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Jewish Pro-Life

News, education, enlightenment and spiritual renewal. Saving Jewish Lives & Healing Jewish Hearts by providing the Jewish community with Pro-Life Education, Pregnancy Care and Adoption Referrals, and Healing After Abortion.

info_outline Ep 165. Parshas Mishpatim: Was that a miscarriage or a premature birth? 03/11/2025
info_outline Ep 164. Parshas Yitro: A Pagan Priest Converted to Judaism Provides Hope for Redemption 03/09/2025
info_outline Ep 163. Parshas Bo: The Great Escape 03/08/2025
info_outline Ep 162. Parshas Shemot: A Promise of Freedom 01/21/2025
info_outline Ep 161. Parshas Vayechi: A Legacy of Holiness 01/15/2025
info_outline Ep 160. Parshas Vayigash: The Promise of Unity in a Divided World 01/08/2025
info_outline Ep 159. Parshas Vayeitzei: Our Matriarchs and Patriarchs Chose Life. So Should We. 12/08/2024
info_outline Ep 158. Parshas Toldot: Israel's Survival Depends on a Return to Holiness 12/02/2024
info_outline Ep 157. Parshas Chayei Sarah: May Her Memory be a Blessing 11/25/2024
info_outline Ep 156. Jewish Pro Life Show 9.10.24 with special guest John H. Hingson IV 11/21/2024
info_outline Ep 155. Parshas Vayeira: Divine Justice 11/17/2024
info_outline Ep 154. Parshas Lech-Lecha: Stars of Blessing 11/12/2024
info_outline Ep 153. Parshas Noach: First Rain Then Rainbows 11/03/2024
info_outline Ep 152. Parshas Bereshit: A New Beginning 10/28/2024
info_outline Ep 151. Sukkot: More Than Dining Out 10/21/2024
info_outline Ep 150. Yom Kippur: Choose Life: Fast From Child Sacrifice 10/21/2024
info_outline Ep 149. Parshas Ha'azinu: Moses Delivers a Nation and Poetic Inspiration 10/06/2024
info_outline Ep 148. Parshas Nitzavim-Vayelech: Choose Life and a Future 10/01/2024
info_outline Ep 147. Parshas Ki Tavo: Blessings Promised, Curses Guaranteed 09/22/2024
info_outline Ep 146. Parshas Ki Teitzei: Mercy for Pre-Borns Will Save Jerusalem 09/22/2024
info_outline Ep 145. Parshas Shoftim: From Sadness to Joy 09/08/2024
info_outline Ep 144. Parshas Re'eh: Blessings and Life, A Winning Combination 09/01/2024
info_outline Ep 243. Parshas Eikev: Expect Miracles! 08/25/2024
info_outline Ep 142. Parshas Va'etchanan: A Life Affirming Endorsement 08/18/2024
info_outline Ep 141. Parshas Devarim: All We Need to Know We Learned at Sinai 08/11/2024
info_outline Ep 140. Parshas Matot-Masei: Tribes and Journeys 08/04/2024
info_outline Ep 139. Jewish Pro-Life Show w/ Darlene Crawford, Ambassador of Hope 06/18/2024
info_outline Ep 138. Jewish Pro-Life Show 3.13.24 w/ Special Guest Rabbi Noson Shmuel Leiter 05/29/2024
info_outline Ep 137. Jewish Pro-Life Show 3.4.24 with Special Guest Thomas Bluger 04/14/2024
info_outline Ep 136. Jewish Pro-Life Show w/ Caleb Buck 3.3.24 04/08/2024