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Medieval Grad Podcast

Talking about the future of medieval studies with current graduate students and early career researchers. Lucie Laumonier interviews about all aspects of the Middle Ages.

info_outline Concluding the Medieval Grad Podcast 01/30/2023
info_outline Dinner in the Byzantine Empire 10/24/2022
info_outline ArcheoBotany and the Secrets of Plants 10/03/2022
info_outline Crusading in the Baltic with the Teutonic Knights 09/20/2022
info_outline The Cult of Chinggis Khan 06/20/2022
info_outline Old Barrels and Networks of Trade 06/06/2022
info_outline Across the Strait of Gibraltar: Chroniclers from Iberia and North Africa 05/23/2022
info_outline Sex and Sagas 05/09/2022
info_outline Sagas and Gender 04/25/2022
info_outline The Secrets of Manuscript Digitization 04/11/2022
info_outline The Persian Art of Persuasion 03/22/2022
info_outline Abduction, Marriage and Consent in the Middle Ages 03/07/2022
info_outline Environmental Disasters in Medieval France 02/21/2022
info_outline Medieval Chess: Alfonso X’s Book of Games 02/07/2022
info_outline The Road to Sainthood 12/06/2021
info_outline The Vikings’ Slave Trade 11/29/2021
info_outline Were the Cathars even real? 11/15/2021
info_outline Ancient DNA in the Western Mediterranean 10/18/2021
info_outline A Rotting Cat and a Damaged Penis 10/04/2021
info_outline Laughter, Satire and Medieval Parody 09/20/2021
info_outline Nile Floods and Mamluk Farmers 09/06/2021
info_outline Dante’s Florence 08/30/2021
info_outline Medieval Chinese and Inner-Asian Politics 08/16/2021
info_outline Medieval Disabled Bodies 08/09/2021
info_outline Medieval Race and the Image of the "Saracens" 07/26/2021
info_outline What Animal Bones Teach Us 07/12/2021
info_outline From Moneylending to Hell 07/05/2021
info_outline Introducing the Medieval Grad Podcast 07/01/2021