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Peopling the Past

Join host Dr. Chelsea Gardner and co-hosts Dr. Carolyn Laferièrre and Dr. Melissa Funke for a journey through under-explored aspects of archaeology, history, and everyday life in the ancient Mediterranean. Every week we feature an expert whose cutting-edge research sheds light on the real people who lived in ancient Greece, Rome, Egypt, and beyond. Follow us on Twitter @peoplingthepast with the #peoplingpodcast, on Instagram and Facebook @peoplingthepast, and on our website peoplingthepast.com.

info_outline Season 4 Promo Episode! 01/14/2025
info_outline Special Episode - Let's Talk About Podcasts, Baby! with Liv Albert 10/15/2024
info_outline How do you Solve a Problem like Cleopatra? : Shelley Haley and the last Egyptian Pharoah 03/19/2024
info_outline These Boots were Made for Walking: Women's Mobility and Migration in the Roman Empire with Marie-Adeline Le Guennec 04/04/2023
info_outline (Not so) Risky Business: the Potential Perils of Childbirth in ancient Rome with Anna Bonnell Freidin 03/21/2023
info_outline Not a Puella, Not Yet a Femina: Roman Girlhood with Lauren Caldwell 03/07/2023
info_outline Do Not Afflict the Widow: the Women of Ancient Nubia with Jacke Phillips 02/21/2023
info_outline Beyond the Bare Bones: Women in the Osteological Record with Efthymia Nikita 02/07/2023
info_outline Portrait of a Lady: Discovering Seianti with Judith Swaddling 06/28/2022
info_outline Nevertheless, She Persisted: Boudicca and Imperial Resistance with Caitlin Gillespie 06/21/2022
info_outline Sisters are Doing it for Themselves: Mesopotamian Free Women with Stephanie Budin 06/14/2022
info_outline Call the (Roman) Midwife: Ancient Delivery and Childbirth with Tara Mulder 06/07/2022
info_outline So Long as There is Hope: Wonder Women in Classics and Comics with Natalie Swain 05/31/2022
info_outline Season Three Trailer! 05/05/2022
info_outline Breaking the Bond: Forced Marriage and Cursed Freedom in Ancient Rome with Katharine Huemoeller 08/31/2021
info_outline Seize the Clay: Pottery Workshops in Sagalassos with Elizabeth Murphy 08/24/2021
info_outline There's Something about Mary: Early Cult and Veneration of the Virgin with Sabrina Higgins 08/17/2021
info_outline Rolling in the Dough: Bread-Making and Roman Bakeries with Jared Benton 08/10/2021
info_outline Breaking the Mold: Quasi-Official Coinage in Roman Egypt with Irene Soto Marín 07/20/2021
info_outline Practical Magic: Ancient Roman Smells and Spells with Britta Ager 07/13/2021
info_outline Using Olive It: Sustainable Fuel Production in the Ancient Mediterranean with Erica Rowan 07/06/2021
info_outline In Living Colour: Painting and Pigments with Hilary Becker 06/29/2021
info_outline Going with the Flow: Water Systems in North Africa with Mark Locicero 06/22/2021
info_outline Portrait of a Palmyran Man: Ancient Syrian Identity with Blair Fowlkes Childs 06/15/2021
info_outline Grave Matters: Resting Places for Regular People with Liana Brent 06/08/2021
info_outline If the (Roman) Shoe Fits: Elizabeth Greene and Footwear from Vindolanda 06/01/2021
info_outline Season Two Trailer! 05/18/2021
info_outline Thrown Together: Potters, Painters, and Ceramic Production with Sanchita Balachandran 12/01/2020
info_outline Making Waves in the Aegean: Lana Radloff and the Milesian Seascape 11/24/2020
info_outline Golden Years and Silver Hair: The Greek Art of Aging with Susan Matheson 11/17/2020