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Beyond the Technology: The education 4.0 podcast

In this podcast we'll hear from colleges and universities about how they are implementing Education 4.0 technologies, the challenges faced, the successes, and where they had to re-assess.

info_outline 48. Further education and skills - College of West Anglia 05/01/2024
info_outline 47. AI and empathy 04/18/2024
info_outline 46. International students' digital experience 03/25/2024
info_outline 45. Using VR to tackle the gender disparity in STEM education 03/07/2024
info_outline 44. Demonstrating digital transformation – how the University of Exeter are practicing what they teach 02/20/2024
info_outline 43. Further education and skills - the digital edge in education at Cardiff and Vale College 01/15/2024
info_outline 42. Award winners miniseries - University of Dundee transforming the crime scene with VR technology 12/12/2023
info_outline 41. Further education and skills - digital development at Petroc College: from seed to flower 10/23/2023
info_outline 40. Demonstrating digital transformation - beyond blended - post-pandemic curriculum and learning design 09/05/2023
info_outline 39. Demonstrating digital transformation - rethinking learning and curriculum design at the University of Northampton 08/30/2023
info_outline 38. Demonstrating digital transformation - Reimagining assessment and feedback at University College London 07/31/2023
info_outline 37. Demonstrating digital transformation - Developing digital strategy at University of Greenwich 07/17/2023
info_outline 36. Hybrid teaching: learning from staff and student experiences 07/07/2023
info_outline 35. Demonstrating digital transformation - Using immersive rooms at Staffordshire University 06/22/2023
info_outline 34. Demonstrating digital transformation - Using simmersive learning at Staffordshire University 06/14/2023
info_outline 33. Further education and skills - supporting digital development at Boston College 05/15/2023
info_outline 32. Teaching immunology in a galaxy far far away 12/01/2022
info_outline 31. Reviewing learning and curriculum design 09/06/2022
info_outline Rethinking assessment and feedback - Shifting to digital assessment 06/30/2022
info_outline Rethinking assessment and feedback - Unlocking the power of comparison based feedback 06/01/2022
info_outline Rethinking assessment and feedback: Creating a shared vision 05/17/2022
info_outline Rethinking assessment and feedback: Providing personalised feedback at scale 05/04/2022
info_outline Rethinking assessment and feedback: How the landscape is changing 03/18/2022
info_outline 30. Bringing examinations online 02/04/2022
info_outline 29. Using AI to support and enhance formative assessment 01/21/2022
info_outline 28. Digital assessment at scale 12/10/2021
info_outline 27. How the role of teaching staff has changed since the pandemic 12/02/2021
info_outline 26. How can we really prepare students for jobs of the future? 11/10/2021
info_outline 25. What can we learn from student study behaviour? 10/22/2021
info_outline 24. How to share best practice with teachers around the world 10/08/2021