“Finding Your Calling” – My Interview with Shawn Askinosie
“Finding Your Calling” – My Interview with Shawn Askinosie
Today, I’m honored to introduce Shawn Askinosie, coauthor with his daughter, Lawren, of the book, Meaningful Work: A Quest to Do Great Business, Find Your Calling, and Feed Your Soul. Shawn is the founder of Askinosie Chocolate, which was named by Forbes as one of the 25 best small companies in America, and he was named by Oprah as one of 15 guys who are saving the world. Shawn is all about chocolate. I’ve tasted it, in fact, I have the 72% dark chocolate from Tanzania in front of me right now and it is amazing. And no, he didn’t pay me to say that. But he and his chocolate company are also about so much more. Using his company’s revenues, Shawn’s chocolate business has provided over a million meals to hungry students in Tanzania and the Philippines. They’ve delivered thousands of textbooks to schools and they’ve drilled water wells for villagers