LET YOUR LIGHT SHINEBe a beacon to others of kindness, charity and faith as you travel down the road of life. /episode/index/show/mumbojumbo/id/33502467
WORK HARD BECAUSE THERE IS NO FREE LUNCHSuccess in life; in raising kids; in staying close to loved ones takes effort. /episode/index/show/mumbojumbo/id/33235812
SHARPEN YOUR AX SO YOU DON'T GET THE " JONAH COMPLEX"Don't be the biggest enemy in your life. Listen to the really important sounds in your life. /episode/index/show/mumbojumbo/id/32493947
"DON'T BE A QUITTER, MAKE WISE CHOICES"Do the work to be successful, Don't quit or listen to the "Boo Birds" in life. /episode/index/show/mumbojumbo/id/32493637
ATTITUDE IS EVERYTHINGThe choice we make in life, and the success or failure we have become of our actions, often are the direct result of our attitude. /episode/index/show/mumbojumbo/id/29533568
DON'T JUST WISH FOR SUCCESS. PUT IN THE WORK TO MAKE IT HAPPENEnjoy the journey to reach your dreams, work hard along the way and be kind and a good example to others. /episode/index/show/mumbojumbo/id/28536464
LIFE LESSONS MIXED WITH SOME FUN STUFFSometimes, being told not to do something, can be one of our greatest life lessons if we follow the advice. /episode/index/show/mumbojumbo/id/28116521
AVOID THE KITE EATING TREEIf you give up trying to do something, you may miss out on one of the greatest times of your life! /episode/index/show/mumbojumbo/id/27773166
A STICK OF GUM CAN CHANGE SOMEONE'S WORLDA good deed, no matter how small, can change someone's life for the better, and give them the positive thoughts to counter their negative thinking. /episode/index/show/mumbojumbo/id/27153099
HAVE THE WILL TO SUCCEED.Have the will to keep trying until you suceed. Without that strong desire - the will to go on even though the journey is hard - success will never come. /episode/index/show/mumbojumbo/id/26459370
YOU WANT TO BE YOUR BEST? CLEAN OUT YOUR GARAGE!Follow the rules of being a successful human. Don't quit trying to be the best human you can be! /episode/index/show/mumbojumbo/id/25660716
"DON'T LET MONKEYS STEAL YOUR CAP!"Make the best of every moment in life. Be kinder than necessary and don't give up when trying to reach your goals. /episode/index/show/mumbojumbo/id/25386258
EXPECT THE BEST AND GET ITDont be a "hold-out" in life... giving only a little of a real effort. Try to be the best you can by giving all you can. /episode/index/show/mumbojumbo/id/24242565
WHO YOU ARE MAKES A DIFFERENCEYou are an impact on others. Build them up. Teach them not to give up. Risk failure to reach success. /episode/index/show/mumbojumbo/id/24040185
SOME KEYS FOR SUCCESSSuccessful people do their work, and then some. They avoid the trap of bad habits and avoid carrying around anger by forgiving others. /episode/index/show/mumbojumbo/id/23673914
A "MITE" OF KINDNESSYou never know how a single act of kindness can help a member of your family, a friend, a neighbor or a total stranger /episode/index/show/mumbojumbo/id/23669687
LIFE IS LIKE THE BRAKES ON A CAR.Rules help us get safely where we want to go. You get what you give in life. Love your family./episode/index/show/mumbojumbo/id/23033135
SUCCESS COMES FROM THE INSIDE, AND SO DOES DEFEAT.We can overcome the challenges we face. When we want something, we must want it bad enough to work hard to achieve it./episode/index/show/mumbojumbo/id/23032730
THE KEYS TO FINDING YOUR GOLDEN TICKET TO SUCCESS IN LIFE.Success doesn't always come quickly or easily. But, there are important "keys" you can use to help you achieve it. /episode/index/show/mumbojumbo/id/23032172
DON'T BECOME A PARLOR SOLDIER. FIGHT WITH YOUR SPIRIT, HEART, AND ENTHUSIASM TO ACHIEVE SUCCESS.Follow the example of real, authentic cowboys, whose positive qualities of optimism, courage, hard work, and fair play became the qualities that built this country./episode/index/show/mumbojumbo/id/22065995
LEAVE A POSITIVE TRACE AS YOU WALK THROUGH LIFETo succeed, you have to want it bad enough to keep trying until you reach your goals don't settle for mediocrity. Keep a positive attitude. /episode/index/show/mumbojumbo/id/22064921
IF YOU WANT TO RECEIVE THE BEST FROM LIFE, YOU FIRST HAVE TO GIVE IT YOUR BESTBe thankful for all the blessings you have in life. Always do your best. Don't complain it will only ruin the moment and perhaps your whole day./episode/index/show/mumbojumbo/id/20233961
TAKE PRIDE IN WHAT YOU DO. DON'T BE CONTENT WITH MAKING A POOR EFFORT.Learn the fundamentals of success and use them to rise above the rest./episode/index/show/mumbojumbo/id/20198651
YOU HAVE THE QUALITIES TO SUCCEEDLife is hard and filled with trials but look to the lord and he will help you bounce back from adversity./episode/index/show/mumbojumbo/id/20189453
CROSSING YOUR OWN RUBICONDon't give up on life. Decide who you want to be; and give 100% effort to achieve your goals. Don't let the "Currents" of life cause you to drift past your goals./episode/index/show/mumbojumbo/id/19085894
DON'T BE A PRETENDERGive 100%, 100% of the time to those you love, your job, your family. Thank those people who have made a difference in your life./episode/index/show/mumbojumbo/id/18928145
THE PATHS YOU TAKE IN LIFEDifficult roads often lead to beautiful places, but to get there, you have to be prepared to go the distance./episode/index/show/mumbojumbo/id/18927506