On March 30, 1988, Warner Bros released Beetlejuice, a movie that would skyrocket the likes of Michael Keaton, Winona Ryder, and Tim Burton to overnight stardom. The movie's success would also lead to future collaborations between them such as Batman and Edward Scissorhands, therein marking Tim Burton as one of the most prolific and well known directors of the modern generation of filmmakers. With its cartoonishly gothic horror inspiration, Beetlejuice was such a unique, yet poignant riff on 80's pop culture that it resonated with audiences, both mainstream and counter-culture alike. The movie was a critical and financial success, and would go on to be the 10th highest-grossing movie in 1988, despite this being Burton's very first feature film. Beetlejuice's success would go on to inspire a spinoff animated series and two video games. Thirty years later, it remained such a cultural icon that the movie would even inspire a hit Broadway musical. We didn't watch Beetlejuice. Instead, we watched Sony Pictures' Morbius starring Jared Leto and we talked about it for ~45 minutes. Chiptune remix of "The Kill" by Chiptune Planet: