The Regan Hillyer Show
This is the Regan Hillyer Show with Regan Hillyer - a serial entrepreneur, philanthropist, mindset coach, and global speaker that helps anyone breakthrough to new levels of success in their personal and professional life. The episodes will showcase Regan speaking on her own experiences as well as with leaders, artist and creators who are changing the business landscape and living a life of total freedom and abundance.
The Most Powerful Tools For Manifesting with Megan Porter
The Most Powerful Tools For Manifesting with Megan Porter
The Mindvalley Show - Regan Hillyer & Megan Pormer - Episode # 49 🎙️ Listen Up! Latest Podcast 🎙️ In this month’s podcast, The Most Powerful Tools For Manifesting - a part of the Mindvalley Show Series, I talk with Megan Pormer, just after my session with engaged Mindvalley clients - 2 hours with over 500 people, live and on site - to show them the principles of manifestation. We discuss how I used the power of a psychedelic experience…without pharmaceutical psychedelics! And the impact this had on the assembled gathering. It’s all about unblocking the unconscious mind and the benefits that can be achieved through this transformation. Understanding my exclusive, unique methodology - the Energetic Architecture Method which is my gateway to mastering the art of manifesting exactly what it is that you desire most in every aspect of your life. Megan and I also discuss the pathway to one’s natural state - pure abundance and what are the pieces that we all carry that block our pathway to manifestation and the route to surrendering back into our natural selves and being an energetic match for what we want to call in. The soul is untarnished, it is pure light and speaks to you through desire, our higher selves calling us back home. And, with practice, you can discern whether your desires are coming from your soul or your ego’s limiting constructs! This podcast, The Most Powerful Tools For Manifesting with the Mindvalley Show Series, is over an hour and a half of golden gems of information and the joys of reclaiming your power, receiving absolute clarity and enjoying infinite potentiality. Join us to hear the whole podcast and find out exactly how this works. Listen here! Enjoy! I love you! And remember, You absolutely can have it all! Regan x
🎙️ How To Manifest Anything - The Daniela Baumann Show 🎙️
🎙️ How To Manifest Anything - The Daniela Baumann Show 🎙️
Listen here as I chat with the renowned Daniela Bauman and we discuss How To Manifest Anything and how it can change your life - as it has changed mine. We uncover exactly what manifestation is - a dream, a vision or a prayer and how to translate and anchor it into your life and into the physical - into matter. Manifestation is a tool that I have used for over fifteen years now, to shape my life. I discuss with Daniela how you can create a life of abundance through the techniques behind manifestation and that you can get to have it all, on your own terms. It’s about manifesting from the intentions of one’s highest self. I know that manifestation tools are based on science, they are tools that come from the realm of quantum physics and are practical and applicable and Daniella and I uncover this in this podcast, and how to use these tools and modalities for the best. We are all beings of frequency and energetic ‘feeling’ beings that affect our manifestations. It’s about acknowledging your unconscious reality, realising where you are, and knowing that it has no bearing on your future reality. You can change your future at any moment, you have the capability and the power, you just need to understand and know how to use the tools that are there for you. It’s knowing that you have the chance to disconnect yourself from your reality and completely rewrite the story, using my Energetic Architecture Method™. We share some of my success stories, and what coaching and mentoring will look like in the future, and how manifestation tools and techniques can make a real, lasting impact in your life. But! Remember, you have to do the inner work first and you have to participate. And, here’s where you start to understand this process. Enjoy! I love you! And remember, You absolutely can have it all! Regan x
Embracing The Journey: From Trauma to Transcendence with Regan and Auroara Leigh from Simply Sacred
Embracing The Journey: From Trauma to Transcendence with Regan and Auroara Leigh from Simply Sacred
Struggling with deeper trauma? The “BIG T” sort of trauma? 🎙️ Listen up 🎙️ In this latest podcast, I speak with Auroara Leigh from Simply Sacred as we discuss past trauma and the management of, and the healing of. I believe that the best healing for individuals suffering from trauma is to be brought back to their natural state - the frequency of your soul - pure light, peace, abundance and joy. There are a number of things that can conspire to take us away from this pure state and this is the experience of trauma, these things can be huge and life shattering or they can be perceived as minor on any sliding scale. What I do know is that this state of arrival can be recalibrated, shifted and restored. Aurora and I also discuss manifestation, soul-led understandings, self-love and self-worth and stepping into personal visions. The ability to upgrade every single layer of your being with heart-felt consciousness and the feeling that you are enough. In this rapidly evolving world, the importance of managing trauma, of all levels, and returning back to your true essence and understanding divine ethos, with a safe guide is incredibly important. Clinging to an old narrative is the block and freedom is finding and understanding your purpose and creating outside of a trauma that doesn't define you forever. Emotions are like tatsebuds…we have a range of them, and you have the capacity to feel something to allow it to shift and to move the emotions. Join us to hear the whole podcast and find out exactly how this works. Enjoy! I love you! And remember, You absolutely can have it all! Regan x
Evolve Shift and Grow!
Evolve Shift and Grow!
Why Isn’t Everyone Doing This?
Why Isn’t Everyone Doing This?
Listen to my latest podcast with Ziva Meditation and Emily Fletcher and find out what I’m most proud of! It’s around being calm. Can you manifest calm? When all else is imploding around you, can you find the eye of the hurricane and manufacture stillness for yourself? My life wasn't always this calm! And in my early years of leaning into and creating my first million dollars, I sure wasn’t calm! I was only sleeping three hours a night, surrounded by toxic people, micromanaging everything, and living off Red Bull and coffee! Frankly, I was a mess!!! Even though I was financially successful, I was so far out of alignment with my soul, I was ‘manufacturing’ not surrendering and calling in manifestation, controlling every little thing and every little piece of my journey. And that’s not healthy. In this latest podcast with Emily, we discuss the pathway to finding that inspirational moment, that moment where you say “Ah ha” and truly understand how it should be done. And, how you can find and create that pathway. It’s also about coming home to your soul and really knowing what comes from your higher guidance, leaning into the truth of who you are, and being truly open to receiving. And, taking the nuanced road to intentionally manifesting what you really desire. Enjoy!
How To Attract Your Dream Life
How To Attract Your Dream Life
Tune In To My Latest Podcast - Have a listen to this. In this podcast I chat to Ajit of Master Coaching from Mindvalley University. And in this lively conversation, we talk about the importance of your inner reality and conditioning yourself from the inside out. We discuss doing the internal work, so that you can dive into, shift and recalibrate to become the best version of YOU. The match for YOU that calls in, and attracts what you really want from life. It’s not about the past. It’s not about dramatising your past, where you have come from and the learnings around it…it’s in fact about the PRESENT and what you are doing with it. We are all born manifestors. It’s all a reflection of YOU. Right now is where the chain starts, and although we are a product of our pasts and we are the accumulation of our pasts, we only have our present. And we must learn not to copy and paste our pasts into our present. We discuss how to take control of our past stories and step into the now of our new realities. And how we choose to respond to these past stories and how we choose to react and rewrite them. How to build a personal vision, decide what your soul desires and where the signals from within your own system are coming from and how to recognise them. The techniques, skills and the practices around this. Enjoy listening! I love you! And remember, You absolutely can have it all! Regan x
How to Manifest Millions and the Journey Behind the Practice
How to Manifest Millions and the Journey Behind the Practice
Tune In To My Latest Podcast - With Kaitlin O’Toole - Creator of the MBA Method Welcome Soulmate Tribe to my latest, seriously mind-blowing conversation. 🗣️ 📣 It’s an upfront and personal dialogue with the renowned ex-sports journalist and media persona, Kaitlin O’Toole. We discuss the embodiment of the best version of yourself and how to manifest your dream life, in each and every aspect. 💭 It’s about, where to start, harnessing the spark of possibility 💥 and recognising the opportunities that are presented, how to find one’s way and finding the programs that resonate and align with what your vision is. 👓 Knowing about your frequency, your energetic field, how to access it and embody it to come into alignment with what you want to call in. Understanding what is potentially blocking your energetic field is the key to manifestation. This is the crux of the energetic exchange that you have with your mind 🧠 and the universe, to use your energetic field to call in what you most desire in life. We also talk about the mind, the light, time, meditation, cultivating positive tools, a healthy ego and conditioning your mind so that it is partnering with you. Understanding the processes behind our ability to delete, distort and generalise to work on our minds to tap into our infinite possibilities. Tools for clearing your unconscious mind and then using the spaces that are left behind. Oh yes! How to also understand your Blissipline! 💕 This is just such an enlightening and life-affirming podcast, that I know you will enjoy! I love you! And remember, You absolutely can have it all! Regan x
Looking at Infinite Possibility 🌌
Looking at Infinite Possibility 🌌
Join with me, Regan, as I chat with Tenille Bentley of The Digital Wealthy & Conscious Podcast and we discuss the ignition of the flame 🔥 that sparks the ability to have it all and what that exactly means. Being an energetic match for what you are looking to call into your life. Listen to how we unpack ‘the gap’. The period of time that exists between the past and what you are hoping to call in. How to manage ‘the gap’ and step into our uncomfortableness with the space between the now and the future. We discuss the process behind how to control the ‘stories’ from your past and not letting that accumulation define you and rewrite your future reality, and how to bridge that gap. 🌉 We also talk about self-doubt and self-sabotage, and the techniques for how to manage ‘that voice’ in your head that sometimes goes wild with exaggeration and craziness, 🤪 and the use of tenacity to assist you to build your enterprise. What role does your inner guidance play in moving forward? Do you have the skills to notice your ‘gut’ instincts and harness your inner wisdom? And, how to recognise these instincts and that information. Oh, and we talk about frequency and the power of the LumiVitae Liquid Light Technology, 💦 so much in here this month! 🙌
My Platinum Podcast 🎙️
My Platinum Podcast 🎙️
Join me as I present my latest podcast, The Platinum Podcast - Millionaire Mastery: Unveiling My Platinum Mentorship, that I recently presented as a webinar, live and online. This space is where I ask the question: What would it mean for you, if you could consciously create millions of dollars, from a place of heart-centered coherence and awareness? 🧠 💕 What would your life look like? 🤔 And, more to the point, what does a conscious millionaire actually look like and how does a conscious millionaire act? Over the years, I have helped to create over 60 beautiful souls to become conscious millionaires, wherever they were on their journey. Some just needed a ‘tweak’ to get over the millionaire hurdle and some actually were just starting out and needed assistance to recognise and carve out their true path. 💰💰 💰💰 And what we all learned is that a conscious millionaire is someone who is able to put their hand up and expand, and open into a vision that is so big and so grand and that they are able to say “Yes” and get in alignment with the capacity to shift and navigate around anything that is not aligned with this greater vision. 👁️ That’s just one of the gems in my Platinum Podcast - Millionaire Mastery: Unveiling My Platinum Mentorship. There are so many others, just awaiting your ears. 👂 So settle in, tune out the noise, and get ready to be enlightened, entertained, and maybe even a little triggered - in the best way possible! 🎧
How To Change Your Life In 3 Minutes - BRAINZ Magazine Podcast Interview
How To Change Your Life In 3 Minutes - BRAINZ Magazine Podcast Interview
I am so incredibly grateful, humble and also thrilled 🥳 to be spotlighted on the cover and featured in the leading article of the latest issue of BRAINZ. Magazine. And, in my latest podcast, with BRAINZ Magazine Podcast host, Mark Sephton he interviews 🎙️ me about the issues that are most dear to my heart 💝 and also catalogues my journey from start up nothing to the multi-eight figure on-line education business that is Regan Hillyer International (RHI) today. 🚀 This in depth podcast is especially gratifying as it forms the basis of the BRAINZ. Magazine article just published now. 📖 We discuss topics such as: 👂 The power of listening - trusting and acting. 💟 Why the soul-led place is critical to the life we want to live. 💥 How to change your life in 3 minutes. 🤸 How the energetic body is affecting our decisions and choices and The Energetic Architecture Method. 💫 We have a wonderful flow of conversation around alignment to one’s self, purpose, mindset, leadership, vision, commitment to service and where “And remember, You absolutely can have it all” actually came from! 🎙️ So, put your listening ears on! 🎧
Activating Your Abundance Codes + the Power of In-Person Experiences
Activating Your Abundance Codes + the Power of In-Person Experiences
In this podcast I’m in conversation with Taylor Simpson, the creator and driving force behind The Untamed Festival, a femme-fest, for women, of women and by women, this March 2024 in Costa Rica. 🏝️ 🏄 🐵🦎🐸 🐊 🐍 🦋 🦥 🐞 And, an event that I will also be headlining for her there! 🎶 🎼 🔊🎤 And, we are discussing what it truly means to be an embodied woman. For me, this means a woman who is fully in her senses, 😝 🤌 🦻 👀 👃 embodying her power and her divinity. A woman who is living from the purest expression of her soul and someone who has thoroughly stepped into absolutely being herself. 🩴 👣 It’s how one actually gets to this position, is the crux of this podcast, understanding the evolution of the journey… We discuss the power of alignment and the role of manifestation in your life, in calling in your desired soulmate, the divine union that you deserve. Regardless of what seems to be unfolding in your life. And, the micro moments 🔬 and details that are the shifts that amplify the changes in your life and listening intently to what is unfolding in your life and your body. It’s about looking into yourself and listening for guidance, building your soul gym 🤸 and training yourself to notice when you aren’t listening 🗣️and what happens because of that, and to learn from these pieces. Building your Inner compass. 🧭 We also discuss what the Abundance Codes actually mean and the practising of The Energetic Architecture Method, to bring yourself back to your natural state. And how you can learn and understand all of this. And also….the upcoming Untamed Festival 🔥 and what I’m presenting and headlining there, this April 2024. 🌴🌎 Happy listening!
My Platinum Client's Triumph: Miranda Marriott's Unforgettable Journey from Desperation to Dominance
My Platinum Client's Triumph: Miranda Marriott's Unforgettable Journey from Desperation to Dominance
I am so pleased and proud to introduce and share with you, via my latest podcast…..Miranda Marriott.🎙️ Miranda is a 1:1 Platinum client of mine and her rise from complete bottom scraping desperation to smashing her financial and personal goals, in record time, is just the most wonderful story! 🌈💖 And, I am so pleased to have Miranda with us in this podcast to share her sensational story, in her own words. ✨ From the depths of despair, as a newly separated single mother, swimming in debt and depression, to a now shining superstar, building a business that is bringing in multiple 6-figure months…consistently, in under four years! 👏 How’s that!?💥 We hear how Miranda has achieved this miraculous turnaround and what tools and techniques she has employed to go from severe self-doubt, and in a dire state of victimhood through to becoming a confident super achiever. 💫 Miranda tells us what she feels were her defining moments, the realisation of the power of deep energy work, self compassion, relationships and tolerance, her health and the importance of firstly, offering your gift to the world, and how the commitment to deep service brings its rewards and results. So tune in as I unveil this remarkable conversation 🎙️ as Miranda shares not only her story but clarifies for us the pieces that she has put together to create her success. ⭐ I know that it is bound to make you think about your perspective on life, love, the journey of self-discovery and the manifestation of a truly abundant life. This is surely where the lessons are. 🥰
Unlocking the Soul's Rhythm: A Journey into Manifestation, Music, and Jungle Living
Unlocking the Soul's Rhythm: A Journey into Manifestation, Music, and Jungle Living
In our latest episode, we dive deep into the question: What Is The Beat Of Your Soul? 🎶 We've got the incredible Oisin Lunny from Audio Talks joining us, and trust us, you don't want to miss this one, as he asks us some searching questions and gets to the root of our why. Buckle up for an exhilarating ride as we spill the beans also on the latest and greatest at The Nest Costa Rica — your go-to destination for paradise luxe jungle living! 🌿🏡 Our conversation with Oisin was nothing short of epic and downright enlightening! 🚀 We're serving up a unique blend of life coaching, biohacking, live ceremonial music, and spirituality. Plus, we're spilling the tea on our vibrational journey towards the frequency of manifestation. 🌌✨ This podcast isn't just about what we do; it's about how we empower our soulmate tribe to step into their dream life and groove to the beat of their souls. 🕺💖 Get ready to create a life in sync with your highest potential and flow — waking up every day with pure excitement! 🌅 Tune in to catch the vibes as we share our life stories, revealing the incredible journey that led us to guide and heal others through various modalities and frequencies. 🌈🌟 Oh, and let's not forget the role of music in our lives — a fusion of intuition, healing, the soulbeat of the universe and purpose! Ready for some inspiration? Hit play and let's vibe together! 🎧🚀 Enjoy listening!
Uncut & Uncensored with Caroline Stanbury of Dear Media
Uncut & Uncensored with Caroline Stanbury of Dear Media
🎙️ Are You Ready For This…? 🎙️ This time, I’m in magnificent Dubai with one of the international stars ⭐ of ‘Real Housewives of Dubai’ - Caroline Stanbury of Dear Media. What a wonderful conversation we had! 🥰 It circled around living life unapologetically and the actual, physical steps to manifestation and implementing and pulling in your vision for your life. 💫 Also, how one can stop being a victim and living in victim mode. It’s about taking back your power and realising that you have a ‘choice’ as to how you respond to events and opportunities that present themselves. 💌✨ It’s the art of harnessing your power, listening to your gut and allowing yourself to call in what is aligned with your purpose. 🌈💖 I discuss with Caroline how to harness and move through the most important steps to manifesting, affirming and calling in exactly what you desire.👏 We also explore how to analyse the depths of your relationships, both with yourself and with others. The keys to actually manifesting what you want to call in and how you can choose to be whoever you want to be, each and every day of your life! 🥳 So stay tuned as we unveil a remarkable conversation that's bound to make you think about your perspective on life, love and the journey of self-discovery…which is where the lessons are.💥 Listen Up! 🎧
Embracing Change and Love: A Deep Dive with Suzy Ashworth
Embracing Change and Love: A Deep Dive with Suzy Ashworth
🎙️ Hey there, beautiful souls! 🎙️ It's your favourite dynamic duo, Regan and JuanPa, coming at you with a brand new enlightening podcast for your listening pleasure. 💫 🌟 We recently had the privilege of sitting down with the incredible Suzy Ashworth, the change-making powerhouse of Infinite Receiving, 🌍✨ for some ‘real’ chat. Here's the link of the whole interview: And, let's just say that the conversation was nothing short of transformative! 🤩 We dive deep into the realms of relationships, the challenges of parenting and co-parenting, the art of letting go, embracing change and the managing of crises that emerge in close partnerships. We cover off the standout moments of the past 12 months, talk about our highlights, challenges, cultivating resistance and some not so amazing moments! 🌊 And, the tools that you can use to build resilience to navigate your pathway in this mind-expanding podcast episode! 💌✨ Are you ready to explore the depths of your relationships, both with yourself and with others? Stay tuned as we unveil this remarkable conversation that's bound to shake up your perspective on life, love and the journey of self-discovery…which is where the lessons are . 🌈💖 Listen so that you can keep embracing the beautiful dance of change. 🕺💃
How To Unlock The Activation Of Your Next Wealth Frequency
How To Unlock The Activation Of Your Next Wealth Frequency
Join me, in my latest podcast, as I chat with the inspirational Taryn Lee about how to activate your next wealth frequency. Dive deep with us as we investigate wealth frequencies and how to humbly, fully listen to what is surrounding you in order to activate your wealth at the next frequency level. It’s about going beyond your personal story, your family story, cognitive generational inheritance of the ‘stories’ that surround thow you have been conditioned around money and its creation and your response to it. Activating your next wealth frequency is also about being brave enough to actually put your hand up and own your own story. To declare how ‘big’ you want to go, how ‘shiny’ you want to show up and unapologetically stand in that frequency and understand that this is an energetic game. A game where you get to constantly go within yourself and look at the pieces that surround your money beliefs, to bring anything that is blocking or not aligned with wealth creation to the surface and allow it to drop and dissolve away. And who wouldn't want that huh? Tune in to this wonderful, lively podcast to find out exactly what is really behind wealth creation, connecting with your best intentions and bringing pockets of desired information into your now and allowing the magic to show up for you. Join me to unlock these important concepts, messages and fun take outs with my Wealth Frequency Activation. Enjoy listening!
Frequency Fusion: Anchoring in Your New Reality
Frequency Fusion: Anchoring in Your New Reality
Join us as we transform our profound live webinar, 'Anchoring in Your New Reality Through Frequency,' into a captivating podcast experience. In this episode, Juanpa and I delve into the secrets of manifestation, exploring the fusion of technology and frequency, and how it empowers us to embody anchor points like flow, unconditional love, gratitude, abundance, high vibration, and expansion. If you're interested in exploring the powerful frequency tool we discussed, click here: to dive deeper. Tune in for an inspiring journey into the highest frequencies that magnetise everything your soul desires – from boundless energy and abundance to transformative experiences.
From Spiritual Awakening to Million-Dollar Impact: Unveiling Anne-Claire's Conscious Millionaire Journey
From Spiritual Awakening to Million-Dollar Impact: Unveiling Anne-Claire's Conscious Millionaire Journey
What Makes A Heart-Centred Entrepreneur? Embark on a transformative journey as we unveil the incredible story of Anne-Claire, a conscious trailblazer on her path from spiritual awakening to million-dollar impact. In this captivating conversation, we dive deep into Anne-Claire's Conscious Millionaire journey, exploring the intersection of spirituality, financial success, and profound transformation. Witness the power of aligning purpose with prosperity as Anne-Claire shares her personal growth, inspiring insights, and the ripple effect of her impactful endeavors. This extraordinary woman is not just money and business focussed, she has a powerful heart of service and cares deeply for the role that she is creating in her life and work. Anne-Claire is a shining example of pushing through the hard times and we learn how she lost her job and had to reinvent herself. Understanding that failing is not the end of the world because you keep learning and understanding. And how she came to the biggest piece where she sought guidance instead of trying to be the tough person and carry all of the load. Learn how she navigated the impact of the covid years and how it also produced so much success in her life. Arriving at the frequency where there are no other options and you must take this path. The pathway that leads to understanding the pieces around being ground into your purpose and living an abundant life on one’s own terms. This podcast is about releasing the ‘how’ and removing the obstacles along the pathway to a life lived in abundance and waking up every day, loving what you do. Reframing your thoughts and not being enslaved with one’s own fears and contracted behaviours. Noticing that you have unconscious loyalty that you must let go of and become the person that you want to be in the future. This is a powerful, truthful discussion around the steps, the quantum leaps and the mindset of how you become a conscious millionaire and how you accomplish things that you previously thought were impossibly outside of your abilities. It's a wonderful journey! Join us as we discover the extraordinary fusion of spiritual evolution and financial abundance, redefining what it means to be a Conscious Millionaire. Get ready to be inspired, motivated, and empowered to create lasting change in both your life and the world around you. Enjoy listening!
Abundance And Understanding The Millionaire Frequency
Abundance And Understanding The Millionaire Frequency
Is calling in a desired level of abundance about structure and strategy? Or is it something completely different? Something that is beyond your mind and comes from a completely different realm? What else could that be? Listen up to my latest podcast where I join with the delightful Nicky Clinch and her soulmate tribe as they investigate Infinite Abundance…The Money Expansion. As you know, I firmly believe that calling in levels of abundance and manifesting your life goals is 80% the inner game and doing the internal work and 20% the external aligned action process, the strategies and the processes. People often think that abundance is solely about the money…and often they have a particular amount of money that they are specifically trying to manifest and call in. But, in this podcast, we discuss understanding the processes, the system and the concept that money is energy, it is a frequency that you need to tap into for the next layer of abundance. We learn about the sneakiness of the mind and how it doesn't serve us, how it tricks us through our egos and the projections of society, family and friends and other external influences… And how we can commence communicating with our souls instead. Asking yourself’ “What is it that my soul actually desires?” and listening and learning through the processes for a greater understanding about where abundance actually comes from. This podcast is about seeking the truth of what your soul actually desires, recalibrating yourself and pulling this into your reality. It’s also about stepping out of the reality of being held back by your fears, wherever they have come from and the tools and tricks to stepping out from underneath them when they no longer serve the real you. So join me as we expose the myths and the reality around the ‘millionaire mindset’ and the quantum leap to understanding the time and space matrix that influences your external and internal reality. Tune in to this wonderful, lively podcast to find out exactly what is really behind wealth creation, connecting with your best intentions and bringing pockets of desired information into your now and allowing the magic to show up for you. Enjoy listening!
From Rock Bottom to Sensational Superstar: A Conscious Millionaire's Journey with Hannah Andrews!
From Rock Bottom to Sensational Superstar: A Conscious Millionaire's Journey with Hannah Andrews!
Join Me In A Celebration… …And it is truly exciting! Listen now to my latest podcast where I introduce a very special guest, for a very special reason… I’m live and online at my sound and activation studio platform at The Nest Costa Rica, to bring you this wonderful news. It’s our latest, newest, conscious millionaire! And, this interview is yet another example of how you can cross that million dollar threshold and manifest the abundance that you desire in your life, whilst being in alignment with your mission and your soul’s purpose. Also, this story is a true representation of the old paradigm that people suppose, that you have to choose between a soul driven, spiritual path or the path to financial abundance…in fact, this wonder worker is another example of how the two can be mutually inclusive. I am also here to tell you, as this goddess will as well, that you don't have to choose between financial security and working out a conscious purpose, you absolutely can have them both and both of these aspects to your human development can actually support each other. It is so exciting to introduce this beautiful woman, a wonderful human being and her sensational, conscious work on the earth. Plus, we’ll learn about her story, what her life has been like up to this point, how she has consciously turned her life around and what her life and her purpose is like now… Presenting…..Hannah Andrews! So, listen up to Hannah’s story…it is truly the stuff that books and movies could be made of! You will be amazed at her incredible journey from rock bottom to sensational superstar! This is a wonderful, warm, vibrant and enlightening podcast for you to listen here!
Are You Running A Deep Scarcity Programme in Your Life?
Are You Running A Deep Scarcity Programme in Your Life?
Listen to this latest podcast as I join with Anne-Claire Meret - author, educator, coach and healer as we discuss how to raise your vibration, in each and every area and aspect of your life, so that you truly can have it all. We consider the alchemy of evolution and thoughts around the inevitable “Why am I here?” bigger questions and the creation of happiness in the world. This discussion is about the mechanics of showing up as the best version of yourself, staying committed to one’s soul, and the life journey to light up and impact others on the planet. And, my favourite tools for vision creation, how they have evolved and morphed for me over the years on my journey to create beautiful visions, and how everyone can call in and have abundance in each and every aspect of one’s life. Anne-Claire and I talk through the 80/20 rule of growing the inner game to rediscover, recalibrate and recondition oneself to focus on growing one’s inner reality. So, tune in to this wonderful, lively podcast to find out exactly what is meant by the alchemy of evolution and what ‘going into the next layers’ actually entails and means. Enjoy listening!
33 Million Dollars in 10 Months?
33 Million Dollars in 10 Months?
Hello wonderful humans! Surpassing 33 Million in 10 months? Sounds impossible, huh? Join me as I discuss with the amazingly wonderful Suzy Ashworth of Infinite Receiving about being in the space and mindset to receive this incredible milestone, what it felt like, the alchemy around the moment, and how this aligns with my vision. We talk about being a multi-dimensional identity, with the ability to shapeshift and serve my community, owning your shiny-ness and taking your stand, and being an inspiration for others. And how it feels to cross the threshold of 33 million dollars without getting stuck at the moment and the energy around celebrating milestones. We discuss the alignment of the frequency of overflow and the frequency and the energetics of rippling into the circles of service and consciousness. During this precious conversation, we discuss wealth, success, love, the world's state, and mission. Also, about energetic conditioning, confusion, self-sabotaging, and undoing the ‘making it hard’ to uncomplicate things. We talk about bending time, stepping out of the time matrix, and not being in contraction at the same time as trying to expand and keeping your relationship with time as a resource and on a platform that suits you. It’s all here. Just waiting for you to tune in. ENJOY!
What Is The Special Ingredient That Is Often Missing In The Quest For Wealth Creation?
What Is The Special Ingredient That Is Often Missing In The Quest For Wealth Creation?
Listen up to my latest podcast where I talk with Kristen Wonch from the Wealth Equation and the one significant question that she asked me…What’s something you never tell anyone about what it really took for you to create wealth?Now, THAT is an interesting question!We discuss an aspect of wealth creation that few people, on their quest for a millionaire lifestyle, seldom consider…. And to be frank, for some people, it can be a little confronting… And a little off putting.But, you know, this ‘other’ aspect of wealth creation is incredibly important to me and I cannot stress enough how much of an integral role this aspect of my journey to building an 8-figure, multi-faceted business has played.Most people think that building an online empire and wealth creation is all about some secret set of strategic steps that lead towards the final goal. Just follow the strategy steps and everything will fall into place…And, yes, it is about the inner work, it is about aligned actions but, for me, it is also about integrating this special aspect that is a crucial part of my everyday life. Tune in to this wonderful, lively podcast to find out exactly what this special ingredient for wealth creation, that I regard as really important! Enjoy listening!
Mastering Manifestation - Create Your Dream Life
Mastering Manifestation - Create Your Dream Life
Hello and welcome to this podcast episode in conjunction with Simerjeet Singh ( Listen as we chat about manifestation and the steps to bringing your dream life into reality. What are the steps that you should be taking to shift into a place of real honesty and taking affirmative action? It’s about trusting your internal voice and doing the inner work instead of blindly following endless strategies and knowledge ‘talks’ devised by other people. It isn't money that is our currency, it’s your frequency that determines how much money that you can call in. And it is also about managing the fear of stepping out of your comfort zone, listening to your gut, managing the unconscious mind that is peddling fear to try and keep you safe and at the same time acknowledging the fear and dealing with it so that it doesn't hold you back. It’s all here in this latest episode…just waiting for you to tune in and enjoy. I love you! And remember, you absolutely can have it all! Regan x
CHANGE YOUR LIFE: The Millionaire Mindset
CHANGE YOUR LIFE: The Millionaire Mindset
Join with me as I chat with the amazing Olyasha Novozhylova - the founder of NotBasicBlonde (@notbasicblonde on Instagram). We have a dialogue about seeing and identifying the defining moments in your life and how to see through them to step outside of everyone else’ expectations and build a life that you love….that’s purpose fit for YOU. Find out about how to develop a millionaire mindset, how to call in abundance and how we can overcome toxic relationships with money and allow money to play a positive role in our lives. And…when you have called in and created that very first million dollars…what’s next? Is there a mantra to living a dream existence and how can we expand our capacity to receive. It’s all here….just waiting for you to tune in….ENJOY!
What Is The Purpose Of Rewiring Your DNA?
What Is The Purpose Of Rewiring Your DNA?
A question that often comes up with our clients is around instilled genetic DNA and how the effect of layered up wiring over generations has a reaction on both the physical and the energetic body. In our latest powerful, animated podcast, we discuss with Dr. LuLu Shimek of The Genetic Genius about Rewiring DNA With Ancestral Wisdom and Quantum Technology. It’s a wonderful, comprehensive immersion into the realm of the power of fully-activated DNA and the use of ancestral wisdoms to have access to all of your innate spiritual, mental and physical gifts. Gifts and talents that have been suppressed over many generations by society, the class system and the ever-present need for basic security around shelter and food gathering and harvesting. It’s about returning to our natural state of accessing a total range of potential gifts and being fully embodied and activated human beings. Our core essence. To embody, live and be at the highest possible frequency with all of the tools in your tool kit firing. We cover the use of herbal medicines and ceremonies and how quantum technology shifts the neural pathways and cellular functions in the body and our vision for the future of a new era and face of medicine and treatments. And…our next biggest impact plan for the future! It’s amazing listening. Enjoy! I love you! And remember, You absolutely can have it all Regan x
Can YOU Live A Fairytale Life?
Can YOU Live A Fairytale Life?
Listen up to my latest podcast where I join the amazing Skip Kelley and his Fulfillionaire movement and he asks me the questions…. How Do You Create A Fairytale Life? - What Does It Take? And, how do you meet the love of your life? And how do you know when you do meet that special person? We discuss commencing a business and the road to developing a multi-8-figure enterprise. Strategies, tools and learnings for the future and how to build a life that you love and live into each and every day. The role of personal development skills and intentional conscious creation in moving forward past unconscious caps and limitations towards a mission and a purpose. Hear about the journey and my road to building my fairytale lifestyle that proves that there is a path and a road to the outcome that dreams really do come true. Enjoy listening! I love you. And remember,You absolutely can have it all! Regan x
Trusting In The “Yes!” And Living Into A Truly Abundant Lifestyle
Trusting In The “Yes!” And Living Into A Truly Abundant Lifestyle
Listen up, beautiful souls…. …to this insightful podcast, where JuanPa and I join Kim Mellor and Gina Swire, the PS I Love Me team and discuss what it means to actually trust in the “Yes!” We share the path we took to becoming conscious leaders and the pivotal and “Ah Ha!” moments that we experienced on our journey to completely embracing and living into abundance. The path that wires you for success and takes deep inner strength, courage and your deepest level of commitment. There’s so much covered off, everything from relationships and health, manifestation, quantum healing to let go of past hurt, building a sound financial future characterised by philanthropy and also some super hacking tools to help you navigate your way into operating at a higher frequency. It's also about finding what works in the moment. Finding your passion and what works for you. Learning practices that are guided by blisscipline! To enhance your capacity to navigate through your challenges at a higher frequency. This is an inspirational and insightful episode that will motivate and encourage you to do the deep inner work and grow through every obstacle and opportunity that comes your way. Enjoy listening to The Regan Hillyer Show!
Connect With Powerful Coaching Magic
Connect With Powerful Coaching Magic
Join me in my deep dive podcast, where I unravel the formula, tools and techniques of my amazing, focussed, Laser Coaching Method. Take a privileged peek behind the scenes of my tried and true practice, where I explain the system so that you can understand the method that has been such a big piece of my own mission. Hear about the journey that assisted me to unlock this specific blueprint, that grew into my renowned program designed to impact people, to serve, inspire and touch people for the greater good. It’s about efficiency, a more leveraged way of working with clients….it’s about how you upscale your outcomes, to get the same results or better in 20 minutes or less. This podcast is an energetic exchange with my soulmate tribe where we peel back the layers of this life-changing coaching formula that is anchored into the here and now to assist your clients in manifesting lasting change, deep in the core of their reality.
Vanquish Scarcity!
Vanquish Scarcity!
Welcome to my latest podcast. I am so pleased and grateful to be able to share with you… This special podcast with the amazing Jesse Wynyard of the Manifest Unity Summit. Tune in and listen as Jesse and I discuss the importance of unlocking your mind and utilizing the tools to vanquish scarcity, and living into total abundance, in these challenging and uncertain times. We discuss what it has been like to face uncertainty and worry, how your mind often works against you and how you can turn these often negative thoughts in your subconscious around and into opportunities for growth and abundance. It’s about alchemy and leadership, how we can be here on the planet and make an impact for the betterment of humanity. It’s also about seeing that there are solutions for each and every problem, individually and collectively. We discuss the importance of getting really raw and real about your circumstances, how you identify where you actually are right now, not living in denial, but true acceptance of your situation and how you can make the shift into painting your desired reality. It’s a deep dive into choosing how you face and respond to what is going on in your life. Facing the scary and the challenging and the changes that are happening, and cultivating your free will and your abundance frequency, on a real, visceral level. A frank and real conversation about responsibility and control, and tips, tricks and practical help for managing change and adversity. Enjoy listening!