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Vinny's Proof of Work Podcast

A classic underachiever/misfit who somehow ended up a lawyer turned FBI Special Agent turned comic who delves into Bitcoin, Organized Crime, Cyber Crime, Comedy and life with three kids.

info_outline S02 Episode 2: Looming Bitcoin Spot ETF Approval and what it means for #Bitcoin 12/02/2023
info_outline S02E1: What happened!? 12/01/2023
info_outline Episode 18: Gun laws in the and the recent Bruen Supreme Court decision 11/06/2022
info_outline Episode 17: Paul Pelosi Attack in his house...conspiracy? 11/02/2022
info_outline Episode 16: Lawyers provide legal analysis of the Nevada store clerk stabbing. Was it really Self Defense? 08/06/2022
info_outline Episode 15: ATF Agent arrested at gunpoint while on the job 08/04/2022
info_outline Episode 14: The Uvalde school shooting disaster 07/26/2022
info_outline Episode 13: Dr. William Moravits 05/19/2022
info_outline Episode 12: Michael Loftus 05/03/2022
info_outline Episode 11: Mick Thomas joins to talk Elon Musk/Twitter and Johnny Depp Trial 04/27/2022
info_outline Episode 10: Interview with FBI Agent Dave Crisafi 04/07/2022
info_outline Episode 9: Amusement park death..his fault? 03/28/2022
info_outline Episode 8: Jussie Smollet Sentenced and he doesn't like it 03/11/2022
info_outline Episode 7:Was Bob Saget's death really suspicious? 02/28/2022
info_outline Episode 6: What does it mean to be a man? 02/17/2022
info_outline Episode 5: Bitcoin for Beginners w/ Paul Virzi and Iso 02/11/2022
info_outline Episode 4: DOJ Seizes 4.5 Billion in Bitcoin from 2016 hack 02/09/2022
info_outline Episode 3: No-Knock warrants and the death of Amir Locke 02/06/2022
info_outline Episode 2: Getting through the FBI Academy 01/30/2022
info_outline Episode 1: The Road to the FBI Academy 01/30/2022