a point of view that we may not have considered. This can be quotes about life, relationships, adulthood, and many more. Most of my quotes come from reading my favorite books, and I have been using an amazing app called Notion which has an awesome template for your reading list, where you can store summaries, takeaways, and quotes. I highly recommend using it if you prefer to be digital with your journal. This is part two of diving back into that journal of quotes. (You can find part one when I first dove into my journal on episode 44.) I hope at least 1 out of the 10 quotes you hear today makes you say "Ah! i like that, let me write that down" But at the end of it, I just hope you enjoy this episode overall. Thank you so much. If you love this episode let me know what you think!!! Should I do more of these? I have so much more quotes! Send me a message at [email protected] Support the podcast by SUBSCRIBING and checking out other episodes!! Share this with someone you think needs to hear this!
Episode 62: Stress, Overwhelm and Your 3 Choices
Episode 62: Stress, Overwhelm and Your 3 Choices
Welcome to another episode where we'll dive into stress and overwhelm. When we're stressed, our ability to make sound decisions and think clearly is compromised. This can lead to poor decisions instead of innovative ones. Fortunately, we have options that can help us navigate these situations effectively. In particular, we have three choices that we'll explore today. Our inspiration for this episode comes from the exceptional book "The End of Stress" by Don Joseph Gowey, which I highly recommend. This book is a game-changer that equips us with techniques to handle any stressful situation. One of the most effective tools we can utilize is learning to breathe, pause, and collect ourselves when stress and anxiety start to flood our minds. In this episode, we'll learn about our three choices when faced with stress and how to leverage them to regain control. And if you like this episode, LEAVE A REVIEW AND TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK :) Have a story to share? Reach out to me! [email protected] Want to hear more? Subscribe!!! Growing this community and spreading the perspectives!
Episode 61: Challenges, Goals, and 10,000 Steps
Episode 61: Challenges, Goals, and 10,000 Steps
Hello and Welcome back to another episode of the internal battle podcast! Today we have two versions of today's episode. For the month of June, I decided that I wanted to walk 10,000 steps for my birthday. This was a challenge and goal that I set for myself to accomplish and I also decided to record and vlog my journey so that you can go and watch on my youtube channel! This audio version of the episode talks about some glimpses of my journey, but you can watch the full version of the video 10k steps allowed me to step into so many different areas that I wouldn't have thought to enter like making this youtube video. And that's the beauty of challenges. You will learn on the way not at the end. I hope you enjoy this episode and youtube video and let me know if you are planning to do 10k steps! And if you like this episode, LEAVE A REVIEW AND TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK :) Have a story to share? Reach out to me! [email protected] Want to hear more? Subscribe!!! Growing this community and spreading the perspectives!
Episode 60: Book Club: The 5 Dharma Types by Simon Chokoisky.
Episode 60: Book Club: The 5 Dharma Types by Simon Chokoisky.
Hello! Welcome To the show! We have a good episode for you today! Today we do a book discussion on The 5 Dharma Types by Simon Chokoisky. Dharma is your purpose in life, and your dharma type helps define that purpose for you by putting you in a category called the Dharma Type. Much like astrology, your dharma type puts you in a category based on the shared characteristics of others. By knowing your dharma type, you can start to gain clarity on your purpose on earth. Some of us may not know what that purpose is, but by knowing which dharma you possess, your life’s purpose may start to make sense. And if you already know and feel like you know what your life purpose is, knowing your dharma type can help you stay on track. The Dharma types are: The Warrior (9:13) The Educator (18:10) The Merchant (29:55) The Laborer (46:33) The Outsider (55:51) In this episode, I break down each dharma type to help you understand a little bit more about the purpose and direction you are designed to take. Before you listen please take the quiz and find out your dharma type, and learn more! I’ve also made time stamps so that you can skip to your dharma after learning! Take the Dharma Quiz here: Enjoy this episode and let me know what your dharma turned out to be and if after learning about it, you see a connection!
Episode 59: Comparison VS. Compassion
Episode 59: Comparison VS. Compassion
Hello and welcome back to another episode! As always I am excited to have you here for today’s show. This battle that I discuss is a battle that I’m sure you have faced multiple times in your life and may be facing currently. This is the battle between Comparison vs. Compassion. We live in a social and connected world to the point where we may feel so involved in others’ lives that we forget to live our own. Sometimes, we hinder our pursuit of aspirations by constantly comparing ourselves to others and their achievements. And on top of that, we diminish our own progress, growth, and life experiences. This episode is designed to help you have more compassion for yourself and the path that you are on. I talk about: My own experience as a podcaster and comparing myself to other shows What it means to be Time Rich versus Time Scarcity Being inspired by others versus being jealous of others. I think you are going to like this episode. And if you like this episode, LEAVE A REVIEW AND TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK :) Have a story to share? Reach out to me! [email protected] Want to hear more? Subscribe!!! Growing this community and spreading the perspectives!
Episode 58: College, Culinary, and CobyBoys ft. Mat, Alan, Tom, And Curran
Episode 58: College, Culinary, and CobyBoys ft. Mat, Alan, Tom, And Curran
Hello! And welcome back to another episode of the show! I am excited to have you here because we got an amazing episode for you today! Today I have some of my closest friends to talk about a major step in most people's lives, and that's college! Whether you have been to college or not, this was a fun episode to have a bunch of my good friends on. My guests are (and yes guests!) Mathew Echevarria, Alan Candelario, Thomas Lembo, And James Curran Hynes. These four phenomenal gentlemen have been by my side at a small school in upstate New York called SUNY Cobleskill. This small school is known for its agriculture, which held programs such as: Wild Life and Science Management Plant Science Animal Science Culinary Arts And many more… While I was on the path to becoming a service dog trainer, I somehow stumbled across this group of guys who were on their culinary arts journey. In this episode, Mat, Alan, Tom, Curran, and I talk about a lot of topics around this big step in our lives We talk a great deal about: How we ended up in an agricultural school What college was like and is it worth it And life after college where two decided to continue in this direction, while the other 2 decided to go a different route Lastly, this episode was a bunch of fun, and we had a good time just reminiscing about the past. The college family is bigger and beyond just these 4 guys so I want to give a shout-out to #400FamilyForever and #OG6, you guys have truly given me such an amazing college experience and I am glad to be able to call you guys my family. Check out the Guests here: Mathew: Instagram: chef_bigmat Snapchat: @bigmatswag19 Xbox: @bigmatswag19 Facebook: Mathew Echevarria Alan: Instagram: @superhispanic Twitch: DaftXAShadow (never streams, but who knows maybe he’ll be back!) Thomas: All Socials: @tommylemss Gaming: nyislanders34 Curran: Instagram: @curranhynes You can find the food that Curran makes on this Instagram page: @michaelsvalleygrillny And last but not least this was the photo (at around 37:30) that we were talking about, of Royal and I
Episode 57: Why you Struggle with Change
Episode 57: Why you Struggle with Change
Hello and welcome back to yet another episode of the internal battle podcast. Looking to change? Here's something to help you out. Change is a trippy subject. Why is it that we so desperately want things to be different, but we find ourselves back at square one 9 times out of 10? Well, that’s because change isn’t that simple. In order to see change, we have to be willing to understand that we cannot be the same person once we have made the change. Now if we understand the perspective and concept of lifestyle changes, things start to make a little more sense. A lifestyle change is a way of life. It’s not just one change, but a bunch of different tweaks that stick in order for your new self to emerge. The book mentioned in this episode is called “Switch” How to change things when change is hard. And in this book, they give us a perspective that we can easily digest. We all have a Rider (Our Rational Mind) And an Elephant (Our Emotional Mind) They both have their strengths and weaknesses and in this episode, I break those down and lightly explain their method of how change can occur. By: Directing the Rider Motivating the Elephant And Shaping the Path Thank you for tuning in to today’s episode! Like this episode? LEAVE A REVIEW AND TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK :) Have a story to share? Reach out to me! [email protected] Want to hear more? Subscribe!!! Growing this community and spreading the perspectives!
Episode 56: YOU (Identity)
Episode 56: YOU (Identity)
Welcome back! We made it to the end of the three-episode series “EYE-SEE-YOU” In this episode, we focus on YOU! You are the center of it all. But life’s biggest question is “Who Am I” and you may have encountered those moments of questioning at plenty of stages in life. At a young age, going through undergrad, and even in adulthood, this question about who we are and what our identity is, changes constantly and this could lead us down a path of confusion. This episode is to address those concerns and those questions so that we can better understand ourselves. And once we began to see that our identity is forever changing, we start to see how we are capable of flourishing in the wealth of knowledge that we have within ourselves. The closer we know who we are, the more we can understand how our minds work. And with the help of our minds, we understand and become more aware of the environments we find ourselves in. Which then allows us to manipulate that environment to match the feelings we have toward who we are. I hope this episode helps bring a sense of clarity, and a new beginning. EYE SEE YOU Welcome to season 3! Plenty more coming your way! Thank you for listening! Like this episode? LEAVE A REVIEW AND TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK :) Have a story to share? Reach out to me! [email protected] Want to hear more? Subscribe!!! Growing this community and spreading the perspectives!
Episode 55: SEE (Environment)
Episode 55: SEE (Environment)
Hello and Welcome Back To the EYE SEE YOU Series. Hope you liked the first episode, and I hope it has inspired you to take a stab at the morning pages. In this episode, we talk about SEEING. Now just as important as our internal world is, our external world is just as important. Not everyone processes things internally and it should not always be done so. You can’t have Ying without Yang, up without down, left without right. So our environment and what we SEE are just as important as what we see internally. We can tell a lot about a person based on their environment. We can see: What influences them, how creative they are, are they simplistic, and many other observations. What we may not know is that our environment plays a big role in our lives. And we have the power to manipulate that environment to help assist in any direction we want ourselves to be pointed. For instance, Clutter. Clutter can cause a lot of stress, anxiety and you guessed it depression. A couple of guys made a documentary showing what it's like to be a minimalist and rid yourself of clutter. If you’re interested, here’s a trailer if you want to take a look! Hope you enjoy the episode! Like this episode? LEAVE A REVIEW AND TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK :) Have a story to share? Reach out to me! [email protected] Want to hear more? Subscribe!!! Growing this community and spreading the perspectives!
Episode 54: EYE (Awareness)
Episode 54: EYE (Awareness)
SEASON 3 !! Welcome all and welcome back to the podcast for another season. The break was needed to recharge as well as come up with new ways to bring you value. This season I’m hoping to stand out from past seasons, and better evolve as a podcaster. I’m excited to be back! And what better way to start off the season than with 3 episodes BACK TO BACK. I call this series the EYE SEE YOU Series. They are their own episodes, but they relate to each other in many cases. In this episode, we start with EYE. By eye, I mean the internal eye. The mind's eye, the awareness eye. The internal world is a sacred place where we learn so much about how we interact with the world and how the world affects our minds. If we aren’t careful, we will find ourselves on autopilot and letting the external world take over our day to day. In this episode, we dive into how: The answers we are looking for are found within the questions we ask ourselves. How reflection can be a vital tool to expanding awareness How doing the morning pages help unpack deeper thoughts ** Book Mentioned: Artist Way by Julia Cameron Stay tuned for SEE and YOU right after this episode! Thank you for listening! Like this episode? LEAVE A REVIEW AND TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK :) Have a story to share? Reach out to me! [email protected] Want to hear more? Subscribe!!! Growing this community and spreading the perspectives!
Season 3 Update
Season 3 Update
Hello all. Here is an update. Unfortunately one of my close friends passed away. His name was Warren Jean. He was an amazing human who was the life of the party, the light in every room, and they're a person you count on when you needed a pick-me-up. He has supported so many friends and wanted to see everyone grow to their full potential. He told me how proud he was when I first started my podcast and how he knew that I would be able to do it as long as I put my mind to it. I just wish I was able to get him on the show. Warren. Thank you for such an amazing childhood. You and your entire family have impacted me growing up, and I will always credit having such a great childhood because of it. I know you will be watching over this show and all those that you care about. Miss and love you FOREVER. R.I.P Warren Jean. Season 3 will be released April 30th 2023!
Internal Battle Podcast Season 3 April 2, 2023
Internal Battle Podcast Season 3 April 2, 2023
I want to express my immense gratitude for those who have been on this journey with me. I couldn't be happier with the way Season Two ended up. From beginning to end I am proud of every single episode. I want to do this same level of justice for the next season. And for that, I am putting this season on pause til April 2nd 2023. More episodes are coming and more ideas are to hit the platform. I thank you all for your continued support and I will see you in the Spring! ps... This is a perfect time to catch up on old episodes and finish others ;) Let me know what you think of the show thus far. Leave a review!
Episode 53: Your Inner Power | Intention and Focus
Episode 53: Your Inner Power | Intention and Focus
Welcome back to another episode of the internal Battle podcast and Happy New year! This episode is a bit different from previous shows in which I give you a slice of cake into my life. As I’ve proclaimed before, I like to serve as the genuine pig for this podcast and expose my internal battles in hopes that someone can relate. For today, I talk about how intention and focus have led me down the path I venture down. I talk about two experiences and stories here. One is about how I was able to become a guide dog trainer, and the second is about how I broke into the space of data analytics. These two stories represent how following your intuition while adding intention and focus can attract the things you want out of life AND MORE. So kick back and enjoy the show! I am grateful for you being here. Like this episode? LEAVE A REVIEW AND TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK :) Have a story to share? Reach out to me! [email protected] Want to hear more? Subscribe!!! Growing this community and spreading the perspectives!
Episode 52: The Square One Concept
Episode 52: The Square One Concept
Welcome to the Internal Battle Podcast! This podcast is dedicated to those who want to take charge of their lives, whether they want to start again or work on their personal growth, this is the episode for you! In this episode, I discuss the concept of Square One, and how it is not necessarily bad. With Square One, you have new knowledge of what didn't go right in the past. This is a reminder that the job is not done, and you may need to do it in a different way or double down. I also talk about the idea of setting abstract goals, such as learning to be more intentional with your Lastly, I discuss the idea of creating a vision board for the upcoming year, rather than for the next few years. This is a way to visualize the places you want to go, the experiences you want to have, and what you want the new version of yourself to look like. Doing projects on yourself is a way to peel the layers of who you are, so if you're interested in doing this, give it a try and let me know what you think! Like this episode? LEAVE A REVIEW AND TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK :) Have a story to share? Reach out to me! [email protected] Want to hear more? Subscribe!!! Growing this community and spreading the perspectives!
Episode 51: Book Club: Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself - "The Meditation" Part 3
Episode 51: Book Club: Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself - "The Meditation" Part 3
Hello and welcome back to another episode of the podcast! We are at the finale of our book club series of the book titled: "Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself" In this last part we talk about the Meditative process to tie everything all in together. If you have not listened to part 1 or 2, I recommend doing so, so that the references to those parts make sense! Meditation is the glue that puts all this together. In order to break the habit of being yourself, there are three phases that will help you do so with meditation being the catalsyt. And that is: Be an observer of your thoughts and actions. Visualize the new version of yourself Intentionally create and rewire new pathways Joe does a fantastic job explaining this process in his book. My hope to you is that after hearing this episode and completing the 3 part series you feel motivated to buy this book yourself. Towards the end of the book, Joe has a 4-week program step-by-step practical guide on how to do his meditation process. I didn't want to go into detail too much, but I will link the blog post that gives directions on how to do the practice. Here ---> Again, I cannot stress this enough, this book is POWERFUL. If you truly are looking to change the habit of being yourself and begin a NEW self, This is the book for you. And I hope that these 3 combined episodes were able to do that for you. You can find the link to the book "Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself" by Dr. Joe Dispenza. Like this episode? LEAVE A REVIEW AND TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK :) Have a story to share? Reach out to me! [email protected] Want to hear more? Subscribe!!! Growing this community and spreading the perspectives!
Episode 50: Book Club: Breaking The Habit Of Being Yourself - "The Gap" Part 2
Episode 50: Book Club: Breaking The Habit Of Being Yourself - "The Gap" Part 2
Hello and welcome back to episode 50!!! A milestone to celebrate indeed as we continue our series of the book club with the book titled "Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself" by Dr. Joe Dispenza. Again if you have not had a chance to purchase or read this book, I highly recommend you do so because of the amazing insights that this book provides! This episode dives into what Joe refers to as "The Gap" that we humans have. He states in the book that "We human beings live in a duality as two seperate entities- "how we appear" and "who we really are." This is the gap. The side of the spectrum that creates this identity is based on the external things we have in our environment, and the side of the spectrum that deals with how we feel on the inside which is our true nature. This can happen without us knowing there is a gap, to begin with. We may find ourselves looking for distractions to shadow and hide our true feelings. And from this episode, we find that these distractions are harming us more than it is helping us. I hope you enjoy this episode and that it convinces you to purchase and read this book. You can find the link to the book "Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself" by Dr. Joe Dispenza. Like this episode? LEAVE A REVIEW AND TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK :) Have a story to share? Reach out to me! [email protected] Want to hear more? Subscribe!!! Growing this community and spreading the perspectives!
Episode 49: Book Club: Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself: "The Quantum You" Part 1
Episode 49: Book Club: Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself: "The Quantum You" Part 1
Hello and welcome back my internal battlers to another episode! Today we are bringing back the book club and talking about a particular book that I believe has so much value. This book is called “Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself” by Dr. Joe Despenza. When I say this book is powerful, I MEAN It. Just off the first chapter! Which is what I will be covering in this 3 part series. I wanted to do three parts to this book club series because this book has so many golden nuggets within it that it can’t possibly fit into one episode. In this episode, we break down the first chapter of the book titled “The Quantum You” And in this chapter, we cover the quantum field and the magic behind it. And the power that each and every one of us have within our internal domain. Just so you know: WE ARE ENERGY and EVERYTHING IS ENERGY I hope that within this episode you open your curiosity box and let your mind allow you to accept different perspectives. I mean the book is called breaking the habit of being yourself, and the reason for that is because this book is designed to shatter set-in-stone beliefs that you may have regarding the reality that you experience. So I hope after this episode you feel compelled to purchase the book yourself you can find an Amazon link to the book In this episode, I mentioned an experiment that was done called “The Double Slit Experiment” you can check that out ! Like this episode? LEAVE A REVIEW AND TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK :) Have a story to share? Reach out to me! [email protected] Want to hear more? Subscribe!!! Growing this community and spreading the perspectives!
Episode 48: The Battle of Acceptance
Episode 48: The Battle of Acceptance
Welcome back Internal Battlers! Today we dive deep with a glass of wine in hand. Acceptance has been misconstrued and misinterpreted. We have paired it with giving up, losing hope, and accepting defeat. In this episode, we reframe the mind in what acceptance REALLY is. There’s no need for me to say anymore! I hope you gain a lot from this episode and that it changes your perspective with acceptance and how you view it. Like this episode? LEAVE A REVIEW AND TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK :) Have a story to share with me? Reach out to me. [email protected] Want to hear more? Subscribe!!! Growing this community and spreading the perspectives!
Episode 47: Become the NEXT version of YOU
Episode 47: Become the NEXT version of YOU
Hello and welcome back to another episode of The Internal Battle Podcast! I hope this episode finds you in the space of wanting more and wanting to level up. We repeatedly hear the phrase “work on becoming your BEST self”; if you ask me, that seems a bit too broad and a bit of a tall order. But of course, it isn’t entirely wrong to say to work toward your best self. But hearing that makes us feel like we have to be absolutely perfect in everything that we do. Which as we know, perfection is not obtainable. Every new level requires a new version of yourself, so if we want to go up one level, we need to work on becoming the NEXT version of ourselves. I’m sure you remember back in school when you were given an essay to write or a research paper to conduct; you probably had several versions of your paper before you came up with the final draft. In this episode, I’m asking you to use that same analogy and apply it to yourself. Just moving one more level up will provide you with the momentum you need to become that “best version”. I used quotes there because essentially we should always strive to be just a little bit better. Whether you are on version 3 or version 40 of yourself. This episode will give you insight on the elements you need to move into the next version. At the end of this episode, I also share with you two new superpowers that we all have the ability to do as humans. I learned these from Ed Mylett who I believe is such an incredible human being. You can watch his interview with Tom Bilyeu where he goes into more detail about these powers right . Something to remember is that “Your life at its current place, is a reflection of your standards.” These words really hit home for me and I hope it does for you. I first heard these words from a YouTuber named StephisCold and you can check out one of my favorite videos that he’s done right Thank you all for being here I’m so grateful for you to listen to this episode and hope that it brings you the clarity you need to move on to that next level. LOVE this episode? There are plenty more on the way! SUBSCRIBE to the Internal Battle Podcast to get notified when new episodes come! Let me know what you think by leaving a REVIEW! Or share something with me SHARE with someone you believe needs to hear this. We are all in this together and everyone is just trying to work on their internal battles! Thank you so much, See you next time!
*BONUS EPISODE* #46: 5 DEEP Questions to ask yourself
*BONUS EPISODE* #46: 5 DEEP Questions to ask yourself
Welcome back to this BONUS episode! It's time I do something different for once! I know I’ve been away from podcasting for a bit, and this is my way to make it up to you! In this bonus episode, I dive back into the self-reflection deck of cards that pose very interesting questions. This deck of cards comes from a company called we’re not really strangers and in this episode, I pick out 5 cards with DEEP questions What is great about these cards, is that they take you to a place of understanding and unpacking who you are. With this podcast being in the space it’s in, my goal is to help you better understand yourself. These questions will help delve deep into that internal domain and help you build a closer relationship. Feel free to stop, pause, write out your answers, and go DEEP. (The recommended way :] ) Or just listen through and think through your answers. I will say though, the deeper you go the more you learn, and the more you learn the more you can build upon. I hope you enjoy this episode and get more out of it than you believe. The company is called ‘we’re not really strangers’ and this is the link to the self-reflection kit <- Thank you all, If you want to SHARE your thoughts with me let me know! @ SUBSCRIBE and RATE the show! This helps me a lot with spreading the message! See you next time.
Episode 45: Imposter Syndrome
Episode 45: Imposter Syndrome
Hello!! And welcome back to another episode. So glad to have you here today to talk about a very relevant topic that occurs throughout our lives, and that is Imposter Syndrome. In any journey in life, there are plenty of times when we come across the feeling of being an imposter. This tends to appear when we begin a new pursuit or don’t feel deserving of where we are in our lives. We believe that others have it all together and that we are the bad egg that couldn’t possibly achieve what others have. We assume that others don’t have any flaws or the same doubts that we have. How could they right? Surely we are the only ones. WRONG! In this episode, we go into what we all feel when imposter syndrome occurs. And how we can change our minds to completely eliminate the feeling! I hope you enjoy this episode and no longer feel like an imposter! If you want to SHARE your thoughts with me let me know! @ SUBSCRIBE and RATE the show! This helps me a lot with spreading the message! See you next time
Episode 44: 10 Philosophies from my Journal
Episode 44: 10 Philosophies from my Journal
Hello and welcome back to another Episode! This week we dive into my journal of 2017-2018 and extract quotes that I wrote down that resonated with me. I used to carry a journal that held my daily entries, questions that I wanted to answer, random thoughts, and quotes of the day. In my journal, I held a section where I stored all these quotes so in the case where I am having an off day or need to feel re-inspired, I would go to that section and read these quotes. Today I share with you 10 of those quotes that really resonated with me and I hope it does the same with you. I break down each quote to how it resonated with me, how I interpret these philosophies, and how I incorporate them into my life. By the end of this episode, I wish for it to inspire you to go out and get your own journal and let your mind loose with all the information that is stored in it onto a sheet of paper. And that these philosophies will shed light on a new perspective that you may have not tapped into. If you love this episode let me know what you think!!! Should I do more of these? I have so much more quotes! Send me a message Support the podcast by SUBSCRIBING and checking out other episode!! Share this with someone you think need to hear this!
Episode 43: Mental Exhaustion Vs. Laziness: The 4 Seasons of Passion
Episode 43: Mental Exhaustion Vs. Laziness: The 4 Seasons of Passion
Welcome back to the show!! Glad to have you here as always. Today we talk about a battle that I can confidently say appears in all of our lives: the feeling of being lazy. But is it really laziness that we are fighting? Or is it mental exhaustion? You see, I’ve talked to and interviewed a handful of people who have an art form or are content creators in some fashion, and the one internal battle I tend to see in common that they all share is battling laziness. And myself included. But what I wanted to do was learn why that was. I’m sure myself along with the folks I’ve spoken about this with love what they do and love their passion. So how can we say we are passionate about a particular field but find moments where we don’t feel like doing it anymore for the time being, or we have no motivation, no drive, and inspiration? I wanted to dive a lot deeper to find that, and what I came across was the feeling of mental exhaustion and laziness may look the same, but they are two different things. But they certainly find their way onto the battlefield in the internal world. I’ve also discovered that there are certain phases that we go through with our passions as well as in life. This concept was learned of course from none other than Jim Rohn himself. He calls it the seasons of life. And I want to put a spin on it and say the Four Seasons of Passion. In this episode, I talk about what each season will look like (Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter) regarding your passion and how to leverage and capitalize when you are in that phase. It's a great episode and I hope you love it!! Like this episode? LEAVE A REVIEW AND TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK :) Have a story to share with me? Reach out to me. Want to hear more? Subscribe!!! Growing this community and spreading the perspectives!