Key Chapters of the Bible
Join us for a daily podcast going through the Key Chapters of the Bible! Pastor Russ explains each chapter and how it fits into God's message for us today. You can start today, or jump back to Genesis and catch up! Don't forget to subscribe!
1/20 Genesis 49* - A Blueprint for a Nation
1/20 Genesis 49* - A Blueprint for a Nation
Genesis 49 is one of those Key Chapters that we might normally overlook; and yet this passage actually gives us several critical prophecies regarding the future of Israel, the nature of the kingdom and her King. So rather than being a chapter we should overlook, instead, this is one that we should dive into. Join us! DISCUSSION AND STUDY QUESTIONS: Genesis 49 1. The study opens with how the book of Genesis is ultimately about the “genesis” of this new nation, dedicated to God. As we close out our study in the book of Genesis, we have seen the Lord use very imperfect people. What does this show us about how God can use imperfect people today? How has God used you, even in your imperfections, to further His kingdom? 2. In verse 2, the Lord refers to Jacob as “Israel.” The name “Israel” means “contends/struggles with God.” God gave Jacob this name back in Genesis 32. What is the significance of Jacob referring to himself as “Israel” in this passage? 3. Although Reuben had moments of strength and dignity, he also had episodes of serious weakness. According to the study, what were some long-term consequences of his moral failures? Along those lines, according to 1st Chronicles 5:1, who was Reuben’s birthright given to? Why? 4. Simeon and Levi also suffered long-term consequences for their sins committed back in Genesis 34 when they defended their sister’s honor by killing all the men of Shechem. Later on, what were the land allocations for the tribes of Simeon and Levi? What did this suggest as to why their sin would cause them to lose their land promise among the sons of Israel? 5. Why was it so surprising that Judah would receive such a prophecy in Genesis 49:8-12? How was this prophecy later fulfilled in passages such as Judges 1:2 and later in the kings, and ultimately in the life of Jesus? 6. The prophecy about Judah in Genesis 49:8-12 is the last of the three great prophecies of the Messiah. The other two are Genesis 3:15 and 22:18. What did these other prophecies foretell about the Messiah? 7. The study concluded by saying that these prophecies in Genesis 49 form a blueprint for the nation of Israel. From reading these prophecies, how would you characterize what this nation was to look like? 8. The nation prophesied in this passage would one day come to an earthly end and give way to the nation of the Messiah. In what ways will the Messianic kingdom be different from the kingdom that Jacob outlines here? 9. Genesis 49 is a concluding chapter to the Book of Genesis. In many ways, it is the climax and Genesis 50 is like an epilogue. In your own words, how would describe the events that have led from Genesis 1 to Genesis 49? Check out our Bible Study Guide on the Key Chapters of Genesis! Available on To see our dedicated podcast website with access to all our episodes and other resources, visit us at: . Find us on all major platforms, or use these direct links: Spotify: Itunes: YouTube: . As always, we are grateful to be included in the "Top 100 Bible Podcasts to Follow" from . Also for regularly being awarded "Podcast of the Day" from . Special thanks to for providing our theme music.
1/19 Genesis 45 - The Difficult Path Towards Forgiveness & Reconciliation
1/19 Genesis 45 - The Difficult Path Towards Forgiveness & Reconciliation
People will hurt us, that's a fact of life. The question is, how do we respond? Even more challenging is the question of how to find true forgiveness and reconciliation when that hurt runs deep. Join us today in our study of Genesis 40-45 and learn from Joseph's example of forgiveness and reconciliation. DISCUSSION AND STUDY QUESTIONS: Geneiss 45 1. What events in Joseph’s life led up to these chapters? How did Joseph respond to them? Where did his ability to respond this way come from? Does your walk with the Lord reflect similar strength? Why or why not? 2. What do you think of how Joseph responded when he first re-met his brothers? How might you have responded if you saw your brothers for the first time, decades after they sold you into slavery? 3. The study explained that forgiveness is when we do not require a person to repay a debt. What debt did Joseph’s brothers owe Joseph? Have you ever received this kind of forgiveness? Have you ever extended this kind of forgiveness? 4. The study made a distinction between forgiveness and reconciliation. How are they different? How is this distinction helpful when working through complex and painful issues between us and someone else? 5. How is Genesis 40-45 an example of the difficult work that goes into forgiveness and reconciliation? Why does Joseph have his brothers go through all these different tests? How did their responses demonstrate a true heart change in their lives? 6. Joseph’s brothers failed many of his tests, yet Joseph kept seeking reconciliation with them. Would you have been willing to put this much effort into it? Have you tried this hard to reconcile with someone? How did it go? 7. How did Joseph respond when he saw the heart change of his brothers? How did this move them down the path toward true forgiveness and reconciliation? 8. What spiritual principles can we learn and apply from Genesis 45:5 and Genesis 50:19? How might these two verses relate to our lives when we face difficulty and adversity? 9. What was the outcome (short-term and long-range) of Joseph and his brothers being able to work through these issues and coming to a place of true forgiveness and reconciliation? How do we still enjoy the benefit of their reconciliation? Check out our Bible Study Guide on the Key Chapters of Genesis! Available on To see our dedicated podcast website with access to all our episodes and other resources, visit us at: . Find us on all major platforms, or use these direct links: Spotify: Itunes: YouTube: . As always, we are grateful to be included in the "Top 100 Bible Podcasts to Follow" from . Also for regularly being awarded "Podcast of the Day" from . Special thanks to for providing our theme music.
1/18 Genesis - Suffering and God's Sovereign Will
1/18 Genesis - Suffering and God's Sovereign Will
Life doesn't always go the way we want; and today as we begin to look at Joseph's life, we'll see that indeed, things didn't start out the way Joseph would have wanted either; but God had sovereign plans for Joseph's life and He was going to use Joseph to save His people. We may not always understand why God is doing what He does; but we know He has good and wise reasons. Join us! DISCUSSION AND STUDY QUESTIONS: Genesis 37 1. Joseph grew up without his birth mom because Rachel died in Genesis 35. He had multiple stepmoms, 10 older brothers, and a dad who seemed to be disconnected from the dynamics of his own family. What kind of environment was this for growing up in? What was Joseph’s relationship like with all these people? 2. The study explained Joseph’s robe signified his dignity over his brothers. What kind of animosity did this favoritism produce between Joseph and his brothers? How did the Lord use this division to bring about His will? Has God ever used something seemingly insignificant in your life to change the path you were on? 3. What were the dreams Joseph had and what did they signify? What reaction did this produce between Joseph and his brothers? 4. Although Joseph could have handled his family situation with more delicacy, he was not wrong in telling his brothers about these dreams. Has there been a time when you learned a spiritual principle, but when you told others, they reacted poorly? What can we learn from this? 5. Joseph’s brothers sinned against Joseph, yet we know from Genesis 50:20, that this was part of God’s plan. What does this tell us about God’s sovereign will? Why does God sometimes use sin and sinners to accomplish His purposes? 6. In verse 21, Reuben convinced his brothers not to kill Joseph. How did that decision change history for the children of Israel? 7. Even though Joseph was going through such hardship, he was exactly in God’s will. Does God promise us a life of ease if we are faithful to Him? How is Joseph’s life a reminder for us to trust the Lord no matter what He brings into our lives? 8. The study summarized Joseph’s life from Genesis 37 to 44. How did Joseph respond amid life’s troubles? Where did this strength come from? 9. No doubt, when Joseph was facing the challenges of Genesis 37-44, his life had not worked out the way he had hoped. Ultimately, why did God allow him to go through these sufferings (see also Genesis 45:7, 50:20)? What kind of hope does this give us when we face difficulties in our own life? 10. Thirteen chapters are dedicated to the life of Joseph, with a total content exceeding the content of Abraham’s life by 25 percent. One reason for this might be to help us see the similarities between the life of Joseph and Jesus. How are both of their lives similar? Or to use theological terms, how is Joseph's life a “type” of Jesus? (A type is a theological term referring to something in the Old Testament that foreshadows Jesus). Check out our Bible Study Guide on the Key Chapters of Genesis! Available on To see our dedicated podcast website with access to all our episodes and other resources, visit us at: . Find us on all major platforms, or use these direct links: Spotify: Itunes: YouTube: . As always, we are grateful to be included in the "Top 100 Bible Podcasts to Follow" from . Also for regularly being awarded "Podcast of the Day" from . Special thanks to for providing our theme music.
1/17 Genesis 25-28 - The Birthright that Matters
1/17 Genesis 25-28 - The Birthright that Matters
The story of Jacob is well-known to students of the Bible. What may not be as well known is why God would bless a man whose character, at first, was so clearly out of sorts with godliness. Today we'll learn about the path the Lord used to bring Jacob to a place of faith, trust and obedience. Join us in this face-paced look at Genesis 28, which also will skim Genesis 25, 26, & 27! DISCUSSION AND STUDY QUESTIONS: Genesis 28 1. When was there a time in your life where you consciously made a life decision in light of your standing as a member of God’s people? What was the outcome of that decision? 2. Take a moment to evaluate your personal commitment to the kingdom of God. On a scale of 1 to 10, how committed are you to reflecting God’s kingdom now and investing in God’s kingdom to come? Why did you choose that number? 3. Why do you think that the Lord allowed Isaac and Rebekah to not be able to have children until later in life? What impact would this (or should this) have on the spiritual lessons they would teach their children? Did it? 4. How would you describe the family dynamics in Isaac’s household? What kind of problems did their favoritism create? Who was responsible to rectify these problems? What are some possible reasons for why these problems weren’t properly addressed? 5. In Genesis 25:23, what was the Lord’s promise to Rebekah about the twins she was bearing? How is this promise important as the story of Jacob’s life unfolds? 6. What were God’s promises to Isaac in Genesis 26:3 and 4? How was this similar to the Lord’s promises to Abraham? What would these promises also indicate about Isaac’s role as the patriarch of his family? What would these promises mean for the role one of his sons would have over these future descendants? 7. In Genesis 25:27-34, why do you think Esau sold his birthright to Jacob? Was this a true “sale”? Was the birthright his to “sell” anyway? How does this set the tone for the unraveling of Esau’s role as firstborn? 8. In Genesis 26:34-45, Esau marries two Hittite women. What significance might his marriage have on the direction of his leadership over the descendants of Abraham? 9. Esau didn’t cherish his birthright because he didn’t cherish God’s promises. If he did, what would that have looked like in his life? What does it look like, in our world today, to cherish God’s promises and live in light of them? Why is this sometimes difficult to do? 10. Although the study didn’t address very much from Genesis 26, you have probably read it by now. As you reflect upon the events of Genesis 26, what do they show you about the quality of Isaac’s faith? Why do you think his faith was like this? 11. The Bible often reminds us that although we are to walk in God’s ways, it’s not to curry His favor, but rather to glorify Him. Both Abraham and Isaac show us that God uses imperfect people. Why do you think that is? What encouragement does this give you if and when you struggle in your walk? Check out our Bible Study Guide on the Key Chapters of Genesis! Available on To see our dedicated podcast website with access to all our episodes and other resources, visit us at: . Find us on all major platforms, or use these direct links: Spotify: Itunes: YouTube: . As always, we are grateful to be included in the "Top 100 Bible Podcasts to Follow" from . Also for regularly being awarded "Podcast of the Day" from . Special thanks to for providing our theme music.
1/16 Genesis 22* - Trust and Obey
1/16 Genesis 22* - Trust and Obey
On the surface, the account of God calling Abraham to offer Isaac is one of the most difficult passages in the Bible. We can't imagine God actually calling any of His people to do such a thing. But we'll see in today's episode, that when we understand the context of this passage, and what Abraham knew to be true, we'll see that it was an amazing step of faith that actually shows us the kind of faith that God calls us all to. Please join us in this important study in God's Word! DISCUSSION AND STUDY QUESTIONS: Genesis 22 1. Using a Bible atlas or online atlas, locate Beersheba on the map to the right. Also, locate the Wilderness of Moriah on the map. What importance does each of these locations have in Genesis 22? 2. This chapter contains God’s command to Abraham to offer his son Isaac as a burnt offering. While we know how the story ends, this would be an unsettling command for anyone to hear. How does the miraculous origin of Isaac’s conception help us understand why Abraham was so calm in his obedience to the Lord? How do the words “we” and “return” in verse 5 give us a window into Abraham’s mindset as he obeyed the Lord? 3. In verse 8, Abraham assures Isaac that the Lord will provide a sacrifice. How has Abraham seen the provision of the Lord in his life before this? How have you seen the Lord provide in your life? How might dwelling upon God’s prior provision give us strength in times of present distress? 4. Think about Isaac’s age in this passage. Do you think a 120-year-old man could have physically put Isaac on the altar? What would have had to happen in order for Isaac to get on it? How does this likelihood help us understand Isaac’s role in this event? 5. Isaac was Abraham’s only link to something and someone. What and Who was Isaac the link to? What kind of faith did Abraham demonstrate by being willing to break this link, if that was to be the Lord’s will? 6. This passage also gives us a picture of the substitutionary death of Christ. How? What did God’s substitute mean for Isaac? What does Christ’s substitute mean for us? 7. Verses 16 to 18 contain one of the most important promises in the Old Testament regarding who the offspring of Abraham are. Who are the “four seeds” suggested in the lesson? Which ones will be in God’s Eternal Kingdom? Why? Are you among the believing seed spoken of in these verses? 8. Genesis 22 shows the kind of faith that this new nation would be founded upon. How would you summarize Abraham’s faith and obedience from this event? Where does this kind of faith come from? 9. Are there any situations in your life where you simply need to trust and obey God as Abraham did here? Are you able to trust and obey Him? Why or why not? 10. Have you ever sung the children’s song, “Father Abraham”? It says that he had many sons. In light of what the lesson has taught about this passage, who are those sons? When the song says, “I am one of them, and so are you,” what does that mean? Is that true of you? Why or why not? Check out our Bible Study Guide on the Key Chapters of Genesis! Available on To see our dedicated podcast website with access to all our episodes and other resources, visit us at: . Find us on all major platforms, or use these direct links: Spotify: Itunes: YouTube: . As always, we are grateful to be included in the "Top 100 Bible Podcasts to Follow" from . Also for regularly being awarded "Podcast of the Day" from . Special thanks to for providing our theme music.
1/15 Genesis 21 - The Miracle Child
1/15 Genesis 21 - The Miracle Child
The birth of Isaac was the fulfillment of a 25 years wait for Abraham and Sarah; and yet, this fulfillment of God's promises sets up several other key events in the Bible. So join us as we continue to explore God's Word and how its message fits together and even applies to our lives today! DISCUSSION AND STUDY QUESTIONS: 1. What miracle happens in Genesis 21? Why does this miracle help us understand the message of Genesis 22 when God calls Abraham to offer up Isaac? 2. What were God’s promises to Abraham in the preceding chapters and why was the birth of Isaac a necessary step in bringing about the fulfillment of those promises? 3. How was this miracle fulfilled in both Abraham’s and Sarah’s life? How old were they at the time of Isaac’s birth? 4. How long did it take between God’s first promises to Abraham back in Genesis 12 and their fulfillment here in chapter 21? How do you think Abraham and Sarah felt during that time? What kinds of things do you think they were telling themselves as they waited for the Lord to fulfill His promises? How might you have been working through such a long delay? 5. Back in Genesis 16, Abraham had a son with Hagar named Ishmael. How was Ishmael’s conception different than Isaac’s? What importance does that difference have in the identity and role of the children of Israel? 6. What was Sarah’s response to Ishmael’s mocking in verse 10? What was the impact of her response on Hagar and Ishmael’s life? How old did the study suggest that Ishmael was? Why would this be different than Abraham abandoning a child? 7. After Hagar and Ishmael leave Abraham’s household, the Lord visits her in her distress. The study explained part of the comfort and encouragement the Lord gave to her was by clarifying what resources and solutions were within her reach. What were they? How can this help us in our own prayers when we cry out to the Lord in our own times of distress? 8. The study mentioned that as people grew in their understanding of God, it changed how they referred to Him. Melchizedek called upon God as “El Elyon” meaning “God most High” in Genesis 14:19. Hagar called upon God as “El Roi” meaning “the God who sees” in Genesis 16:13. Abraham calls upon Him as “El Olam” meaning “The Everlasting God” here in Genesis 21. Which of these names has the most significance to you and why? Check out our Bible Study Guide on the Key Chapters of Genesis! Available on To see our dedicated podcast website with access to all our episodes and other resources, visit us at: . Find us on all major platforms, or use these direct links: Spotify: Itunes: YouTube: . As always, we are grateful to be included in the "Top 100 Bible Podcasts to Follow" from . Also for regularly being awarded "Podcast of the Day" from . Special thanks to for providing our theme music.
1/14 Genesis 19 - Sodom & Gomorrah
1/14 Genesis 19 - Sodom & Gomorrah
Genesis 19 is one of the most well-known and most unsettling passages in the entire Bible. Yet this is a key chapter with a key message that we need to understand. So, today in our study of God's Word, we'll look at God's judgment upon Sodom and Gomorrah and how it is a message of warning for judgment on sin, but also a message of hope and salvation. Please join us as we continue our journey together through God's Word. DISCUSSION AND STUDY QUESTIONS: 1. Genesis 19 records God’s judgment on Sodom and Gomorrah. In Genesis 18:20ff, how does the Lord describe the sins of Sodom and Gomorrah and His judgment upon them? What was Abraham’s bargain for God to not destroy these cities? Did the Lord find that many righteous people? 2. What was Lot’s reaction to this visit from the angels in verse 1? Why did Lot treat them this way? Do you think Lot knew they were angels? 3. In Genesis 19:3, why do you think Lot was so persistent that these foreigners stay with him? Might it be because he knew the nature of the city in which he lived? 4. How did the people of the town respond to these men staying with Lot? What does the fact that this crowd was comprised of both “young and old” show us about why such a thorough, annihilating judgment was needed? 5. What do we make of Lot’s offer of his daughter to this crowd? How is this an example of the city’s influence on Lot’s moral compass? What warning does this give to us about being overly influenced by our own society? 6. What can we make of the fact that in Genesis 19:11, the angels struck the people with blindness but they still tried to find the doorway, even though they could not see it? 7. What can we make of the Lord’s delay of judgment on this city, where the Lord waited for Lot and his family to first get to safety? What does this show us about God’s mercy and grace? 8. Genesis 19 ends with a troubling account of Lot’s daughters and Lot himself. What does this show us about how people sometimes rationalize their own sin? 9. This chapter shows us how people in God’s covenant live differently than those who are not. How is this spiritual reality demonstrated in Lot, his family and the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah? 10. This chapter also shows us what sins will not be among the kingdom people of God. Paul makes a similar point in 1st Corinthians 6:9-11. What are some of the sins we see in this chapter? How does the revulsion we feel about the sins of the chapter show us how the Lord views anyone’s sin? 11. Finally, this chapter shows us that God will condemn sin in all its forms. What does this judgment look like? What will God’s ultimate judgment look like? Check out our Bible Study Guide on the Key Chapters of Genesis! Available on To see our dedicated podcast website with access to all our episodes and other resources, visit us at: . Find us on all major platforms, or use these direct links: Spotify: Itunes: YouTube: . As always, we are grateful to be included in the "Top 100 Bible Podcasts to Follow" from . Also for regularly being awarded "Podcast of the Day" from . Special thanks to for providing our theme music.
1/13 Genesis 17 - Circumcision & the Old Covenant
1/13 Genesis 17 - Circumcision & the Old Covenant
Circumcision is an uncomfortable Bible topic that we truly need to know and understand...perhaps not the specifics but we do need to understand the profound reason for it. When we don't understand the spiritual principles that are interwoven into this ancient ritual, we'll miss how it truly demonstrates a parent's faith in God's covenant, even as they gave their son a constant reminder to be in covenant with God himself. Join us! DISCUSSION AND STUDY QUESTIONS: 1. Read through Genesis 17 and circle every occurrence of the word “you.” What does this tell us about whose faith is being demonstrated in this chapter? 2. Read through Genesis 17 and underline the verses that you think are the keys to this chapter. Why do you think those verses are central to understanding this chapter? 3. When the Lord called Abram to be blameless in Genesis 17:1, what did that mean? What would Abraham’s blamelessness indicate about his faith? 4. What is the significance of the fact the Lord said Abram would be the “father of a multitude of nations” in verse 4? 5. What did God change Abram’s name to in verse 5? Why did He make this change? What did Abram’s new name mean? What did this new name teach him about his role in this world? 6. Regarding circumcision, according to the study, originally who was supposed to circumcise the baby boy? What did the act of circumcision show about the father’s faith? 7. What does circumcision mean for the baby who is being circumcised? Did that boy still have to enter into covenant with the Lord? How? 8. What did the study suggest for why females were not circumcised? Do you agree? Why or why not? 9. According to verse 14, if a man refused to circumcise his son, or if a man refused to be circumcised himself, what happened to his covenant with God? 10. How did Abraham respond to this instruction? What did his response indicate about his covenant with the Lord? 11. What do you think the conversation would have been like as Abraham told his family and male servants about God’s command to circumcise all the males in the home? 12. What is the true circumcision we are still to undergo today? Have you undergone this spiritual “circumcision of the heart”? If so, what does it look like in your life? Check out our Bible Study Guide on the Key Chapters of Genesis! Available on To see our dedicated podcast website with access to all our episodes and other resources, visit us at: . Find us on all major platforms, or use these direct links: Spotify: Itunes: YouTube: . As always, we are grateful to be included in the "Top 100 Bible Podcasts to Follow" from . Also for regularly being awarded "Podcast of the Day" from . Special thanks to for providing our theme music.
1/12 Genesis 15* - God's Critical Covenant with Abraham
1/12 Genesis 15* - God's Critical Covenant with Abraham
Genesis 15 contains some of the most important promises in the entire Bible. These are God's promises to Abraham (and ultimately to us) about the establishment of a nation of descendants who would follow God and walk with Him. And while these are promises to Abraham, we see that these are promises to anyone who will call upon God in faith. Join us for the study in Genesis 15! DISCUSSION AND STUDY QUESTIONS: 1. According to the study, how many years have passed since the Lord first met with Abram back in Genesis 12? How would that delay have impacted your faith in God’s promises? How did it impact Abram? 2. When God reiterated His promises to Abram, what practical problem did Abram point to in verses 2 and 3? Why would this have seemed to be a problem to Abram? Why is this not a problem to God? Are there any principles we can glean from this regarding the problems we face in our lives? 3. What was the Lord’s response to Abram’s concerns in verses 3 and 4? In what ways would God’s solution only come about by means of a miracle? 4. Verse 6 says Abram believed the Lord and the Lord reckoned it to Abram as righteousness. When God “reckons” a person to be righteous, what does that mean for them? Why is this reckoning by God necessary to inherit these promises and be a citizen of His kingdom? 5. When verse 6 says Abram “believed God,” how is this different than having a “faith” that is just a wispy hope? How was true faith reflected in Abram’s life? Why did God declare Abraham to be righteous based on his faith and not his works? 6. The later part of Genesis 15 records the covenant God made with Abram. What was Abram’s role in this covenant? What was God’s role? What is the significance of these two roles? Similarly, in our covenant with God that we have made through Christ, what is God’s role, and what is ours? 7. Genesis 15 speaks to the nation God would establish through Abram. While most modern believers in Christ are not related to Abram by blood, they are related to him by faith. Are you part of this kingdom? How does your life reflect these truths? Check out our Bible Study Guide on the Key Chapters of Genesis! Available on To see our dedicated podcast website with access to all our episodes and other resources, visit us at: . Find us on all major platforms, or use these direct links: Spotify: Itunes: YouTube: . As always, we are grateful to be included in the "Top 100 Bible Podcasts to Follow" from . Also for regularly being awarded "Podcast of the Day" from . Special thanks to for providing our theme music.
1/11 Genesis 14* - The Priesthood of Worship
1/11 Genesis 14* - The Priesthood of Worship
As we continue to understand more about the message of God; we see that Abraham was called by God to establish a new nation that was to be unlike the world. Today, we see that this New Nation is also to have a relationship with God, that is unlike the world. Join us as we look at this important, but challenging topic! DISCUSSION AND STUDY QUESTIONS: 1. Genesis 14 is a key chapter because of what it tells us about Melchizedek. However, Melchizedek does not arrive on the scene until verse 17. What events led up to his introduction? 2. Who were the two kings mentioned in verses 17 and 18? Given the city the king of Sodom presided over, what might we infer about this man? 3. How does this study explain Abram’s refusal to receive any of the spoils of victory in Genesis 14:23? What does this indicate about the foundation of this new nation of people who follow God? What does this show us about Abram’s faith? 4. According to the study, what does Genesis 14:18 mean when it says that Melchizedek was a priest of God Most High? What “time period” is the Melchizedekian Priesthood for? How are we in this time period today? 5. Melchizedek was a king from Salem, which is later renamed as “Jerusalem.” The name “Salem” means “peace.” What does this indicate about this “King of Peace”? What does this suggest about the nature of the Lord’s heavenly city? 6. The study cites Psalm 110:4 twice. Psalm 110:4 says, “The LORD has sworn and will not change His mind, ‘You are a priest forever According to the order of Melchizedek.’” What insights did the study explain about this verse? Who is this verse addressing? How “long” will this priesthood last? 7. According to the study, what object lesson did the priesthood teach? As New Covenant believers, who is our priest? How does He reconcile us to God? 8. What did you think about the principle in the study that said sinful people can have fellowship with Satan, but not with a holy God? How might Satan seek to give people a semblance of spirituality as a way of keeping them from approaching God through Jesus, our only true High Priest? 9. According to the study, how does Jesus serve now, as our High Priest? In your personal times of prayer and worship, do you approach the Lord through the atonement of Jesus? Why or why not? 10. One of the most important takeaways from this passage is that Jesus is in the priesthood of Melchizedek. We see this also in Psalm 110:4 and later in Hebrews 7:17. Why is this vital to understanding the priesthood of the New Covenant, versus the priesthood of the Old Covenant? 11. Having taken this time to think about the priesthood, the Lord has only appointed two priesthoods, that of Aaron and Melchizedek. What does this indicate about the other priesthoods that man has created in this world? Why are they not necessary? 12. Before this study, did you understand your need for a priest to reconcile you to God? How will this study change your understanding of how you approach Him? Check out our Bible Study Guide on the Key Chapters of Genesis! Available on To see our dedicated podcast website with access to all our episodes and other resources, visit us at: . Find us on all major platforms, or use these direct links: Spotify: Itunes: YouTube: . As always, we are grateful to be included in the "Top 100 Bible Podcasts to Follow" from . Also for regularly being awarded "Podcast of the Day" from . Special thanks to for providing our theme music.
1/10 Genesis 12* - A New Nation for God
1/10 Genesis 12* - A New Nation for God
Genesis 12 is one of the most important chapters in the Old Testament because it begins to show us God's plan for the world; as He calls Abraham to establish a new nation of people dedicated to Him. Chapter 12 lays the foundation for much of what unfolds through the rest of scripture. Join us for another key study in a key chapter of God's Word! DISCUSSION AND STUDY QUESTIONS: Genesis 12 1. Read over verses 1-3. What were the promises that God gave to Abram? In what sense were these unconditional promises? From what you can tell in these verses, how does the Lord expect Abram to respond to them? 2. What do these unconditional promises indicate about God, His plan of redemption, and the kind of blessings He would pour out upon Abram and his descendants? 3. According to the study, how will this new nation be different from the nations of the world that we saw back in Genesis 11? How is this difference still to be reflected in the life of believers today? 4. Genesis 12 opens with Abram being 75 years old and living in the northern area of Haran. When God calls Abram to “Go forth from your country,” what would this departure have been like for Abram and his family? How was Abram’s obedience an indication of his faith? How did Abram respond? How is that a model for our responses to God’s commands? 5. How do you think Abram felt about leaving his family and former life behind? How would you have felt if you were in Abram’s shoes? 6. In verse 5, who went with Abram on his journey to the Promised Land? Glance back to the list of Abram’s family in Genesis 11:27-32. Who did not go with Abram? Why do you think they didn’t go with him? 7. In verses 6 and 7, the Lord appeared to Abram at the Oak of Moreh; which was a common place of pagan worship. What did Abram build there? Thinking about this radical action, how do you think Abram had such faith and courage? What does this kind of faith and courage look like in our walk with God today? 8. The study mentioned that there are physical descendants of Abram and spiritual descendants of Abram who have embraced God’s New Covenant by faith. Have you accepted God’s covenantal offer to join this nation of God-obeyers? If not, why not? If so, what does this look like in your life? 9. The end of Chapter 12 includes an account of Abram not looking very heroic. What happened in verses 10-20? How does this seem incongruent with a man of faith? What does this teach us about the kind of people God uses? Does this give you any hope that God might still have a plan for you? Check out our Bible Study Guide on the Key Chapters of Genesis! Available on To see our dedicated podcast website with access to all our episodes and other resources, visit us at: . Find us on all major platforms, or use these direct links: Spotify: Itunes: YouTube: . As always, we are grateful to be included in the "Top 100 Bible Podcasts to Follow" from . Also for regularly being awarded "Podcast of the Day" from . Special thanks to for providing our theme music.
1/9 Genesis 11 - The Dark Backdrop of the Rest of Genesis
1/9 Genesis 11 - The Dark Backdrop of the Rest of Genesis
The Tower of Babel is one of those events that is incredibly important but often misunderstood. Today, we'll study Genesis 11 and see why this passage is in our Bibles and how it serves as a dark backdrop to the entire message of God's Word. Join us for a key study in the key chapters in God's Word! DISCUSSION AND STUDY QUESTIONS: Genesis 11 1. Read through Genesis 11 and place a box around any words or phrases that speak of man’s unity. Place a triangle around any words or phrases that speak of man’s disunity. How does man’s inability to communicate contribute to the disharmony among people? 2. Read through Genesis 11 and circle the names Shem (in verse 10), Eber (in verse 14), Terah (in verse 24), and Abram (in verse 26). Then draw a line that connects them all, starting from Shem and ending with Abram. What is the significance of these connections? 3. How did the study suggest that Genesis 11 serves as a dark backdrop to the rest of the Bible? What is so dark in this chapter? What is the diamond at the end of it? 4. In verse 4, what reason did the people give for wanting to stay in the land of Shinar? What command was this in direct disobedience to? What was the purpose of that command? 5. Looking at how the people were reasoning in verses 3 and 4, would you say they were taking God’s instructions into consideration or disregarding them? Why do you think they had this mindset? 6. In verse 4, was their sin “building the tower” or something else? How is that significant to the plan of God given in Genesis 1:28 and 9:1? 7. The people used God’s blessings to sin against Him. How might a person still use their God-given blessings to sin against Him? What, instead, should we do with God’s blessings? 8. How did God’s judgment redirect the people to obey His commands? What does this tell us about one of the purposes of God’s judgment? 9. Who is the key person mentioned in verse 26? According to Genesis 17:5, what was his name later changed to? What did this new name mean? 10. The people who settled in the Plain of Shinar were doing what seemed good to them, but they completely disregarded God’s commands. When you look at your approach to life, how do you make decisions? Do most of your decisions simply reflect what you think is best? Do you normally consult God’s Word for what He says on that matter? Why or why not? 11. Would the people who know you describe you as a person who is actively seeking live according to God’s way? Are you a person who seeks to please God, obey Him, and glorify Him? Why or why not? 12. What implication does the meaning of “Abraham” have for the kind of nation Abraham was to be the father of? What does the study tell us about God’s plan for choosing Abram from among the nations? 13. Although we ought to obey God, none of us do perfectly. None of us can fully obey Him in our own strength. As we end our study in Genesis 11, take a moment to seek God’s transforming grace, so that He might transform your heart, mind, will, and actions to conform to His holy standard in submission to His Son, who is our Lord and God and King? Check out our Bible Study Guide on the Key Chapters of Genesis! Available on To see our dedicated podcast website with access to all our episodes and other resources, visit us at: . Find us on all major platforms, or use these direct links: Spotify: Itunes: YouTube: . As always, we are grateful to be included in the "Top 100 Bible Podcasts to Follow" from . Also for regularly being awarded "Podcast of the Day" from . Special thanks to for providing our theme music.
1/8 Genesis 9 - God's Covenant with Noah
1/8 Genesis 9 - God's Covenant with Noah
One of the most amazing (and often overlooked) truths about God is that He graciously makes promises to all mankind. Today, we'll look at this key chapter and this key promise and see God's kind loving care for all people. Join us! DISCUSSION AND STUDY QUESTIONS: Genesis 9 1. Circle every occurrence of the word “covenant” in Genesis 9:1-17. How many times does this word occur? What are the specific stipulations of this covenant? 2. In verse 1, what command did God give to Noah? How was this similar to the command He gave to Adam and Eve? What is the purpose of this command? 3. In verses 2 and 3, what dominion did the Lord give to Noah? What are the implications of this in our lives today? 4. Why did God command Noah not to eat an animal’s blood in verse 4? What were some of the reasons for this command suggested in the study? How does this command relate to the early church’s practices in Acts 15:21? 5. What are God’s commands regarding humanity in Genesis 9:5 and 6? Why is life uniquely precious? How is this command different from the cavalier attitudes about life represented by Lamech back in Genesis 4:23? 6. The study mentions that Genesis 9 records the institution of God’s mediatorial rule through government. How is government pictured in verses 5-6? 7. What kind of promise did God make to Noah in verse 8? What sign did He give regarding this promise? When you see a rainbow, how frequently do you think of God’s covenant here with Noah? Why? 8. Looking over the covenant that God made with Noah, what aspects of this covenant are unconditional? How is mankind supposed to uphold this covenant? 9. What did the study suggest for how God can have wrath towards sin but not still pour out His wrath every time we sin? 10. How does the flood account help you understand God’s holiness, wrath, and mercy? What kinds of changes ought this understanding produce in the life of God’s people? 11. What did the study say were some of the long-term implications of Noah’s curse on Ham? Who are the descendants of Ham that the Jews interacted with later on? 12. Noah was a righteous man, but was his family perfect? How does this fact provide us consolation when we sin? 13. Does your life reflect that you are in a covenant with God to obey Him? What changes might the Lord want you to make regarding how you’re living? Check out our Bible Study Guide on the Key Chapters of Genesis! Available on To see our dedicated podcast website with access to all our episodes and other resources, visit us at: . Find us on all major platforms, or use these direct links: Spotify: Itunes: YouTube: . As always, we are grateful to be included in the "Top 100 Bible Podcasts to Follow" from . Also for regularly being awarded "Podcast of the Day" from . Special thanks to for providing our theme music.
1/7 Genesis 8 - Waiting for the Lord
1/7 Genesis 8 - Waiting for the Lord
As we now turn to Genesis 8, we find Noah and his family still on the ark. In this episode, we'll think about what it would have been like to be on the ark for over a year, waiting for word from God. It wouldn't have been easy. And yet, as we look at Noah and his example, we find a man of faith who waited upon the Lord. Join us for our next study in the Key Chapters of God's Word! DISCUSSION AND STUDY QUESTIONS: Genesis 8 1. In Verse 1 God remembered Noah. How does the study explain what this phrase means? When we compare verse 1 with verse 15, how frequently did the study suggest the Lord was in direct communication with Noah? What do you think life on the ark would have been like for Noah and his family? 2. Noah was on the ark a lot longer than 40 days. According to the study, approximately how long was he and his family on the ark? What does this tell us about his patience and trust in the Lord? 3. Why do you think Noah didn’t leave the ark in verse 13 once the ark rested on dry ground? 4. What did Noah do when he got off the ark? Why do you think he did this? Would you have done this? What does this indicate about Noah’s character? 5. In verse 21, the Lord promises to never again curse the ground on account of man. Does this mean the curse is over? How did the study explain the word for “curse” here in verse 21, versus the word “curse” back in Genesis 3:17? 6. In verse 21, the Lord says the intent of man’s heart is evil from his youth. Has man’s heart condition changed since Genesis 6:5? What does this show us about God’s mercy? 7. According to the study, what was the purpose of the flood? Was it to reform man? Or was it for something else? 8. In verse 21, the Lord promises to never again destroy every living thing in the manner He has done. What is this an inherent promise to provide? 9. What are the two key promises recorded in Genesis 8:21-22 and Genesis 3:15? How are these promises fulfilled in Christ? How can you trust in these promises, even today? Check out our Bible Study Guide on the Key Chapters of Genesis! Available on To see our dedicated podcast website with access to all our episodes and other resources, visit us at: . Find us on all major platforms, or use these direct links: Spotify: Itunes: YouTube: . As always, we are grateful to be included in the "Top 100 Bible Podcasts to Follow" from . Also for regularly being awarded "Podcast of the Day" from . Special thanks to for providing our theme music.
1/6 Genesis 7 - God's Protection & Provision
1/6 Genesis 7 - God's Protection & Provision
People have a lot of questions about Noah's Ark and the flood; they also have a lot of misunderstandings! Today in our study of Genesis 7, we'll address some of the most common questions and misunderstandings of the flood and see that the biblical account clearly is possible. Join us! DISCUSSION AND STUDY QUESTIONS: 1. The study mentioned that Noah needed many decades to build the ark. Righteousness obeys over the long haul. Are there times when you obeyed God over a long period of time? Was that difficult? Why or why not? 2. How does a biblical understanding of “kinds” help us see how Noah could fit the animals in the ark? 3. According to the study, what stage of physical development were most of these animals likely to have been at when they came onto the ark? Why? 4. What does verse 2 tell us about the number of each clean animal? What are some possible reasons presented in the study for why there may have been so many clean animals brought onto the ark? 5. People often characterize the flood as being the result of heavy rain. While rain contributed to the flood, what does verse 11 indicate was another key cause of the flood? 6. According to the study, how could the waters cover the mountains, in verses 19-20? 7. What does Genesis 7 show us about God’s provision? What did God provide for Noah in this passage? What has He provided us for salvation? 8. For Noah to receive God’s provision of salvation from the flood, what would he have to do? In light of the salvation God offers to us through the cross of Christ, how might Noah’s response be similar to how we need to respond to God? 9. Have you accepted God’s offer of salvation? When and how? 10. Take a moment to reflect on the troubles and trials you have gone through in life. What did God provide for you in them? Why not take a few moments to thank Him for your provision, and praise Him for His loving grace? Check out our Bible Study Guide on the Key Chapters of Genesis! Available on To see our dedicated podcast website with access to all our episodes and other resources, visit us at: . Find us on all major platforms, or use these direct links: Spotify: Itunes: YouTube: . As always, we are grateful to be included in the "Top 100 Bible Podcasts to Follow" from . Also for regularly being awarded "Podcast of the Day" from . Special thanks to for providing our theme music.
1/5 Genesis 6 - Murky Beginnings of the Flood
1/5 Genesis 6 - Murky Beginnings of the Flood
The Flood is one of the most well-known stories in the entire Bible; and yet thanks to children's books, there's a lot of confusion about the flood and what the Bible says actually happened. Join us today as we look into why God sent the flood and what Noah's preparations entailed. DISCUSSION AND STUDY QUESTIONS: Genesis 6 1. Why is the account of the flood not a cute children’s story? What was the real point of the flood? 2. What do verses 1 to 4 show us about the kind of civilization mankind created? Why did this civilization need to be destroyed? 3. What does it mean, in verse 5, that every intent of the thoughts of man’s heart was evil continually? Is this still true today? How does this refute the belief that man is basically good? 4. How should we understand the statement in verse 6 that the Lord was grieved He made mankind? How does this statement sit with you? Why? 5. Why do you think the Lord concluded it was necessary to “blot out” or “wipe” away mankind (in verse 7)? 6. How does the word “cover” in verse 14 help us understand the concept of “atonement” that is discussed throughout the Bible? 7. What is the importance of God establishing His covenant with Noah, in verse 18? The study said this covenant inherently included “mercy”? How and why was this a demonstration of God’s mercy? 8. Think about your own life. If the Lord was looking for someone who would immediately and fully obey His Word, would He choose you? Why or why not? If you don’t think so, how about seeking the Lord, right now, that you might have a heart that would obey Him in the same way that Noah does in Genesis 6? 9. As you reflect on this opening chapter of the flood, is there any place in your life that grieves God? If so, how can you seek His grace to turn from that sin? Check out our Bible Study Guide on the Key Chapters of Genesis! Available on To see our dedicated podcast website with access to all our episodes and other resources, visit us at: . Find us on all major platforms, or use these direct links: Spotify: Itunes: YouTube: . As always, we are grateful to be included in the "Top 100 Bible Podcasts to Follow" from . Also for regularly being awarded "Podcast of the Day" from . Special thanks to for providing our theme music.
1/4 Genesis 4* - The Way of Cain / The Way of the World
1/4 Genesis 4* - The Way of Cain / The Way of the World
Genesis 4 gives us a challenging but important set of instruction regarding the kind of worship that God accepts. We'll look at the offering of Cain and Abel and see that there is a very real kind of worship that God is looking for. We'll also see, that Cain struggle for sincere worship was the overflow of a life out of fellowship with the Lord. Join us! DISCUSSION AND STUDY QUESTIONS: Genesis 4 1. Circle every reference to the name “Cain.” Looking back over this chapter, how many times does his name occur? What does this tell us about who this chapter is ultimately about? 2. Underline every place where the Lord speaks. What kind of “tone” is in the Lord’s words? Why do you think the Lord speaks with this tone towards someone who is in outright rebellion to Him? 3. In verse 2, what were Cain and Abel’s occupations? How did that influence the offerings they brought to the Lord? Do you think that mattered to God? Why or why not? 4. In verse 4, what does it mean that God “had regard” for Abel and his offering? How do Hebrews 11:4 and 1st John 3:12 help us understand why God had regard for Abel’s sacrifice and not Cain’s? 5. In verse 7, what was tempting Cain? What was Cain’s responsibility in dealing with that temptation? How did he handle it? 6. In the New Testament, Jude 11 warns us about “the way of Cain.” What does this passage tell us about Cain’s self-made religion and self-made society? How has society today gone after the “way of Cain”? 7. According to the study, how does Genesis 5:4 answer the question, “Where did Cain get his wife”? 8. As you prayerfully look into your own life, are there any places where you are following in the ways of the world and not the way of the Lord? What would it look like for you to follow the way of Abel and Seth? 9. If you’re seeing parts of your life out of fellowship with the way of the Lord, how about laying those items before the Lord so that His transforming grace might enable you to live in conformity with His instructions? Check out our Bible Study Guide on the Key Chapters of Genesis! Available on To see our dedicated podcast website with access to all our episodes and other resources, visit us at: . Find us on all major platforms, or use these direct links: Spotify: Itunes: YouTube: . As always, we are grateful to be included in the "Top 100 Bible Podcasts to Follow" from . Also for regularly being awarded "Podcast of the Day" from . Special thanks to for providing our theme music.
1/3 Genesis 3* - Man's Rebellion & God's Solution
1/3 Genesis 3* - Man's Rebellion & God's Solution
Questions about evil and suffering are difficult for anyone; and yet the Bible does provide answers and today we'll look at the Fall of Man in Genesis 3, but specifically God's solution to Evil. The answers may surprise us! So, please join us in this foundational passage on why there is evil and suffering and what God is doing about it. DISCUSSION AND STUDY QUESTIONS: Genesis 3 1. Draw a box around Genesis 3:15. This is one of the most important verses in the entire Bible. Why? What hope does this give to us? 2. Using different underlining methods (for example: a single underline, double underline, or dash) underline God’s judgments on Satan, Adam, and Eve. What is different about how each person will experience the curse? Why do you think men and women experience the curse differently? How do we all experience all aspects of the curse? 3. How did Satan tempt Eve to doubt God’s integrity? What is the significance of the fact that Satan used lies and deception to cause Eve to question God? How does Satan sometimes deceive people into doubting God today? 4. Once Satan twisted Eve’s understanding of God, she was more amenable to sin. In what ways does a twisted understanding of God’s Word also lead to a twisted understanding of God? How might this make a person more willing to sin? 5. What does sin look like in the Bible? What does it look like in our world today? How about in our own lives? 6. When Adam sinned, “what” did he want to learn about? How does this same root desire still manifest itself in our lives today? 7. In many ways, the “curse” that mankind currently experiences can be summarized as God allowing the evil that man wanted to know about to exist in our world. What promise and hope does God give regarding a Savior, in Genesis 3:15? 8. Who is Genesis 3:15 speaking of and what will He one day do? How is getting crushed on the head far worse than being wounded on the heel? How did Jesus fulfill this promise? 9. After the fall, Adam and Eve began to have conflict in their home. How does this passage help us understand the conflict that sometimes arises in our homes today? 10. Did God’s command to work come before or after the Fall? How does the curse impact our work experiences today? What kinds of things can a person do to minimize this impact? 11. What do we learn from the account of God making clothes for Adam and Eve made of animal skins? What does this teach us about God’s loving mercy and provision for His people? Why do we need God to “cover” our sin? 12. According to the study, why did God send Adam and Eve from the garden? What would be so bad about living forever in a state that was eternally separated from God? What hope does this give us about our future? 13. How does this study help us answer the question, “Why doesn’t God do something about the pain and suffering in the world?” How does this answer give us hope and comfort as we still live in a world that “knows evil”? Check out our brand-new Bible Study Guide on the Key Chapters of Genesis! Available on To see our dedicated podcast website with access to all our episodes and other resources, visit us at: . Find us on all major platforms, or use these direct links: Spotify: Itunes: YouTube: . As always, we are grateful to be included in the "Top 100 Bible Podcasts to Follow" from . Also for regularly being awarded "Podcast of the Day" from . Special thanks to for providing our theme music.
1/2 Genesis 2* - God's Design for Men and Women
1/2 Genesis 2* - God's Design for Men and Women
As we continue in our study in the book of Genesis, we now move to Genesis 2, which gives us a closer, more intimate look at the creation of Adam and Eve. In this chapter, we find profound truths about who we are and God's purposes for our lives. And as we rest in God's purposes and design for mankind, we will find our ultimate fulfillment. Join us! DISCUSSION AND STUDY QUESTIONS: Genesis 2 1. Underline every place where the Lord lays out men’s and women’s purposes and tasks. How are they similar? How are they different? How might these similarities and differences be reflected in our world today? 2. When you think of “utopia,” what does it look like? What is the basis for your thinking about it this way? Does it conform to the picture you see in this chapter? Why or why not? 3. In verse 2, what did God do when He finished His work of creation? Why is that significant? Is there any transferrable principle for our own life today? 4. In verse 4, God is called “the Lord.” What does this name mean? Why should we call Him this? (By the way, the Key Chapters podcast discusses this in even more detail). 5. Based on verse 7, what makes mankind different than other animals? What does this mean about the value of human life to God? 6. What two trees were named in the Garden of Eden? What were they for? 7. What were some of the reasons Adam was to cultivate the garden? What did God give to Adam to equip him for this task? What talents, resources or means has God given you to carry out the tasks that He has set before you? 8. What are some specific ways you could bring glory to God in your daily tasks? 9. What responsibilities did God give to Adam? How does this help us understand God’s design for men today? 10. How does the separate and distinct creation of Eve establish her dignity in the design of God? How does this honor her? 11. What was God’s purpose in creating Eve? Is any of that original purpose still transferable to the role of women today? Why or why not? 12. God’s command to not eat from the tree of knowledge of good and evil was a command, among other things, to not seek to learn about evil. What are some ways people still seek to learn about evil? 13. Why do you think God decided it was necessary to so clearly state that a husband was to leave his family and be joined to his wife (in verse 24)? What does it look like when this principle is not followed in a marriage? 14. If you are married, how are you seeking to follow God’s design for men and women in your home? Why would following God’s design bring peace, joy, and meaning in life? Why would it even help resolve some of the other challenges mentioned in the study? 15. As you reflect on Genesis 2, what windows does this give into God’s plan for your own life? Why not take a moment and lay those before the Lord, that He might transform every aspect of your life to align with His design? Check out our Bible Study Guide on the Key Chapters of Genesis! Available on To see our dedicated podcast website with access to all our episodes and other resources, visit us at: . Find us on all major platforms, or use these direct links: Spotify: Itunes: YouTube: . As always, we are grateful to be included in the "Top 100 Bible Podcasts to Follow" from . Also for regularly being awarded "Podcast of the Day" from . Special thanks to for providing our theme music.
1/1 Genesis 1* - Foundations for Life's Questions
1/1 Genesis 1* - Foundations for Life's Questions
Welcome to the 2025 Key Chapters of the Bible Podcast! Starting today, we're back in Genesis 1 for another run through God's Word together! Genesis 1 is one of the most important passages in the entire Bible. Here, we learn about God, His work in creation, His design for us, and we'll begin to answer the questions of "Who am I?", "Why am I here?" and "What does God want me to do with my life?" The answers are powerful and life-changing. Join us! DISCUSSION AND STUDY QUESTIONS: Genesis 1 1. Read through Genesis 1 and underline the verses that are particularly meaningful to you. Why did you underline them? 2. Draw a circle around every occurrence of the word “said.” Who is speaking? What does this say about how creation came about? Is this truth a struggle for you to accept? Why or why not? 3. Draw a box around every occurrence of the word “good.” What does this tell us about the condition of God’s original design? Why is that important for us to know as we now live in a world that is not perfect? 4. Genesis 1 describes trillions upon trillions of actions in simplified terminology that anyone can understand. What does this tell us about God’s intent to clearly communicate His message to mankind? 5. According to the study, who “made God”? 6. In reading Genesis 1, what is God like? How is this similar or different from what people typically think about Him? 7. Throughout this passage, God’s creation takes place over 6 days. How should these days be understood? What impact does this have on your understanding of how the universe came into existence? 8. When did you first realize God created the light before He created the Sun and Moon? Did that surprise you? Did it cause you to question God’s Word? How does our understanding of God’s glory relate to the order in which He created light? 9. Revelation 22:5 tells us that the New Heaven and the New Earth will have no darkness. Why do you think God allowed darkness here? Why won’t there be darkness in the New Heaven and New Earth? 10. What are some possible reasons God refers to Himself in the plural in verse 26? How does John 1:1-3 fit in with Genesis 1? Likewise, how was Jesus involved in creation? 11. What does Genesis 1:27 mean when it says mankind was created in God’s image? What does this not mean? What kinds of conclusions should we not draw from this statement? 12. In Genesis 1:28, the Lord commands mankind to “Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth.” What reasons are given in the study for mankind to “fill the earth”? How does this relate to verse 27? 13. As you reflect upon the God who created you, what do you think are some reasons for why you are “here”? If a person is struggling to answer this question, what advice would you give them to help them find their purpose(s) in life? 14. When you go throughout your day and look at the world God has created, what should your response be? How might this guide you to develop a habit of worship and praise to God throughout your day? According to Romans 1:20-23, how is this different from how people of the world typically respond to creation? Check out our Bible Study Guide on the Key Chapters of Genesis! Available on To see our dedicated podcast website with access to all our episodes and other resources, visit us at: . Find us on all major platforms, or use these direct links: Spotify: Itunes: YouTube: . As always, we are grateful to be included in the "Top 100 Bible Podcasts to Follow" from . Also for regularly being awarded "Podcast of the Day" from . Special thanks to for providing our theme music.
12/31 Revelation 22* - The End That's Really the Beginning
12/31 Revelation 22* - The End That's Really the Beginning
So, we have finally made it to the end of God's Word; which is really the beginning of our everlasting life with the Lord. Today, in this final episode of this year's study through God's Word, we'll look at what our life will be like as we are with God. This passage is powerful and inspiring and important for every person to know. So join us! Check out our Bible Study Guide on the Key Chapters of Genesis! Available on To see our dedicated podcast website with access to all our episodes and other resources, visit us at: . Find us on all major platforms, or use these direct links: Spotify: Itunes: YouTube: . As always, we are grateful to be included in the "Top 100 Bible Podcasts to Follow" from . Also for regularly being awarded "Podcast of the Day" from . Special thanks to for providing our theme music.
12/30 Revelation 21* - When It's ALL New!
12/30 Revelation 21* - When It's ALL New!
As we near the end of our study in the Book of Revelation, we now come to Revelation 21 which speaks of the New Heavens and Earth and the New Jerusalem. This passage has various points of symbolism, but we'll also see that these symbols are clearly rooted in the Old Testament promises. So join us as we start to wind down our year long study in the Key Chapters of the Bible. Check out our Bible Study Guide on the Key Chapters of Genesis! Available on To see our dedicated podcast website with access to all our episodes and other resources, visit us at: . Find us on all major platforms, or use these direct links: Spotify: Itunes: YouTube: . As always, we are grateful to be included in the "Top 100 Bible Podcasts to Follow" from . Also for regularly being awarded "Podcast of the Day" from . Special thanks to for providing our theme music.
12/29 Revelation 20 - The Millennial Kingdom!
12/29 Revelation 20 - The Millennial Kingdom!
Now we're finally getting to the passages that we have been looking forward to for the past year! Revelation 20 teaches us of the future millennial kingdom where Christ and His people will rule a kingdom without the hindrances of Satan or demonic forces. This is a challenging passage, but it yields rich rewards as it shows us how many details of God's Word come together for Christ's glory. Join us! Check out our Bible Study Guide on the Key Chapters of Genesis! Available on To see our dedicated podcast website with access to all our episodes and other resources, visit us at: . Find us on all major platforms, or use these direct links: Spotify: Itunes: YouTube: . As always, we are grateful to be included in the "Top 100 Bible Podcasts to Follow" from . Also for regularly being awarded "Podcast of the Day" from . Special thanks to for providing our theme music.
12/28 Revelation 19 - The End of War & Rebellion
12/28 Revelation 19 - The End of War & Rebellion
So, we're coming to the end of our study in God's Word and we're turning to Revelation 19 which talks about the final days of man's rebellion on Earth. We're going to talk about two key events: The Return of Christ and the Marriage Supper of the Lamb. Both of these events have significant relevancy for our lives today. Join us! Check out our Bible Study Guide on the Key Chapters of Genesis! Available on To see our dedicated podcast website with access to all our episodes and other resources, visit us at: . Find us on all major platforms, or use these direct links: Spotify: Itunes: YouTube: . As always, we are grateful to be included in the "Top 100 Bible Podcasts to Follow" from . Also for regularly being awarded "Podcast of the Day" from . Special thanks to for providing our theme music.
12/27 Revelation 1 - The Beginning of the End
12/27 Revelation 1 - The Beginning of the End
So, we've made it to the Book of Revelation! Today we're beginning our study in how God's plans come together in this final book of the Bible. This is a tough but important study. In today's episode, along with the content of Revelation 1, we also discuss principles of interpreting Revelation and what to watch seek and what to avoid so that we don't get lost in the weeds. Join us! Check out our Bible Study Guide on the Key Chapters of Genesis! Available on To see our dedicated podcast website with access to all our episodes and other resources, visit us at: . Find us on all major platforms, or use these direct links: Spotify: Itunes: YouTube: . As always, we are grateful to be included in the "Top 100 Bible Podcasts to Follow" from . Also for regularly being awarded "Podcast of the Day" from . Special thanks to for providing our theme music.
12/26 1st John 5 - The Overcomer!
12/26 1st John 5 - The Overcomer!
As we've been studying 1st John, we've discussed the many ways that John has given us to see if we are truly born of God. Today, we finish that discussion looking at how the Child of God is an overcomer. Join us in this exciting conclusion to this important book! Check out our Bible Study Guide on the Key Chapters of Genesis! Available on To see our dedicated podcast website with access to all our episodes and other resources, visit us at: . Find us on all major platforms, or use these direct links: Spotify: Itunes: YouTube: . As always, we are grateful to be included in the "Top 100 Bible Podcasts to Follow" from . Also for regularly being awarded "Podcast of the Day" from . Special thanks to for providing our theme music.
12/25 1 John 4 - Conduits of God's Love
12/25 1 John 4 - Conduits of God's Love
Everyone knows that Christians are supposed to be loving, but what does that mean and how can we be more loving? Well, today we're looking at 1st John 4 and how love is crucial to every dynamic of our relationship with God and with others. Check out our Bible Study Guide on the Key Chapters of Genesis! Available on To see our dedicated podcast website with access to all our episodes and other resources, visit us at: . Find us on all major platforms, or use these direct links: Spotify: Itunes: YouTube: . As always, we are grateful to be included in the "Top 100 Bible Podcasts to Follow" from . Also for regularly being awarded "Podcast of the Day" from . Special thanks to for providing our theme music.
12/24 1st John 3 - Never Sinning?!? Huh?!?
12/24 1st John 3 - Never Sinning?!? Huh?!?
Everyone knows that Christians are supposed to be loving, but what does that mean and how can we be more loving? Well, today we're looking at 1st John 4 and how love is crucial to every dynamic of our relationship with God and with others. Check out our Bible Study Guide on the Key Chapters of Genesis! Available on To see our dedicated podcast website with access to all our episodes and other resources, visit us at: . Find us on all major platforms, or use these direct links: Spotify: Itunes: YouTube: . As always, we are grateful to be included in the "Top 100 Bible Podcasts to Follow" from . Also for regularly being awarded "Podcast of the Day" from . Special thanks to for providing our theme music.
12/23 1st John 2 - Walking in the Light
12/23 1st John 2 - Walking in the Light
1st John 3 offers us profound truths about our life in Christ, but these truths are wrapped in wording and terminology that can be difficult to understand. It even seems like John is saying that if we're truly saved, we'll never sin again! Today, as we study 1st John 3, we'll unlock this powerful passage and explore its meaning for our life today. Join us! Check out our Bible Study Guide on the Key Chapters of Genesis! Available on To see our dedicated podcast website with access to all our episodes and other resources, visit us at: . Find us on all major platforms, or use these direct links: Spotify: Itunes: YouTube: . As always, we are grateful to be included in the "Top 100 Bible Podcasts to Follow" from . Also for regularly being awarded "Podcast of the Day" from . Special thanks to for providing our theme music.
12/22 1st John 1 - Fellowship with God
12/22 1st John 1 - Fellowship with God
One of the greatest privileges of God's people is that we have the light of God's truth and the spiritual ability to walk in it. In today's study of 1st John 2, we'll look at what this means and how we go about walking in Christ's light. Join us! Check out our Bible Study Guide on the Key Chapters of Genesis! Available on To see our dedicated podcast website with access to all our episodes and other resources, visit us at: . Find us on all major platforms, or use these direct links: Spotify: Itunes: YouTube: . As always, we are grateful to be included in the "Top 100 Bible Podcasts to Follow" from . Also for regularly being awarded "Podcast of the Day" from . Special thanks to for providing our theme music.