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Ordinary Sherpa: Family Adventure Coaching and Design

After exploring the world and embracing adventure often in my teens and twenties, I realized the shift to motherhood and a professional career was threatening the amount of adventure that showed up in my life. I responded by reframing the destination to a journey. In designing a life of adventure we nurtured the creation of new experiences, challenged the status quo, and tested our risk tolerance. 10 years and 3 children later, these intentional family adventures were far greater than any destination. These simple and authentic adventure experiences had a noticeable impact on every member in the family. Adventure is an ingredient in our lives that allows everyone to connect deeper and show up as their authentic selves. The quest for the summit requires support from a tribe of helpers, a noble force of goodness and strength known as Sherpas. They push each person toward their summit and celebrate peaks and pits together. This mighty crew of listeners and the community we are forming online are the ordinary everyday people who support families connecting and experiencing authentic adventures together. We are Ordinary Sherpa, a podcast designed to share learning and create community to inspire families to experience joy and connection together through adventure.

info_outline 133 | International Teaching Lifestyle Decisions with Kids (Christine & David) 02/08/2024
info_outline 132 | Finding Home through RVing with Joshua Sheehan of RV Gear and Far 01/31/2024
info_outline 131 | Grace Periods and Embracing the Power of Pause 01/03/2024
info_outline 130 | Better than Average Podcasting with Jonathan Mendonsa from Choose FI 10/30/2023
info_outline 129 | 10 Simple Ways to Infuse Adventure into your Life 10/18/2023
info_outline 128 | Experimenting with Indulgence 10/12/2023
info_outline 127 | Adventures in Entrepreneurship with Brad Barrett from Choose FI 10/05/2023
info_outline 126 | Who do you Adventure with? (Carissa from Feed us Adventures) 09/27/2023
info_outline 125 | Family Gap Year Update (9m in) and kickoff season 6 09/22/2023
info_outline 124 | (Best of) Opportunities from Adventure with Mason Gravely of the Adventure Sports Podcast 07/26/2023
info_outline 123 | Mid-Life Retirement with Brent Dusek 07/19/2023
info_outline 122 | (Best of) Humans Outside with Amy Bushatz 07/12/2023
info_outline 121 | Being an Untourist in Canada 07/06/2023
info_outline 120 | Lean Out with Dr. Dawn Baker of Practice Balance 06/14/2023
info_outline 119 | Bittersweet Transitions of Both-And Experiences 06/05/2023
info_outline 117 | Summit vs. Success 05/29/2023
info_outline 116 | Doing Hard Things with Rich Jun 05/11/2023
info_outline 115 | Break Away from the Bucket List, Practice Untourism Instead 05/03/2023
info_outline 114 | Generations of Adventure with Diane Nachel 04/20/2023
info_outline 113 | Lesson in Unlocating, Unlearning, and Unschooling 04/05/2023
info_outline 112 | Is Travel Overrated? with Gary of Financial Fives 03/23/2023
info_outline 111 | Family Travel Hacking Strategy with Rachel West 03/16/2023
info_outline 110 | Thinking Differently About What Life Could Be with the Jurek Family 03/13/2023
info_outline 109 | Experiencing Childhood Dreams with Chris from Life Outside the Maze. 02/18/2023
info_outline 108 | Winter Camping and Skiing {Gap Year Diaries} 02/08/2023
info_outline 107 | 12 Yo Fly Fishing Business Adventure 02/01/2023
info_outline 106 | Getting Back on Your Bike After an Accident with my 10 YO daughter 01/24/2023
info_outline 105 | Ordinary Adventure Conversations with 7YO Little Monster 01/18/2023
info_outline 104 | Eliminating Shoulds with Tricia Your Joyologist 01/11/2023
info_outline 103 | The Refreshing Benefits of Cold 01/04/2023