Local & Live Episode 12: Bright Town
Local & Live Episode 12: Bright Town
Local and Live is BACK, in collaboration with Liverpool Arts Bar and hosted by Meg Shaw, to bring you a NEW platform, NEW artists, and NEW music - weekly! Drawing inspiration from rainy days, jukebox oddities, Western 21st Century despair and Souse-Pop tradition, Bright Town are with us for episode 12 of Local and Live X Liverpool Arts Bar. Not only did they treat us with a live version of their latest single ‘Something To…’ (under Modern Sky Records), but they also gave us two tunes ‘Smother’ and ‘Bottom’, before sitting down to have a chat with us: Like what you're hearing? Keep up to date on all things Local & Live X Liverpool Arts Bar on @local_and_live / @liverpoolartsbar, and get ready for next week's episode!