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Saman and Romo use their "FilmCards" or totally legal streaming service to watch and chat about movies.

info_outline Hotel Fartemis 06/27/2018
info_outline 3 Million Dollar Man Upgrade 06/05/2018
info_outline Solo Nomo 05/30/2018
info_outline Deadpool 2: Electric Cable Boogaloo 05/23/2018
info_outline Tele-Tully: One for the Moms 05/15/2018
info_outline I Feel Pretty, or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Not Get Medical Attention or Mental Health Treatment 05/09/2018
info_outline Thanos Potter and the Golden Mitten of Infinite Power 05/02/2018
info_outline Blumpkinhaus' Cake or Death 04/24/2018
info_outline Rampage:The Movie:The Game:The Movie:The Film 04/18/2018
info_outline Where the Quiet Places Are 04/11/2018
info_outline Ready Player Member Berries 04/03/2018
info_outline Actually the Smaller Boobs Are Canon: Tomb Raider 03/27/2018
info_outline A Wrinkle in My Behind 03/20/2018
info_outline The Usual Red Sparrows 03/14/2018
info_outline The NeverEnding Oscar Special Annual #1 03/06/2018
info_outline Taken 4: Game Night 02/27/2018
info_outline Salute Your Oscar Shorts 02/20/2018
info_outline Murder on the Metro North: The Commutering 02/06/2018
info_outline The Worst Show, Man 01/30/2018
info_outline Why, Tonya 01/23/2018
info_outline The Shape of Michael Shannon's Fingers 01/16/2018
info_outline Jumanji: Welcome to the Bunghole 01/09/2018