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The Patriot Defense Podcast

concealed cary

info_outline Welcome to Guns episode #12 What to expect in a class 03/19/2025
info_outline Training Series episode #11 Heart Rate and Shooting Drills 03/18/2025
info_outline Wasted Local tax dollars 03/16/2025
info_outline Welcome to Guns episode #11 Choosing an Instructor 03/12/2025
info_outline Training Series episode #10 Physical Fitness and shooting 03/10/2025
info_outline The Gift of Fear 03/09/2025
info_outline Welcome to Guns episode #10 Should I take a class 03/05/2025
info_outline Training Series episode #9 The art of the draw 03/03/2025
info_outline Community and the Future 03/02/2025
info_outline Welcome to Guns episode #9 Optics 02/26/2025
info_outline Training Series episode #8 50/50 drill 02/26/2025
info_outline Co witness this!!!! 02/25/2025
info_outline Welcome to Guns episode #8 Holsters 02/19/2025
info_outline Training Series Episode #7 Trigger Reset 02/17/2025
info_outline How can I make you want to earn it... 02/16/2025
info_outline Welcome to guns episode #7 Ammo Basics 02/12/2025
info_outline Training Series episode #6 Acquiring the Sights 02/10/2025
info_outline Martial Arts Strategies for Firearms Training 02/09/2025
info_outline Welcome to Guns Episode #6 Choosing a Gun 02/05/2025
info_outline Training Series episode #5 Fishing and Bowling 02/03/2025
info_outline Don't be that guy...... 02/02/2025
info_outline Welcome to Guns episode #5 Types of Guns 01/30/2025
info_outline Training series episode #4 Trigger Press 01/27/2025
info_outline Do it right or don't do it at all.... 01/26/2025
info_outline Welcome to Guns episode #4 Gun stores and what to expect 01/22/2025
info_outline Training Series episode #3 Stance 01/20/2025
info_outline That's how it has to be... 01/19/2025
info_outline Welcome to Guns Episode #3 Four firearms safety rules 01/15/2025
info_outline Training series episode #2 Grip 01/13/2025
info_outline How many rounds does it take 01/13/2025