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The King's Fund podcast

A podcast about big ideas in health and care. We talk with experts from The King’s Fund and beyond about the NHS, social care, and all things health policy and leadership. New episodes monthly.

info_outline The government’s first 100 days and what it means for health and care 10/14/2024
info_outline Making good trouble: Clenton Farquharson CBE on co-production, equity and change 09/30/2024
info_outline Speaking to the public in a pandemic: Jason Leitch 08/29/2024
info_outline Let's talk about social prescribing 07/25/2024
info_outline Election special: the new government and a 'broken NHS'? 07/11/2024
info_outline Election special: NHS strikes, A&E pressures and raising taxes to fund the NHS 06/27/2024
info_outline Election special: social care plans and manifesto money – do the sums add up? 06/20/2024
info_outline Election special: manifesto week 06/13/2024
info_outline Election special: NHS budget, community services and the workforce question 06/06/2024
info_outline Election special: waiting lists and the fall of the smoking ban 05/30/2024
info_outline Introducing a new election series from The King's Fund podcast 05/28/2024
info_outline Dr Waheed Arian on escaping war, becoming a doctor and practising compassionate leadership 04/29/2024
info_outline The next general election: what’s the state of health and care? 03/28/2024
info_outline Black maternal health care and community groups: building trust and bridging gaps 02/28/2024
info_outline Strategy, culture and change: a conversation with new CEO Sarah Woolnough 01/31/2024
info_outline Elective care waiting lists: are they fair? 12/01/2023
info_outline Joy Warmington MBE on anti-racism, leadership and the courage to speak out 10/31/2023
info_outline Young leaders in health and care: courage, passion and talent 09/27/2023
info_outline Dr Navina Evans CBE: leadership, learning and the NHS workforce 08/29/2023
info_outline 75 years of the NHS: how does it compare to international health systems? 07/31/2023
info_outline Acting with intent: Karen Bonner on diversity and belonging in the NHS 06/28/2023
info_outline Love, care and hard work: life as an unpaid carer 05/31/2023
info_outline Leading through uncertainty: a conversation with Dr Fay Gilder and Matthew Rice 04/26/2023
info_outline Reimagining the welfare state: health and community with Hilary Cottam OBE 03/30/2023
info_outline NHS managers: trust, compassion and changing the narrative 02/28/2023
info_outline Charting the nation’s health with John Burn-Murdoch 01/16/2023
info_outline Caring for people and our planet: Dr Dominique Allwood on health inequalities and climate change 12/21/2022
info_outline The cost-of-living crisis: is the nation’s health paying the price? 12/02/2022
info_outline A dialogue of equals: Stafford Scott on community activism 11/01/2022
info_outline End-of-life care: why we need to talk about dying 09/30/2022