Episode 545: Even More Honey (Live from Union 32 - III)
Episode 545: Even More Honey (Live from Union 32 - III)
Arif and James and so many of our listeners are here to preview the second Bears matchup! We go over what's changed for them, what to expect, and debate the least self-aware NFL players in recent memory. We also have gifts for the table... A special thank you to everyone who came out to Union 32 for the show. You guys were amazing. A special thank you to all of our listeners, to Union 32 Craft House for hosting us, Jenna, DJ, and our Patreon people who continually make these sorts of events possible. You can become a sustaining member of the show and access exclusive content at Arif - @Arifhasannfl James - @bigmono Please send any questions or feedback to or tweet to @norsecodeDN. If you like our show please donate to We have merch! You can visit our shop at: Also a special thank you to DrawPlayDave for our new logo and merchandise design! You can follow him @drawplaydave and visit his main comic page here: