Let The Journey Begin
On Let The Journey Begin, we want to provide a safe and comfortable environment to have an uncomfortable conversation. Singer-songwriter Hilary Roberts as well as actor and TV personality Jason Wahler are here to show that the disease of addiction does not discriminate. We will bring on guests from all walks of life to hear their stories, trials, and tribulations that they have faced or are facing. By looking at their journey, we hope to provide our audience with relatable content that may offer a different perspective or even a solution. Our goal is to help people heal from the darkness of their past.
#116 - Headspace with Chad Towersey
#116 - Headspace with Chad Towersey
This week, Jason and Alex are joined by local Orange County personality, Chad Towersey. Chad grew up in a very nice Newport Beach household with all sorts of sports aspirations, including baseball, golf, and surfing. Even with things seemingly as good as they could get for a young teenager, Chad describes how his first sip of alcohol, almost as if magic, soothed a deep-rooted feeling of anger inside him that he had always had. He believes he was already suffering from untreated alcoholism from the get-go and things only intensified as he got older and made his way into college. Today, with over two years of sobriety, Chad explains how he was spiritually bankrupt in his time battling addiction and how he feels more genuinely connected to those around him now that he is sober. He talks about how even though relapse is a part of his story, doing the same daily self-care things have proven to be a recipe for success and how striving for progress rather than perfection is key to his recovery. Additionally, Chad mentions that there will always be ups and downs in sobriety but that those are far better than being in and out of sobriety. Finally, Chad stresses that recovery is never something you have to do alone and how simply reaching out for help can change your life for the better. Instagram: For more information on the Red Songbird Foundation, please visit: If you are interested in donating to the Red Songbird Foundation, please visit: Follow us on Instagram at: New episode every Thursday! Check us out on YouTube every Friday! Please subscribe, rate, and review! Listen on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, or wherever you listen to podcasts.
#115 - Quest For More with Diana Beals (Part 2)
#115 - Quest For More with Diana Beals (Part 2)
Celebrating her eight-year sobriety anniversary, Diana Beals returns with Jason and Alex to conclude the story of her recovery transformation. In this week’s episode, Diana discusses how at the beginning of her sobriety journey, she wrestled with the idea that she was truly powerless, which she believes is one of the main reasons why it took so long for sobriety to stick and why she ultimately passed through so many different treatment centers. Diana has always admired organizations and their traditions, and she tells the story of how a simple sobriety birthday candle would end up being a big turning point in her recovery. The group also discusses how negative influences can affect the progress of one’s treatment journey. Diana believes addicts have a difficult time getting rid of their negative peer groups because there are many life and death situations in the depths of addiction, and these negative people, for better or for worse, are always there when death is avoided. Finally, after eight years of sobriety, the key for Diana’s recovery has always been a combination of meditation and acting in a way that makes you proud to be yourself. She explains how this mantra created a snowball effect of good in her life. Today, Diana puts her own experiences to use working as the Director of Operations for Catalyst Recovery, which specializes and is the only Joint Commission accredited provider that brings all the needs of treatment to clients in the comfort and convenience of their own home. Instagram: Twitter: Facebook: For more information on the Red Songbird Foundation, please visit: If you are interested in donating to the Red Songbird Foundation, please visit: Follow us on Instagram at: New episode every Thursday! Check us out on YouTube every Friday! Please subscribe, rate, and review! Listen on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, or wherever you listen to podcasts.
#114 - Quest For More with Diana Beals (Part 1)
#114 - Quest For More with Diana Beals (Part 1)
Jason and Alex are pleased to be joined this week by Director of Operations for Catalyst Recovery, Diana Beals. From an early age, Diana always described herself as a thrill-seeker. She would jump her bike off an unfinished deck in her backyard as a young girl because the feeling of inner peace she achieved was something she would continually strive for. She believes that this was an early indicator that the addict gene was in her all along…it was just waiting to be kindled. She eventually was introduced to hard drugs by an unlikely source, and it was only a matter of time before she dove headfirst into addiction. Diana discusses the circumstances that led to her first experience with hard drugs and how long after it took for her to become dependent on the substance. She talks about how she has never blamed the person who first introduced her to hard drugs because she believes it was her own mindset that led her to those circumstances. Furthermore, Diana talks about her parents’ reaction to the situation/her addiction and how early childhood trauma may have played a part in her struggles down the road. Next week, in Part 2, Diana talks about her experience going through a plethora of different treatment centers, how she was finally able to make a lasting change, and what has been most effective in helping her maintain long-term. Instagram: Twitter: Facebook: For more information on the Red Songbird Foundation, please visit: If you are interested in donating to the Red Songbird Foundation, please visit: Follow us on Instagram at: New episode every Thursday! Check us out on YouTube every Friday! Please subscribe, rate, and review! Listen on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, or wherever you listen to podcasts.
#113 - Decision Making with Dr. Alan Barnard
#113 - Decision Making with Dr. Alan Barnard
This week, Alex Meschi and Jaana Woodbury are joined by speaker, entrepreneur, app developer, author, and CEO of Goldratt Research Labs, Dr. Alan Barnard. From an early age, Dr. Barnard was always fascinated by human decision making. He would wonder what would influence individuals to make the decisions they did and why many good people made bad decisions. He has since dedicated his work to the study of behavioral psychology and decision science to hopefully find an answer to these questions. He discusses with Alex and Jaana the idea of positive/negative responses in accordance with life events and explains why reacting rather than responding to a situation may not render the best results. Additionally, he explains how his research in decision making can also be applied to addiction treatment. He asserts that addicts are good people by nature in that they have identified a problem within themselves or something they are suffering from, but their decision making has simply resulted in them choosing a negative coping mechanism to deal with the root complication. Finally, Dr. Barnard talks about how overcomplicating addiction treatment by adding more and more steps in some instances can ultimately increase failure rates and produce negative results. You can find Dr. Barnard and his work at the following: YouTube: Harmony Decision Maker App: - - For more information on the Red Songbird Foundation, please visit: If you are interested in donating to the Red Songbird Foundation, please visit: Follow us on Instagram at: New episode every Thursday! Check us out on YouTube every Friday! Please subscribe, rate, and review! Listen on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, or wherever you listen to podcasts.
#112 - The Gift and The Secret with Veronica Valli
#112 - The Gift and The Secret with Veronica Valli
This week, Veronica Valli: author, recovery coach, and host of the Soberful Podcast, celebrating her 22nd year of sobriety, joins Alex Meschi and Jaana Woodbury. Veronica was introduced to alcohol and drugs at an early age. She discovered substances seemingly went hand in hand with a few other things she adored: partying, dancing, and going to nightclubs. Things began taking a dark turn, however, when she found herself hospitalized after a bad hallucinogenic experience and compromising her integrity and dignity while under the influence. All the while, Veronica was completely bought into the idea that she could not enjoy herself without alcohol. Life continued to evolve into a constant state of fear; fear she was not good enough, fear she was not lovable, fear of what people thought of her, and she was desperate to put an end to these feelings. Finally, after visiting with nearly every specialist under the sun, she pinpointed that alcohol was the root of all her problems, and she hasn’t looked back since. Veronica talks about how, in her first year without alcohol, she built a habit of sobriety that would stick with her the rest of her life. She also talks about how, for her, sobriety has not been difficult, being an alcoholic was. She goes on to explain how there are four specific things people with an alcohol problem do: they drink, they think about drinking, they think about not drinking, and they recover. All these things take up bandwidth in one’s mind and an individual can spend their whole life fixated on this one problem, missing all the important moments that come along the way. She also discusses how the life experiences she thought were being enhanced by substances have become even more meaningful in a clear state of mind. After 22 years of sobriety, Veronica says that life does not get any better than what is right now for her, and she credits the early habits she adopted to get her where she is today. You can find Veronica and all her work at the following: Instagram: Her book: Her Podcast: For more information on the Red Songbird Foundation, please visit: If you are interested in donating to the Red Songbird Foundation, please visit: Follow us on Instagram at: New episode every Thursday! Check us out on YouTube every Friday! Please subscribe, rate, and review! Listen on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, or wherever you listen to podcasts.
#111 - Fork In The Road with Cade Saurage (Part 2)
#111 - Fork In The Road with Cade Saurage (Part 2)
This week, Hilary and Jaana conclude their conversation with Ocean Recovery CEO, Cade Saurage. The previous week we left off with Cade describing the moment he finally surrendered, and we pick back up this week as he describes how things went from there. Both Cade and his then-wife were battling addiction, going through treatment at the same time, and raising kids amid their struggles. With over 15 years of sobriety under his belt now, he discusses the differences between short-term and long-term sobriety and how much his routine has changed over the years. For Cade, having a relationship with God and mentoring others who are in the same position he once was in are the key components to maintaining his recovery today. He also talks about how important self-care and particularly therapy have been in continuing his path of sobriety. Finally, honesty has been a huge piece in transforming himself, so Cade suggests to anybody keeping something inside to reach out to that particular someone and get whatever it is off their chest. For more information on the Red Songbird Foundation, please visit: If you are interested in donating to the Red Songbird Foundation, please visit: Follow us on Instagram at: New episode every Thursday! Check us out on YouTube every Friday! Please subscribe, rate, and review! Listen on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, or wherever you listen to podcasts.
#110 - Fork In The Road with Cade Saurage (Part 1)
#110 - Fork In The Road with Cade Saurage (Part 1)
This week, in Part 1 of a two-part episode, Hilary and Jaana Woodbury are joined by Ocean Recovery CEO, Cade Saurage. Growing up surrounded by drinkers, Cade discovered his liking of alcohol at an early age. Lots of drinking in high school eventually evolved into a liking for cocaine later in his college years. It all seemed like fun at the time in his early 20s, but he found out how difficult things would become after college when he had to “grow up”. Cade thought he could do all the right things for himself and his family while also maintaining a thriving party lifestyle. He found; however, this mixture was a recipe for disaster. Sadly, Cade’s mother passed away from cancer while he was in his mid-20s and it turned his whole life upside down. Tumbling further into drinking and partying, he found himself in and out of jail and suffering significant consequences. He recalls never being able to stay sober for a significant amount of time and tells the story of his father asking him, “if you can’t stay sober for yourself, why can’t you stay sober for your kids?”; a question he didn’t have the answer to. Cade also recalls how rediscovering his faith in treatment and the dedication of one particular woman from Child Protective Services would go on to change his life. Today, as the CEO of Ocean Recovery in Newport Beach, CA, Cade has been able to maintain his sobriety for nearly 15 years by sharing his experiences with those currently suffering from the disease and utilizing all the lessons he has learned along the way. For more information on the Red Songbird Foundation, please visit: If you are interested in donating to the Red Songbird Foundation, please visit: Follow us on Instagram at: New episode every Thursday! Check us out on YouTube every Friday! Please subscribe, rate, and review! Listen on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, or wherever you listen to podcasts.
#109 - Bring The Light with Pastor Earl Fitzsimmons
#109 - Bring The Light with Pastor Earl Fitzsimmons
This week, Hilary and Jason welcome Bring The Light Ministries Founder, Pastor Earl Fitzsimmons. Feeling out of place in his younger years, Earl just wanted to be “one of the guys”, believing that drinking was the answer. He quickly found out, however, that his drinking was different than that of his peers and that he was drinking alcoholically. Things progressed, as they do, into his early twenties to the point in which Earl would plan his whole day around his drinking and he would be "poured" into a cab by the end of the night. Yet, one day, something snapped within Earl, and he finally was able to recognize that he didn’t want to live this life of drinking and drugging any longer. He explains how getting reacquainted with his faith is what ultimately turned his life around and eventually led him to becoming a pastor. Earl also talks about how, although there may be people close to you trying to point out a problem, the change will only start when a person can identify within themselves that they are struggling. Finally, Earl shares the story of how a simple desire to be of service spawned into something much bigger! To learn more about Pastor Earl and Bring The Light Ministries, please visit: For more information on the Red Songbird Foundation, please visit: If you are interested in donating to the Red Songbird Foundation, please visit: Follow us on Instagram at: New episode every Thursday! Check us out on YouTube every Friday! Please subscribe, rate, and review! Listen on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, or wherever you listen to podcasts.
#108 - One Step Ahead with Mataya Mandarino
#108 - One Step Ahead with Mataya Mandarino
A few weeks earlier, Danielle Provot was kind enough to share the story of losing her husband to addiction and having to overcome her own struggles with the same disease soon after. During this time, Danielle had two young girls…Mataya was one of them. Today, Mataya Mandarino joins Hilary and Alex to give her perspective of what it was like losing her father at such a young age and how her parents’ struggles with addiction affected her. Losing her father and watching her mom work through it put her into a state of constant anxiety. Mataya felt like she had to be the mother of the household and talks about how she subconsciously became overbearing and overprotective of her mom as she had already lost one parent and did not want to lose another. Eventually, Mataya made her way into therapy and has not looked back. She discusses how therapy helped her establish boundaries she never would have been able to formulate herself and how it has made her relationship with her mother better than ever. In addition to highly recommending therapy to younger individuals, Mataya stresses the importance of being honest with your doctor because even though therapy was helping significantly, things didn’t truly take a "major turn" until she was additionally prescribed anti-anxiety medication. Mataya also talks about how, even though she may be genetically predisposed to addiction, she feels ahead of the curve. By putting her past experiences and traumas at the forefront of her mind when it comes to substances in the outside world, she feels she is better prepared than most to handle them. Finally, Mataya leaves the audience, especially any younger individuals listening, with the simple action of having hope. She expresses how even though whatever you’re going through right now may seem like it is never-ending, it will pass and you will be stronger because of it. For more information on the Red Songbird Foundation, please visit: If you are interested in donating to the Red Songbird Foundation, please visit: Follow us on Instagram at: New episode every Thursday! Check us out on YouTube every Friday! Please subscribe, rate, and review! Listen on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, or wherever you listen to podcasts.
#107 - Recipe For Success with Angie Wisdom
#107 - Recipe For Success with Angie Wisdom
Life and Business Coach, Angie Wisdom, joins Alex and Ariel Gale this week, as they fill in for Hilary and Jason. Stemming from a desire of always wanting to help people, Angie began an early career in nursing. She quickly found out, however, that this was not the right fit for her. She also grew up loving numbers and finance, so she then transitioned into a career as a financial adviser, recognizing this as another method to help people by way of establishing a solid financial well-being. After doing this for many years, she made her way into life and business coaching and has been successfully navigating her clients into futures they never thought possible. She talks about how one of the biggest roadblocks to overcome for her clients is identifying values. With so much hustle and bustle throughout our daily lives, Angie believes the things that truly make us happy can get lost in the shuffle. Once her clients are able to strip everything down to the core and to what really matters for them, she can help guide them to that goal and fulfill those values daily. Also, although many aspects of each can overlap, Angie discusses the difference between life coaching and therapy. She describes therapy as recovering from things experienced in life while coaching is aimed more toward the future and what steps can be taken to get there. Whether you are looking to take your business to a new level or are just simply trying to get the most happiness out of your life, Angie works with her clients to reach the ultimate goal. You can find more about Angie and her practice at: Website: Instagram: For more information on the Red Songbird Foundation, please visit: If you are interested in donating to the Red Songbird Foundation, please visit: Follow us on Instagram at: New episode every Thursday! Check us out on YouTube every Friday! Please subscribe, rate, and review! Listen on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, or wherever you listen to podcasts.
#106 - Mind, Body, and Spirit with Gil Carmona
#106 - Mind, Body, and Spirit with Gil Carmona
Hilary and Alex are joined this week by Behavioral Health Care Consultant, Licensed Clinical Social Worker, and Psychotherapist, Gil Carmona, in preparation for RSF’s Community Town Hall on Mental Health & Suicide this upcoming Sunday, April 10th. At an early age, Gil endured a trauma that would turn his whole life upside down. When he was only 14 years old, his father committed suicide, leaving his entire family in a state of shock and disbelief. Gil, for one, had an enormity of questions, beginning his quest and desire to get to the bottom of “why” his father had done such a thing. One of his life’s lowest moments turned into one of his greatest strengths, however, as he began seeking education to help others going through similar circumstances, culminating into a Master of Social Work and over 30 years’ experience as a Clinical Social Worker. With so many people having endured difficult events and circumstances, Gil stresses the importance of getting help and talking through traumatic experiences through therapy and those you trust. He also discusses the prioritization of daily self-care and how one can begin to identify symptoms that they may be struggling with. In a day and age in which mental health is now taking a bigger priority, it is Gil’s passion and purpose to help marginalized populations afflicted with the disease of mental illness and/or drug addiction find their place, speak their voice, and master their specialized needs for a more confident and healthier individual. (We apologize in advance for audio quality in parts of the episode. We experienced some technical difficulties with Hilary’s microphone. We should be back to normal next week!) Website: For more information and to RSVP for this weekend’s Town Hall, please visit: For more information on the Red Songbird Foundation, please visit: If you are interested in donating to the Red Songbird Foundation, please visit: Follow us on Instagram at: New episode every Thursday! Check us out on YouTube every Friday! Please subscribe, rate, and review! Listen on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, or wherever you listen to podcasts.
#105 - Openness with Danielle Provot
#105 - Openness with Danielle Provot
This week, RSF team member, Ariel Gale, fills in alongside Alex as the two are joined by content creator, Danielle Provot. Danielle is an individual who has truly experienced addiction from a variety of different angles. She talks about what it was like witnessing her late husband’s struggle with opioids and an untreated bipolar disorder all the way up until the disease of addiction took his life. Losing her husband and the father of her two young girls at the time understandably proved to be one of the most difficult things she had ever endured, which soon progressed her own drinking and furthered her own path into addiction. She later recalls a particular moment during her struggle when she thought about how her two girls had just lost their father and that if she went any further into her own addiction, they might one day lose their mother. This was the moment in which she knew things had to change and that she not only needed to get sober for her children, but more importantly, for herself. Danielle discusses how getting sober has changed everything for the better in her life, especially the dynamic with her children. By looking at how much early damage she had done, she credits family therapy as one of her most significant pieces of healing and how it has created a level of communication between her and her two girls that she never would’ve imagined. Finally, she stresses the importance of service and prayer, as these are two actions that can not only help others but allow her to get out of her own head. Instagram: For more information on the Red Songbird Foundation, please visit: If you are interested in donating to the Red Songbird Foundation, please visit: Follow us on Instagram at: New episode every Thursday! Check us out on YouTube every Friday! Please subscribe, rate, and review! Listen on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, or wherever you listen to podcasts.
#104 - A Jump In The Middle with Sue Bright
#104 - A Jump In The Middle with Sue Bright
This week, in honor of Women’s History Month, RSF Director of Communications, Jaana Woodbury, fills in with Hilary as Sue Bright joins the show. Now with over 30 years’ experience in the addiction treatment field, Sue began her journey like many others do…identifying and repairing her own addiction. Early into their marriage, Sue supported her husband who began struggling with addiction, but quickly found out important details about herself through his battle. She didn’t think she had a problem but when she was eventually told to start identifying the similarities of her symptoms rather than the differences, everything took a turn and she realized she was battling addiction herself. 32 years into sobriety later, Sue shares what has helped her obtain this incredible milestone, including regular attendance of meetings, working a program of recovery, maintaining a strong fellowship of like-minded women, and a spiritual adviser she can rely on and trust completely. Sue most recently served as the Executive Director at New Directions For Women and drawing from this experience, Sue talks about the differences she’s seen in men and women going through treatment and why she believes women-only facilities are much more effective in helping females obtain and maintain sobriety. She also discusses how men and women become addicted differently although both sexes suffer from the disease. Sue is grateful for all the gifts sobriety has given her family and continually hopes she can help other families experience this same joy. LinkedIn: For more information on the Red Songbird Foundation, please visit: If you are interested in donating to the Red Songbird Foundation, please visit: Follow us on Instagram at: New episode every Thursday! Check us out on YouTube every Friday! Please subscribe, rate, and review! Listen on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, or wherever you listen to podcasts.
#103 - Functioning Potential with KC Gooding
#103 - Functioning Potential with KC Gooding
This week, Hilary and Jason are joined by Public Policy Committee Member for NAADAC (Association for Addiction Professionals), President of CASA (National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse), Committee Member for NAATP (National Association of Addiction Treatment Providers), and National Business Development Representative for Burning Tree Programs, KC Gooding. As an avid baseball player, KC grew up with big dreams of becoming a pro ball player, however, his athletic dreams began taking a backseat to other endeavors, evolving into an addiction. As this can be a progressive and fatal disease, things continued to get worse as his behavior was influenced by his dependence. Eventually, things hit a breaking point when his marriage began to fall apart and his family stepped in to get him the help he needed. KC had always had the mindset that his addiction was only hurting himself but, while experiencing his own moment of clarity, he realized this was all a lie he would tell himself to further his behavior. The simple reality was that he wasn’t just hurting himself anymore, he was hurting everyone around him. The crew also talks about functioning alcoholism and what some of the symptoms may be while KC gives some of his own advice, from personal experience, on how to identify if you fit the bill. After almost 10 years of sobriety, KC draws upon his own experiences to help those in need. He talks about being open and honest, especially with his children, about his past struggles in hopes the same mistakes won’t repeat themselves. Finally, KC calls upon listeners to practice love for self in a day and age where people can be overly critical of themselves. You can connect with KC and find his work at: LinkedIn: Instagram: Facebook: Burning Tree Programs: - Website: - Instagram: - Facebook: For more information on the Red Songbird Foundation, please visit: If you are interested in donating to the Red Songbird Foundation, please visit: Follow us on Instagram at: New episode every Thursday! Check us out on YouTube every Friday! Please subscribe, rate, and review! Listen on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, or wherever you listen to podcasts.
#102 - Picking Up Pennies with Dylan Nation
#102 - Picking Up Pennies with Dylan Nation
This week, True Self Recovery’s, Dylan Nation, gives advice and instills some wisdom on Hilary and Alex while Ethan Citron stops by to join the conversation. Dylan grew up with many natural talents and seemed to be great at most things he tried, especially basketball. These successes, however, evolved into his identity, which he describes eventually losing. In the attempt to regain this feeling of self, he turned to drugs and alcohol. This new lifestyle gave him a false sense of identity and an inflated ego that seemed extremely attractive to him at the time but wasn’t actually helping him. Dylan also expresses how he was once afraid of sobriety because of the false idea that getting sober means you are no longer allowing yourself to have fun. Using for him, however, became a chore and obtaining sobriety was the key to achieving a potential he never would have been able to access while active in his addiction. Additionally, Dylan talks about how there is still plenty of work to be done even after one obtains sobriety. He goes on to explain that individuals use and abuse to mask the root problems and while this is the easiest thing for family and friends to initially identify, there are still many things to sort out under the surface. Today, Dylan loves talking all things recovery and cannot imagine a life in which he is not sharing the miracles that come with sobriety. You can find and connect with Dylan at: For more information on the Red Songbird Foundation, please visit: If you are interested in donating to the Red Songbird Foundation, please visit: Follow us on Instagram at: New episode every Thursday! Check us out on YouTube every Friday! Please subscribe, rate, and review! Listen on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, or wherever you listen to podcasts.
#101 - Comfortable Being Uncomfortable with Dr. Joseph M. Martin
#101 - Comfortable Being Uncomfortable with Dr. Joseph M. Martin
This week, FASAM Certified Emergency Physician and Medical Director at Oakvine Recovery Center, Dr. Joseph M. Martin, joins Jason and Alex. Dr. Martin got into addiction treatment because he very quickly felt the power and satisfaction that comes with rehabilitating an individual to be reunited with their family. From the beginning, however, he found that "addiction" was not treated the same way across in the board. He explains that, even today, not everyone in the medical community views addiction as a disease and talks about some of the hurdles he has seen because of this. Dr. Martin uses the phrase “dogma dies hard in medicine” and hopes this type of thinking regarding addiction will continue to evolve over the years. One way Dr. Martin has seen these thought processes evolve among those in and out of the medical field, is when an individual has had a first-hand account with the illness, whether directly or indirectly. He explains, without this first-hand struggle with the disease, it can be very difficult to truly understand what a person afflicted with it is going through. Alex and Dr. Martin also discuss how cultural differences can create a problem for addiction treatment as many cultures do not even recognize addiction as a serious ailment. Finally, the group discusses addiction as a whole and how functioning alcoholics may have a difficult time realizing they have a problem. Dr. Martin explains that when the cravings and “thirst” for the substance begin taking precedent over everything important in life (family, faith, health, etc.), that’s when the disease can snowball. Jason gives his own account of this happening to him amid his addiction and, even though in his mind he wanted to stop, he simply didn’t have the ability. Instagram: For more information on the Red Songbird Foundation, please visit: If you are interested in donating to the Red Songbird Foundation, please visit: Follow us on Instagram at: New episode every Thursday! Check us out on YouTube every Friday! Please subscribe, rate, and review! Listen on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, or wherever you listen to podcasts.
#100 - Journey To 100
#100 - Journey To 100
Let The Journey Begin has reached Episode #100! To commemorate this special milestone, we dive back into all 100 episodes and take a listen to all the great “Actions For The Day” our wonderful guests have given us over the past two years. We really hope this podcast has been as helpful and informative to you as it has been to us. We are so grateful for your support, and we truly look forward to continuing this journey in providing you with hope. Thank you for listening! For more information on the Red Songbird Foundation, please visit: If you are interested in donating to the Red Songbird Foundation, please visit: Follow us on Instagram at: New episode every Thursday! Check us out on YouTube every Friday! Please subscribe, rate, and review! Listen on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, or wherever you listen to podcasts.
#099 - Rock Bottom with Annie & Kevin Blake (Part 2)
#099 - Rock Bottom with Annie & Kevin Blake (Part 2)
This week, Jason and Hilary conclude their interview with Annie and Kevin Blake. We left off last week with Kevin discussing the depths of his addiction and how he finally got to a place in which he could change, all with Annie sticking by his side and helping him every step of the way. Kevin had finally gotten to a place in which he was doing well and their marriage had healed but the tables began to turn. Annie began feeling ill and could not figure out what was happening to her body until she was eventually diagnosed with a rare form of muscular dystrophy. Kevin became her caretaker as her disease progressed and the doctor began throwing every kind of medicine her way to help with the pain. What she didn’t expect, however, were the side effects that would come with the drugs. She began developing an addiction for the medications, resulting in severe depression, and progressing into suicidal ideations in which she attempted to end her life over six different times. After her last unsuccessful suicide attempt, she knew her only option was to absolve herself from all prescription medication even if this meant having to live with the pain from her disease. Kevin talks about how important Annie was to him in some of his worst moments so he knew it was his duty to do whatever he could to help her during her own struggles. He retired early, having to accept a reduced pension plan, to take care of Annie and all that comes with the disease. Today, Annie and Kevin’s relationship has rebuilt itself on the ideals of communication and understanding and the two of them have never been closer. They have since opened their home to others struggling with addiction and use their own experiences and hardships to provide hope. Annie and Kevin’s relationship is a true example of life coming full circle and they stress the importance of reaching out for help, no matter what the struggle. You can connect with Annie and Kevin at: Email: [email protected] For more information on the Red Songbird Foundation, please visit: If you are interested in donating to the Red Songbird Foundation, please visit: Follow us on Instagram at: New episode every Thursday! Check us out on YouTube every Friday! Please subscribe, rate, and review! Listen on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, or wherever you listen to podcasts.
#098 - Rock Bottom with Annie & Kevin Blake (Part 1)
#098 - Rock Bottom with Annie & Kevin Blake (Part 1)
On a special two-part episode from “across the pond”, Hilary’s close friends Annie and Kevin Blake join the show to discuss their marriage, co-dependency, and what the disease of addiction did to their relationship. Kevin suffered from alcoholism for many years before and after Annie married. He was a “functioning alcoholic” and things only got worse as the years went by. He would return home intoxicated on a regular basis, spend important money on alcohol, and communication became nearly impossible for them. Annie explains the reason she never suspected Kevin was an alcoholic was because, in her mind, she had a completely different vision of what an alcoholic looked like. While Kevin was suffering from his own disease, Annie was also experiencing her own share of difficulties. She was a co-dependent who couldn’t understand why Kevin was putting her through this and grew more frustrated as she began realizing she couldn’t fix him. Among many other things between the two, Annie began putting laxatives in Kevin’s coffee to keep him at the house and hiding the family money from him, to which Kevin suspected Annie of having an affair. Communication was completely severed eight years into the marriage, and both were convinced it was over. Things took a turn, however, after Kevin’s father expressed concern over his drinking on his deathbed. Today, 41 years into their marriage, Kevin and Annie share insight into how Kevin overcame his addiction and how they were able to mend their relationship to make it last all this time. Kevin truly needed Annie while battling his addiction, but the tables turned, and Annie would desperately need the support of Kevin down the road. Tune in next week for Part 2 to hear about Annie’s struggle with muscular dystrophy and how the couple overcame one of the darkest periods of their lives. You can connect with Annie and Kevin at: Email: [email protected] For more information on the Red Songbird Foundation, please visit: If you are interested in donating to the Red Songbird Foundation, please visit: Follow us on Instagram at: New episode every Thursday! Check us out on YouTube every Friday! Please subscribe, rate, and review! Listen on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, or wherever you listen to podcasts.
#097 - Worth It with Cathy Holmes
#097 - Worth It with Cathy Holmes
This week, Jason and Alex sit down with Jason’s Aunt Cathy (Holmes) to discuss her own struggles with addiction. Cathy grew up in a household where both parents were alcoholics and she experienced many of the effects that come with volatile, untreated substance abuse. After beginning her own teenage experimentation with drugs and alcohol, she grew so desperate to withdraw from this home atmosphere that she married at a young age solely to get out of the house. In this early marriage, she unfortunately encountered her own share of trauma and abuse and the drugs and alcohol seemed to be the only solution. What she didn’t realize was that all the things she experienced as a child, she began to relive in her adult life and in her own relationships. Cathy was truly a product of her environment. Things eventually started to take a turn for the better after she was in a bad car accident while being under the influence. At this point, she knew it was time to seek help for her addictions. Since then, she has spent the better part of three decades working on her sobriety. Cathy and Jason discuss the idea of being pre-genetically disposed to addiction and how a family history can be a major factor for future generations. They also discuss how family environmental factors can play a huge role in later youth development. Cathy ultimately stresses that, no matter how bad it seems, you still are worth it and that you should never be afraid to reach out for help. For more information on the Red Songbird Foundation, please visit: If you are interested in donating to the Red Songbird Foundation, please visit: Follow us on Instagram at: New episode every Thursday! Check us out on YouTube every Friday! Please subscribe, rate, and review! Listen on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, or wherever you listen to podcasts.
#096 - Shift with Susie Clothier
#096 - Shift with Susie Clothier
Hilary and Alex sit down this week with close friend of Hilary’s, Susie Clothier, to discuss her journey in sobriety. Susie’s drinking career began at a very early age and continued all throughout her teenage years. She grew up in a household in which her parents would argue and she would self-medicate with alcohol to relieve her own tension. Susie also lived with a feeling of “less-than” for most of her childhood as her older sister was an extremely talented athlete. Mostly chalking it up to “just having fun”, she began to realize she had a problem upon completing college. She tells the story of a long-term relationship coming to an end which resulted in her receiving her first DUI. She had a .34 BAC at the time of her arrest but still was coming to her trial under the influence. Due to all these circumstances, she finally entered treatment and began the long road to recovery. Susie explains how just one drink is all it takes for her to go completely off the wagon and believes not fully embracing that is what kept her going in and out for years. Everything changed for her, however, when her young son began taking notice of her drinking and the effects it would have on her. She also talks about how the passing of her mother took quite a tremendous toll on her emotionally and credits the tools in which she learned to maintain her sobriety as ultimately helping her stay on course in a period of harsh grieving. Today, she is thankful for all the gifts sobriety has given her including her friendship and bond with Hilary as well as her love and pursuit of photography. Instagram: For more information on the Red Songbird Foundation, please visit: If you are interested in donating to the Red Songbird Foundation, please visit: Follow us on Instagram at: New episode every Thursday! Check us out on YouTube every Friday! Please subscribe, rate, and review! Listen on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, or wherever you listen to podcasts.
#095 - Peace Within with Anthony Brown
#095 - Peace Within with Anthony Brown
This week, Hilary and Jason bring on founder and director of Coordinating & Assisting Recovery Environments (C.A.R.E), Anthony Brown. From an early age, Anthony experienced nothing but chaos and dysfunction, which led to him running away from home at 14 years old. Needing work and a place to go, he joined a traveling carnival that took him all over the states but also started what would become 23 years of homelessness. Instability and homelessness then spiraled into years and years of drug and alcohol addiction, but finally he reached a point in which he was desperate to get sober and turn his life around. He had been arrested by the same officer several times in the past but on one particular incident the officer asked, “Do you need help?”. This is when his life would change forever. Anthony was then introduced to treatment and experienced his own spiritual awakening that would eventually lead to him being sober almost as long as he was homeless. Today, it is Anthony’s mission to help those struggling with addiction and homelessness as so much of his own life was affected by it. He believes people can become homeless due to a variety of things and by properly diagnosing these specific reasons, you can then administer appropriate help rather than lumping all homeless into one category. Anthony’s true passion is taking his own experiences and his faith in God and utilizing them to provide specialized treatment for individuals who suffer from mental illness combined with a substance abuse disorder. In this episode, you will discover why Anthony considers himself a complete statistical anomaly! You can connect with Anthony, find his book, and learn more about Brown Manor at: - - - Book: - Facebook: - Instagram: - Twitter: - YouTube: For more information on the Red Songbird Foundation, please visit: If you are interested in donating to the Red Songbird Foundation, please visit: Follow us on Instagram at: New episode every Thursday! Check us out on YouTube every Friday! Please subscribe, rate, and review! Listen on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, or wherever you listen to podcasts.
#094 - The Gray Area with James Sewell
#094 - The Gray Area with James Sewell
This week, Owner/CEO of JDS Consulting, Inc, James Sewell, joins Hilary and Jason. Growing up in Omaha, Nebraska, James never felt like he could truly be himself; however, during his time in college he finally felt comfortable letting loose and being who he was. He talks about having generalized anxiety and feeling different than his peers, but alcohol was the solution able to bring down the barriers. For him, letting loose meant going out to the bars six days a week and what was once an opportunity to have fun, quickly escalated into a problem. Eventually, his drinking career resulted in several DUIs over a span of a few years and his court-ordered treatment from one particular counselor is what changed his life. He began looking at all the reasons why he drank and by working on those deep-seated problems, he has been able to stay sober for over 10 years. One of James’s main messages in sobriety is to be kinder to oneself and how it is important to accept the reality of sobriety. During addiction, the substance is what makes the world around us and our situation feel great; however, the world is not like that. There are good days and there are bad days and James stresses the important part for him was to arrive at a place in which he can accept this reality and live in it without needing a substance, a reality in which James refers to as “The Gray Area.” Today, James works in the recovery and mental health field in hopes of improving some of the shortcomings addiction treatment can have. You can connect with James and find his work at: - JDS Consulting, Inc (Insurance Billing and Consulting for Behavioral Health Facilities): - TRUST SoCal (Detox and Residential for Primary Mental Health): - Training Institute for Addiction Counselors: For more information on the Red Songbird Foundation, please visit: If you are interested in donating to the Red Songbird Foundation, please visit: Follow us on Instagram at: New episode every Thursday! Check us out on YouTube every Friday! Please subscribe, rate, and review! Listen on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, or wherever you listen to podcasts.
#093 - Building Blocks with Bobby Ludeman
#093 - Building Blocks with Bobby Ludeman
Lakewood Recovery (Dallas, TX) Owner, Bobby Ludeman, joins Hilary and Jason this week to ring in the New Year! Growing up, Bobby always had this feeling he didn’t necessarily belong, he was an encumbrance, and that he was on the precipice of being cast out. He found drugs and alcohol in his early teenage years and knew from the very beginning that they were going to be a problem for him. His sickness progressed and only got worse to the point of getting addicted to heroin. In this time, he talks about how his father was always willing to do anything to help him with his problem, but he simply wasn’t open or wanting to accept the help. Bobby’s life and perspective changed, however, after he had a son of his own. He talks about his moment of clarity being one in which his son was only a few years old, and he was going to seek help one last time for his addiction or he would end his own life, thinking it was better for his son to not have to grow up with an addict for a father. Thankfully, things began to click and his recovery journey began. Today, Bobby works in recovery as the Owner of Lakewood Recovery sober living and credits being an extreme creature of habit to maintain his sobriety. While working in the recovery sphere, he explains why it is so important for him to connect with the younger individuals just beginning as this was the time in his own life where he had the most difficult time relating to those already in sobriety. Finally, Bobby details how he felt dirty and unworthy the day his son was born but can realize now that he no longer needs to feel this way with how far he has come in his own sobriety. You can connect with Bobby and find Lakewood Recovery at: Instagram: For more information on the Red Songbird Foundation, please visit: If you are interested in donating to the Red Songbird Foundation, please visit: Follow us on Instagram at: New episode every Thursday! Check us out on YouTube every Friday! Please subscribe, rate, and review! Listen on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, or wherever you listen to podcasts.
#092 - Hilary Roberts (Part 3)
#092 - Hilary Roberts (Part 3)
Last week, we left off with Hilary finally getting to a place in which she was able to move on from her past and leave some of her former life behind. This week, Hilary talks about the steps she began taking with her mentor and the difficulties that still came along even after all the abuse. She talks about how her past left her with a feeling of unworthiness, emptiness, and an unsettling feeling that her legacy would be nothing more than what she endured. However, through the aid and encouragement of dear friends and mentors, Hilary began to believe in herself and that her life could still be anything she wanted it to be. She also talks about overcoming open heart surgery and how this experience was the catalyst to her dedicating all that she does toward helping others who have endured similar circumstances. Hilary’s story is a true testament to the idea that no matter what you go through in life, you can always make it out on the other side by doing the work and believing that it’s never too late. For more information on the Red Songbird Foundation, please visit: If you are interested in donating to the Red Songbird Foundation, please visit: Follow us on Instagram at: New episode every Thursday! Check us out on YouTube every Friday! Please subscribe, rate, and review! Listen on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, or wherever you listen to podcasts.
#091 - Hilary Roberts (Part 2)
#091 - Hilary Roberts (Part 2)
This week, we jump into Part 2 of Red Songbird Founder, Hilary Roberts, story of sobriety. All the childhood trauma and abuse caused her to be vulnerable, desperate for love, and seeking a way to escape. She details quite possibly her worst experience with abuse as an adolescent which resulted in an even more diminished view of herself. Her self-esteem in the toilet, she took jobs she never thought she would take, only adding to this cycle of unworthiness that would result in her using drugs and alcohol to numb the feelings. One thing Hilary did have though, was the desire to change. She talks about how the right mentor came along and changed her life. This mentor treated her with dignity and respect, and by following her recommendations and advice, Hilary began to realize she did not have to be defined by her dark past. However, she later discovered another addiction that she believes was even more difficult to overcome than the substances. Along the way, her lost singing voice came back through prayer, her self-worth began to regenerate, and she was eventually able to quit the job she hated most. With a past like Hilary and seeing where she is today, it is a true miracle and testament to the power of recovery. We conclude next week with Part 3! For more information on the Red Songbird Foundation, please visit: If you are interested in donating to the Red Songbird Foundation, please visit: Follow us on Instagram at: New episode every Thursday! Check us out on YouTube every Friday! Please subscribe, rate, and review! Listen on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, or wherever you listen to podcasts.
#090 - Hilary Roberts (Part 1)
#090 - Hilary Roberts (Part 1)
This week, we dive into the story of singer, songwriter, and founder of the Red Songbird Foundation, Hilary Roberts. Hilary experienced trauma and abuse from a very early age which continued all throughout her adolescence. She talks about how there was very little healthy adult supervision growing up and how an ultimate lack of protection resulted in her being subjected to so many abusive people and situations. To make matters worse, nothing was ever done to help her, and things were not taken as seriously as they should have. As the years went by and the abuse continued to happen, Hilary quickly grew more resentful and began to take the burden on herself, thinking about what it was she had done to deserve this abuse and how it must be her fault. Hilary talks about how her self-esteem ultimately reached a point in which she felt like she was “a piece of garbage” and “not worthy of love.” Then, as she grew into her teenage years, she found alcohol, which helped her forget about some of the trauma she had continually experienced as well as helping turn down the constant thoughts of unworthiness she had spinning in her head. All this neglected abuse and trauma was building up into a launchpad that would end up being Hilary’s addictions and negative treatment of herself in the years to come. Jason and Hilary discuss why childhood trauma can be so damaging to a person’s future psyche and how it is possible for an individual to be placed into so many vulnerable places. Jason also marvels at the fact that people were so willing to find Hilary help with her alcoholism in her teenage years but not at all willing to help her with the sexual abuse she had experienced growing up. In a story involving so much adversity and so many levels, we had to make it a multiple part episode. Tune in next week for Part 2! For more information on the Red Songbird Foundation, please visit: If you are interested in donating to the Red Songbird Foundation, please visit: Follow us on Instagram at: New episode every Thursday! Check us out on YouTube every Friday! Please subscribe, rate, and review! Listen on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, or wherever you listen to podcasts.
#089 - Fresh Start with Kristin Candelore
#089 - Fresh Start with Kristin Candelore
1,000 Hours Dry host, Kristin Candelore joins Hilary and Jason this week on Let The Journey Begin. Kristin always knew she drank differently than everyone else around her. When it came to getting the party started or doing anything involving drinking, Kristin was the one to call. However, as she grew into her 20’s, Kristin started to become suspicious something was wrong and that she had a problem. This suspicion grew into more concern after a cross-country bachelorette party turned into what she describes as, “one of the first times she had completely lost control.” Things finally came to a head when she became pregnant. For Kristin, postpartum depression is a big part of her story and her sobriety journey. She talks about how she had always struggled with depression leading up to her pregnancy, but things were completely different in the nine months leading up to the birth of her daughter. She describes feeling euphoric and in a constant good mood while pregnant only to have that turned completely on its heels postpartum and her mental health going back to what it was, if not worse. Kristin was using alcohol as a coping mechanism to help with her postpartum depression, in addition to her overall mental health, and after a particular instance in which she could not stay sober for her daughter’s first birthday, she finally knew it was time to make a change. However, even though she wanted to get help, she had no idea where to begin. So, she decided to search #sober on Instagram and a whole world of recovery opened to her. She found all kinds of podcasts, our very own Jason, the Red Songbird Foundation, and an overall community of people with the same mission to help. Kristin, Hilary, and Jason discuss how intimidating the initial steps of recovery can be for someone just starting but emphasize the importance of connection with other individuals in the program and how the process of obtaining sobriety can be very different for everyone. Now, with almost 10 months of sobriety, Kristin talks about how medication, therapy, and the sober community have helped her stay on the right track. In the end, one of Kristin’s toughest moments in dealing with postpartum depression ended up being the catalyst that ultimately helped her make the change she had been wanting for a long time. You can connect with Kristin and 1,000 Hours Dry on Instagram: For more information on the Red Songbird Foundation, please visit: If you are interested in donating to the Red Songbird Foundation, please visit: Follow us on Instagram at: New episode every Thursday! Check us out on YouTube every Friday! Please subscribe, rate, and review! Listen on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, or wherever you listen to podcasts.
#088 - Removing The Mask with Chris Benton
#088 - Removing The Mask with Chris Benton
This week, Hilary and Jason are joined by the second half of The Chris and Sandy Show, Chris Benton. Growing up, Chris described himself as the shiest kid you could ever meet. He explained how he’s not entirely sure where this came from but being molested as a young teenager may have played a major factor. He talks about how he used freestyle biking to get him out of his shell and keep his mind off the abuse but eventually this means of escape transformed into alcohol abuse and an addiction. From forgetting a whole night’s worth of events while under the influence to going in and out of jail multiple times while in the midst of his addiction, it wasn't until his second marriage began to fail that he realized he needed to make a change. Chris explains how he pleaded with God to either take away his desire for alcohol or he was going to take his own life. He believes that reestablishing and focusing on his faith is what truly healed him of his addiction and has kept him sober for nearly 14 years. He also talks about how he and his wife Sandy met and why he believes she was truly a gift from God and an essential piece in obtaining sobriety. The whole reason we do this show is to show our audience there are all kinds of ways to obtain sobriety. Like us as individuals, we are all different and one person’s journey may be entirely different than another’s. What works for one person, may not work for the other. In Chris’s case, spirituality was what helped him get sober and today he is forever grateful for the gifts he’s been given in sobriety. You can connect with Chris or find The Chris and Sandy Show at: YouTube: Instagram: Twitter: Facebook: For more information on the Red Songbird Foundation, please visit: If you are interested in donating to the Red Songbird Foundation, please visit: Follow us on Instagram at: New episode every Thursday! Check us out on YouTube every Friday! Please subscribe, rate, and review! Listen on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, or wherever you listen to podcasts.
#087 - Keep The Faith with Sandy Benton
#087 - Keep The Faith with Sandy Benton
Sandy Benton, co-host of The Chris and Sandy Show, joins Hilary and Jason on a special Thanksgiving episode of Let The Journey Begin. Sandy experienced a lot of trying times early on in her life. Not only was she bullied as a teenager leading to feelings of low self-esteem and severe anxiety, but she was diagnosed with cancer at the age of 19 and underwent eight months of chemotherapy. Things started to look up for her when she finally met her husband at 25 years old, but unfortunately discovered he had a hidden alcohol addiction shortly into the marriage. Sandy explains what it was like being married to an alcoholic and how helpless it made her feel. However, through all these difficult experiences, she talks about how she never gave up hope and always kept faith in God to turn things around. Eventually, through this faith, she is still in remission and her husband has been able to obtain nearly 14 years of sobriety through his own belief in the church and his own self-discovery. Additionally, the holidays can be a stressful time for some, especially those struggling with addiction. Hilary and Jason provide a few tips and tricks which have proven helpful to them over the years when faced with challenging or triggering family situations. Also, it wouldn’t be a Thanksgiving episode without Hilary and Jason talking about what they are truly thankful for and what food they are most looking forward to this Turkey Day! You can connect with Sandy or find The Chris and Sandy Show at: YouTube: Instagram: Twitter: Facebook: For more information on the Red Songbird Foundation, please visit: If you are interested in donating to the Red Songbird Foundation, please visit: Follow us on Instagram at: New episode every Thursday! Check us out on YouTube every Friday! Please subscribe, rate, and review! Listen on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, or wherever you listen to podcasts.