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Perfect Business Podcast

Craft your perfect business. Get the personal and financial fulfillment that makes you fall in love with your business over and over again. Join Jack Voorheis, a 5th generation entrepreneur (business is in his DNA) as he reveals how to find your perfect business formula. Jack's lifetime of being an entrepreneur has taught him to be uncompromising. Starting with a compromised plan can have devastating consequences. Jack is a highly sought after business advisor who is religious about helping people craft a business that provides a purposeful and prosperous life. Known for his “Say it like it is” approach of combining life empowering principles and leveraging your unique value added preposition for maximum leverage.

info_outline 12 - Jessica Barst, Jewelry Designer and Successful Entrepreneur 05/26/2015
info_outline 11 - 3 Ways to Identify the Pitfalls That Can Kill Your Business 02/27/2015
info_outline 10 - The Visionary Entrepreneur 02/03/2015
info_outline 9 - Gregory Anne Cox Interview 01/29/2015
info_outline 8- Interview with Marissa O’Neil - Female Entrepreneur Series 01/12/2015
info_outline 7- Interview with Jennifer Trask - Female Entrepreneur Series 12/30/2014
info_outline 6- Defining your super powers 12/18/2014
info_outline 5 - Anne Ribley Interview - Female Entrepreneur Series 12/08/2014
info_outline 4 - The Perfect Business Formula 12/05/2014
info_outline 3 - You Are A Creator. You Are A Entrepreneur. 12/04/2014
info_outline 2 - The World is Changing. Are You? 12/02/2014
info_outline 1- What is a Purpose Driven Entrepreneur? 11/29/2014