What Is The New Wineskins? (Ep. 31)
What Is The New Wineskins? (Ep. 31)
As we pursue the heart of the King in seeing the kingdom and His righteousness restored, it is imperative that we do not misinterpret what that is supposed to look like in our strength. New wineskins are not about buildings and houses, but people. When Jesus is speaking about wineskins in Matthew 9, it was in response to John’s disciples approaching Him and asking the question “Why don’t your disciples fast as we and the Pharisees do?” Jesus’ response to them was not about structures and ways of meeting, but it was about the ability to interpret the King and the kingdom the way Jesus did. It was a comparison of the way John’s disciples and the Pharisees saw fasting and the way Jesus interpreted it (Matthew 9:16-17). It is not about throwing away the old and bringing in the new because then we miss when Jesus declares “Therefore every teacher of the law who has become a disciple in the kingdom of heaven is like the owner of a house who brings out of his storeroom new treasures as well as old. (Matthew 13:52) The fermentation of the new wine could not be contained in a old wineskin because it was already expanded to capacity through use, whereas, the new wineskin had the capacity to expand. The King is revealing how the kingdom is meant to operate and we must learn to live in that tension of the renewing of our minds to see clearly as Jesus brings us on a re-discovery of the original intent of His church. In this episode, we will look at what is the new wineskin is and how does that correlate with reformation, restoration, and revival of kingdom purpose. Purchase Wayland Henderson’s latest book on Discipleship: