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From antibiotic resistance to Roaring Twenties poisonings to body farms, you can find chemistry—and a good story—anywhere. Every month writer and host, Sam Jones, PhD, takes on a chemistry tale you didn't know you needed to know.

info_outline A Bittersweet Farewell and Enthusiastic Hello: A New Science Podcast Is Headed Your Way! 12/30/2021
info_outline 🧪 Solutions 112 | The Sweet Chemistry of Vanilla Memories 12/29/2021
info_outline 🧪 Solutions 111 | A Walk Among the Sponges 12/02/2021
info_outline Bacteria are cleaning up our toxic waste | Orbitals 410 11/11/2021
info_outline 🧪 Solutions 110 | What your raincoat and a hydrogen fuel cell have in common 10/28/2021
info_outline The Great Molasses Flood of 1919 | Orbitals 409 10/14/2021
info_outline 🧪 Solutions 109 | No 5G Without Chemistry 09/30/2021
info_outline Sweat: The Taboo Fluid That Keeps Us Alive | Orbitals 408 09/16/2021
info_outline 🧪 Solutions 108 | Antiviral Fabric: From Less-Smelly Socks to Life-Saving Masks 08/26/2021
info_outline It's Raining PLASTIC?! | Orbitals 407 08/12/2021
info_outline 🧪 Solutions 107 | How Wood is Making Sunscreen More Effective 07/29/2021
info_outline The Icepick Surgeon | Orbitals 406 07/15/2021
info_outline 🧪 Solutions 106 | Fermenting Pheromones and Phytases 06/25/2021
info_outline Pretzel Perfume, Egg Foam, and the Number of Bubbles in Beer: Pub Chemistry | Orbitals 405 06/11/2021
info_outline 🧪 Solutions 105 | The New Molecules Making Vaccines More Effective 05/27/2021
info_outline Why Are Doctors Still Prescribing Opioids? | Orbitals 404 05/13/2021
info_outline 🧪 Solutions 104 | How Omega-3s from Algae Could Help Save Our Oceans 04/29/2021
info_outline Combating The Climate Crisis: From Blackout Curtains to Feeding Cows Seaweed | Orbitals 403 04/19/2021
info_outline 🧪 Solutions 103 | Boats Floating on Air and Solar Panel Crystal Balls: Lessons from Nature 03/24/2021
info_outline Does Life Exist Beyond Earth? How Would We Know? | Orbitals 402 03/11/2021
info_outline 🧪 Solutions 102 | Natural Plant Extracts: From Imposters to Invaluable Ingredients 02/26/2021
info_outline Can We Make Baby Formula As Good As Breast Milk? | Orbitals 401 02/11/2021
info_outline 🧪 Solutions 101 | How Eggplants Inspired Sustainable Paint 01/28/2021
info_outline Introducing Solutions: An Orbitals spin-off podcast | BONUS episode 01/25/2021
info_outline The Pesticide That Launched the EPA | Orbitals 309 12/21/2020
info_outline Preventing COVID-19: The Science and Scientists Behind Protective Equipment | Orbitals 308 11/17/2020
info_outline What If Half of Earth's Soil Disappeared? | Orbitals 307 09/30/2020
info_outline The American Chamber of Horrors | Orbitals 306 08/26/2020
info_outline Coronavirus Drugs: Where Are We and What's Next? | BONUS episode 07/22/2020
info_outline Could a Polio Vaccine End This Pandemic? | BONUS episode 07/08/2020