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Justin Mohr Show

We must make the moral case for capitalism and the free market! We must go on offense and stop going on defense everytime someone argues about the "evils" of the free market and capitalism. This is the only way to fight back against these people who think they have the moral high ground! And we can! The truth and history is on our side. John D. Rockefeller and Henry Ford made life better for the average Amercian, not worse. We must be able to argue and pursuade people and show them that capitalism is the most moral system. When the rich get richer it doesn't hurt the poor, instead it makes the poor better off. To get rich in a captialist system means we must provide a good/service that people want and will make them better off. Henry Ford didn't get rich by selling cars only to the rich. He got rich when he made a car cheap enough that the average American could afford. And look at how the car revolutionized society and how much freedom it gave to the individual. We must fight for this! Listen to my podcast and together we can DEFEND THE FREE MARKET!!!

info_outline U.S. National Debt, it's worse than you think 05/10/2024
info_outline Surviving the rampant inflation in Argentina: My personal experience and how to survive it when it comes here! 09/05/2022
info_outline Interview with Billionaire Jim Rogers 07/27/2022
info_outline What libertarians can learn from Rush Limbaugh 02/26/2021
info_outline The Panic of 2020 is here! This is more than Coronavirus, this is about our economy collapsing worse than the Great Depression! 03/21/2020
info_outline With the FED cutting interest rates for the first time in a decade there’s one place you should be fully invested...GOLD and SILVER!(audio fix) 08/15/2019
info_outline With the FED cutting interest rates for the 1st time in a decade there’s one place you should be fully invested...GOLD and SILVER! 08/07/2019
info_outline Why a strong dollar isn’t the BIG problem President Trump says it is! 03/06/2019
info_outline What the Government shutdown really teaches us is that we need to decentralize Government Power! 02/07/2019
info_outline It may be a very different FED in 2019 with them cutting interest rates and not raising them. Also, Goldman Sachs predicts Gold at $1,425 an ounce by the end of 2019! 01/16/2019
info_outline Chris Casey talks about the inverted yield curve and what it means for the U.S. economy! Are we really in a booming economy or heading toward a massive bust?! 12/11/2018
info_outline Tom Woods takes on Trump and his secrets to killing it as an Entrepreneur! From college professor to New York Times best selling author! 12/05/2018
info_outline The brilliant innovations of the Free Market that improve our lives are trying to be stopped by the Government nanny staters! 11/14/2018
info_outline With Trillion Dollar deficits and soaring interest rate payments, more money printing is to come our way! Protect yourself from Government idiocy! 10/14/2018
info_outline Fed chair Powell raises rates for 8th times says we're in extraordinary times and sees no bubbles to speak of in the economy. 10/04/2018
info_outline Argentina raises interest rates to 60% while attempting to fight off 30% inflation rates. Is this Venezuela in the making? 09/08/2018
info_outline IMF predicts Venezuela will experience 1 million percent inflation by the end of 2018! 08/07/2018
info_outline Venezuela turns to barter as currency becomes virtually worthless… Hmmm what can we learn from this? 07/11/2018
info_outline Is Stagflation from the 1970s returning? Fed chairman, Powell, doesn’t think so. 06/22/2018
info_outline The Once coveted $1 million Taxi medallions are now worth $175,000 and New York City Taxi Drivers are committing suicide because of Uber? 06/01/2018
info_outline The Cruise Ship Curse and why the Economy Booms and Busts 05/14/2018
info_outline The yield curve is close to inverting, which is a very strong predictor of a recession. How much farther will the FED raise interest rates until the bubble pops? 05/02/2018
info_outline Venezuela is predicted to see 13,000% inflation this year, 2018. Not to worry, President Maduro of Venezuela has a genius new policy that will chop off the last 3 zeroes of the currency. Understanding basic economics is not exactly rocket science. 04/09/2018
info_outline Republicans and Democrats both spend like drunken sailors! Does the party game go R team or go D team really matter!? We are on the road to hyperinflation and a currency collapse to the likes of what’s going on in Venezuela today! 03/31/2018
info_outline Fed raises rates, Larry Kudlow as the new economic advisor to President Trump and why we should Index the Capital Gains rate to inflation! 03/22/2018
info_outline Trump’s tariffs on steel and aluminum is NOT going to make America great again! 03/11/2018
info_outline We DON’T need more gun control, we need to eliminate the gun free zones at our schools by allowing teachers to conceal and carry! Gun control measures only disarm the “good guys” because the “bad guys” already don’t follow the laws! 02/22/2018
info_outline The Next Financial Crisis is just around the corner! Republican hypocrisy with record amount of government spending, it’s the final nail in the coffin! 02/12/2018
info_outline My Adventure in Singapore! Big Brother is watching… 02/01/2018
info_outline Gold, The Dollar and Bitcoin/Cryptocurrencies: Where should you invest your money in 2018? 01/16/2018