Legends From The Pacific
A weekly Asian & Pacific folklore podcast. Join Kamuela Kaneshiro as he shares tales of people, traditions, and gods from Pacific Island countries, Asia, Australia, and the Americas. These stories influenced films, Marvel and DC comic books, Disney movies, Netflix series, TV shows, and books. Episodes include a featured song, and Hawaiian word. www.LegendsFromThePacific.com
164: Japan's Dragon Girl
164: Japan's Dragon Girl
→ Please support our show by purchasing our merch: → (Amazon Affiliate link) → → ***** What was the first Noh play with the demon mask? It's believed the story of Kiyohime was one of the first Noh plays to use the demon, or Hannya mask. Kamu shares what some believe was the first story to use the Demon, or Hannya mask. Featured Song: "Slow Down", by Sierra Lucia, courtesy of *We respect your privacy. We will not share your email. You can unsubscribe at any time. Theme Song: , courtesy of Sound Effects: Sound Effects Factory Music Coordinator: Matt Duffy AKA Link to this episode on our website: Please give us a rating, write a review, subscribe, follow us, and share us with your friends and family. ***** Join our email list and claim your exclusive unaired episode today: "Hawaii's Faceless Ghost - Mujina" (Unaired Episode) *We respect your privacy. We will not share your email. You can unsubscribe at any time. Listen to unaired Hawaiian stories, and Kamu's paranormal experiences by becoming a Patreon supporter today: Send your unusual Pacific experience to be shared on a future episode. Instagram: X: Follow Legends from the Pacific wherever you listen to audio. → → → →
163: Japan's Exorcism & The Demon Mask
163: Japan's Exorcism & The Demon Mask
→ Please support our show by purchasing our merch: → (Amazon Affiliate link) → → ***** Halloween Special 2024 What's the Japanese horned demon mask? The Japanese horned demon mask is known as the Hannya mask, and it is used in Noh theater. Just when you thought it was safe to take your Halloween masks off, Kamu shares a popular Japanese Exorcism, and Noh theater. Featured Song: "Standby", by Lovejack, courtesy of *We respect your privacy. We will not share your email. You can unsubscribe at any time. Theme Song: , courtesy of Sound Effects: Sound Effects Factory Music Coordinator: Matt Duffy AKA Link to this episode on our website: Please give us a rating, write a review, subscribe, follow us, and share us with your friends and family. ***** Join our email list and claim your exclusive unaired episode today: "Hawaii's Faceless Ghost - Mujina" (Unaired Episode) *We respect your privacy. We will not share your email. You can unsubscribe at any time. Listen to unaired Hawaiian stories, and Kamu's paranormal experiences by becoming a Patreon supporter today: Send your unusual Pacific experience to be shared on a future episode. Instagram: X: Follow Legends from the Pacific wherever you listen to audio. → → → →
162: Hawaii's Wind Guardians 7 - The Fishermen
162: Hawaii's Wind Guardians 7 - The Fishermen
→ Please support our show by purchasing our merch: → (Amazon Affiliate link) → → ***** Special Hawaiian Epic Conclusion After much research, Kamu shares the final segment of our sprawling Hawaiian epic about Hawaii's family of Wind Guardians. Featured Song: "Kuini (Ku'u Lei Aloha)", by Kalani Pe'a, courtesy of *We respect your privacy. We will not share your email. You can unsubscribe at any time. Theme Song: , courtesy of Sound Effects: Sound Effects Factory Music Coordinator: Matt Duffy AKA Link to this episode on our website: Please give us a rating, write a review, subscribe, follow us, and share us with your friends and family. ***** Join our email list and claim your exclusive unaired episode today: "Hawaii's Faceless Ghost - Mujina" (Unaired Episode) *We respect your privacy. We will not share your email. You can unsubscribe at any time. Listen to unaired Hawaiian stories, and Kamu's paranormal experiences by becoming a Patreon supporter today: Send your unusual Pacific experience to be shared on a future episode. Instagram: X: Follow Legends from the Pacific wherever you listen to audio. → → → →
161: Hawaii's Wind Guardians 6 - The Crossing
161: Hawaii's Wind Guardians 6 - The Crossing
→ Please support our show by purchasing our merch: → (Amazon Affiliate link) → → ***** Special Hawaiian Epic After much research, Kamu shares a sprawling Hawaiian epic about Hawaii's family of Wind Guardians. *We respect your privacy. We will not share your email. You can unsubscribe at any time. Theme Song: , courtesy of Sound Effects: Sound Effects Factory Music Coordinator: Matt Duffy AKA Link to this episode on our website: Please give us a rating, write a review, subscribe, follow us, and share us with your friends and family. ***** Join our email list and claim your exclusive unaired episode today: "Hawaii's Faceless Ghost - Mujina" (Unaired Episode) *We respect your privacy. We will not share your email. You can unsubscribe at any time. Listen to unaired Hawaiian stories, and Kamu's paranormal experiences by becoming a Patreon supporter today: Send your unusual Pacific experience to be shared on a future episode. Instagram: X: Follow Legends from the Pacific wherever you listen to audio. → → → →
160: Hawaii's Wind Guardians 5 - The Navigators
160: Hawaii's Wind Guardians 5 - The Navigators
→ Please support our show by purchasing our merch: → (Amazon Affiliate link) → → ***** Did Hawaiians have sweet potatoes? Yes, Hawaiians enjoyed 'uala, or sweet potatoes. 'uala was believed to have been obtained from Asia. But new theories claim it may have come from South America. Special Hawaiian Epic After much research, Kamu shares a sprawling Hawaiian epic about Hawaii's family of Wind Guardians. *We respect your privacy. We will not share your email. You can unsubscribe at any time. Theme Song: , courtesy of Sound Effects: Sound Effects Factory Music Coordinator: Matt Duffy AKA Link to this episode on our website: Please give us a rating, write a review, subscribe, follow us, and share us with your friends and family. ***** Join our email list and claim your exclusive unaired episode today: "Hawaii's Faceless Ghost - Mujina" (Unaired Episode) *We respect your privacy. We will not share your email. You can unsubscribe at any time. Listen to unaired Hawaiian stories, and Kamu's paranormal experiences by becoming a Patreon supporter today: Send your unusual Pacific experience to be shared on a future episode. Instagram: X: Follow Legends from the Pacific wherever you listen to audio. → → → →
159: Hawaii's Wind Guardians 4 - The Ali'i
159: Hawaii's Wind Guardians 4 - The Ali'i
→ Please support our show by purchasing our merch: → (Amazon Affiliate link) → → ***** Did Hawaiians drink kava? Yes, the Hawaiians enjoyed kava. Special Hawaiian Epic After much research, Kamu shares a sprawling Hawaiian epic about Hawaii's family of Wind Guardians. *We respect your privacy. We will not share your email. You can unsubscribe at any time. Theme Song: , courtesy of Sound Effects: Sound Effects Factory Music Coordinator: Matt Duffy AKA Link to this episode on our website: Please give us a rating, write a review, subscribe, follow us, and share us with your friends and family. ***** Join our email list and claim your exclusive unaired episode today: "Hawaii's Faceless Ghost - Mujina" (Unaired Episode) *We respect your privacy. We will not share your email. You can unsubscribe at any time. Listen to unaired Hawaiian stories, and Kamu's paranormal experiences by becoming a Patreon supporter today: Send your unusual Pacific experience to be shared on a future episode. Instagram: X: Follow Legends from the Pacific wherever you listen to audio. → → → →
158: Hawaii's Wind Guardians 3 - The Fisherman
158: Hawaii's Wind Guardians 3 - The Fisherman
→ Please support our show by purchasing our merch: → (Amazon Affiliate link) → → ***** Who advised ali'i? The ali'i had advisors, including a chamberlain, which were called Kahu. Special Hawaiian Epic After much research, Kamu shares a sprawling Hawaiian epic about Hawaii's family of Wind Guardians. *We respect your privacy. We will not share your email. You can unsubscribe at any time. Theme Song: , courtesy of Sound Effects: Sound Effects Factory Music Coordinator: Matt Duffy AKA Link to this episode on our website: Please give us a rating, write a review, subscribe, follow us, and share us with your friends and family. ***** Join our email list and claim your exclusive unaired episode today: "Hawaii's Faceless Ghost - Mujina" (Unaired Episode) *We respect your privacy. We will not share your email. You can unsubscribe at any time. Listen to unaired Hawaiian stories, and Kamu's paranormal experiences by becoming a Patreon supporter today: Send your unusual Pacific experience to be shared on a future episode. Instagram: X: Follow Legends from the Pacific wherever you listen to audio. → → → →
157: Hawaii's Wind Guardians 2 - The New Ali'is Backbone
157: Hawaii's Wind Guardians 2 - The New Ali'is Backbone
→ Please support our show by purchasing our merch: → (Amazon Affiliate link) → → ***** Was there an ali'i on each Hawaiian Island? Yes. Islands were populated by villages, run by an ali'i, or chief. While an ali'i nui, oversaw the island. This dynamic changed over time until King Kamehameha ruled all the islands. Special Hawaiian Epic After much research, Kamu shares a sprawling Hawaiian epic about Hawaii's family of Wind Guardians. *We respect your privacy. We will not share your email. You can unsubscribe at any time. Theme Song: , courtesy of Sound Effects: Sound Effects Factory Music Coordinator: Matt Duffy AKA Link to this episode on our website: Please give us a rating, write a review, subscribe, follow us, and share us with your friends and family. ***** Join our email list and claim your exclusive unaired episode today: "Hawaii's Faceless Ghost - Mujina" (Unaired Episode) *We respect your privacy. We will not share your email. You can unsubscribe at any time. Listen to unaired Hawaiian stories, and Kamu's paranormal experiences by becoming a Patreon supporter today: Send your unusual Pacific experience to be shared on a future episode. Instagram: X: Follow Legends from the Pacific wherever you listen to audio. → → → →
156: Hawaii's Wind Guardians
156: Hawaii's Wind Guardians
→ Please support our show by purchasing our merch: → (Amazon Affiliate link) → → ***** Who was Hawaii's Goddess of Wind? The Hawaiian Goddess of Wind was La'amaomao, and her wind gourd is a sacred artifact. Special Hawaiian Epic After much research, Kamu shares a sprawling Hawaiian epic about Hawaii's family of Wind Guardians. *We respect your privacy. We will not share your email. You can unsubscribe at any time. Theme Song: , courtesy of Sound Effects: Sound Effects Factory Music Coordinator: Matt Duffy AKA Link to this episode on our website: Please give us a rating, write a review, subscribe, follow us, and share us with your friends and family. ***** Join our email list and claim your exclusive unaired episode today: "Hawaii's Faceless Ghost - Mujina" (Unaired Episode) *We respect your privacy. We will not share your email. You can unsubscribe at any time. Listen to unaired Hawaiian stories, and Kamu's paranormal experiences by becoming a Patreon supporter today: Send your unusual Pacific experience to be shared on a future episode. Instagram: X: Follow Legends from the Pacific wherever you listen to audio. → → → →
155: The Dead Man's Tree and Kapa
155: The Dead Man's Tree and Kapa
→ Please support our show by purchasing our merch: → (Amazon Affiliate link) → → ***** Did ancient Hawaiians wear clothes? Hawaiians wore wraps and loincloths created from tree bark. This fabric was called kapa, which had unique aspects that elevated it from similar fabrics. Hawaiian Special Episode Learn of Hawaii's prized cloth, and how a woman saved the lost art of its creation. Featured Song: "Waimea I Ka La'i", by Natalie Ai Kamauu, courtesy of *We respect your privacy. We will not share your email. You can unsubscribe at any time. Theme Song: , courtesy of Sound Effects: Sound Effects Factory Music Coordinator: Matt Duffy AKA Link to this episode on our website: Please give us a rating, write a review, subscribe, follow us, and share us with your friends and family. ***** Join our email list and claim your exclusive unaired episode today: "Hawaii's Faceless Ghost - Mujina" (Unaired Episode) *We respect your privacy. We will not share your email. You can unsubscribe at any time. Listen to unaired Hawaiian stories, and Kamu's paranormal experiences by becoming a Patreon supporter today: Send your unusual Pacific experience to be shared on a future episode. Instagram: X: Follow Legends from the Pacific wherever you listen to audio. → → → →
154: The Concubine Demon
154: The Concubine Demon
→ Please support our show by purchasing our merch: → (Amazon Affiliate link) → → ***** What's the concubine demon? It's one of China's oldest tales about a scholar, his wife, and an unexpected guest. Legends from the Pacific, your Asian and Pacific Islander folklore & cultural history podcast returns for its fourth year, with a popular Chinese story. Featured Song: "Mystery" (Legends from the Pacific Theme Song), by Tavana, courtesy of *We respect your privacy. We will not share your email. You can unsubscribe at any time. Theme Song: , courtesy of Sound Effects: Sound Effects Factory Music Coordinator: Matt Duffy AKA Link to this episode on our website: Please give us a rating, write a review, subscribe, follow us, and share us with your friends and family. ***** Join our email list and claim your exclusive unaired episode today: "Hawaii's Faceless Ghost - Mujina" (Unaired Episode) *We respect your privacy. We will not share your email. You can unsubscribe at any time. Listen to unaired Hawaiian stories, and Kamu's paranormal experiences by becoming a Patreon supporter today: Send your unusual Pacific experience to be shared on a future episode. Instagram: X: Follow Legends from the Pacific wherever you listen to audio. → → → →
153: Asia's Santa - Budai & The Buddha
153: Asia's Santa - Budai & The Buddha
→ Please support our show by purchasing our merch: → (Amazon Affiliate link) → → ***** 2023 Holiday Special Who is fat Buddha? Fat Buddha is not buddha, but a Buddhist Monk called Budai, who was popularized by Zen Buddhist. Budai is commonly mistaken for Buddha, who was Siddhartha. Discover how a Buddhist Monk is mistaken for "The Buddha", Siddhartha. Featured Song: "Mele Kalikimaka", by Josh Tatofi, courtesy of *We respect your privacy. We will not share your email. You can unsubscribe at any time. Theme Song: , courtesy of Sound Effects: Sound Effects Factory Music Coordinator: Matt Duffy AKA Link to this episode on our website: Please give us a rating, write a review, subscribe, follow us, and share us with your friends and family. ***** Join our email list and claim your exclusive unaired episode today: "Hawaii's Faceless Ghost - Mujina" (Unaired Episode) *We respect your privacy. We will not share your email. You can unsubscribe at any time. Listen to unaired Hawaiian stories, and Kamu's paranormal experiences by becoming a Patreon supporter today: Send your unusual Pacific experience to be shared on a future episode. Instagram: X: Follow Legends from the Pacific wherever you listen to audio. → → → →
152: Hmong Nightmare Deaths & Freddy Kruger
152: Hmong Nightmare Deaths & Freddy Kruger
→ Please support our show by purchasing our merch: → (Amazon Affiliate link) → → ***** 2023 Halloween, Veteran's Day & Thanksgiving Special Who created Freddy Kruger? Freddy Kruger was created by Wes Craven, who was inspired by a series of deaths that remain unexplained. In your massive Halloween, Veteran's Day, and Thanksgiving Special Episode. Kamu shares the story of an ancient culture, the Vietnam War, unexplained deaths, and Freddy Kruger. Featured Song: "Opihi Man", by Ernie Cruz Jr., courtesy of *We respect your privacy. We will not share your email. You can unsubscribe at any time. Theme Song: , courtesy of Sound Effects: Sound Effects Factory Music Coordinator: Matt Duffy AKA Link to this episode on our website: Please give us a rating, write a review, subscribe, follow us, and share us with your friends and family. ***** Join our email list and claim your exclusive unaired episode today: "Hawaii's Faceless Ghost - Mujina" (Unaired Episode) *We respect your privacy. We will not share your email. You can unsubscribe at any time. Listen to unaired Hawaiian stories, and Kamu's paranormal experiences by becoming a Patreon supporter today: Send your unusual Pacific experience to be shared on a future episode. Instagram: X: Follow Legends from the Pacific wherever you listen to audio. → → → →
151: Hawaii's Cursed Pulp Fiction Pig-Man - Kamapua'a
151: Hawaii's Cursed Pulp Fiction Pig-Man - Kamapua'a
→ Please support our show by purchasing our merch: → (Amazon Affiliate link) → → ***** 2023 Halloween Special Episode 2 Who is Kamapua'a? Kamapua'a is a Hawaiian demi-god who is connected to fertility, and pigs. His name means "pig child". Kamu packed this massive episode with the most stories to date and two curses. You'll learn why Kamapua'a was important to the Hawaiian people. Why his stories are questionable, and his run-in with the goddess of fire, Pele. Featured Song: "Kaneohe", by Josh Tatofi, courtesy of *We respect your privacy. We will not share your email. You can unsubscribe at any time. Theme Song: , courtesy of Sound Effects: Sound Effects Factory Music Coordinator: Matt Duffy AKA Link to this episode on our website: Please give us a rating, write a review, subscribe, follow us, and share us with your friends and family. ***** Join our email list and claim your exclusive unaired episode today: "Hawaii's Faceless Ghost - Mujina" (Unaired Episode) *We respect your privacy. We will not share your email. You can unsubscribe at any time. Listen to unaired Hawaiian stories, and Kamu's paranormal experiences by becoming a Patreon supporter today: Send your unusual Pacific experience to be shared on a future episode. Instagram: X: Follow Legends from the Pacific wherever you listen to audio. → → → →
150: Cannibalism in Hawaii - The Curse of Kane
150: Cannibalism in Hawaii - The Curse of Kane
→ Please support our show by purchasing our merch: → (Amazon Affiliate link) → → ***** 2023 Halloween Special Episode 1 Were Hawaiians cannibals? Cannibalism was not part of Hawaiian culture. Pele's Curse wasn't the only Hawaiian curse. In this double sized episode celebrating our 150th episode. Kamu shares a cannibalistic incident in Hawaii, two famous authors who popularized this morbid Pacific practice to the world. Featured Song: "Koali", by Keali'i Reichel, courtesy of *We respect your privacy. We will not share your email. You can unsubscribe at any time. Theme Song: , courtesy of Sound Effects: Sound Effects Factory Music Coordinator: Matt Duffy AKA Link to this episode on our website: Please give us a rating, write a review, subscribe, follow us, and share us with your friends and family. ***** Join our email list and claim your exclusive unaired episode today: "Hawaii's Faceless Ghost - Mujina" (Unaired Episode) *We respect your privacy. We will not share your email. You can unsubscribe at any time. Listen to unaired Hawaiian stories, and Kamu's paranormal experiences by becoming a Patreon supporter today: Send your unusual Pacific experience to be shared on a future episode. Instagram: Twitter: Follow Legends from the Pacific wherever you listen to audio. → → → →
149: Japan's Protective Yokai - Amabie
149: Japan's Protective Yokai - Amabie
Please support our show by purchasing our merch: → (Amazon Affiliate link) → → ***** What is Amabie? Amabie is a Japanese yokai that looks like a mermaid with a bird's beak. It was first sighted over 150 years ago. Discover this prophetic creature and how it became an internet sensation. Featured Song: "Water", by Taimane, courtesy of *We respect your privacy. We will not share your email. You can unsubscribe at any time. Theme Song: , courtesy of Sound Effects: Sound Effects Factory Music Coordinator: Matt Duffy AKA Link to this episode on our website: Please give us a rating, write a review, subscribe, follow us, and share us with your friends and family. ***** Join our email list and claim your exclusive unaired episode today: "Hawaii's Faceless Ghost - Mujina" (Unaired Episode) *We respect your privacy. We will not share your email. You can unsubscribe at any time. Listen to unaired Hawaiian stories, and Kamu's paranormal experiences by becoming a Patreon supporter today: Send your unusual Pacific experience to be shared on a future episode. Instagram: Twitter: Follow Legends from the Pacific wherever you listen to audio. → → → →
148: Korea's Politician Eating Creature - Yeongno
148: Korea's Politician Eating Creature - Yeongno
(Amazon Affiliate link) What is a yeongno? Yeongno are Korean creatures banished from the heavens, but may return after eating 100 yangban, or officials. Discover this unique creature, and how modern illustrations may hurt what this creature is. Featured Song: "Gangsta", by Lily Meola, courtesy of *We respect your privacy. We will not share your email. You can unsubscribe at any time. Theme Song: , courtesy of Sound Effects: Sound Effects Factory Music Coordinator: Matt Duffy AKA Link to this episode on our website: Please give us a rating, write a review, subscribe, follow us, and share us with your friends and family. ***** Join our email list and claim your exclusive unaired episode today: "Hawaii's Faceless Ghost - Mujina" (Unaired Episode) *We respect your privacy. We will not share your email. You can unsubscribe at any time. Listen to unaired Hawaiian stories, and Kamu's paranormal experiences by becoming a Patreon supporter today: Send your unusual Pacific experience to be shared on a future episode. Instagram: Twitter: Follow Legends from the Pacific wherever you listen to audio. → → → →
147: Korea's Famous Love Story - Chunhyang
147: Korea's Famous Love Story - Chunhyang
(Amazon Affiliate link) What is Chunhyang? Chunhyang, also known as Chunhyangjeon, Chunhyangga, is a treasured Korea love story about a couple in the Joseon time period, from different classes. Discover this cultural treasure and how it reflected Korea's Joseon period. Featured Song: "Lifetime", by The Kapena Kids, courtesy of *We respect your privacy. We will not share your email. You can unsubscribe at any time. Theme Song: , courtesy of Sound Effects: Sound Effects Factory Music Coordinator: Matt Duffy AKA Link to this episode on our website: Please give us a rating, write a review, subscribe, follow us, and share us with your friends and family. ***** Join our email list and claim your exclusive unaired episode today: "Hawaii's Faceless Ghost - Mujina" (Unaired Episode) *We respect your privacy. We will not share your email. You can unsubscribe at any time. Listen to unaired Hawaiian stories, and Kamu's paranormal experiences by becoming a Patreon supporter today: Send your unusual Pacific experience to be shared on a future episode. Instagram: Twitter: Follow Legends from the Pacific wherever you listen to audio. → → → →
146: The Filipino Sasquatch - Kapre
146: The Filipino Sasquatch - Kapre
(Amazon Affiliate link) What is a Kapre? Kapre are cryptid humanoids who smoke cigars in banyan trees. Discover this creature found in the Philippines. Featured Song: "Mercy", by Ashley Lilinoe, courtesy of *We respect your privacy. We will not share your email. You can unsubscribe at any time. Theme Song: , courtesy of Sound Effects: Sound Effects Factory Music Coordinator: Matt Duffy AKA Link to this episode on our website: Please give us a rating, write a review, subscribe, follow us, and share us with your friends and family. ***** Join our email list and claim your exclusive unaired episode today: "Hawaii's Faceless Ghost - Mujina" (Unaired Episode) *We respect your privacy. We will not share your email. You can unsubscribe at any time. Listen to unaired Hawaiian stories, and Kamu's paranormal experiences by becoming a Patreon supporter today: Send your unusual Pacific experience to be shared on a future episode. Instagram: Twitter: Follow Legends from the Pacific wherever you listen to audio. → → → →
145: China's Child Warrior God - Nezha
145: China's Child Warrior God - Nezha
(Amazon Affiliate link) Who is Nezha? Nezha, also known as Nazha, is the Chinese Child Warrior God who fought the monkey king. Discover this powerful deity's origins and his modern interpretations. Featured Song: "The River Runs", by John Cruz, courtesy of *We respect your privacy. We will not share your email. You can unsubscribe at any time. Theme Song: , courtesy of Sound Effects: Sound Effects Factory Music Coordinator: Matt Duffy AKA Link to this episode on our website: Please give us a rating, write a review, subscribe, follow us, and share us with your friends and family. ***** Join our email list and claim your exclusive unaired episode today: "Hawaii's Faceless Ghost - Mujina" (Unaired Episode) *We respect your privacy. We will not share your email. You can unsubscribe at any time. Listen to unaired Hawaiian stories, and Kamu's paranormal experiences by becoming a Patreon supporter today: Send your unusual Pacific experience to be shared on a future episode. Instagram: Twitter: Follow Legends from the Pacific wherever you listen to audio. → → → →
144: The False Messiah - John Frum
144: The False Messiah - John Frum
(Amazon Affiliate link) Who was John Frum? John Frum or Tom Navy, was an American soldier who became a god in the eyes of villagers on Vanuatu, and example of "Cargo Cult". Discover how a soldier became a god, and where the term "cargo cult" came from. Featured Song: "One Day Soon", by Ernie Cruz Jr., courtesy of *We respect your privacy. We will not share your email. You can unsubscribe at any time. Theme Song: , courtesy of Sound Effects: Sound Effects Factory Music Coordinator: Matt Duffy AKA Link to this episode on our website: Please give us a rating, write a review, subscribe, follow us, and share us with your friends and family. ***** Join our email list and claim your exclusive unaired episode today: "Hawaii's Faceless Ghost - Mujina" (Unaired Episode) *We respect your privacy. We will not share your email. You can unsubscribe at any time. Listen to unaired Hawaiian stories, and Kamu's paranormal experiences by becoming a Patreon supporter today: Send your unusual Pacific experience to be shared on a future episode. Instagram: Twitter: Follow Legends from the Pacific wherever you listen to audio. → → → →
143: The Field of Stone Jars
143: The Field of Stone Jars
(Amazon Affiliate link) What is the field of stone jars? The field of stone jars are areas in Laos that have boulder-sized jars or cups. They are around 3,000 years old, and who or why they were made is unknown. Discover this popular tourist destination and the dangers of visiting it. Featured Song: "I Remember", by Sudden Rush, courtesy of *We respect your privacy. We will not share your email. You can unsubscribe at any time. Theme Song: , courtesy of Sound Effects: Sound Effects Factory Music Coordinator: Matt Duffy AKA Link to this episode on our website: Please give us a rating, write a review, subscribe, follow us, and share us with your friends and family. ***** Join our email list and claim your exclusive unaired episode today: "Hawaii's Faceless Ghost - Mujina" (Unaired Episode) *We respect your privacy. We will not share your email. You can unsubscribe at any time. Listen to unaired Hawaiian stories, and Kamu's paranormal experiences by becoming a Patreon supporter today: Send your unusual Pacific experience to be shared on a future episode. Instagram: Twitter: Follow Legends from the Pacific wherever you listen to audio. → → → →
142: Thailand's Rocket Festival
142: Thailand's Rocket Festival
(Amazon Affiliate link) What is the Rocket Festival? The Rocket Festival, also known as bun bang fai, is a three-day event celebrated in Thailand and Laos to ensure rains for a good harvest. Discover this unusual event and two stories which explain its origins. Featured Song: "Don't Stop Me Now", by Honoka Katayama, courtesy of *We respect your privacy. We will not share your email. You can unsubscribe at any time. Theme Song: , courtesy of Sound Effects: Sound Effects Factory Music Coordinator: Matt Duffy AKA Link to this episode on our website: Please give us a rating, write a review, subscribe, follow us, and share us with your friends and family. ***** Join our email list and claim your exclusive unaired episode today: "Hawaii's Faceless Ghost - Mujina" (Unaired Episode) *We respect your privacy. We will not share your email. You can unsubscribe at any time. Listen to unaired Hawaiian stories, and Kamu's paranormal experiences by becoming a Patreon supporter today: Send your unusual Pacific experience to be shared on a future episode. Instagram: Twitter: Follow Legends from the Pacific wherever you listen to audio. → → → →
141: The Hindu God of Wealth - Kubera
141: The Hindu God of Wealth - Kubera
(Amazon Affiliate link) Who is Kubera? Kubera was once the Hindu lord of criminals and chief of evil spirits. But became the God of Wealth. Discover the Hindu deity who went from being worshiped by thieves to the keeper of treasures. Featured Song: "The River Runs", by John Cruz, courtesy of *We respect your privacy. We will not share your email. You can unsubscribe at any time. Theme Song: , courtesy of Sound Effects: Sound Effects Factory Music Coordinator: Matt Duffy AKA Link to this episode on our website: Please give us a rating, write a review, subscribe, follow us, and share us with your friends and family. ***** Join our email list and claim your exclusive unaired episode today: "Hawaii's Faceless Ghost - Mujina" (Unaired Episode) *We respect your privacy. We will not share your email. You can unsubscribe at any time. Listen to unaired Hawaiian stories, and Kamu's paranormal experiences by becoming a Patreon supporter today: Send your unusual Pacific experience to be shared on a future episode. Instagram: Twitter: Follow Legends from the Pacific wherever you listen to audio. → → → →
140: Japan's Master of the Great Land - Okuninushi
140: Japan's Master of the Great Land - Okuninushi
(Amazon Affiliate link) Who is Okuninushi? Okuninushi is Japan's master of the great land. Discover this popular Shinto being, and his connection with a time lord and God of luck. Featured Song: "Sand Castles", by Herb Ohta jr. & Jon Yamasato, courtesy of *We respect your privacy. We will not share your email. You can unsubscribe at any time. Theme Song: , courtesy of Sound Effects: Sound Effects Factory Music Coordinator: Matt Duffy AKA Link to this episode on our website: Please give us a rating, write a review, subscribe, follow us, and share us with your friends and family. ***** Join our email list and claim your exclusive unaired episode today: "Hawaii's Faceless Ghost - Mujina" (Unaired Episode) *We respect your privacy. We will not share your email. You can unsubscribe at any time. Listen to unaired Hawaiian stories, and Kamu's paranormal experiences by becoming a Patreon supporter today: Send your unusual Pacific experience to be shared on a future episode. Instagram: Twitter: Follow Legends from the Pacific wherever you listen to audio. → → → →
139: The Buddhist God of Time - Mahakala
139: The Buddhist God of Time - Mahakala
(Amazon Affiliate link) Who is Mahakala? Mahakala is a deity in Hinduism and Buddhism. Discover the Buddhist version of this Hindu time lord. Featured Song: "Three Weeks from Tomorrow", by Justin, courtesy of *We respect your privacy. We will not share your email. You can unsubscribe at any time. Theme Song: , courtesy of Sound Effects: Sound Effects Factory Music Coordinator: Matt Duffy AKA Link to this episode on our website: Please give us a rating, write a review, subscribe, follow us, and share us with your friends and family. ***** Join our email list and claim your exclusive unaired episode today: "Hawaii's Faceless Ghost - Mujina" (Unaired Episode) *We respect your privacy. We will not share your email. You can unsubscribe at any time. Listen to unaired Hawaiian stories, and Kamu's paranormal experiences by becoming a Patreon supporter today: Send your unusual Pacific experience to be shared on a future episode. Instagram: Twitter: Follow Legends from the Pacific wherever you listen to audio. → → → →
138: Guam's Underworld God - Chaife
138: Guam's Underworld God - Chaife
(Amazon Affiliate link) Who is Guam's god of the underworld? Chaife is Guam's underworld god. He created the world and accidentally created the children of Earth. Discover how and why this deity created the big bang. Featured Song: "Dearly", by Eden Kai, courtesy of *We respect your privacy. We will not share your email. You can unsubscribe at any time. Theme Song: , courtesy of Sound Effects: Sound Effects Factory Music Coordinator: Matt Duffy AKA Link to this episode on our website: Please give us a rating, write a review, subscribe, follow us, and share us with your friends and family. ***** Join our email list and claim your exclusive unaired episode today: "Hawaii's Faceless Ghost - Mujina" (Unaired Episode) *We respect your privacy. We will not share your email. You can unsubscribe at any time. Listen to unaired Hawaiian stories, and Kamu's paranormal experiences by becoming a Patreon supporter today: Send your unusual Pacific experience to be shared on a future episode. Instagram: Twitter: Follow Legends from the Pacific wherever you listen to audio. → → → →
137: The Confusing Mayan Rainbow Medicine Goddess - Ixchel
137: The Confusing Mayan Rainbow Medicine Goddess - Ixchel
(Amazon Affiliate link) Who is the Mayan Moon Goddess? Ixchel is the Mayan Moon Goddess however, some feel this may be a mistake. Discover this Mayan Goddess of many things, and how some feel she may not be what she is. Featured Song: "When You Say Nothing at All", by Arden Cho, courtesy of *We respect your privacy. We will not share your email. You can unsubscribe at any time. Theme Song: , courtesy of Sound Effects: Sound Effects Factory Music Coordinator: Matt Duffy AKA Link to this episode on our website: Please give us a rating, write a review, subscribe, follow us, and share us with your friends and family. ***** Join our email list and claim your exclusive unaired episode today: "Hawaii's Faceless Ghost - Mujina" (Unaired Episode) *We respect your privacy. We will not share your email. You can unsubscribe at any time. Listen to unaired Hawaiian stories, and Kamu's paranormal experiences by becoming a Patreon supporter today: Send your unusual Pacific experience to be shared on a future episode. Instagram: Twitter: Follow Legends from the Pacific wherever you listen to audio. → → → →
136: The Philippine Shapeshifting Centaur - The Tikbalang
136: The Philippine Shapeshifting Centaur - The Tikbalang
(Amazon Affiliate link) What is a Tikbalang? Tikbalang are Philippine spirits who are shapeshifting tricksters that commonly appear as horse-like humans. Discover this trickster who may have been influenced by the Spanish. Featured Song: "Funky Tango", by Kalei Gamiao, courtesy of *We respect your privacy. We will not share your email. You can unsubscribe at any time. Theme Song: , courtesy of Sound Effects: Sound Effects Factory Music Coordinator: Matt Duffy AKA Link to this episode on our website: Please give us a rating, write a review, subscribe, follow us, and share us with your friends and family. ***** Join our email list and claim your exclusive unaired episode today: "Hawaii's Faceless Ghost - Mujina" (Unaired Episode) *We respect your privacy. We will not share your email. You can unsubscribe at any time. Listen to unaired Hawaiian stories, and Kamu's paranormal experiences by becoming a Patreon supporter today: Send your unusual Pacific experience to be shared on a future episode. Instagram: Twitter: Follow Legends from the Pacific wherever you listen to audio. → → → →
135: The Demon Who Cursed Japan - Tengu
135: The Demon Who Cursed Japan - Tengu
(Amazon Affiliate link) What are tengu? Tengu are Japanese supernatural creatures who are anthropomorphic birds. Or human-like creatures with red skin, long noses, and expert swordsmen. Discover the curse that may still affect Japan. Featured Song: "Europa", by Kris Fuchigami, courtesy of *We respect your privacy. We will not share your email. You can unsubscribe at any time. Theme Song: , courtesy of Sound Effects: Sound Effects Factory Music Coordinator: Matt Duffy AKA Link to this episode on our website: Please give us a rating, write a review, subscribe, follow us, and share us with your friends and family. ***** Join our email list and claim your exclusive unaired episode today: "Hawaii's Faceless Ghost - Mujina" (Unaired Episode) *We respect your privacy. We will not share your email. You can unsubscribe at any time. Listen to unaired Hawaiian stories, and Kamu's paranormal experiences by becoming a Patreon supporter today: Send your unusual Pacific experience to be shared on a future episode. Instagram: Twitter: Follow Legends from the Pacific wherever you listen to audio. → → → →