Lifting the Lifters
This show dedicated to “lifting the lifters” in the day-to-day business of raising families. We will use real-life experiences to discuss topics, ideas, resources, and tools to help lift and fortify the mind, body, and spirit of women and moms so she can nurture with confidence and love! When they are fortified the home, family, and community can thrive!
Ready, Set, Go! 10 Travel Tips for Perfectly Planned Getaways
Ready, Set, Go! 10 Travel Tips for Perfectly Planned Getaways
Traveling is one of our family's favorite things to do. We love to get away, to experience something new, and to take a break from our day-to-day, but it can also be stressful! Today's podcast discusses 10 tips that can help you have a perfectly planned getaway! Consider your top priorities! What is most important, weather, accommodations, activities, what's the biggest priority on your list? Do your research! Start asking questions, reading reviews, and looking at a variety of different options before making a decision. Consider using a 3rd party. We just used Costco and it was fantastic! Break your trip into days to know what to pack. Take one day at a time and consider what you'll need to pack for clothes, what shoes, and what you'll need for travel days. (I always pack extra layers and blankets because airplanes and airports are cold! Use a cross-body bag for important things like passports and wallets, boarding passes and documents. Pack healthy snacks! Have some healthy options on hand so that you don't eat the junk! Use just a carry-on when you can! This will save on time waiting for your luggage or a risk of using your luggage! If you have to check a bag, keep a change of clothes and essentials in your carry-on! Ask questions! Don't be afraid to ask questions. Check and re-check confirmation emails and times. Be polite! When asking for help, questions, or directions, be polite! You're on their turf! Add variety to your activities! Something adventurous, learn something, serve somewhere, and of course! Down Time! Last! Have FUN!!! We just got back from Mexico and these tips helped us have an amazing vacation and we are looking forward to planning the next!
Supporting Your Family Through Nervous System Regulation with Leah Davidson
Supporting Your Family Through Nervous System Regulation with Leah Davidson
Family life is exhausting, tricky, and at times very hard, but it is also very rewarding and full of joy. It has ups and downs all along the way—I feel like we're on a roller coaster ride many days! Some days we feel like we are successful and some days, we don't. In today's podcast, I interview guest Leah Davidson. She is a Nervous System Resilience Coach, a Speech and Language Pathologist, a wife, a mom, and more! She teaches about the Nervous System, regulation, what that means, how to do it, and how we can support our families with regulation. We talk about life's challenges and disruptions, how those can turn into opportunities for growth, letting our children have their growth journeys, having faith in Heavenly Father's plan and process, and supporting ourselves through that process. Listen in for so many nuggets, strategies, and more! You can find Leah on Instagram: and Facebook: And her
We Don't Fail, We Fall
We Don't Fail, We Fall
Failing. That's a pretty big term that we use. We avoid the F on report cards as kids, avoid taking risks to avoid failure, and every single day, we experience failure. I can't tell ou the amount of times I hear: "I failed that one." "Epic Failure." "Mom Fail" But we forget, failure is just part of the journey. We think in our minds that it is the opposite of success, but it's not! In today's podcast we discuss Failure is part of the success equation. There are different types of failure. Fail is actually just a "fall" with an opportunity to get back up! Listen in to the podcast as we discuss failure and reframing that to be "fall" or "fell!"
How to Build Successful Families
How to Build Successful Families
Success. This is something we all crave and are trying to attain. Success personally and professionally, but what is it exactly? Can any one person define what success means for everyone? The answer is no. Success is in the eye of the beholder. Og Mandino said: "What is success other than a state of mind? Which two, among a thousand wise men, will define success in the same words;" Success is determined by each and every one of us. So what does success in family life look like? What does it mean? In this podcast we talk about how to define success in family life, we give examples of what successful families do, and we implement habits to help build our successful families. I would guess most of us are already doing this, we are already in the thick of it and doing a lot of good, but sometimes we just need to clarify and narrow down what exactly we want. Listen in to today's podcast for more on building successful families!
One Word
One Word
Have you ever been in a conversation with someone and just stopped with one word they said? It either stopped you in your tracks, caused you to pause or think a little, gave you a reason to ask more questions, or taught you something. One word can make all the difference in the trajectory of a conversation, decisions, and day. When one of our kids went running into the parking lot at the grocery store with incoming cars…One word….Stop When we went to Olive Garden this weekend the waitress asked for soup or salad? Salad. Again, one word. As parents, the one word we use often, No. No your not staying out past curfew No, we don’t need that extra item at Walmart No, we don’t need drinks with our meals, just water will do. I’m sure you could think of a list of No’s! When Jarred asked me to marry him, I said, one word…..Yes On the day we were married, again, that same word….Yes Words are powerful, and just one word can sometimes be more powerful than a phrase. Every year, I pick a word for the year, and this year, my word is "Heart." Why pick a word? Because it gives you focus for the year. It takes out the overwhelm of goals and lists, and gives you just one simple focus, a word, to learn about. You can take this word and grow, learn, create, study, and become. Listen in to this podcast as we talk about a word for the year and I tell you about my word! Heart!
2024: A Year of Gains!
2024: A Year of Gains!
Happy New Year!!! 2025 is under way! If you took a minute to reflect on the past year, what do you see? Do you see a year of Gaps or a year of Gains? When we are in the gap, we see where we didn't measure up. Where we missed the mark and didn't reach the ideal or the perfect scenario. The problem is, is it ever "just right?" Did we ever see the ideal or the perfect scenario? Gap thinking leaves us deflated, unmotivated, and unhappy. If we see a year of gains, we measure backward and see the progress we made. Even if it is little bits of progress, it is still progress. We see where we have learned, grown, and been successful. This leads us to feel more motivated, successful, and happy and to want to keep moving forward. The beauty is we can see gains any time! It's not IF we were successful and had gains, it's how we look at it! In today's podcast, we talk more about my favorite book "The Gap and the Gain" by Benjamin Hardy and Dan Sullivan. We talk about measuring our gains for the year and seeing where we saw growth, change, and learning. 2024 was an amazing year full of GAINS for every one of us! Listen in to find out more!
Christ is In Your Story
Christ is In Your Story
As we have just celebrated Christmas, the decorations will come down, the carols change to regular music, and family will go home, but Christ will still be there. He is in each and every one of our stories. He's in the thick things and the thin things. Do we see Him? In this podcast, I tell you a story about how we saw Crhist in our story and how we still see him. We talk about how he delivers, heals, changes, and provides miracles for each of us! Listen in and identify where you see Christ in your story!
New. This is the word I’d use to sum up 2024. We had a whole lot of new experiences, changes, surprises, challenges, and blessings come our way! When a package arrives on our doorstep we love to see what new thing the UPS man has delivered, but when it comes to life experiences, the Rydalch family loves to know what’s going on, loves to have a plan, and doesn’t necessarily love “new surprises” in the beginning, but we eventually warm up and see that “new” allows us to learn, grow, change, and bless our lives. In this podcast episode, I read you our family Christmas letter about the "new" in our lives this year! You've all been on the journey with me as we have navigated this year and this podcast sums it all up! Merry Christmas!
Ten Holiday Hacks to Decrease Your Stress!
Ten Holiday Hacks to Decrease Your Stress!
This time of year can get a bit overwhelming and stressful with activities, social gatherings, gifts, and parties. I have the best of intentions to enjoy the holidays, but sometimes it is difficult to manage it all! So in today's podcast, we are going to talk about 10 Holiday Hacks to help with the stress! Make meal times easy! Make a list of what's on your mind. De-clutter a space or a room for projects or planning. Make time for you to "rest" and that doesn't necessarily mean sleep! Prioritize protein and eat less sugar. Drink WATER Don't eat late. PLAY! Communicate, and ask questions! PRAY! In this podcast, we will dive into each one of these in detail, but as you implement even one or two, yo will notice a decrease in the stress and an increase in your enjoyment this holiday season!
HOME for the Holidays
HOME for the Holidays
Whenever we travel, we love to come HOME. After a long day of school, work, and errands....HOME is the place we all want to be! At home is a place we can relax, let our gaurds down, feel safe, comfortable, and at peace. Maybe it's not necessarily your "home" that you feel this place, but if you have a "happy place" those feelings are the same. You feel safe. Sometimes going home, or to our happy place, isn't always possible, but the good news is we can access those feelings of home by a few simple practices! Every day our bodies go through what is called the stress response where we experience heightened levels of stress, and then our bodies try to recover. By us accessing our "HOME" base, we are better able to recover! One of the ways we can be proactive in our stress response recovery and make getting home easier is taking care of the 5 pillars of living well. Sleep, nutrition and hydration, movement, sunlight, and connection. Taking care of these will prepare us in advance for the stress responses that will come. Next, breathe. Just breathing will give us the reset that we need. Then, access a point on your body, an anchor point, that you notice you use to self-soothe. Maybe it's rubbing your thigh or your hands, playing with your hair or a piece of clothing. These are ways your body is self-soothing. If we think about our HOME base, and the feelings of home as we touch these points, our bodies will relax and feel the same feeling as if we are at HOME. We dive into this in today's podcast as we discus being HOME for the holidays! Listen In!
Holiday Gift Giving and Traditions Replay
Holiday Gift Giving and Traditions Replay
Christmas is around the corner! This year Thanksgiving was a little late so Christmas will be here before we know it! As we set into motion our plans for holiday shopping and traditions, sometimes we can get lost in the shuffle and forget the reason for all of it.! Join in this episode as we discuss some gift-giving ideas and traditions, what they mean, and some of my favorite ideas to help you create and give some meaningful gifts and traditions with your loved ones!
Four Easy Gratitude Practices to Incorporate in Your Day
Four Easy Gratitude Practices to Incorporate in Your Day
Sometimes the days can go by at our house when it didn't even feel like we connected as a family, we touched base, and got a chance to catch up! We just go through the motions moving from one commitment to the next! It requires some intentional effort to slow down and put aside what we are doing so that we can have these moments. One of the practices we like to do as a family this time of year to help us slow down and connect is the Thankful Tree. We spend just a minute each morning writing what we are thankful for and putting it on the tree. There are many ways we can practice gratitude as a family. A tree, notes and cards, texts, and of course prayer. In this episode, we talk about these practices and how to make them a simple and easy part of your day! Join in and see if you discover any others as you listen!
One of Life's Lessons: Express Gratitude
One of Life's Lessons: Express Gratitude
What would you say if you could write a letter to your family, loved ones, and friends right now, in whatever phase you are in? What advice would you give? On three different occasions this week, as I have been running around, listening, and studying, I have run into just that. One was titled “Insights from my Life" by Neal A Maxwell. One was in the Book of Mormon, chapter 7, Mormon is at the end of his life and makes a list. Another was in the Don’t Miss This Scripture Study book On each occasion, three seasoned people offered insights and various life lessons. I have thought about what I’d say, and this podcast would probably be way too long if I tried to fit them all in! But for today I just want to highlight ONE. Be Grateful. In today's podcast, we will talk about a little mishap I had this week. I fell off my bathroom counter and boy has it wreaked havoc on my back, routine, and schedule! Today I share some thoughts that have been helpful for me to practice gratitude. They are: "It could have been so much worse." "Thank goodness for help." "I can still walk." "This might be a good thing." Listen in today as we discuss these and how we can all apply them in any situation or circumstance.
Who's Your Wingman?
Who's Your Wingman?
In your lives who would you say is your wingman? A wingman can refer to a pilot in the Air Force or a friend or partner who helps and supports another person. They are there for help, support, backup. Sometimes we feel lost and alone, like we have no one there for support and help or backup. In those times it is good for us to have a list handy of people who we know are there. Who are our wingmen? So today, please take a minute to think about who those people are for you. We’re going to talk about this, an experience I had with some of my wingmen, and the importance of knowing you are supported and never alone. When we feel alone and unsupported or abandoned, that triggers a sense of danger, causing us to hide, close in, or get really uptight, sressed, and anxious. When we acknowledge the support we do have, it signals to our bodies and brains safety and security. Then we are better able to cope, work, nurture, and support the ones we love. Listen in!
Fear Not!
Fear Not!
Fear is upon us this time of year with all of the scary things in town! The Haunted Forests, Mills, and all other experiences that elicit fear! Fear is something we are all born with and is a very natural state of being for our mortal experience. It is there for protection, but we default to fear all too often! In the scriptures, we hear to "Fear Not" repeatedly! Why? Because fear blocks our ability to have FAITH! When we are fearful, we stop ourselves from progressing, see the world with different eyes, and hide. When we have faith, we have forward progression, are more optimistic, find solutions, and so much more! In this podcast we discuss the many health benefits of faith, we talk about ways to develop our faith, and we talk about ways we can act and communicate our faith! Listen in!
Say Yes to the Dress!
Say Yes to the Dress!
When you start planning for a wedding, a theme, style, and colors are at the top of the list. That is where we began when Dylan and Rachael decided they were ready to tie the knot, Rachael chose pink and saige as her wedding colors and the hunt was on for the dress. I looked everywhere from here to Timbuktu looking for a pink dress, and ordered several online just hoping I'd find that perfect dress that I had in my mind and that fit "me." By the skin of my teeth just days before the wedding and with much turmoil, I found the dress, made it fit me the way I needed it to, and it was a HIT! All of the searching, trying on, returning, and headache provided some insights I thought we could learn from. There’s not a cookie-cutter solution for everyone. If you have a vision of what you want, go get it. Don’t give up until you say Yes to the Dress! Listen to Episode 236 to hear the story about the dress and the lessons learned, and be prepared for a good chuckle as you get a taste of my crazy!
There's a scene that I love in the movie Hook: Robin Williams, Peter Pan, returns to Neverland, and the Lost Boys and Peter himself don't believe he is Peter Pan! Peter has been gone from Neverland for years! He has taken on the traditions of work, family life, stress, climbing the corporate ladder, and more. Tinkerbell drug him back to Neverland to save his kidnapped children and enlist the help of the Lost Boys! In one scene, Rufio, the new leader of the Lost Boys, draws a line in the sand and says, "Anyone who doesn’t believe this is Peter Pan crosses this line. " Peter himself crosses that line! Tinkerbell drags him back over and the rest of the boys gather on the other side by Rufio. Except for one. He takes Peters’ glasses off, pulls his hair back, tugs, pulls, and straightens out the lines in his face, and after much studying says, “Oh There You are Peter!” He was in there. The whole time. The Peter they knew, the Peter that hadn’t taken on the traditions of culture and norms, was there. They just couldn’t see it. He was no longer transparent. What does it mean to be "Transparent?" See-through, clear, unclouded, open and honest, sincere, vulnerable, humble. Honest with who we are, and who's we are! Divine Beings full of light! In this podcast we talk about transparency, the ability we have to radiate the light we all carry, why sometimes we lose that transparency, and how to get it back!
Be Inspired!
Be Inspired!
Is there someone who inspires you? Who makes you want to do better, be better, or give you the courage to try something new? There have been many people in my life who have inspired me! I remember being in awe of Kelly Rippa's arms when she started weightlifting and I wanted to be ripped like Kelly Rippa! That led me on a journey full of exploration, knowledge, trial and error, and experiences that have taught me about weight lifting, diet, proper form, and so much more! I was inspired! Being inspired fosters creativity and the desire to take action! We can take someone's ideas and make them our own! Add our twist and experience to it! Is there a difference between being inspired and copying? Sometimes we fear to take action because we don't want to "copy!" There's a difference! Copying is just transferring and duplicating. No creativity, spin, and no credit to the originator. There's not much thought, just replication. We've probably all copied and been inspired. For me, the difference is the fuel behind it. When I'm inspired, I am creative and thinking! In this podcast we talk about being inspired, the difference between inspiration and copying, and taking action when we feel inspired! Listen In!
How to Set Up A Good Morning Routine
How to Set Up A Good Morning Routine
Some of us have a morning routine that we stick close to. For me, I get up, brush my teeth, go to the bathroom, wash my face, put my contacts in, change my clothes, and exercise. After exercising I make myself some herbal tea, then sit at my desk and read, write, study, pray, play, and meditate. I don’t venture away too far from my routine, and when I do, I can tell something is just off. Are you having a hard time setting up a morning routine? Well, maybe a bedtime routine is where you need to start! I heard it said that a good morning routine starts with a good nighttime routine. In this podcast we will discuss nighttime routines, how they affect our morning routines and days, why it is important to set up a good night routine, and some strategies I'm going to implement into mine! Put away my phone Express gratitude through prayer and or journaling Decide on the 3 wins I’m going to have for the next day. Listen in to today's podcast to hear more about setting up a nighttime routine to help with a good morning routine!
Why We Need to be Awed!
Why We Need to be Awed!
When was the last time you said this is awesome! Struck with pure amazement When you were totally in awe Maybe it was this morning Maybe it was last week Maybe it’s been a while! Did you know that the feeling of being in awe is scientifically proven to increase happiness? Research on the experience of awe has found that it can have many positive effects on people, including: Increased generosity Lower stress and inflammation A greater sense of meaning and connection Self-transcendence And More! This list goes on for why we need to be AWED! In today's podcast, we talk about being AWED! Why we need it, what happens when we experience it, and how we can! Listen in to hear more about being AWED!
What's Your Legacy?
What's Your Legacy?
What legacy are you leaving behind? Every day we interact with others, we work, play, love, serve, and so much more. What are we leaving trailing behind us as we go? In this week's podcast, we talk about the legacy of Love that Jarred's uncle Butch left behind, the legacy of freedom for our God, religion, and families Captain Moroni left behind, and I ask for a special birthday wish that each of you leave a legacy of love! President Alvin F. Meredith said in a recent podcast: "In the church today, we need leaders who will love the people, lift the people, and witness the name of the Savior.” We can all do the same, we can love, lift, and witness of the Savior and leave that legacy behind for others!
The Missing Ingredients
The Missing Ingredients
When we make something to eat, we follow a recipe with all the key ingredients to make the meal successful! But what if one of those ingredients is missing?! Usually, that means a quick trip to the store, a call to a neighbor, or a substitution is made to make that ingredient part of the recipe. When it comes to our pursuits in life, and in family life, sometimes we are missing a key ingredient that isn't something we can just run to the store and make a quick stop! Sometimes that missing ingredient has to come with some work, time, patience, persistence, and practice! In today's podcast, we talk about missing some ingredients, working to get those ingredients, and asking for help in the process. We relate our missing ingredients to the people of Nephi in the Book of Mormon not having timber to build their homes. So what did they do? They became experts in cement! Sometimes our NOT having something could bless us as we pursue attaining the missing ingredient or its substitute! And just like the people of Nephi, we can become experts at our craft! Listen in to hear more about missing ingredients!
The Family Ship
The Family Ship
If you could design and build your very own cruise ship, The Jesser Ship” What would that look like? What activities would be on there, what shows, what would the design be, the different stops, if it was all you and you had to answer to no one what would your ship look like? My ship would be clean. Everything is in its place—a library FULL of books. A track all the way around to run on It would have a pool, and game rooms, a big kitchen to cook in, Full of Mexican food and diet coke. A surf boat would be attached, and a driver would take me surfing. Now think of Yourself, as this lone ship. What career path would you have taken? What dreams would you pursue if it was only the Jesser ship? When I was younger, I wanted to be an Olympic swimmer. I wanted to be a flight nurse. Or a doctor. Every one of us has an ideal “dream, or Jesser, ship” But it doesn’t work that way for most of us. What we have in reality, is the “Rydalch ship” We all in a sense give up our dream ships, to be part of a bigger ship, the family ship. We give up some things or come to some compromises as part of our family ships. That family ship takes some sacrifice of each of us. We sacrifice time, desires, wants, money, and needs to keep this family ship afloat and moving forward. Sometimes the family ship moves slower, sometimes faster, but we are always trying to keep that family ship afloat and moving forward. As we move on our "Family Ship Journey" we can ask ourselves a question similar to the British Rowing team that won gold, "Will this make the boat move forward?" Listen in to today's podcast to hear more about the "Family Ship" and moving that ship forward!
Creating Reservoirs
Creating Reservoirs
If you ask any of our kids where their happy place is, they'd say up in Island Park at the cabin. My happy place, well, it also happens to be the cabin. Island Park has had a special place in my heart since I was a little girl. We’d go up and stay at my grandma’s cabin and go boating in Island Park reservoir. It was here I learned to waterski, wakeboard, and surf. It’s in this reservoir that we fish, we jump off the docks to swim, and at night, we catch crawdads. In the winter there is ice fishing and snowmobiling, and In the fall when the water drops and sometimes gets almost empty, we ride our four-wheelers and razors down in the mud and the muck. Early in the spring and summer, if we’ve had a good snowpack, the reservoir will be completely full, and then as the weeks go by, the weather gets hot, and the farmers' crops grow, the reservoir water is used to irrigate the fields and the water levels drop. Every time we visit the cabin the water gets lower and lower. Island Park Reservoir and many other reservoirs are man-made lakes that are created by building a dam across a river or over the outlet of a natural lake. The dam controls the water level and the amount of water that flows out of the reservoir. Reservoirs have been used since 3000 BCE to store water for watering crops and to provide continuous access to water. They are a holding place, a storage facility for future usage. There are many aspects of our lives that we have reservoirs, or holding and storage, for use in the future time. Today we are going to talk about a few of our reservoirs, when to create them, and a few ideas on how! Listen In!
Prepare for Battle
Prepare for Battle
Every single day we wake up with an agenda and to-do list. In a sense, we go to war or to battle to conquer the day. Are we prepared? What are we doing to prepare? In this week's podcast we talk about preparing for our battles and talk about the armor we put on to do this. I liken our armor to football gear that my little grid kid player has. They are: Helmets: Fill our minds with goodness. Keep the garbage out and "Don't give the enemy a seat at our tables." Mouthguards: Talk less and listen more to gain awareness, perspective, and understanding. Padding: Gird up our loins with the 5 pillars of emotional wellness. Sleep, nutrition/hydration, movement, sunlight, and connection. These alone can make a BIG difference! Cleats: Keep Moving! Don't give up! Everything we want is on the other side of hard! The wars and battles will rage all around us, but "If we are prepared we shall not fear!"
The Magic Pill
The Magic Pill
What is the single best thing we can do for our health? What is it that makes the biggest difference? What has the biggest return on investment? Biggest bang for our buck? In a study, people with arthritis who used the "Magic Pill" for 1 hour 3 times per week decreased their pain and disability by 47%. Older patients who did this decreased their progression of Alzheimers and dementia by 50%. For those patients who had diabetes, it reduced their progression by 58%. Postmenopausal women who had 4 hours a week of this treatment had a decrease in the risk of hip fracture by 41%. Right now we hear A LOT about anxiety in our culture. Many people experience symptoms of anxiety. This treatment reduced anxiety by 48 percent. Of patients suffering with depression, 30% were relieved with a low dose of this treatment and it was bumped up to 47% relief as they increased the dose. Following a group of Harvard alumni for over 12 years those who got the treatment decreased their risk of death by 23% than those who didn’t. It is the #1 treatment of fatigue. And this treatment has been shown over and over again to improve quality of life So what’s the treatment?! What’s the magic pill? Exercise!!! Mostly Walking. I’m going to say just MOVEMENT! In this episode we discuss the many benefits of movement and how to get more into our day! First, start where you are!! Notice what you are doing! Second, start small! Increase by even just thinking about movement! And third, introduce some new ways to move! I talk about my new favorite: REBOUNDING! Movement is the ONE THING that impacts every aspect of our lives, physical, mental, emotional, social, and spiritual. It truly is the Magic Pill! Listen in for more and follow the links below!
Who's In Your Circle?
Who's In Your Circle?
Who's in your circle? Your circle of people you can count on in good times and in bad. Female elephants are a fascinating group of animals. They live in a herd together with mostly just females, one being the herd's matriarch, and the others the daughters. When a pregnant female is about to give birth, the other females in the herd back in around the mother forming a circle. They create a circle of protection and safety. The mother in the center stands to give birth while being protected from predators in her circle of sisters. This circle of sisters kicks up dirt and dust to cover the scent of new birth and protects the mother and new baby from danger. We witnessed this with the recent assassination attempt on Donald Trump. A circle of protection formed around him to keep him safe. There are times we physically do have a circle of support and protection, and times we don't. But even the very thought of this circle can help create the same feeling, safety and security. In Alma 34 we read about being "encircled them in the arms of safety" of the Savior. In this episode, we talk about our circles, the support and safety we feel from them, and the fact that we can always take confidence in knowing we are encircled in safety by the Savior. Listen in for more on our circles!
Why We Need A Summer Routine
Why We Need A Summer Routine
When we had babies, toddlers, and little kids, a routine saved my life. It was the saving grace for all of us to have good days. We had feeding routines, sleeping routines, bathing routines and rituals, nighttime routines, and more. You name it. When I was in the thick of little kids and these routines I would get frustrated and almost resent the fact that we had these routines, I would get teased for having routines and “schedules.” Now, that these routines are gone, that there is more flexibility and freedom, I am seeing how valuable they have been and are. I Need A Routine! Even in the summer! What are some of the benefits of routines; Our brains like to have clarity. We find comfort in knowledge, routine, and rituals. It brings security and safety. According to a study by researchers at Tel Aviv University, predictable, repetitive routines are calming and help reduce anxiety! In this podcast, we discuss how can we create a simple routine that we can stick to! First, look at your day, where do you notice you feel anxious and stressed. Would a routine help with this? Would a routine before this time help streamline this time of day? Second, start with ONE thing. Make one decision like what's for dinner. This one decision can then lead to other small little decisions and help create the routine we are looking for. Third, don't expect perfection. It will take TIME and there will be days it doesn't happen perfectly! It's OK! Try again. Listen in for more examples, tips and ideas to help you create a summer routine!
Independence and Choice
Independence and Choice
With the celebration of our independence on July 4th, we talk a lot about freedom, liberty, and independence. One of the other words that comes to mind when I think of independence is CHOICE. The ability to choose. We were given the gift of agency and freedom to choose from the very beginning. In the premortal existence, this was the basis of the plan of redemption. Choice. It goes against our very nature when we feel like we are without choice. This isn't just disturbing spiritually, but also physically. When we feel like we don't have a choice, our Autonomic Nervous System responds with fight, flight, or freeze. Do you put up a fight when you feel like you are being forced? Do you run, avoid, or hide? Or do you do nothing? Freeze. This is all a protective mechanism to establish safety! The one phrase, "I Have To" seems harmless, but it can be signaling danger, because it communicates no choice. Steven R. Covey calls this reactive language. It's no wonder many times we feel trapped, helpless, and prisoners to our own lives that we chose! Proactive language is "I Choose To." I choose the option and the consequence that follows. Listen in to hear more about independence and choice, and swap "have to" to "choose to!"
Inside Out 2 is a Must Do!
Inside Out 2 is a Must Do!
I always love a good recommendation and today I am giving one to you! Inside Out 2 is a must do! Inside Out, the first one, was about a girl named Riley and her brain and emotions. In this film we become acquainted with Joy, Sadness, Anger, Fear, and Disgust as Riley experiences a move, making new friends, and the ups and downs that come with that. In Inside Out 2, Riley has matured to a teenager and puberty enters the building along with the emotions of Anxiety, Envy, Embarrassment, and Ennui (boredom in French). In this movie we learn all about these new emotions and learn how Anxiety can wreak some havoc when left unchecked. Some of the main takeaways that I learned and loved were: Fear and Anxiety are friends. They are companions. Anxiety can cause us to bottle up other emotions and leave us unable to feel anything else. Anxiety can cause us to behave in ways that don't align with our values and how we want to behave. JOY keeps Anxiety and the other emotions in check. She is the path to peace! Do more of what help you feel JOY! There were so many other lessons to take away from this film that really hit home for me! If you need a good summer flick, this one is a MUST!