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Radical Personal Finance

Joshua J Sheats, MSFS, CFP, CLU, ChFC, CASL, RHU, REBC, CAP is a financial planner who teaches people how to live a rich life now while building a plan for financial freedom in 10 years or less. He mixes creative approaches to lifestyle design, deep-dive financial planning techniques, and hard-core business strategy to equip you with the knowledge and inspiration you need to build financial independence.

info_outline 1030-Friday Q&A: Maximum Investment Cashflow, New Vehicle, Large Family Travel, Difficult College Decisions 06/21/2024
info_outline 1029-The Go-Getter: A Story That Tells You How to be One 06/20/2024
info_outline Joshua's Request for You to Donate to this Worth Charitable Effort 06/17/2024
info_outline 1028: As Rich as Croesus 06/17/2024
info_outline 1027: Should Women Work? 06/12/2024
info_outline 1026: Friday Q&A: Pay Cash for House or Get a Mortgage, Full-Time RV Living, Death Plan for Information, Philosophy of Business 06/07/2024
info_outline 1025: The Rich Should Leave Their Wealth to Their Children, Not to Charity 06/06/2024
info_outline 1024: If Only I Had... 06/03/2024
info_outline 1023: The Highest Paying Summer Job for Teens 05/30/2024
info_outline 1022: Prepare for Sudden Death 05/29/2024
info_outline 1021: Friday Q&A: Too Much Money To Know What To Do With, Trades vs. Knowledge Work, Saving Capital Gains Taxes 05/24/2024
info_outline 1020: The Death of the Nation State? 05/21/2024
info_outline 1019: We're Doomed 05/20/2024
info_outline 1018: Friday Q&A: Entity Selection for a Business and One Parent One Language Acquisition for Children 05/17/2024
info_outline 1017: The Ultimate Freedom Machine! 05/16/2024
info_outline 1016: Things Young Men Should Do in 2024 05/14/2024
info_outline 1015: Friday Q&A: Deleting a Social Security Number for your Child, UTMA Accounts, Sell Old House or Keep as Rental 05/10/2024
info_outline 1014: How To Avoid Being Nailed By a State Income Tax Auditor 05/09/2024
info_outline 1013: Financially Productive Characteristics to Look for In a Potential Spouse 05/06/2024
info_outline 1012: A Useful Framework to Find and Attract the Spouse of Your Dreams 05/01/2024
info_outline 1011: My Post-Event Report on the Inaugural RPF Family Camp 04/30/2024
info_outline 1010: Friday Q&A: Building Work Ethic and Character, Taking Drugs and Getting Plastic Surgery, Overcoming Risks for Full-Time Moms 04/26/2024
info_outline 1009: U.S. Fertility Rate Falls to Record Low! How Can We Invest Money To Get More Babies? 04/25/2024
info_outline 1008: We Got Him! The Demise of the IRS Whistleblower and What We Need to Learn From It 04/23/2024
info_outline 1007: Friday Q&A: Costs of Motherhood, International Snow-Bird Adventures for Employees, Tithing on Investments, Abortion Debate, AI Dominating AI and Bookkeeping 04/19/2024
info_outline 1006: Building Enormous Wealth Efficiently Through Business Abroad: Interview with Andrew Henderson 04/15/2024
info_outline Come Join Me at Nomad Capitalist Live in September! 04/15/2024
info_outline 1005: How to Navigate the Social Financial Complexities of Dining Out So You Can Have a Great Social Life Without Breaking the Bank 04/02/2024
info_outline 1004: Don't Wait to Have Babies Until You Can "Afford It" 03/21/2024
info_outline 1003: Don't Wait For Marriage Until You Can "Afford It" 03/18/2024