Ascension Speed Show 13 - Bob and the Gropocalypse
Ascension Speed Show 13 - Bob and the Gropocalypse
Edit: Lyft accidentally used the wrong audio file for the intro music! If it sounds worse, that's because it was the rough first draft of the theme song! Sorry! News It's been a while! But we have been busy, and there are lots of awesome things coming soon! Here is a bit of the latest news: Dark Gyffte Run logs from Aenimus, Lyft, and Monsieur Bob: The Summer challenge path, Two Crazy Random Summer, is here, and plasticlobster and cdrock have been working hard with the ASS/general KoL community to bring you a database for all 54(!) seeds. Check it out at There are also query-able versions for items and effects: Podcast Episode 13! Monsieur Bob has recently returned to KoL after a long break. Despite that, he completed two very speedy ascensions, earning himself a Gold and Silver Commendation in Softcore and Hardcore respectively (yet to be distributed)! We will discuss what planning and preparation went into this incredible feat, and how other returning players can compete with the rest of us! Nerfs. Jick (finally) bombs green smoke bombs. What does this mean? What does this change? Why did this happen? Discussion about April's IotM: PirateRealm, and its optimal use for both aftercore and in-run (we were waiting for the signal puzzle, but we will just cover that when it comes, if need be). Discussion about May's IotM: Fourth of May Cosplay Saber, and its optimal use for both aftercore and in-run (and how this may change!). How does speed ascension and routing develop? How do we plan runs, and how are gold runs decided? How did the community work together to do this? We'll discuss both generally and from the perspective of Dark Gyffte. Discord Invite link: