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Let 'Em Speak

A conversation about the risks and rewards of real talk by real people in the real world. This podcast explores the intersection of diversity / inclusion and presentation skills / oral communication.

info_outline S03E07 David Henderson on media interviews, being a legal commentator, and authenticity 11/08/2021
info_outline S03E06 Lisa Corrigan on antiracism, Black liberation, and stepping aside 11/01/2021
info_outline S03E05 LeRon Barton on stuttering, preparation, and courage 10/25/2021
info_outline S03E04 Beth Ridley on truth and reconciliation, curiosity, and workplace culture 10/18/2021
info_outline S03E03 Chelsea Grey on diversity, accountability, and being a Capitol Hill staffer 10/04/2021
info_outline S03E02 Cameron Stout on mental health, openness, and self-care 09/27/2021
info_outline S03E01: Anna-Lesa Calvert on cultural humility, law, and soccer 09/20/2021
info_outline S02E09: Rev. Peter Johnson on civil rights history 05/17/2021
info_outline S02E08: Mamta Accapadi on brownness, salience, and redemption 05/10/2021
info_outline S02E07 Soroya McFarlane on health disparities, listening, and expertise within communities 05/03/2021
info_outline S02E06 Cindy Irving on Parkinson’s disease, disclosure, and the physical demands of presenting 04/26/2021
info_outline S02E05 The University of Chicago Graduate Recruitment Initiative Team on science, recruitment and retention, and justice 04/19/2021
info_outline S02E04 Kristin Niemi Gillig on neurodiversity, autism spectrum disorder (ASD), and flexibility 04/12/2021
info_outline S02E03 Kris with a K Henry on misgendering, bureaucracies, and coming out at work 04/05/2021
info_outline S02E02: Mark Brown on Toastmasters, being a world champion, and global audiences 03/29/2021
info_outline S02E01 Annie McKay on pronouns, accomplices, and liberation of marginalized people 03/22/2021
info_outline S1 E10: Josephine Thinwa on race, gender, science, and sales 10/19/2020
info_outline S1 E9: Christina McLean on personal brand, leadership, and professional development 10/12/2020
info_outline S1 E8: Jean Miller on women, authenticity, and storytelling 10/05/2020
info_outline S1 E7: Shunta Jordan on competition, urban debate, and education 09/28/2020
info_outline S1 E6: David Wachira on naming, assimilation, and clothing 09/21/2020
info_outline S1 E5: Michele Morrissey on interpersonal communication, code switching, and storytelling 09/14/2020
info_outline S1 E4: Lisa Richard on language, accent, and identity 09/07/2020
info_outline S1 E3: Brian Williams on race, trauma, and humanity 08/31/2020
info_outline S1 E2: Lynne Adrine on race, gender, and the newsroom 08/17/2020
info_outline S1 E1: About the creators of Let ‘Em Speak 07/28/2020
info_outline S1 E0: About Let ‘Em Speak 07/28/2020