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NYCLA Amicus Curiae

The New York County Lawyers Association (NYCLA) launched a new podcast series called NYCLA Amicus Curiae. Each month, NYCLA Amicus Curiae’s host, Daniel K. Wiig, will host leaders of the bench, bar and legal community for casual and useful conversations to provide listeners a candid view of the innerworkings of the legal profession and those who undertake its charge.

info_outline Trust in the Justice System? A Panel Discussion. 01/31/2025
info_outline Trump 2.0: Power, Influence, and Control: A Discussion with Political Analyst Dr. Paul M. Lisnek 01/17/2025
info_outline The AI Explosion: Revolution or Evolution? A Conversation with Hon. Timothy S. Driscoll 12/16/2024
info_outline The Weinstein Retrial: A Discussion with Dennis C. Vacco former Attorney General of New York 11/15/2024
info_outline Planes Won't Fall from the Sky: A Conversation on the Supreme Court's Ruling Overturning the Chevron Doctrine 10/25/2024
info_outline The Trust In Justice Project: A Conversation with Leading Trial Consultant Richard Gabriel 09/30/2024
info_outline A Conversation with Honorable Rowan D. Wilson, Chief Judge of the Court of Appeals and Chief Judge of the State of New York 09/06/2024
info_outline Are Non-compete Agreements Dead? A Discussion with Attorney Shawn Matthew Clark 08/16/2024
info_outline The Intersection of Legal Ethics and Politics: Where Do Lawyers Draw the Line? 07/21/2024
info_outline Trying Trump: Is He Being Treated Fairly by The Justice System? 07/15/2024
info_outline Diversity, Integrity, & Intention: A Conversation with Sandra Leung 05/31/2024
info_outline Flaws, Foibles, and the Folly of Impropriety: Discussing Martin T. Manton with author Hon. Gary Stein 05/17/2024
info_outline Donald Trump, The Constitution, & The United States Supreme Court: A Conversation with Hon. Andrew P. Napolitano 04/17/2024
info_outline See No Evil, Hear No Evil, Speak No Evil in the Age of AI: A Conversation with Jamie Hoxie Solano, Esq. 03/22/2024
info_outline A Women of Firsts: A Conversation with Hon. Dianne T. Renwick, Presiding Justice of the New York State Supreme Court, Appellate Division, First Department 03/15/2024
info_outline A Conversation with Secretary Jeh Charles Johnson: Are Affirmative Action and DEI Cancelled? 02/09/2024
info_outline Content Moderation or Censorship: Discussing Murthy v. Missouri with Guest Landis Best 01/19/2024
info_outline Mental Health: The Elephant in the Room of the Legal Profession. A Conversation with Jason Ward, Lawyer 12/21/2023
info_outline When the Bow Breaks & Other Legal Perspectives with Fabio Bertoni, General Counsel at The New Yorker 11/30/2023
info_outline The People of the State of New York v. Donald J. Trump et. al.: Legal Analysis by Dennis C. Vacco 10/20/2023
info_outline Fashion Juggernaut SHEIN is Hit with A RICO Case: Discussing the Case with Legal Expert Olivera Medenica 10/20/2023
info_outline A Lesson on Leading In Crisis: A Conversation with Former NY Governor David A. Paterson 10/06/2023
info_outline AI: Friend or Foe, A Conversation with Simon Pulman, Partner & Co-chair of Pryor Cashman's Media + Entertainment and Film, TV + Podcast Groups 09/25/2023
info_outline Inspiring Others To Dream, A Conversation with Hon. Joseph A. Zayas, NYS Chief Administrative Judge of the Unified Court System 09/15/2023
info_outline A Conversation with Attorney and Legal Thriller Author Mark M. Bello 09/08/2023
info_outline Legal Analysis of the Trump Indictments with Guest Vinoo Varghese, NYC Criminal Defense Attorney 08/28/2023
info_outline Fighting the Good Fight: Twyla Carter, Attorney-in-Chief and CEO of The Legal Aid Society 08/11/2023
info_outline Reimagining A City-Within-A-City: A Conversation with Lisa Bova-Hiatt, NYCHA's New CEO 07/28/2023
info_outline The COVID-19 Consumer Protection Act & the Case of United States v. Xlear, Inc. - A Conversation with Robert Hausman 07/15/2023
info_outline The Case of The U.S. Supreme Court & The Missing Code of Ethics - A Conversation with Ethics Lawyer & Professor Richard W. Painter 06/25/2023