Latinx Intelligentsia
This bi-weekly podcast is dedicated to uplifting Latinx/a/o students, administrators, faculty, and stakeholders in higher education. La Profesora, Dra. Michelle Espino Lira, focuses on the ways in which we can uplift our gente to and through higher education so we can all thrive.
La Profesora's Sidenote on Higher Ed/Student Affairs Doctoral Admissions
La Profesora's Sidenote on Higher Ed/Student Affairs Doctoral Admissions
Ep. 52 As La Profesora, Dra. Michelle Espino Lira, slowly returns to the podcasting space, we thought it would be helpful to talk about the daunting world of doctoral program admissions. In this Sidenote, La Profesora offers invaluable insights and practical tips for making informed decisions about your doctoral journey to and through Higher Education & Student Affairs doctoral programs. This episode includes shout outs to inspiring mujeres on Instagram who are empowering Latinx voices in graduate education, a critical discussion on the necessity of diverse faculty in higher education, and reflections on the ongoing global and domestic challenges facing higher education institutions today. There's also guidance on developing meaningful relationships with faculty, the importance of having a burning question to drive your dissertation, and the essential elements to include in your personal statement. Whether you are considering enrolling full-time or part-time (listen to Ep. 34 "It's Really Full-Time Full-Time"), this episode covers everything from funding and assistantships to balancing personal commitments and academic pursuits. Shout Outs! Follow these amazing Doctoras and Future Doctoras on Instagram: Future Dra. Jennifer Cabrera @academiclatina Dra. Yvette Martinez-Vu @gradschoolfemtoring Future Dra. Valerie Gomez @latinagradguide Future Dra. Christina Rodriguez @latinaswithmasters Future Dra. Aide Hernandez @gradconmigo Make sure to leave a 5-star review if you listen on Apple Podcasts or Spotify and spread the word about Latinx Intelligentsia! Adelante mi gente!
In Memoriam
In Memoriam
Ep 51 This episode is dedicated to Mrs. Ramona Espino, who was and remains a brilliant light in La Profesora's heart. La Profesora talks about what it means to live in, through, and around grief. Through this profound loss, there lies opportunity for deep reflection about "being as doing". So often, life on these academic streets is a flurry of activity--always on to the next project, the next grant, the next opportunity to do that humble brag. And what La Profesora asks of herself and all of us is to disentangle the doing of academic life so that we can be our whole selves without clinging to a system that will never be satisfied. La Profesora encourages us to reflect on these questions: Who am I without the doing? How can I center my well-being as I move along these busy academic streets? How can I celebrate where I am right now without focusing on what is next? How can I honor my process just as it is? Thank you for supporting Michelle and this podcast! We will be back with more episodes soon. Adelante, mi gente!
Back in the Day Replay: Dra. Melissa Abeyta
Back in the Day Replay: Dra. Melissa Abeyta
It's a Back in the Day Replay, ya'll! La Profesora is giving flowers to Dra. Melissa Abeyta, the creator and host of the The Story is to be Told, Not Sold, Conversations with the Soul. We talk about her transition to the University of Texas-Rio Grande Valley, the legacy she is building alongside her colegxs y Scholar Homies, Dr. Anacany Torres, Dr. Oscar Duran, and newly-minted Dr. Joe Louis Hernandez (who was featured in ) to support formerly incarcerated and system-impacted students. She envisions resources and support that cultivate the prison-to-college pipeline. You can listen to the original episode . We also have exciting news! We now have a Patreon page, which is a platform that helps YOU support creators like ME! Join our Colegas Crew and contribute monthly to support our Poet-in-Residence & in Resistencia honoriarium and help La Profesora edit the fantastic episodes! Check out our page ! To cite this podcast episode: Espino, M. M. (Host). (2023, February 6). Back in the day replay: Dra. Melissa Abeyta (Bonus Episode). [Audio podcast episode]. In Latinx Intelligentsia. Check out Dra. Abeyta's work! Abeyta, M, Torres, A., Hernandez, J. L., & Duran, O. (2021). Rising scholars: A case study of two community colleges serving formerly incarcerated and system-impacted students. Journal of Applied Research in the Community College, 28(1), 99-109.
Celebrating the 50th Episode!
Celebrating the 50th Episode!
Wow, ya'll! We're kicking off Season 7 by celebrating 50 episodes that showcase the amazing work that our gente are doing in higher education! We have a special guest host, future Dra. Nancy Camarillo who offers fantastic reflection questions for La Profesora. Our conversations takes us back to the early days of the podcast, lessons learned, and even some things that you didn't know about our host! Special thanks to all our guests who took time to talk with us not only about their work in higher education, but about their lived experiences, family, and community. You cultivate the uplift every day! Gracias! Click to read the full transcript! To cite from this episode, please use the following: Espino, M. M. (Host). (2023, January 23). Celebrating the 50th episode with future Dra. Nancy Camarillo (Episode 50). [Audio podcast episode]. In Latinx Intelligentsia. Gracias to all our listeners and supporters out there! You are helping make this dream a reality and we appreciate you! Be sure to keep nominating our gente to interview for the show! Send a DM @latinxuplift on , , or or fill out a form on our !
Back in the Day Replay: Dra. Gina Garcia
Back in the Day Replay: Dra. Gina Garcia
La Profesora is coming back, ya'll! Thank you for your patience and support! As we prepare for a new season of the podcast, we want to give a shout out to an amazing scholar who is holding it down in the podcasting world: Dra. Gina Garcia! We were fortunate to have Dra. Garcia on the show in Episode 10: Beyond the HSI Designation con Dr. Andrés Castro Samayoa. We are excited about her new podcast, ¿Qué pasa, HSIs? In this blast from the past, we talk about the process of writing Dra. Garcia's first book, Becoming Hispanic-Serving Institutions: Opportunities for Colleges and Universities, and how earning two post-docs helped to recenter her scholarly efforts and personal healing. You can learn more about Dra. Garcia's work at You can find the full transcript of our conversation on our !
To Pivot and Thrive
To Pivot and Thrive
Ep 49 This episode is a tribute to all the student affairs practitioners out there who went beyond the "other duties as assigned" at the start of COVID-19. Student Affairs practitioners had to pivot and find a way out of no way to offer support and resources to students, especially those most in need. None of you have been compensated enough for your efforts! La Profesora talks with the newly minted Dra. Karla Cruze-Silva about starting a new job right before the pandemic sent higher education into the virtual world. She shares her experiences running a summer bridge program that is part of the "Thrive Center" at the University of Arizona. Our Poet-in-Residence and in Resistencia, Gabriel Pulido shares his poem "A Rose From Concrete Speaks". Shownotes: Learn more about the Thrive Center: Learn more about John Lira for Congress in Texas-23!
Paying It Forward: Y Tu También College Access Program
Paying It Forward: Y Tu También College Access Program
Ep 48 It is with so much sorrow in my heart that I post this episode. I do not want to lose hope. The Black community in Buffalo deserves everything we have. The Taiwanese parishioners in Santa Ana deserve everything we have. The children and teachers who were murdered in Uvalde deserve everything we have. Every victim of gun violence deserves everything we have. Not one more. My partner and husband, John Lira is running against the representative whose district includes Uvalde. If you can support John's campaign to unseat Tony Gonzales, we would appreciate it! Not one more politician who won't vote for commonsense gun laws! Go to In this episode, La Profesora talks with Juan Carlos Salinas about the college access program he founded, Y Tu También, which is based out of New York City. The program, funded through the La Unidad Latina Foundation, prepares high schoolers for admission to Ivy League institutions. It is certainly a labor of love, and Juan Carlos believes in paying it forward. Dr. David Martinez from our Academic Hype Team showcases the efforts of Dr. Melissa Nevarro Martel. Show Notes: Learn more about the Y Tu También Program here: Learn more about the Dwight/Edgewood Project here: Interested in joining the Y Tu Tambien Network? Email Juan Carlos at
A Shared Sacred Space: The Central American & Isthmian Writers Group
A Shared Sacred Space: The Central American & Isthmian Writers Group
Ep47 What started as a way to gather to write at the start of the pandemic evolved into a shared sacred space among Central American and Isthmian writers who sought a space to tell their stories from the Isthmus. La Profesora talks with Eileen Galvez, Samantha Erskine, Bri Rodriguez, and Jessica Hoppe about how the CentAm Writers began and ways that they have evolved to co-create and co-share a worldwide community. Our Poet-in-Residence & in Resistencia, Gabriel Pulido shares the poem "Ode to my Homegirls by Safia Elhillo". ************************ Learn more about John Lira, the Democratic Nominee for U.S. Congress in Texas-23 at Don't forget to give us a 5-start review, especially if you're on Apple Podcasts & Spotify!
The Nominee
The Nominee
BONUS EPISODE! Ya'll didn't think that after talking about my love, John Lira's campaign for the past few seasons that I wouldn't showcase a critical moment in our journey, right?! In this BONUS episode, I captured moments before, during, and after election day in the Texas primaries. John Lira, candidate for Texas 23rd Congressional District, is now the nominee for TX-23! It's on to November, ya'll! If you like what you hear in today's episode, help out the campaign! We're nearing the end of the quarter (March 31st) and every donation counts to helping John build the outreach he needs to meet every voter in the 29 counties in TX-23--that's 800 miles of borderland! Go to to make your donation today!
Materializing Worlds that Don’t Exist Yet for Queer Latinx People
Materializing Worlds that Don’t Exist Yet for Queer Latinx People
Ep 46 La Profesora talks with newly-minted Dr. Roberto Orozco (felicidades on your dissertation defense!) about the connection between Jotería Studies and Chicana Feminism. Early Chicana Feminists crafted a theory that disrupted heteronormativity and uplifted race/ethnicity, gender, and sexuality, a foundational element that is not always addressed or honored when drawing from Chicana Feminism. Therefore, Jotería Studies and Chicana Feminism have been linked since the very beginning. Dr. Orozco shares insights on working alongside muxerista activists at UNLV and the Las Vegas area, and the importance of tracing the geneology of the theories we use. Dr. David Martinez, a member of our Academic Hype Team, uplifts the efforts of Dra. Abigail Tarango. *************************** Sidenotes: The Association For Jotería Arts, Activism And Scholarship The 2014 Jotería Dossier. Aztlan: A Journal of Chicano Studies, 39(1). Learn more about John Lira, the Democratic Nominee for Congress in Texas 23rd at Don't forget to give us a 5-star review, especially if you're on Apple Podcasts or Spotify!
Poetry Uncovers Wounds We Thought Had Already Healed
Poetry Uncovers Wounds We Thought Had Already Healed
Episode 45 Ya'll! We have a new Poet-in-Residence and in Resistencia, future Dr. Gabriel Pulido! Gabriel shares his journey with spoken word and slam poetry, noting that his creative writing and academic writing processes sometimes blend together. As a conjurer of joy, our new Poet-in-Resistencia offers writing workshops that help queer and transgender folx heal, recognizing that there some wounds take longer to close. Gabriel shares his poem "Legally Blonde" ************************** Show Notes: Wright-Mair, R., & Pulido, G. (2021). We deserve more than this: Spirit murdering and resurrection in the academy. The Journal of Educational Foundations, 34(1), 110-131. Learn more about the ACUI College & University Poetry Slam Competition here: La Profesora's love, John Lira, is running for Congress in Texas-23! Learn more about his campaign at
A Model of Possibility
A Model of Possibility
Ep44 It's always inspiring to learn from a scholar who centers comunidad in her work. La Profesora talks with Dra. Dolores Delgado Bernal about her incredible contributions to promoting assets-based frameworks in the study of Latinx/a/o educational pathways. She reminds us that no idea is ever fully finished, that we are always evolving in our thinking, and that we can disrupt toxic norms in academe through community. Believe the Hype is back with Dr. David Martinez, a member of our Academic Hype Team! David uplifts Dra. Araceli Hernandez-Laroche, who has created the South Carolina Centro Latino for the University of South Carolina-Upstate community AND the local community. Believe the Hype about Dra. Hernandez-Laroche! ******************************** Side Notes: Learn more about MALCS here: Learn more about the fight for Mexican American Studies in Tucson here: Calderon, D., Delgado Bernal, D., Perez Huber, L., Malagon, M. C., & Velez, V.N. (2012). A Chicana feminist epistemology revisited: Cultivating ideas a generation later. Harvard Educational Review, 82(4), 513-539. DOI: 10.17763/haer.82.4.l518621577461p68 Garcia, N.M. & Delgado Bernal, D. (2021).Remembering and revisiting pedagogies of the home. American Educational Research Journal, 58(3), 567-601. DOI: 10.3102/0002831220954431 Listen to Episode 3 Scholar Activism to learn more about the fight for Mexican American Studies in Tucson here: Support John Lira's Congressional campaign to serve the People of Texas-23rd! Learn more about him at
Live The Questions
Live The Questions
Episode 43 Bridging sensing and thinking is not often valued in academia. So-called "objectivity" is what is honored. Yet, our gente know something about sensing and thinking that can create a vision of higher education that can bring wholeness and hope. In this episode, La Profesora talks with Professor Emerita Dra. Laura Rendon about sentipensante pedagogy, the legacy she has crafted in centering marginalized and minoritized students, and the value of being patient with the germination of one's ideas. This is the last episode of Season 5 and the last episode for our Poet-in-Residence and in Resistencia, Cecilia Caballero. Gracias, Cecilia, for sharing your amazing poetry with our comunidad! She offers two poems: "I Feel Such a Kernal Within Myself" and "Grab 'n Go". FYI that we are taking a break to craft our next season. Please share the podcast with your friends and colegas! Follow us on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram @latinxuplift ************************************* ShowNotes: Galeano, E. (1992). The book of embraces (trans.). W.W. Norton & Company. The Fetzer Institute: Rilke, R.M. (1929). Letters to a young poet. Read Dra. Rendon’s ASHE Presidential Address, which is the basis for sentipensante pedagogy: Rendon, L.I. (2000). Academics of the heart: Reconnecting the scientific mind with the spirit's artistry. Review of Higher Education, 24(1), 1-13. DOI: 10.1353/rhe.2000.0024 SpeakOut: It's official! La Profesora's love, John Lira is on the ballot for the Democratic Primary on March 1st! Learn more about his campaign for Texas 23rd at
Beyond Strategy: A Conversation with Dra. Estela Bensimon
Beyond Strategy: A Conversation with Dra. Estela Bensimon
Ep. 42 In higher education, we tend to hear that we should be strategic in teaching, service, publications, and grants--pretty much EVERYTHING! What if I told you that one of our veteranas in the field focused more on doing the work she cared about than about strategizing every step in her storied career? La Profesora had the opportunity to talk with University Professor Emerita Dra. Estela Bensimon, about her commitment to racial equity, the challenges of sustaining the Center for Urban Education for 20 years, and how much of her navigation of the grant funding world was rooted in relationship. Dra. Bensimon offers critical advice that moves beyond strategy. **************************************** Show Notes: Espino, M.M., Vega, I., Rendón, L.I., Ranero, J., & Muñiz, M.M. (2012). The process of reflexión in bridging testimonios across lived experience. Equity & Excellence in Education, 45(3), 444-459. DOI: 10.1080/10665684.2012.698188 La Profesora's Love, John Lira, is officially on the ballot for Texas Congressional District 23! Support his candidacy at!
They're Already Here: Formerly Incarcerated & System-Impacted Students
They're Already Here: Formerly Incarcerated & System-Impacted Students
Ep 41 To have the courage to say that one is system-impacted is just the tip of the iceberg in this thought-provoking conversation with Dra. Melissa Abeyta. Dra. Abeyta is working with her Scholar Homies to encourage institutions of higher education to pay attention to a student population that is already present on their campuses: formerly incarcerated and system-impacted students. In her conversation with La Profesora, Dra. Abetya shares what is possible if institutions respond to the needs of this student population and the challenges of navigating academic spaces that do not seem receptive to this critical issue. We also talk about AcademicSoul, a small business dedicated to uplifting our gente in academia! Our Poet-in-Residence and in Resistencia, Cecilia Caballero shares a poem co-authored by women who are incarcerated in a California prison. Their poem is an homage to Maya Angelou's "And Still I Rise" ***************************** Shownotes: Abeyta, M, Torres, A., Hernandez, J. L., & Duran, O. (2021). Rising scholars: A case study of two community colleges serving formerly incarcerated and system-impacted students. Journal of Applied Research in the Community College, 28(1), 99-109. To learn more about John Lira, Congressional Candidate for Texas 23rd:
Soy Quién Soy: Formal Education After Incarceration
Soy Quién Soy: Formal Education After Incarceration
Ep 40 Future Dr. Joe Louis Hernandez has lived several lifetimes. By the age of 19, Joe Louis was an addict and facing incarceration. His life was changed after attending a drug treatment center that was connected to Mt. San Antonio College, a community college in Southern California. As he moved through formal education to now as a doctoral student and full-time practitioner with the Rising Scholars program, Joe Louis has dedicated his life and career to supporting and advocating for those who were formally incarcerated and system-impacted to believe that there is life after incarceration and that they have an opportunity through formal education and training. Joe Louis is placing street-wise knowledge in higher education research, all while keeping it real! La Profesora is off to the ASHE conference, pero without her checklist for the annual AfroLatinx/a/o and Latinx/a/o Scholar Dinner. We're postponing it for this year, but tix are now are sale for the 2022 Dinner in Las Vegas! Go to: for more details! And don't forget to support John Lira, candidate for U.S. Congress representing the people of Texas 23rd! Find out more at! Donate to his campaign today! ********************************** Side Notes: For more information about the NASPA FISSIF Knowledge Community: Halkovic, A., & Greene, A.C. (2015). Bearing stigma, carrying gifts: What colleges can learn from students with incarceration experience. The Urban Review, 47, 759-782. Encourage students to apply to the Sally Casanova Scholars Program!
Representing the Misrepresented: Critical Quant
Representing the Misrepresented: Critical Quant
Ep 39 Critical Quantitative methodology is justice-oriented and focuses on context. If you plan to be a critical quant or quant crit, you need to acknowledge that national datasets do not accurately reflect the lived experiences of those who have been historically marginalized and are founded upon frameworks that are not critical. La Profesora talks with Dr. Juan C. Garibay about his approach to solving problems that are rooted in critical quantitative methodologies. His approach is influenced by his childhood in Wilmington, CA, a community deeply affected by environmental racism. Dr. Garibay offers advice for our gente interested in engaging in critical quant! Our Poet-in-Residence and in Resistencia, Cecilia Caballero shares her poem entitled "The Revenge of Henrietta Lacks". Shownotes La Profesora & the Podcast! Stage, F., & Wells, R. (2014). New scholarship in critical quantitative research Part I. Wells, R., & Stage, F. (2015). New scholarship in critical quantitative research Part II. Nichole M. Garcia, Nancy López & Verónica N. Vélez (2018) QuantCrit: Rectifying quantitative methods through critical race theory. Race Ethnicity and Education, 21(2),149-157, DOI: 10.1080/13613324.2017.1377675 To learn more about John Lira, Congressional Candidate for Texas 23rd:
It's Not Neutral: Quantitative Methods
It's Not Neutral: Quantitative Methods
Ep38 It's not often that La Profesora has such an enriching and joyful conversation about quantitative methods, pero, Dra. Elizabeth Rivera Rodas offers a fantastic perspective on using quantitative methods to critique structural inequities in higher education. We talk about the journey through a joint PhD, the importance of allowing the research question to guide the methodology, and being okay with not knowing it all. Academic Hype Team shout outs! Hope Pacheco, University of Houston Delmy Lendof, Pratt Institute Louie Rodriguez, UC Riverside Juanita Hinojosa, UNLV Ariana Brown, poet _____________ Side Notes: La Profesora's Love, John Lira, is running for Congress in Texas! Learn more about the campaign and help us meet our fundraising goals:
We Are Worthy Because We Exist
We Are Worthy Because We Exist
Ep. 37 Hola, mi gente! Welcome to Season 5! In our first episode of the season, we welcome our new Poet-in-Residence and in Resistencia, future Dra. Cecilia Caballero, who talks about her journey as a single mother surviving through COVID-19, intergenerational poverty, and the challenges of academe to (re)claim herself through creative writing. Cecilia shares her poem "Dear Fear". La Profesora also shares significant developments in her life as the partner of a Congressional candidate! Learn more about John Lira for Texas 23rd at Like our new logo? Slide into our DMs on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram @LatinxUplift! Additional Notes: Find the Chicana M(other)work Anthology here: Read and Cite Dra. Tellez's scholarship: Téllez, M. (2013). Lectures, Evaluations, and Diapers: Navigating the Terrains of Chicana Single Motherhood in the Academy. Feminist Formations, 25(3), 79-97 DOI: 10.1353/ff.2013.0039 Check out Maria Carmier's art here:
Finding Spaciousness Within
Finding Spaciousness Within
Ep. 36 It's our final episode of the season and it is FIRE! We bid farewell to Sarah Gonzales, who is completing her tenure as our inaugural Poet-in-Residence and in Resistencia. Sarah drops knowledge on the critical questions we should all be asking ourselves as we transition to being out in the world with and without masks and social distancing. This summer, we hope that you can search for the answers in ways that are meaningful to you. Of course, Sarah has curated poetry for us from Ada Limón and Langston Hughes. We'll be back in the fall with a new season and a new Poet-in-Residence and in Resistencia. Thanks for your support this year!
Expect the Unexpected
Expect the Unexpected
*Episode 35* Our conversation with full-time higher education professionals who are enrolled in doctoral programs continues! La Profesora talks with future Dr. Oscar Lanza-Galindo and his daughter Chel about how he navigated his first year in doctoral student amid the COVID-19 pandemic. Fortunately, he had tremendous support from his partner, Jamie, and from Chel, who knew exactly when to help her dad take a break from studying for foam sword fights! What is most moving from this episode is how much love and support we can find from one another in this doctoral journey. May this episode inspire any of our gente who are contemplating a doctoral program to make informed decisions about the program that will set you up for success. May this episode inspire all our doctoral students out there to seguir pa'lante! For our last BELIEVE THE HYPE segment of the season, our Academic Hype Man, Dr. Nolan Cabrera, uplifts the efforts of Dra. Cati de los Rios. *************** To find more information on Dra. de los Rios' work: To read the article on photo voice:
It's Really Full-Time, Full-Time
It's Really Full-Time, Full-Time
Episode 34 The term "Part-time doctoral student" is a misnomer. Our gente who navigate full-time work, while also engaging in coursework and life outside of campus are full-time, full-time. There's really no part-time to it! La Profesora talks with future Dr. Bri Serrano about their journey to entering the program at Colorado State University, while also working full-time at Cal Poly-Pomona. Bri notes the critical questions that you have to ask of the program, of your work colleagues, and of yourself as you make the decision to enroll. They also remind us that the core motivation to earning this degree can't just be about a credential. There has to be something far deeper to carry you through. Our Poet-in-Residence and in Resistencia, Sarah Gonzales, curates poetry from Staceyann Chin "For You".
Racist Rhetoric: It's Always Been There
Racist Rhetoric: It's Always Been There
Episode 33 Why They Hate Us: How Racist Rhetoric Impacts Education (Teachers College Press) is a powerful compilation that bridges K-12 and higher education teachers, scholars, and practitioners in uncovering how racist rhetoric affects student pathways and experiences. La Profesora talks with Dra. Lindsay Perez Huber y Dra. Susana Muñoz about their journey as co-editors and their determination to tell the story of racism in U.S. educational systems. Our Academic Hype Man, Dr. Nolan Cabrera showcases the efforts of Dra. Anita Fernandez. Muñoz, S. M. (2015). Identity, social activism, and the pursuit of higher education. Peter Lang Solórzano, D. G., & Pérez Huber, L. (2020). Racial microaggressions using critical race theory to respond to everyday racism. Teachers College Press. Photographer Steve Pavey Dra. Anita Fernandez Chief Diversity Officer page: Xito: Decolonizing Professional Development:
Cultivating Comunidad Through Queer Chisme
Cultivating Comunidad Through Queer Chisme
*Episode 32* La Profesora talks with future Dr. Yolanda Cataño about how she has drawn upon queer chisme to cultivate comunidad within Latinx/a/o queer communities. Our conversation journeys through her relationship with her #ScholarHomies, her commitment to serving Latinx/a/o queer communities in her area, and addressing what "servingness" means when addressing the needs of Latinx/a/o queer students in community colleges designated as Hispanic-Serving Institutions. Our Poet-in-Residence & in Resistencia, Sarah Gonzales, shares poetry from . Side Notes: Yosso, T. J. (2005). “Whose culture has capital? A CRT discussion of community cultural wealth.” Race, Ethnicity, and Education 8(1): 69–91. The Alliance for Hispanic Serving Institution Educators: Please cite this episode as follows: Cataño, Y. (Guest). (2021, April 19). Cultivating comunidad through queer chisme. (No. 32) [Audio podcast episode]. In M. Espino Lira (Host), Latinx intelligentsia. Follow us on Twitter, Facebook, & Instagram @LatinxUplift Join the Latinx Intelligentsia Club on Clubhouse!
Ethical Chisme Rooted in Queer Radical Love
Ethical Chisme Rooted in Queer Radical Love
*Episode 31* La Profesora talks with future Dr. Sergio Gonzalez y future Dr. Ángel Gonzalez about ethical chisme as a practice of queer radical love and as methodology. We delve into Jotería Scholarship and discuss why the field of higher education has yet to uplift this research. AND we talk about the many ways that academia does not serve us pero we are still here, still engaging in radical love with ethical chisme! For our Believe the Hype segment, our Academic Hype Man, Dr. Nolan Cabrera hypes of sistah-scholar Dra. Susana Muñoz who has a new book out with Dra. Lindsay Pérez Huber: Why They Hate Us: How Racist Rhetoric Impacts Education [Link to Teachers College Press below]. Sidenotes: José Manuel Santillana & Anita Revilla. "Jotería Identity and Consciousness." Aztlán: A Journal of Chicano Studies 39(1) (2014): 167-180. For Susana's first book, Identity, Social Activism, and the Pursuit of Higher Education: The Journey Stories of Undocumented and Unafraid Community Activists, go to . For Susana and Lindsay's book, go to . We are always looking for guests from across higher education and higher ed adjacent spaces! Nominate great gente !
Writing Series: The Editor's Perspective
Writing Series: The Editor's Perspective
Episode 30 Although we all want to shake our fist at Reviewer #2, we don't usually have a chance to go behind-the-scenes of an academic journal. In this episode, La Profesora talks with Dra. Cindy Cruz, who recently stepped down from her role as associate editor for the Frontiers Journal, which is connected to the National Women's Studies Association. Dra. Cruz offers an inside perspective on what it takes to make a journal viable--from finding an academic home for the journal to recruiting great authors to finding even better reviewers. It is certainly a labor of deep care for putting forth important scholarship, especially when it involves women of color feminists and womanists. Our Poet-in-Residence and in Resistencia, Sarah Gonzales curates poetry from Wanda Coleman. A few sidenotes.... Check out Mujeres Activas en Letras y Cambio Social at Check out the National Women's Studies Association at
Setting the Vision
Setting the Vision
In Episode 29, La Profesora talks with Ricardo Nazario y Colón about the importance of senior leadership in higher education setting a vision for diversity and inclusion. Senior Diversity Officers cannot be effective if a vision is not in place! We also talk about what it means to do DEI work as an office of one, serving the needs of faculty, administrators, and students. You can find Ricardo on LinkedIn at Ricardo Nazario-Colon We also launch our new segment: BELIEVE THE HYPE! with our Academic Hype Man, Nolan Cabrera! Dr. C takes you back to where it all began: selling his book, White Guys on Campus: Racism, White Immunity, and the Myth of "Post-Racial" Higher Education from his roller bag! Check out the side note: North Carolina Senate Bill 257
The Work is Never Done
The Work is Never Done
We're back with Season 4! For our first episode of the season, La Profesora talks with Dra. Constanza Cabello at Framingham State University about what it's like to be the inaugural Vice President for Diversity, Equity, and Community Engagement. We talk about moving from personal growth in DEI work to structural change and how to stay in the field where the work is never done. Our Poet-in-Residence and in Resistencia, Sarah Gonzales curates poetry from Adrienne Rich.
Writing Past the Limits
Writing Past the Limits
For the last episode of the season, La Profesora is revisiting the Writing Series we are doing all year. This time, she talks with Dr. Davíd Martínez about writing beyond publications and metrics for tenure and promotion. Writing should be about community, about action, and about praxis. Our Poet-in-Residence and in Resistencia, Sarah Gonzales, shares poetry from Paola Valenzuela. As you wait for Season 4, please nominate gente to share their stories on the podcast, listen to previous episodes, and follow the amazing scholars and practitioners who are doing the work! See you in 2021!
From Blanquemiento to Black-imiento
From Blanquemiento to Black-imiento
Even before the protests and outrage that stemmed from the murders of Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, and George Floyd, there have been discussions about anti-Blackness in Latinx/a/o communities. This episode focuses on addressing anti-Blackness by centering Blackness in our comunidad through the tenets of Black-imiento created by Amalia Dache, Jasmine Marie Haywood, y Cristina Mislán in 2019. La Profesora talks with Dra. Amalia Dache about applying the tenets of Black-imiento to the study of higher education, as well as the application of Black-imiento in student success work with Dr. Jason Arrington-Rivera. Our Poet-in-Residence and in Resistencia, Sarah Gonzales curates poetry from Diannely Antigua.