The Journey to Self Discovery
The Journey to Self Discovery
The Journey to Self Discovery takes courage and is not for the weak of heart. Join Karen and guest Jessica Rattan as they discuss the enneagram and different resources they have used and continued to use for their journey. Step 1 - Face Your Demons and start replacing those beliefs Step 2- Spend time for self-reflection, Mediation, Image Pages, and Journaling to find out what you are good at, not good at, and what you are passionate about. Step 3 - Find your tribe that supports what you want in your life and the real you. Step 4 - Be patient with yourself, love yourself, and enjoy this life long journey. "It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are." E.E.Cummings "As long as I'm alive, I will continue to try to understand more because the work of the heart is never done." Muhammad Ali Book and Podcast The Road Back to You, ann Enneagram Journey to Self- Discovery Ian Morgan Cron , Suzanne Stabile Books A Woman's Worth - Marianne Williamson The Four Agreements - Don Miguel Ruiz The Sacred Enneagram Chris Heuertz Strenghtsfinder 2.0 From Gallup and Tom Rath Podcast The Sleeping at Last, Ryan O'Neal guest speaker Chris Heuertz "