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Lost to the Nails Podcast

Lost to the Nails is a monthly Warhammer podcast discussing Warhammer 40K, Horus Heresy, Adeptus Titanicus, Necromunda, Kill Team, and Battlefleet Gothic.

info_outline Episode 18: Have You Heard the Word? 02/28/2025
info_outline Episode 17: Campaigns or "Mortificate This, MF!" 09/30/2024
info_outline Episode 16: Theme is a Win 05/20/2024
info_outline Episode 15: Heresy 2.0 for Newbs! 03/04/2024
info_outline Episode 14: Lofi 8mm and Chonky Titans in AT18 with SC Josh 01/16/2024
info_outline Episode 13: The 10th Edition Cold Take with English Condiments! 09/22/2023
info_outline Episode 12: The Terrainisode! 06/23/2023
info_outline Episode 11: Narrative Events with The Narrative Wargamer 12/31/2022
info_outline Episode 10: Mr. Lofgren Goes to Nova and Heresy Again! 10/12/2022
info_outline Episode 9: Heresy EVERYWHERE! 07/22/2022
info_outline Episode 8: A Beginners Guide to Warhammer 40K for "Experienced" Players 06/23/2022
info_outline Episode 7: Squats Speculation and Hope for Heresy 05/01/2022
info_outline Episode 6: Adeptus Titanicus! 03/31/2022
info_outline Episode 5 First of the Nine: The Black Legion 02/09/2022
info_outline Episode 4: I Don't Hate This Game! 12/16/2021
info_outline Episode 3: Meme List Goes "Brrrt!!!!" 10/25/2021
info_outline Episode 2: Burning Plastic and Toxic Goo 08/24/2021
info_outline Episode 1: It Could All Start Badly 07/18/2021