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The Jesuits

For over 450 years Jesuit priests and brothers have lived an amazing story of serving the Church in new and unexpected ways. We are still men on the move, ready to change place, occupation, method--whatever will advance our mission in the Church. We are expected to do anything or go anywhere to teach Jesus Christ and preach his Good News. Today that "we" has expanded to include men and women who share this vision of service to faith and to the justice that faith demands. Together Jesuits and lay partners place ourselves in the presence of the God who created all people and ask ourselves the questions that St. Ignatius suggested to his first companions during the period of prayer that led to their permanent companionship: What have I done for Christ? What am I doing for Christ? What will I do for Christ?

info_outline Jesus' Seven Last Words - Part 7 - On Good Friday 2015, Fr. Timothy Kesicki, president of the Jesuit Conference of Canada and the United States, delivered a homily at St. Matthew’s Cathedral in Washington, DC on Jesus’ Seven Last Words. 03/16/2016
info_outline Jesus' Seven Last Words - Part 6 - On Good Friday 2015, Fr. Timothy Kesicki, president of the Jesuit Conference of Canada and the United States, delivered a homily at St. Matthew’s Cathedral in Washington, DC on Jesus’ Seven Last Words. 03/16/2016
info_outline Jesus' Seven Last Words - Part 5 - On Good Friday 2015, Fr. Timothy Kesicki, president of the Jesuit Conference of Canada and the United States, delivered a homily at St. Matthew’s Cathedral in Washington, DC on Jesus’ Seven Last Words. 03/16/2016
info_outline Jesus' Seven Last Words - Part 4 - On Good Friday 2015, Fr. Timothy Kesicki, president of the Jesuit Conference of Canada and the United States, delivered a homily at St. Matthew’s Cathedral in Washington, DC on Jesus’ Seven Last Words. 03/16/2016
info_outline Jesus' Seven Last Words - Part 3 - On Good Friday 2015, Fr. Timothy Kesicki, president of the Jesuit Conference of Canada and the United States, delivered a homily at St. Matthew’s Cathedral in Washington, DC on Jesus’ Seven Last Words. 03/16/2016
info_outline Jesus' Seven Last Words - Part 2 - On Good Friday 2015, Fr. Timothy Kesicki, president of the Jesuit Conference of Canada and the United States, delivered a homily at St. Matthew’s Cathedral in Washington, DC on Jesus’ Seven Last Words. 03/16/2016
info_outline Jesus' Seven Last Words - Part 1 - On Good Friday 2015, Fr. Timothy Kesicki, president of the Jesuit Conference of Canada and the United States, delivered a homily at St. Matthew’s Cathedral in Washington, DC on Jesus’ Seven Last Words. 03/16/2016
info_outline Behind the Scenes with The Jesuit Post 08/16/2013
info_outline Pope Francis’ First 100 Days 06/18/2013
info_outline Jesuit Refugee Service--Creighton U Grad, Molly Mullen, Share Stories from the Front 06/04/2013
info_outline Jesuit Father Ken Gavin, Assistant International Director, Jesuit Refugee Service 05/29/2013
info_outline Jesuit Scholastic Reports from Rome on History-Making Week 03/01/2013
info_outline Jesuit Provincial of Eastern Africa Discusses the Situation in Uganda 04/19/2012
info_outline Jesuit Father Gregory Konz on the 4 Weeks of Ignatian Spirituality and Lent 03/15/2012
info_outline Jesuit Father Greg Konz Offers Lenten Reflections 03/06/2012
info_outline Jesuit Father Ed Reese Discusses Brophy Prep’s Loyola Academy 03/05/2012
info_outline Jesuit Father Ted Arroyo Discusses Alabama’s Anti-Immigration Law 11/01/2011
info_outline Jesuit’s Experience in Native Ministry on the Pine Ridge 09/19/2011
info_outline University Founded by the Jesuits 450 Years Ago Continues Its Service to the Church Today 06/24/2011
info_outline Jesuit Discusses His Call to Ministry of Prayer 04/28/2011