The First Vision (Revelation 1:9-20)Pastor Josh teaches on the first vision revealed to John the Apostle and the importance of having a clear vision of who Jesus is in our lives /episode/index/show/redeemmedia/id/35303955
The Revelation of Jesus Christ (Revelation 1:1a)In this sermon we kick off a new series on the book of Revelation. /episode/index/show/redeemmedia/id/35119065
Anxiety & Prayer (Philippians 4:6)In this sermon we look at Paul's instructions to exchange anxiety for prayer. /episode/index/show/redeemmedia/id/34960275
Reasonable People (Philippians 4:5)In this sermon we evaluate the meaning of being reasonable with everyone. /episode/index/show/redeemmedia/id/34830850
"Return to Me" | A Survey of the Book of ZechariahIn this sermon we look at the book of Zechariah under the theme "Return to me and I will return to you." /episode/index/show/redeemmedia/id/34660355
"The Word Became Flesh" (John 1:14-18)In this sermon we talk about why Christians believe that God became a human being without ceasing to be God. /episode/index/show/redeemmedia/id/34571480
Clothe Your Faith with Virtue (2 Peter 1:5-7)Pastor Josh preaches through a chain of virtues from 2 Peter 1:5-7. /episode/index/show/redeemmedia/id/33869162
Back to Virtue | "Let's Get Back to Virtue" (2 Peter 1:1-2)We begin a short sermon series on 2 Peter 1:1-11. Peter is at the end of his life and he calls the church to pursue biblical virtue. /episode/index/show/redeemmedia/id/33670967
Church Mission (Matthew 28)Pastor Josh shares what the mission of the church is and the importance of being Christ centered in a world that opposes God and Biblical truth /episode/index/show/redeemmedia/id/33537177
Show me your Glory (Exodus 33-40)Pastor Josh wraps up his series on Exodus and preaches on the attributes of God. /episode/index/show/redeemmedia/id/33438887
Idolatry and AtonementPastor Josh continues to teach on Exodus 32 and shares the importance removing idol from our lives that get in the way of following God. /episode/index/show/redeemmedia/id/33348952
The Intercession of MosesPastor Josh continues teaching on Exodus 32 and shares the significance of Jesus being our ultimate mediator /episode/index/show/redeemmedia/id/33252012
The Golden Calf (Exodus 32)Pastor Josh preaches on Exodus 32 and talks about the golden calf and the importance of priorityzing relationships over results. /episode/index/show/redeemmedia/id/33159012
The High Priest (Exodus 28-31)Exodus tells us about the garments and the consecration of the High Priest. This Old Testament pattern points to the high priestly ministry of Jesus Christ. /episode/index/show/redeemmedia/id/33062762
The Angel of the LORD (Exodus 23:20-33)Pastor Josh preaches on the Angel of the LORD from Exodus 23. Here we learn how to follow Jesus. /episode/index/show/redeemmedia/id/32854272
Live Free Pt.3 (Exodus 21-23)Pastor Josh continues preaching on Exodus 21-23 and shares the importance of purity and property laws, people and praise /episode/index/show/redeemmedia/id/32730957
Live Free Pt. 2 (Exodus 21:12-32)Pastor Josh continues teaching from Exodus 21-23 and talks about the importance of understanding the lex talionis /episode/index/show/redeemmedia/id/32628457
Live Free Pt. 1 (Exodus 21:1-11)Pastor Josh continues his teaching on the book of Exodus and teaches on the freedom we recieve through following God. /episode/index/show/redeemmedia/id/32533902
The Parable of the Sower (Luke 8:4-15)Jesus outlines various responses to the gospel using a parable about a sower, some seed, and various kinds of soil. /episode/index/show/redeemmedia/id/32519412
The Transfiguration of Jesus (Mark 9:2-8)What was veiled in the humanity of Jesus is revealed in his transfiguration. In this sermon we learn what the transfiguration teaches us about Jesus and how to respond. /episode/index/show/redeemmedia/id/31765769
You Must Be Born Again (John 3:1-15)Jesus explains to Nicodemus that he must be "born again" to see the kingdom of God. /episode/index/show/redeemmedia/id/31672447
Water to Wine (John 2:1-11)When Jesus turned water to wine, he manifested his glory! John shapes this eyewitness so we can taste and see the glory of the only begotten Son of God. /episode/index/show/redeemmedia/id/31570847