Renaissance Festival Podcast
Twice monthly music and entertainment from Renaissance festivals with Celtic music, Irish folk music, Scottish bagpipes, English folk, Gypsy music, Pirate, Sea Shanty, Renaissance music, and comedy from groups performing this week at a faire near you.
A Grand Irish Party
A Grand Irish Party
Pirates Pirates Pirates
Pirates Pirates Pirates
Love Songs
Love Songs
VISIT OUR SPONSORS RESCU Ocean Renaissance Foundation The Ren List Happy To Be Coloring Pages The Patrons of the Podcast Songs Fire Of Love performed by Tania Opland and Mike Freeman from the album Choice Fare Knowin' You[01] performed by Craig o'Farrington from the album 20 Years of Sweet Delights Eve performed by The Minstrels of Mayhem from the album Rocky Road I Love Alas, I Love Thee performed by Bocca Musica from the album Fyer, Fyer! Just My Heart performed by Curtis & Loretta from the album Just My Heart For You Eriskay Love Lilt performed by Brian Tinker Leo from the album A Bottle O' The Best - Three Centuries Of Scottish Folksongs Went Sailing (Pirate Love Song) performed by Pirates Inc from the album Fools Gold How Do I Love Thee? performed by Merry Wives of Windsor from the album Our Revels Now Begin The Love Song of Truth performed by Dan The Bard from the album Unicorns & Dragons Lover And His Lass performed by Three Quarter Ale from the album Three Quarter Ale Until They Meet Again[01] performed by Carl Asch from the album Songs Of The Open Road Love in the Woods performed by Dianne Linn from the album Conversations With The Moon Since First I Saw Your Face[03] performed by Owain Phyfe from the album Where Beauty Moves and Wit Delights Tyree Love Song performed by Jesse Linder from the album The Bramble and the Rose Pirate's Love Song performed by Mallory & McCall from the album Kings of the Sea The Loving Time[02] performed by Siler and Clarc from the album A Little Longer The Faery's Love Song performed by Sandra Parker from the album Call of the Faerie Do You Love an Apple[07] performed by Merry Mischief from the album Just Love Songs Do You Love an Apple[02] performed by Celtic Stone from the album Celtic Stone So Scared (Love Song) performed by Hob the Troll from the album Stop Making Songs The Girl I Left Behind Me[02] performed by Jolly Rogues from the album 14 Miles To Boston Walk With Me performed by Captain John Stout from the album Songs of Love & Loss Red Is The Rose[15] performed by Terry Griffith from the album Faire Play[02] Black Is the Color[03] performed by Faire to Middlin' from the album The Lady and the Grenadier HOW TO CONTACT US Please post it on Facebook Please email us at HOW TO LISTEN Patreon Apple Spotify Listennotes
Music from: Celtic Mayhem, Merry Measure, New Minstrel Revue, Jim Hancock, Kindred Spirits, Wolgemut, Rusty Mudd, LandLoch'd, Quarter Master Band, Shillelagh, Tulstin Troubadours, Gypsy Guerrilla Band, Pandora Celtica , 2 Merry Men, Fishbones & Scurvy, Whirly Jig, Oakley the Faerie, Pair of Pirates, Arabesque, Terrible Musicians, Haggis Rampant, Dregs, Blackjacks n' Blarney, Embra The Awards are now open for voting. VISIT OUR SPONSORS RESCU Ocean Renaissance Foundation The Ren List Happy To Be Coloring Pages The Patrons of the Podcast Songs Finnigan's Still performed by Celtic Mayhem from the album Celtic Mayhem In Merry Measure performed by Merry Measure from the album Faire Warning Bedlam Boys[7] performed by New Minstrel Revue from the album Far And Away Jonny Jump Up performed by Jim Hancock from the album Songs of Love and Other Silly Stuff Star of the County Down[21] performed by Kindred Spirits from the album Dispelling All Woes Polar Bear[1] performed by Wolgemut from the album Momento Spancil Hill[11] performed by Rusty Mudd from the album The Darkling Road Company of Fools performed by LandLoch'd from the album Good Rum and Bad Sheep Fathom Of The Bowl performed by Quarter Master Band from the album Quarter Master Hares On The Mountain performed by Shillelagh from the album Evening Pint Black Nag performed by Tulstin Troubadours from the album Rennies of Unusual Sound Clay Pipe[2] performed by Gypsy Guerrilla Band from the album Ernie's Pot O' Gold II High Barbaree[5] performed by Pandora Celtica from the album F N Sharp I Like Beer[1] performed by 2 Merry Men from the album Bawdy Drunken Song-Filled Merriment Me old Dun Cow performed by Fishbones & Scurvy from the album On the Cheap Crooked Jack[2] performed by Whirly Jig from the album Thing A Ma Jig Butterfly[7] performed by Oakley the Faerie from the album First Sapling The Puppermen performed by Pair of Pirates from the album Not Playing with a Full Deck Moring Glory performed by Arabesque from the album A Turk in Galway The Wild Rover[26] performed by Terrible Musicians from the album No Royalty- Songs of Pirates, Paupers and Vagrants The Fairy Lullaby,Gin I Were a Barons Heir performed by Haggis Rampant from the album Wee Beastie Million Chickens[2] performed by Dregs from the album Uncorked Hills of Connemara[1] performed by Blackjacks n' Blarney from the album Bite Size Parting Glass[19] performed by Embra from the album Three Part One Heart HOW TO CONTACT US Please post it on Facebook Please email us at HOW TO LISTEN Patreon Apple Spotify Listennotes
S 21 E 01 # 477 Archives 01042025 Music from: Celtic Squall, Gallowglass Irish Trio, Bard of the South, Maidens III, Lindsay Smith, Owain Phyfe, Minstrosity, Half Pint, Wild Mountain Thyme, Peregrine, Rosewood Guild, In Our Cups, John C. Wiseman, Rum Runners, Kerridwynn, Siler and Clarc, Phillip Hole, Triskelion, Dublin Double, Emerald Rose, The Awards are now open for voting. VISIT OUR SPONSORS RESCU Ocean Renaissance Foundation The Ren List Happy To Be Coloring Pages The Patrons of the Podcast Songs Green Grow the Rashes[3] performed by Celtic Squall from the album Celtic Squall Step It Out Mary[6] performed by Gallowglass Irish Trio from the album All the Best Last Princess Of Wales performed by Bard of the South from the album The Minstrel Boy One-Armed Fiddler performed by Maidens III from the album Charm & Fire A Love That Grows performed by Lindsay Smith from the album Beautiful Life Daphne[2] performed by Owain Phyfe from the album Where Beauty Moves and Wit Delights The Ferryman's Fee performed by Minstrosity from the album Why Am I Not Surprised? Hare's Lament performed by Half Pint from the album Fair and Tender Ladies Fiddler's Green[18] performed by Wild Mountain Thyme from the album There Can Only Be One Sidhe Beag Sidhe Mor performed by Peregrine from the album Peregrine Sheebeg performed by Rosewood Guild from the album Forever And A Day Aunt Clara performed by In Our Cups from the album Foolish Pleasure Planxty Irwin[2] performed by John C. Wiseman from the album Simply Entitled The Moorish Hornpipe performed by Rum Runners from the album Got Rum? Spanish Ladies[6] performed by Kerridwynn from the album Memories In Thyme Two Long at the Faire performed by Siler and Clarc from the album Two Long At The Faire Isn't It Grand[7] performed by Phillip Hole from the album The Singing Gravedigger The Water Is Wide[13] performed by Triskelion from the album Music On Fridays Donald Where's Your Trousers![3] performed by Dublin Double from the album Where's Yer Trousers? Whistler's Farewell performed by Emerald Rose from the album Archives of Ages to Come HOW TO CONTACT US Please post it on Facebook Please email us at HOW TO LISTEN Patreon Apple Spotify Listennotes
VISIT OUR SPONSORS RESCU Ocean Renaissance Foundation The Ren List Happy To Be Coloring Pages The Patrons of the Podcast The End Songs Three Quarter Ale Welcome Carol performed by Three Quarter Ale from the album Shall We Gather By The Fire Pirating a Winter Wonderland performed by The Bilge Pumps from the album A Pirate's Christmas Wish Landlord Fill The Flowing Bowl [2] performed by Limey Birds from the album The Limeybirds Christmas Album Bring The Torch, Jeanette Isabella performed by Moat Jumper from the album Christmas At The Renaissance Fair Heigh Ho the Holly[2] performed by Merry Wives of Windsor from the album Tales From Windsor's Tavern Holiday Traditions performed by Withe & Stone from the album Holiday Traditions Here We Come a-Wassailing[1] performed by Celtic Stone from the album A Light Shall Shine - Music for Christmas No Snow Never(Playful) performed by Craig o'Farrington from the album A Ryme for Orange Santa Baby performed by Three Quarter Ale from the album Shall We Gather By The Fire Boar's Head Carol[2] performed by Nancy Daily-Green from the album Celebrating Christmas Yore Shakespeares 12 Nights of Christmas performed by Shakespeare Approves from the album Those Midsummer Nights: Shakespeare's Summertime Study Guide Make We Merry Both More and Less performed by Bells and Motley Consort from the album Wassail! A Bells and Motley Christmas Carol of the Laughs performed by Hey Nunnie Nunnie from the album Every Day Is Christmas! A Solin performed by Porter & Stout from the album Christmas On The Cutlass The Holly and the Ivy[3] performed by Myschyffe Managed from the album Faire Tidings To Drive The Cold Winter Away performed by Rowan and the Rose from the album Rowan And The Rose Wintery Queen performed by Dianne Linn from the album Janus Mid Winter's Night performed by Blackmore's Night from the album Fires At Midnight The Wren In the Furze performed by Brian Tinker Leo from the album An Uncommon Christmas Jingle Bells[1] performed by Les Jongleurs from the album Jongleurs' Christmas Magic The 8 Nights Of Channukah[1] performed by Fiddler's Tales from the album Adeste Anatinae Carol of the Bells[3] performed by Les Jongleurs from the album Jongleurs' Christmas Magic Wassail Wassail[1] performed by Faire to Middlin' from the album A Faire to Middlin Christmas Auld Lang Syne[5] performed by Dr. Harmonious Bones from the album Joyful Noise HOW TO CONTACT US Please post it on Facebook Please email us at HOW TO LISTEN Patreon Apple Spotify Listennotes
General Show
General Show
Music from: Kindred Spirits, Painted Trillium, Old Goat Skiffle Band, Minstrel_rav'n, Merry Measure, LandLoch'd, Joni Minstrel, Vana Mazi, Haggis Rampant, Brobdignagian Bards, Dan The Bard, Rambling Sailors, Sea Dog Slams Poems, Black Oak Shillelagh, Flying Fish Sailors, Gallows Humor, Chuckawalla Rhythm Kings, Empty Hats, Ceann, Darren Raleigh, New Minstrel Revue, Sam Kesler, Abby Green, and 2 Merry Men VISIT OUR SPONSORS RESCU Ocean Renaissance Foundation The Ren List Happy To Be Coloring Pages The Patrons of the Podcast SONGS Daphne[1] performed by Kindred Spirits from the album Dispelling All Woes The Fox[7] performed by Painted Trillium from the album Painted Trillium Sailors Prayer performed by Old Goat Skiffle Band from the album Just Kidding Sea Elf performed by Minstrel_rav'n from the album Tales from the Sea I Wish They'd Do It Now[2] performed by Merry Measure from the album Faire Warning Mist-Covered Mountains[4] performed by LandLoch'd from the album Whiskey'd Out to Sea Whiskey and Beer performed by Joni Minstrel from the album Joni Minstrel Kicks the King Sandansko performed by Vana Mazi from the album Izam Anav Gravel Path, First Slip, Poisoned Dwarf, and Back in Black performed by Haggis Rampant from the album Trì Lish Young Buy-a-Broom performed by Brobdignagian Bards from the album Songs of Ireland You Know Nothing, Jahn Snough performed by Dan The Bard from the album Cross-Genre References! One More Day[3] performed by Rambling Sailors from the album Wanderlust Raising Black Flags[2] performed by Sea Dog Slams Poems from the album The Call Jennie Mccall performed by Black Oak Shillelagh from the album Och, The Places We've Been Ringa Dinga Da[2] performed by Flying Fish Sailors from the album Remnant Stew www.flyingfishsailors.coM Anne Boleyn[1] performed by Gallows Humor from the album Necrodancer The King Of Ballyhooley performed by Chuckawalla Rhythm Kings from the album No Bedrolls Or Backpacks Raggle Taggle Gypsies[6] performed by Empty Hats from the album Released Raggle Taggle Gypsies[1] performed by Ceann from the album Last Ones Standing The Summer Before the War performed by Darren Raleigh from the album Silverwheel Tarantella[2] performed by New Minstrel Revue from the album Many Hands Humors of Whiskey[5] performed by Sam Kesler from the album The Toasted Clover Red Is the Rose[1] performed by Abby Green from the album Why Should I Mingulay Boat Song[1] performed by 2 Merry Men from the album Bawdy Drunken Song-Filled Merriment HOW TO CONTACT US Please post it on Facebook Please email us at HOW TO LISTEN Patreon Apple Spotify Listennotes
General Show
General Show
VISIT OUR SPONSORS The Louisiana Renaissance Festival The Ren List Happy To Be Coloring Pages RESCU The Patrons of the Podcast SONGS Spirit Of Rhythm performed by Cast in Bronze from the album Best Day Ever Rolling Down to Old Maui[11] performed by Tippler's Way from the album Let A Light Shine Moonshiner[9] performed by Porter & Stout from the album Treasures The Fairies' Hounds performed by Gwyneth Whistlewood the Feral Flute from the album Waking the Devas The Good Ship Kangaroo performed by Pyrates Royale from the album Black Jack Rights of Man by James Hazlerig from Cedric's Overmode performed by James Cedrick Hazlerig from the album Cedric's Overmode When I Was a Fair Maid[2] performed by Rambling Sailors from the album Wanderlust Ye Mariners All performed by Crannog from the album In Your Own Dreams Away Rio[2] performed by 3 Pints Gone from the album There Is A Ship Heart in the Holy Lands[1] performed by Albannach from the album Bareknucle Pipes and Drums Scratchy Maggie[1] performed by Tartanic from the album Unstoppable Mingulay Boat Song[26] performed by Whiskey Bay Rovers from the album Shantyman's Folly Bessarabian Girl performed by Roxlovians from the album A Fiddler in Every Port Barbara Allen[6] performed by Tania Opland from the album Tania Opland Donald McGillavry[4] performed by Matt Hughes from the album Alba Gu Brath Far In The Hills performed by Scott and Johanna Hongell-Darsee from the album The Mountain King Troll Song performed by Broceliande from the album The Starlit Jewel Step It Out Mary[5] performed by Faire to Middlin' from the album Step It Out Step It Out Mary[2] performed by Alexander Silver from the album The Gate Home and other Tales Raggle Taggle Gypsies[11] performed by Kathleen Johnson from the album Faire Music Barley Row performed by Better Than Nun from the album #NunLyfe Ship That Never Returned[3] performed by Righteous Blackguards from the album Just The Tip Harvest of the Moon performed by Jon Baade from the album Cliche Health to the Company[32] performed by Storywrens from the album The Sailor and the Mermaid HOW TO CONTACT US Post it on Facebook Email us at HOW TO LISTEN Patreon Apple Spotify Listennotes
Spooky Halloween Special
Spooky Halloween Special
General Show
General Show
VISIT OUR SPONSORS The Louisiana Renaissance Festival The Ren List Happy To Be Coloring Pages RESCU The Patrons of the Podcast SONGS Ten Penny Bit[1] performed by Celtic Shores from the album Weathering The Storm Dancing In Four Corners performed by The Leprechaun Pirates from the album The Leprechaun Pirates Cane Dance performed by Masala Fusion from the album Primero Hieland Laddie[3] performed by Whiskey Bay Rovers from the album Shantyman's Folly Leave Her Johnny[8] performed by Pirates Of Rogues Cove from the album Setting Sail Shepherd's Dance(2005) performed by The Lost Boys from the album Lost Boys The Song of the Water Kelpie performed by Darren Raleigh from the album Silverwheel A Little Spring in Your Step performed by Whirly Jig from the album Thing A Ma Jig Raven's Call performed by Jenna Greene from the album Wings Sergeant Early's Dream, Paddy Fahey's (Reels) performed by T J Hall & Jeff Ksiazek from the album Éist Rogue performed by Sarah Donner from the album That Is A Pegasus Danny Boy[18] performed by Tulstin Troubadours from the album Rennies of Unusual Sound Give the Fiddler a Dram performed by Gypsy Guerrilla Band from the album Ernie's Pot O'Gold The Calton Weaver performed by Raggle Taggle Gypsies from the album Best Of The Raggle Taggle Gypsies Scotland the Brave[6] performed by Klaxton Maid of Bedlam performed by Silent Lion from the album Into the Medieval World The Kiss[4] performed by Oakley the Faerie from the album First Sapling The Victory performed by Water Street Bridge from the album Oh Death Ship That Never Returned[2] performed by Red Rum from the album Save the Ales The Whistling Gypsy Rover[5] performed by Turtle and the Hair from the album On A Rampage a Man You Don't Meet Every Day[2] performed by Dr. Harmonious Bones from the album Joyful Noise Dark Lady[7] performed by Far From Home from the album Of Course! Sackpipslat Fran Norra Rada performed by Peter D'Piper from the album Intempore Spiritus Parting Glass[19] performed by Embra from the album Three Part One Heart HOW TO CONTACT US Post it on Facebook Email us at [email protected] HOW TO LISTEN Patreon \Apple Spotify Listennotes
S 20 E 20 S 470 Archives 9/28/2024 VISIT OUR SPONSORS The Louisiana Renaissance Festival The Ren List Happy To Be Coloring Pages RESCU The Patrons of the Podcast SONGS Sing We At Pleasure performed by Myschyffe Managed from the album Faire Play[1] Cuncti Simus Concanentes (LV) performed by Istanpitta from the album PilgrimageToTheShrine Soul Cakes performed by Carolina Ceili from the album Fifty Shades of Green Work Of The Weavers performed by Tullamore from the album Wild And Wicked Youth O'Carolan Trio[1] performed by Dublin Harpers from the album Dublin Harpers Live Hills of Connemara[1] performed by Blackjacks n' Blarney from the album Bite Size Settlers of Kataan performed by Battlelegs from the album The Soup Mages Two Bards and a Rogue(2018)(Sci-Fi,D&D) performed by Clearly Guilty from the album Throwing Shade Shady Grove[3] performed by The Craic Show from the album Down in the Juke Real Old Mountain Dew[3] performed by Merry Wives of Windsor from the album Tales From Windsor's Tavern Mary Ellen Carter9 performed by The Cross Jacks from the album The Cross Jacks Bridget Cruise 3rd Air performed by Harper & Minstrel from the album The Road To Lindemar Bells of Alluria performed by Sandra Parker from the album Call of the Faerie Wild Mountain Thyme[35] performed by Pirates For Sail from the album Dark Side of the Lagoon Irish Rover[7] performed by Flying Fish Sailors from the album Loch Ness Monster My Son John[4] performed by Rum Fellows from the album Okie Maritime Music-For The Landlocked Pirate Horse Bransel(Goned Native) performed by Grey Aengus from the album Gaelic Soup Hobbit Polka performed by Marc Gunn from the album Dancing with Hobbits Proudfoot Shuffle performed by Marc Gunn from the album Dancing with Hobbits Smoke & Ashes performed by Pictus from the album Fire Mason's Apron , Dance of the Fairie Kings [Irish Trad] performed by EznDil from the album EznDil (2008) The Girl I Left Behind Me[1] performed by DeCantus from the album Tonight We'll Merry Bee A Farewell Song performed by New Minstrel Revue from the album Many Hands Parting Glass[28] performed by Jack Salt and the Captain's Daughter from the album Bring Us a Barrel HOW TO CONTACT US Post it on Facebook Email us at HOW TO LISTEN Patreon Apple Spotify Pandora Listennotes
Talk Like a Pirate
Talk Like a Pirate
VISIT OUR SPONSORS The Louisiana Renaissance Festival The Ren List Happy To Be Coloring Pages RESCU The Patrons of the Podcast SONGS Come 'n Be A Pirate performed by Crimson Pirates from the album Come 'n Be A Pirate Welcome to Tortuga performed by Ye Banished Privateers from the album Songs and Curses Hollywood Pirate performed by The Musical Blades from the album Pieces of Eight Buccaneer Rap performed by Boogie Knights from the album Hysterically Inaccurate A Drop of Nelson's Blood[1] performed by Captain Black Jack Murphy from the album Pogue Mahone Means Kiss My Arse Tall Ships performed by Tom Mason and the Blue Buccaneers from the album Sail Again Skeleton Crew performed by Alestorm from the album Tales of the Black Dog Buccaneer performed by Library Bards from the album Bardcore Pirate's Love Song performed by Mallory & McCall from the album Kings of the Sea Went Sailing (Pirate Love Song) performed by Pirates Inc from the album Fools Gold Blackbeard's Last Battle performed by Pair of Pirates from the album Not Playing with a Full Deck Buccaneer City performed by The Bilge Pumps from the album Greatest Hits Vol. VIII Down Among the Dead Men[1] performed by Boom Pirates from the album Prepare To Be Boarded Derelict[2] performed by Captain John Stout from the album Songs From the Water's Edge disc 1 No Quarter Given[2] performed by Crossed Cannons from the album Skull And Crossed Cannons Pirate Song[1] performed by Dogs in Doublets from the album Dogs In Doublets Sing The Beast Of Pirate's Bay performed by Voltaire from the album To the Bottom Of The Sea High Barbaree[2] performed by Bounding Main from the album Lost at Sea - Sea Shanties and Nautical Ballads 20,000 Rubber Duckies performed by Henry Martin from the album Around the Bay Pirate Lullabye performed by Whiskey Bards from the album The Recruiter...Free Rum Ain't Free Dark Lady[9] performed by LandLoch'd from the album Whiskey'd Out to Sea Pirate Ship the Diamond performed by Majestic Reign from the album Renaissance Steel Modern Pirates[1] performed by Barleyjuice from the album A Night At The Pub Wicked performed by The Jolly Rogers from the album Cutlass Cannon and Curves HOW TO CONTACT US Post it on Facebook Email us at HOW TO LISTEN Patreon Apple Spotify Pandora Listennotes
General Show
General Show
VISIT OUR SPONSORS The Louisiana Renaissance Festival The Ren List Happy To Be Coloring Pages The Patrons of the Podcast SONGS Dance in a Circle performed by Alexander James Adams from the album A Familiar Promise Wild Mountain Thyme[38] performed by Rusty Mudd from the album The Darkling Road Desert Dream performed by Ladies at Play from the album Once Upon A Waltz If I Were a Blackbird[6] performed by The Captain and Malarky from the album Singles[1] All for Me Grog[16] performed by Terrible Musicians from the album No Royalty- Songs of Pirates, Paupers and Vagrants Whiskey You're the Devil[7] performed by The Craic Show from the album Up in the Pub Road To Kolozsvar Town[1] performed by Rowan from the album Tales Through Time[1] Irish Rover[19] performed by The Pride of Ireland from the album Here's to Dear Old Erin Bachelor's March performed by Misfits of Avalon from the album Avalon Moon Banish Morrisons performed by Jackdaws from the album Troubles John Brain's , Laura's Reel , Jenny Dang The Weaver (Live) performed by The Reelin Rogues from the album Live At Claddagh The Seaside Promenade performed by Vince Conaway from the album Liminal Spaces The Gallowglass from Calontir performed by Shillelagh Law from the album Songs from the Bridge Ten Stone[3] performed by Trinket from the album Landlocked All Harpists Go To Heaven performed by Carl Asch from the album Songs Of The Open Road Tappster Drynker performed by Quarter Master Band from the album Quarter Master Llamia performed by Gallows Humor from the album Necrodancer Old Black Rum[5] performed by Maguire Brothers from the album Sibling Rivalry Old Black Rum[4] performed by Luku the Mad Skald from the album Pissed Drunk and Pissed Off Rattlin Bog[8] performed by Painted Trillium from the album Painted Trillium A - Beggin I Will Go & Little Beggarman performed by Ky Hote from the album A Mintrel's Life John Barleycorn[6] performed by Scott Boswell from the album Jug Of Punch Moron With the Bodhran performed by Ceann from the album Making Friends Parting Glass[2] performed by Bardmageddon from the album Bardmaggeddon HOW TO CONTACT US Post it on Facebook Email us at HOW TO LISTEN Patreon Apple Spotify Pandora Listennotes
General Show
General Show
VISIT OUR SPONSORS The Louisiana Renaissance Festival The Ren List Happy To Be Coloring Pages RESCU The Patrons of the Podcast SONGS The Poison Dwarf[1] performed by Fiddler's Tales from the album Waddles From The Sea Ghost of Edward Teach[1] performed by Majestic Reign from the album Renaissance Steel All Around My Hat[10] performed by Shillelagh from the album Evening Pint Wild Mountain Thyme[25] performed by Kilted Kings from the album Name On My Soul Minstrel Boy,Rowan Tree,Wings performed by Men of Thunda from the album Men Of Thunda Katy Cruel[1] performed by Abby Green from the album Why Should I Pictish Battle Song performed by Pandora Celtica from the album Dog Party (In The Key Of Swinging Cats Pirate Ship the Bounty performed by Angus McHugh, Scottish Pirate from the album Rebels Pirates and Cutthroats The Old Churchyard performed by Bardy Pardy from the album Bardy Pardy (Self-Titled) Shady Grove[1] performed by Music the Gathering from the album LVL 1 Hobart's Transformation performed by Burly Minstrels from the album Go Merrily The Merry Sisters of Fate performed by Sarah Marie Mullen from the album The Wild Woods Round Dance- Le Bastringue,St Anne's Reel by Friends of Tradition from Dance! performed by Friends of Tradition from the album Dance! Give the Land Back to the Trolls performed by Joni Minstrel from the album Joni Minstrel and the Revolution Against Monarchs The Road to Santiago[1] performed by Heather Dale from the album The Road to Santiago Gypsy Wine[1] performed by Green Man Clan from the album We Go to Elevenses Mary Mac[2] performed by Blame Not the Bard from the album Soundcheck The King Of Ballyhooley performed by Chuckawalla Rhythm Kings from the album No Bedrolls Or Backpacks Jilli Barleycorn performed by Dragon of Wortley from the album Silver in the Coffer The Wild Rover[3] performed by Bell Book & Canto from the album Poor Life Choices I'll Tell Me Ma[4] performed by Éiníní from the album Taking Flight The Worst Old Ship performed by Jesse Ferguson from the album Sea Shanties and Whaling Ballads Wait for Me performed by Capt'n Black's Sea Dogs from the album Tales of the Black Dog A Health to the Company[2] performed by Court Revelers from the album Revelers On The Rocks HOW TO CONTACT US Post it on Facebook Email us at HOW TO LISTEN Patreon Apple Spotify Pandora Listennotes
VISIT OUR SPONSORS The Louisiana Renaissance Festival The Ren List Happy To Be Coloring Pages RESCU The Patrons of the Podcast SONGS Do You Love an Apple[1] performed by A Minstrel Meets a Harper from the album A Minstrel Meets A Harper Lock The Door performed by Maidens IV from the album Emerald Fire The Scottish Song performed by O' Carolan's Daughters from the album O'Carolan's Daughters: Having Fun She's Our Queen performed by The Minstrels of Mayhem from the album Live at My Dear Mother's Pub Athenrie performed by The Nightingales from the album Stone Bridges Waly Waly performed by Rosewood Guild from the album Forever And A Day Hungarian Dance No 1 performed by Owl Morrisson from the album Sister Viola The Night Pat Murphy Died[5] performed by Minstrosity from the album Why Am I Not Surprised? Star of the County Down[16] performed by Iron Hill Vagabonds from the album Whiskey & Promises Black Fox[2] performed by Merry Mischief from the album Heroes & Rogues Maid of Fife[1] performed by Henry Martin from the album On The Salt Sea Eggies and Rye Bread performed by Wakefire from the album Meaning of Life Wobbly Wheel Set performed by Clandestine from the album Red Mingulay Boat Song[14] performed by Half Pint from the album Fair and Tender Ladies Spanish Ladies[6] performed by Kerridwynn from the album Memories In Thyme Robin Hood performed by Retha Ferrell from the album Unreleased Cd Fiddler's Green[11] performed by Master 'Bones' Jangle and the Voodoo Island Cannibals from the album Lots O' Booty Fiddler's Green[13] performed by Pair of Pirates from the album Not Playing with a Full Deck Smuggler's Song[5] performed by Wakefire from the album Meaning of Life Here's a Drink performed by Beerside Scoundrels from the album Duel! Through the Market Square performed by Djilia Phralengo from the album Oracle Tom of Bedlam[1] performed by Bedlam from the album Angels Marionette's Watlz performed by Bret Blackshear from the album Fingers, Frets and Fire Parting Glass[31] performed by Laughing Hearts from the album Laughing Hearts Live! HOW TO CONTACT US Post it on Facebook Email us at HOW TO LISTEN Patreon Apple Spotify Pandora Listennotes
General Show
General Show
VISIT OUR SPONSORS The Louisiana Renaissance Festival The Ren List Happy To Be Coloring Pages RESCU The Patrons of the Podcast SONGS Hail to the Heroes[2] performed by Albannach from the album The Sub Zero Sessions EP Mingulay Boat Song[1] performed by 2 Merry Men from the album Bawdy Drunken Song-Filled Merriment Pipes of Pan by Damh the Bard from Herne's Apprentice performed by Damh The Bard from the album Hernes Apprentice Nancy Wiskey - Mountian Road performed by Darcy Nair from the album I Feel My Heart Fly Davy Jones[2] performed by Side Tracked from the album Extraordinary Rose of Allendale[2] performed by Black Oak Shillelagh from the album Och, The Places We've Been She's Sweetest performed by Chris Gray from the album Fuist Sardinia Song performed by Tortuga Twins from the album Big, Bad Wolf Show... Live! Tam Lin[3] performed by Misfits of Avalon from the album Avalon Moon Tweedle Dee performed by Albannach from the album Bareknucle Pipes and Drums Fingon the Fell performed by Dan The Bard from the album Epic Lute Nelson's Blood[1] performed by Boom Pirates from the album Prepare To Be Boarded Welsh Aire,The Mingulay Boat Song,Scots Wha Hae,The Skye Boat song performed by Haggis Rampant from the album Wee Beastie Lark in the Morning[5] performed by Langer's Ball from the album Hold Tight The Mist Coverd Mountains[1] performed by Henry Martin from the album On The Salt Sea Deep Silent Complete performed by Elizabeth and Ernesto from the album Elizabeth and Ernesto Health to the Company[18] performed by Dregs from the album Angelina Farewell Concert The Fox[9] performed by Rowan and the Rose from the album Friendly Traveling Minstrels John Wait Henry's Train performed by Arabesque from the album A Turk in Galway Raggle Taggle Gypsy,Russian Gypsy Dance performed by Bubble and Squeak from the album Bits and Pieces Pirate Song[1] performed by Dogs in Doublets from the album Dogs In Doublets Sing The Night Pat Murphy Died[1] performed by MenageAMoi from the album Raise a Toast Me old Dun Cow performed by Fishbones & Scurvy from the album On the Cheap Parting Glass/Auld Lang Syne performed by Leza Mesiah, The Moor Of Dundee from the album The Moor Of Dundee HOW TO CONTACT US Post it on Facebook Email us at HOW TO LISTEN Patreon Apple Spotify Pandora Listennotes
General Show
General Show
S 20 E 14 S 464 General Show 7/6/2024
Anniversary Show
Anniversary Show
VISIT OUR SPONSORS The Louisiana Renaissance Festival The Ren List Happy To Be Coloring Pages RESCU The Patrons of the Podcast SONGS When I Was A Young Maid performed by Tania Opland and Mike Freeman from the album Choice Fare Roll the Old Chariot Along[2] performed by Jim Hancock from the album Rolling Home The Woodcutter's Song(Trad) performed by Maggie and the Tinker from the album Huh? Parting Glass[16] performed by Donal Hinely from the album Glass Stories Itches in Me Britches[1] performed by Better Than Nun from the album #NunLyfe A Capitol Ship performed by Bounding Main from the album Lost at Sea - Sea Shanties and Nautical Ballads Old Dun Cow[1] performed by Axel the Sot from the album Bottled Up! All for Me Grog [22] performed by Limey Birds from the album Tweet Mingulay Boat Song[5] performed by Bounding Main from the album Fish Out of Water Skillywidden[2] performed by Cantiga from the album A Timeless Journey Epiphany performed by Vince Conaway from the album Dulce Melos Fires At Midnight performed by Blackmore's Night from the album Fires At Midnight The Fox[5] performed by James Cedrick Hazlerig from the album Cedric's Overmode Johnny Jump Up[45] performed by The Captain and Malarky from the album Singles[1] Blackthorn performed by Music the Gathering from the album LVL 1 Two Magicians[3] performed by Empty Hats from the album Released Smaug the Magic Dragon performed by Merry Mischief from the album Singles[9] Hobbit Drinking Song performed by Merry Mischief from the album Singles[9] What Do You Do With A Drunken Hobbit performed by Merry Mischief from the album Singles[9] Goddess Within[2] performed by Counterfeit Bards from the album Bard from This Hall The Cat Came Back[1] performed by Flying Fish Sailors from the album Loch Ness Monster Big Jigs[2] performed by Tartanic from the album Unmistakeable Irish Blessing[5] performed by Wild Mountain Thyme from the album There Can Only Be One Health to the Company[9] performed by Brobdignagian Bards from the album A Faire To Remember HOW TO CONTACT US Post it on Facebook Email us at HOW TO LISTEN Patreon Apple Spotify Pandora Listennotes
General Show
General Show
SHOW NOTES VISIT OUR SPONSORS The Louisiana Renaissance Festival Ocean Renaissance Foundation The Ren List Happy To Be Coloring Pages RESCU The Patrons of the Podcast SONGS Olde Mill Inn performed by Blackmore's Night from the album 25 Years Johnny Be Fair+ performed by Queen's_Gambit from the album Off The Board Devil In The Kitchen performed by Pictus from the album Fire Tom of Bedlam[3] performed by Crimson Pirates from the album Putrid And Disgusting Kalinka performed by Roxlovians from the album A Fiddler in Every Port Death Death performed by Voltaire from the album To the Bottom Of The Sea Dennis Murphy & John Ryan's Polka Medley performed by Capt'n Tor and the Naer do Well Cads Pirate Invasion from the album Fanny Raggle Taggle Gypsies[14] performed by The Craic Show from the album Up in the Pub Finnigan's Still performed by Celtic Mayhem from the album Celtic Mayhem The Diamond[3] performed by Cheeks and Phoenix from the album Any Requests Black Cloud performed by Cu Dubh from the album The Warlord Jolly Roving Tar[1] performed by Chaste Treasure from the album Chaste Treasure 101 Nights[2] performed by Hawke from the album Out of the Nest Tak A Dram performed by Tippler's Way from the album Let A Light Shine A Tale From Devil's Tavern performed by Sea Dog Slams Poems from the album The Call Fiddler's Green[1] performed by The Pirate Shantyman & Bonnie Lasse from the album Faire Favorites and Songs of the Sea The Gathering performed by Elflore from the album The Gathering Irish Medley No 2 performed by The Cross Jacks from the album The Cross Jacks Mates Together performed by Ye Banished Privateers from the album Singles[8] The Summer Before the War performed by Darren Raleigh from the album Silverwheel Si Bheag Si Mhor[2] performed by Grey Aengus from the album Gaelic Soup Donald Where's Your Trousers![3] performed by Dublin Double from the album Where's Yer Trousers? Gypsy Dancer performed by Alexander Silver from the album Tales From The Road Health to the Company[24] performed by Majestic Reign from the album Renaissance Steel HOW TO CONTACT US Post it on Facebook Email us at HOW TO LISTEN Patreon Apple Spotify Pandora Listennotes
SHOW NOTES VISIT OUR SPONSORS The Louisiana Renaissance Festival Ocean Renaissance Foundation The Ren List Happy To Be Coloring Pages RESCU The Patrons of the Podcast SONGS Drink Boys Drink[2] performed by Axel the Sot and Gibbon the Troubadour from the album Keelhauler[2] Silk Road[1] performed by Ladies at Play from the album Once Upon A Waltz Itches in Me Britches[6] performed by Righteous Blackguards from the album Just The Tip The Girl I Left Behind Me[1] performed by DeCantus from the album Tonight We'll Merry Bee Barrel of Whiskey performed by Langer's Ball from the album Hold Tight The RecruiterFree Rum Ain't Free performed by Whiskey Bards from the album The Recruiter...Free Rum Ain't Free Jennie Mccall performed by Black Oak Shillelagh from the album Och, The Places We've Been Hobbit Walking Song performed by Broceliande from the album The Starlit Jewel Loch Lomond[3] performed by Chaste Treasure from the album Chaste Treasure Scarborough Faire[8] performed by Merry Wives of Windsor from the album Happy Endings Tam Lin[3] performed by Misfits of Avalon from the album Avalon Moon Farmors Polska[2] performed by Wolgemut from the album Singles[5] Ye Mariners All performed by Crannog from the album In Your Own Dreams Isn't It Grand[4] performed by MenageAMoi from the album Raise a Toast How Can I Keep From Singing performed by Lady Prudence from the album All's Faire Vada, chmieĺ, solad (Water, Hop, Molt) performed by Stary Olsa from the album Kola Rycerska Johnny Medley performed by Capt'n Black's Sea Dogs from the album Tales of the Black Dog So Early in the Morning performed by Jesse Ferguson from the album Sea Shanties and Whaling Ballads Harvest of the Moon performed by Jon Baade from the album Cliche Rocky Road to Dublin,the Butterfly performed by Bubble and Squeak from the album Bits and Pieces Scallywagg performed by Boom Pirates from the album Prepare To Be Boarded Sin performed by Hey Nunnie Nunnie from the album Hey Nunnie! Nunnie! Sarah, Sarah[1] performed by Iris and Rose from the album The Crass Menagerie Old Keg Of Rum performed by Rum Fellows from the album Okie Maritime Music-For The Landlocked Pirate Scotland the Brave[6] performed by Klaxton from the album Singles[3] Spanish Rose performed by Nazario Chickpeazio from the album It's not my Fault I'm a Chick Magnet Swarm of Cicada's performed by Cu Dubh from the album Walkn' the Cinders Parting Glass[19] performed by Embra from the album Three Part One Heart HOW TO CONTACT US Post it on Facebook Email us at HOW TO LISTEN Patreon Apple Spotify Pandora Listennotes
General Show
General Show
S 20 E 9 S 460 General Show 5/11/2024
Scifi Special
Scifi Special
VISIT OUR SPONSORS SONGS Now Is The Month Of Maying[2] performed by Three Quarter Ale from the album Three Quarter Ale May Day Carol performed by Kindred Spirits from the album Dispelling All Woes The Old Hags of May Day performed by Blame Not the Bard from the album Soundcheck The May Song performed by Harper & Minstrel from the album A Sonnet For The Queen Beltane Wedding Dance[1] performed by Dianne Linn from the album Janus Star of May Morning performed by Alexander James Adams from the album A Familiar Promise A Short Jaunt Through Time And Space performed by April Knight from the album Allons Y Time Traveler's Tunes Star Wars Medley performed by The Dread Crew of Oddwood from the album Singles[6] There Goes the Galaxy performed by Clearly Guilty from the album There Goes The Galaxy Pipes In Space[1] performed by The Rogues from the album Made In Texas 01 The Mer Trek Ballad[1] performed by Fugli from the album Mythinterpretations Duet for Shower-Curtain Rod & Sonic Srewdriver performed by Kaade from the album Singles[7] Bonnie Jean performed by Brobdignagian Bards from the album Dragons and Virgins Jedi Drinking Song Prequel[1] performed by Brobdignagian Bards from the album Real Men Wear Kilts Sail the Sky[1] performed by Bedlam Bards from the album On the Drift (Music Inspired by Firefly and Serenity) Ballad of Joss performed by Bedlam Bards from the album On the Drift (Music Inspired by Firefly and Serenity) Her Name Is Serenity performed by Daniel Birt from the album Songs of My People Polymorph Your Mother performed by Boogie Knights from the album Hysterically Inaccurate Don't Sail There No More performed by Misbehavin' Maidens from the album Busted The BaRDIS performed by Dan The Bard from the album Cross-Genre References! Lovely Month Of May performed by Queen Ann's Lace from the album Bootleg Beltane II performed by Saxon Moon from the album Awakening Space Journey performed by Cast in Bronze from the album The Voyage All About That Space Library Bards performed by Library Bards from the album Bardcore Space Shanty performed by Misbehavin' Maidens from the album Swearing is Caring Modern Pirates[2] performed by Barleyjuice from the album Six Yanks Rise Up And Dress Yourself - Sixth Of May performed by Darcy Nair from the album I Feel My Heart Fly Health to the Company[18] performed by Dregs from the album Angelina Farewell Concert HOW TO CONTACT US Post it on Facebook Email us at HOW TO LISTEN Patreon Apple Spotify Pandora Listennotes
General Show
General Show
VISIT OUR SPONSORS SONGS Been to the East, Been to the West performed by Arabesque from the album A Turk in Galway My Brother Silveste (Live) performed by Chuckawalla Rhythm Kings from the album No Bedrolls Or Backpacks Fathom Of The Bowl performed by Quarter Master Band from the album Quarter Master Women, Whiskey & War performed by Whiskey Bards from the album Women, Whiskey & War All Around My Hat[5] performed by Empty Hats from the album Captured Raging Water performed by Cast in Bronze from the album Best Day Ever Ship That Never Returned[3] performed by Righteous Blackguards from the album Just The Tip Wayfaring Stranger[1] performed by Dr. Harmonious Bones from the album Joyful Noise Maiden of Spring performed by Alexander James Adams from the album A Familiar Promise Star of the County Down[23] performed by LandLoch'd from the album Good Rum and Bad Sheep Lanigan's Ball[4] performed by Marc Gunn from the album Soul of a Harper Blow Ye Winds, Spoot O' Skerry,Turkey In The Straw performed by Water Street Bridge from the album Oh Death Tam Lin[3] performed by Misfits of Avalon from the album Avalon Moon A Capitol Ship performed by Bounding Main from the album Lost at Sea - Sea Shanties and Nautical Ballads Carrot Story performed by Side Tracked from the album Extraordinary You Fair Spanish Ladies performed by Pyrates Royale from the album Black Jack Lark in the Morning[5] performed by Langer's Ball from the album Hold Tight Shadow of the Moon performed by Blackmore's Night from the album Shadow of The Moon Stingo performed by Harper & Minstrel from the album The Road To Lindemar So Early in the Morning performed by Jesse Ferguson from the album Sea Shanties and Whaling Ballads I Never Will Marry (Or Maybe Not) performed by Shillelagh Law from the album Songs from the Bridge We're The CRAIC Show performed by The Craic Show from the album Icons Tzigani - Icons Part 2 performed by The Craic Show from the album Icons Cloghden More performed by Kilted Kings from the album Name On My Soul Metsakukia Waltz (Forest Flower Waltz) performed by Roxlovians from the album A Fiddler in Every Port Wrecked Again performed by Tippler's Way from the album Let A Light Shine I Got It From Agnes performed by MenageAMoi from the album Indulgences Health to the Company[24] performed by Majestic Reign from the album Renaissance Steel HOW TO CONTACT US Post it on Facebook Email us at HOW TO LISTEN Apple Spotify Pandora Podbay Listennotes
New Music
New Music
VISIT OUR SPONSORS The Louisiana Renaissance Festival Ocean Renaissance Foundation The Ren List RESCU The Patrons of the Podcast Happy To Be Coloring Pages SONGS Tam Lin performed by Celtica Fae from the album An Teaghlachby Holding Out For a Himbo performed by Chaste Treasure from the album Aurally Ambitious We Like Our Men performed by Chaste Treasure from the album Aurally Ambitious Humours of Whiskey performed by Sam Kesler from the album The Toasted Clover Whiskey In The Jar performed by Sam Kesler from the album The Toasted Clover After the Prologue (featuring Lady Prudence).mp3 performed by Shakespeare Approves from the album Those Midsummer Nights: Shakespeare's Summertime Study Guide What About Hero! (featuring Queen Anne's Lace).mp3 performed by Shakespeare Approves from the album Those Midsummer Nights: Shakespeare's Summertime Study Guide Sheebeg & Sheemore performed by Vince Conaway from the album Mosaic The Veil performed by Vince Conaway from the album Mosaic She Moved Through The Fair performed by 3 Pints Gone from the album The Beaches Of St. Valery Do You Love an Apple performed by A Minstrel Meets a Harper from the album A Minstrel Meets A Harper The Storm Is Coming performed by Jackdaws from the album Troubles Cantiga No. 119 performed by Wolgemut from the album Schauspeluden II Perfectly Spherical Duck performed by Sarah Marie Mullen from the album Harper's Bizarre Cool Spring Eve performed by Iron Hill Vagabonds from the album Whiskey & Promises Fig for a Kiss performed by Abby Green from the album Fig for a Kiss Wild Rover performed by Bell Book & Canto from the album Poor Life Choices The Soup Mages performed by Battlelegs from the album The Soup Mages Haul Away Joe performed by Angus McHugh, Scottish Pirate from the album Rebels Pirates and Cutthroats Phil the Fluter's Ball performed by Brian Tinker Leo from the album Symmatree the Whistling Gypsy Rover performed by Dogs in Doublets from the album The Dark Cutesy Paddy Works On The Railway performed by Maguire Brothers from the album Sibling Rivalry Morrisons Jig performed by Celtic Shores from the album Let's Raise Another Pint The Cat On the Stairs performed by April Knight from the album Allons Y Time Traveler's Tunes The Parting Glass performed by Bardy Pardy from the album Bardy Pardy (Self-Titled) I'll Tell Me Ma performed by Barleyjuice from the album Another Round Two Bagpipe Meditation Drone with Tibetan Singing Bowls 60 mins performed by Tartanic from the album Unwind HOW TO CONTACT US Post it on Facebook Email us at HOW TO LISTEN Apple Spotify Pandora Podbay Listennotes
19th Annual Renaissance Festival Awards
19th Annual Renaissance Festival Awards
VISIT OUR SPONSORS The Louisiana Renaissance Festival Ocean Renaissance Foundation RESCU The Ren List The Patrons of the Podcast AWARD RESULTS LISTED SONGS Old 97 performed by Old Goat Skiffle Band from the album Just Kidding Childgrove performed by Erika the Harpist from the album A Fyne Faire Daye The Grenadier and the Lady performed by Erika the Harpist from the album A Fyne Faire Daye The Journey performed by Rovers Way from the album The Journey Best Damn Life performed by Rovers Way from the album The Journey La Prime Estampie Royale performed by Larry Dearing from the album Les Estampies Royales La Seconde Estampie Royale performed by Larry Dearing from the album Les Estampies Royales Royals performed by The Harlot Queens from the album Does A Bawdy Good Siren's Call performed by The Harlot Queens from the album Does A Bawdy Good Mead performed by Friar Finnegan from the album Please Don't Play This For The Kids Listen Laddies performed by Friar Finnegan from the album New Pub Songs The Fox performed by Burly Minstrels from the album Go Merrily Reaver Drinking Song performed by Marc Gunn from the album Come Adventure With Me Come Adventure With Me performed by Marc Gunn from the album Come Adventure With Me Ailie Bain performed by Burly Minstrels from the album Go Merrily Drinking Song performed by Chaste Treasure from the album Chaste Treasure Hail Holy Queen- Master performed by Chaste Treasure from the album Slippery When Wit South Australia performed by Bone & String from the album I (Aye!) All the Pirates performed by Bone & String from the album I (Aye!) Bach Gavotte II performed by Vince Conaway from the album Musica Instrumentalis Goblin Parade performed by Vince Conaway from the album Musica Instrumentalis The Sailor's Wife Glasgow Reel performed by The Irish Bard from the album The Irish Bard The Orange and the Green performed by The Irish Bard from the album The Irish Bard Empty Casks performed by Pride O' Bedlam from the album Plunder Struck Plunderstruck performed by Pride O' Bedlam from the album Plunder Struck Out From St. Leonard's performed by The Donegal Doggs from the album The Donegal Doggs Voyage General Taylor performed by The Donegal Doggs from the album The Donegal Doggs Voyage The Irish Rover performed by The Bards from the album The Bard's Crawl The Wellerman performed by The Bards from the album The Bard's Crawl Fiddler's Green performed by Pair of Pirates from the album Not Playing with a Full Deck The Puppermen performed by Pair of Pirates from the album Not Playing with a Full Deck Another Boggard Drinking Song performed by Poxy Boggards from the album Triskaidickaphobia Bang Away Lulu performed by Poxy Boggards from the album Triskaidickaphobia Tits the Season performed by Opal & Jade: Off-Colored Treasures from the album Tits The Season: The Holidays are coming all over your face! Dungeon Master performed by Opal & Jade: Off-Colored Treasures from the album Tits The Season: The Holidays are coming all over your face! HOW TO CONTACT US Post it on Facebook Email us at HOW TO LISTEN Apple Spotify Pandora Podbay Listennotes
Love Songs
Love Songs
VISIT OUR SPONSORS The Louisiana Renaissance Festival Ocean Renaissance Foundation The Ren List Happy To Be Coloring Pages RESCU The Patrons of the Podcast SONGS Tyree Love Song performed by Jesse Linder from the album The Bramble and the Rose Love Is A Verb performed by Carl Asch from the album Songs Of The Open Road Come Again, Sweet Love Doth Now Invite performed by Craig o'Farrington from the album Minstrel: A Lucky Man and His Lute Irish Whiskey Love Song performed by The Musical Blades from the album Raise The Black Whiskey Brought Me Love performed by Rowan and the Rose from the album We Have Adventures Do You Love An Apple! performed by Trinket from the album Landlocked I'll Lay Ye Down, Love performed by Tullamore from the album The O'Malley's Sessions - One for the Road Gracca Amorosa performed by Vince Conaway from the album Dell'Italia Star of the County Down performed by Marc Gunn from the album Celtic Love Saffron's Wedding Dance performed by Bedlam Bards from the album On the Drift (Music Inspired by Firefly and Serenity) Closer Than The Beating Of My Heart performed by Withe & Stone from the album The Circle Path The Loving Time performed by Pandora Celtica from the album Dog Party (In The Key Of Swinging Cats My True Love performed by Marooned from the album Better Than Live Irish Love Songs performed by The Interpreters from the album Be Gentle Barbara Allen performed by Faire to Middlin' from the album Still Faire to Middlin Love Like Rain performed by Raggle Taggle Gypsies from the album Best Of The Raggle Taggle Gypsies The Faery's Love Song performed by Sandra Parker from the album Call of the Faerie Faery Love Song.mp3 performed by Peregrine from the album Peregrine Love & Freedom performed by Muses from the album Passing Time Why Does Love...? performed by Merry Measure from the album Faire Warning Robin Loves Me performed by Queen Ann's Lace from the album Bootleg Pirate's Love Song performed by Mallory & McCall from the album Kings of the Sea Went Sailing (Pirate Love Song) performed by Pirates Inc. from the album Fools Gold Zombie Apocalypse Love Story performed by Dan The Bard from the album Bard Camp! Lycanthrope in Love performed by Boogie Knights from the album Oh, The Horror! Faire (The American Rennie Love Rock Parody) performed by Village Idiots from the album Chamber of Stupidity Health To The Company performed by Storywrens from the album The Sailor and the Mermaid HOW TO CONTACT US Post it on Facebook Email us at HOW TO LISTEN Apple Spotify Pandora Podbay Listennotes
General Show
General Show
VISIT OUR SPONSORS The Louisiana Renaissance Festival The Patrons of the Podcast The Ren List Happy To Be Coloring Pages RESCU Ocean Renaissance Foundation SONGS Fiddler's Green performed by Master 'Bones' Jangle and the Voodoo Island Cannibals from the album Lots O' Booty Awakening to the Dream performed by Éiníní from the album Taking Flight Bully in the Alley performed by Fishbones & Scurvy from the album Below the Gallows Tree Skye Boat Song performed by Shillelagh from the album Evening Pint The Victory (The Ballad Of Timmy And The Red Shirt) performed by Water Street Bridge from the album Oh Death Pachelbel Jig performed by Green Man Clan from the album We Go to Elevenses Hieland Laddie performed by Henry Martin from the album Around the Bay The Foggy Dew performed by Iron Hill Vagabonds from the album Circus Vagabonds An Cailin Fion , The Black Nag performed by Tania Opland from the album Bonnie Rantin' Lassie Waves performed by Jackdaws from the album Amuse Johnny Jump Up performed by Bedlam Bards from the album Furious Fancies Witch of the Westmorland performed by Dianne Linn from the album A Rogue By Any Other Name If I Only Had Some Rum performed by Pirates For Sail from the album Dark Side of the Lagoon Celtic Goulash performed by The Rogues from the album American Highlander All For Me Grog performed by Terrible Musicians from the album No Royalty- Songs of Pirates, Paupers and Vagrants Inis Mona performed by Saxon Moon from the album Awakening Star Of The County Down performed by King's Busketeers from the album Boston To Belfast - The Bedroom Sessions The Star Of The Country Down performed by Merry Measure from the album Faire Warning Dancing With The Devil performed by The Leprechaun Pirates from the album The Leprechaun Pirates Non Sofre Santa Maria (Csm-159) Dance Version performed by Istanpitta from the album PilgrimageToTheShrine Rusalka performed by New Minstrel Revue from the album Many Hands Water Is Wide performed by Jack Salt and the Captain's Daughter from the album Bring Us a Barrel Rosin De Beau performed by Rusty Mudd from the album The Darkling Road Rage of the Pentahook performed by Alestorm from the album No Grave But The Sea Dernière Bataille performed by Barbar 'O 'Rhum from the album Toutes les Routes Mènent au Rhum Mingulay Boat Song performed by 2 Merry Men from the album Bawdy Drunken Song-Filled Merriment Health To The Company performed by Crossed Cannons from the album Skull And Crossed Cannons HOW TO CONTACT US Post it on Facebook Email us at HOW TO LISTEN Apple Spotify Pandora Podbay Listennotes
VISIT OUR SPONSORS The Louisiana Renaissance Festival The Patrons of the Podcast The Ren List Happy To Be Coloring Pages RESCU SONGS The Fox performed by Painted Trillium from the album Painted Trillium Britches Full Of Stitches, John Ryan's Polka performed by Nancy Daily-Green from the album Delia's Hearth The Lamentation of the Marooned Sailor performed by Ye Banished Privateers from the album Songs and Curses Roll on Up the Hill performed by Emily Kellam from the album Waves On The Shore Pikeman's March, Battle of Waterloo, Lord Lovat’s Lament performed by Haggis Rampant from the album Trì Tom Of Bedlam performed by Turtle and the Hair from the album On A Rampage Barbra Allen (Child Ballad #84) performed by Leza Mesiah, The Moor Of Dundee from the album The Moor Of Dundee Dream performed by Wicked Tinkers from the album Whisky Supper September Road, The (Tynker's Hornpipe, The Road To Rahway, September Reel) performed by Sarah Marie Mullen from the album Harper's Bizarre Round About Reel performed by Dublin Harpers from the album Dublin Harpers Live Black Seal Dance performed by Arabesque from the album A Turk in Galway The Wild Rover performed by Mistress Bawd from the album Give Back My Bordello This Song Will Have to Do performed by Joni Minstrel from the album Joni Minstrel Kicks the King Company of Fools performed by LandLoch'd from the album Good Rum and Bad Sheep Mountain Dew performed by Iron Hill Vagabonds from the album Circus Vagabonds Tweedle Dee performed by Albannach from the album Bareknucle Pipes and Drums Meri Mac performed by Cheeks and Phoenix from the album Any Requests Red Is the Rose performed by Bardmageddon from the album Bardmaggeddon The Faerie Dance performed by Oakley the Faerie from the album First Sapling Crooked Jack performed by Whirly Jig from the album Thing A Ma Jig Rum Diddle Tiddle performed by Ky Hote from the album A Mintrel's Life The Rattlin' Bog (Live) performed by The Reelin Rogues from the album Live At Claddagh The Parting Glass performed by Quarter Master Band from the album Quarter Master HOW TO CONTACT US Post it on Facebook Email us at HOW TO LISTEN Apple Spotify Pandora Podbay Listennotes
General Show
General Show
VISIT OUR SPONSORS The Louisiana Renaissance Festival The Patrons of the Podcast Happy To Be Coloring Pages The Ren List RESCU SONGS Morisque performed by Consort of SomeSorte from the album Danse Parcel O'Rogues performed by Zoe Alexander from the album Bardsong My Bonnie Jean performed by Bard of the South from the album The Minstrel Boy Moonshiner performed by Phillip Hole from the album Digging It Finnegan's Wake performed by Belles of Bedlam from the album Folked Up! The Pirate And The Ninja performed by Rum Runners from the album Got Rum? The Dragon and the Virgin performed by In Our Cups from the album Foolish Pleasure Come to the Dance performed by Emerald Rose from the album Archives of Ages to Come Lanigan's Ball performed by Bethany McLyr from the album The Eye of the Storm Once Upon a Time performed by C. Wayne Owens from the album Seymoure Says Tell Me Ma, Africa performed by The Borderers from the album Tales of Love & Loss Rosin The Bow performed by Curtis & Loretta from the album Sit Down Beside Me A Love That Grows performed by Lindsay Smith from the album Beautiful Life I'm A Rover performed by Mickle a Do from the album Dear Friends And Gentle Hearts Don't Follow Willow Wisps performed by Below the Gaff from the album Songs of Warship Galway Races performed by Celtic Stone from the album Natural Bridges Smash the Windows performed by Matthew H Schwarz from the album The Journeyman Harper Ex semine performed by Matthew H Schwarz from the album The Journeyman Harper Irish Rover performed by Captain Black Jack Murphy from the album Pogue Mahone Means Kiss My Arse Roll the Old Chariot Along performed by Jolly Rogues from the album Hicks the Pirate Have Some Madiera M'Dear performed by Siler and Clarc from the album Blu Kafka's Fancy performed by Circled_by_Hounds from the album Howl NO Demon Louder Health to the Company performed by Gallowglass Irish Trio from the album All the Best HOW TO CONTACT US Post it on Facebook Email us at HOW TO LISTEN Apple Spotify Pandora Podbay Listennotes