Brilliant Observations
Real friends. Real funny. We swear. Like, a lot. Join us for unscripted, uncensored, and definitely unsuitable-for-work comedy conversation about relationships, marriage, friendship, sex, hope, parenting and prospering at midlife. It's like grabbing a weekly cocktail with your favorite girlfriends for a candid look at life that lifts you up as it pulls you in. From religion to porn to money, fears, our bodies, our brains, secrets, failures, food, family and finding your path, almost nothing is off-limits (except politics — gross). Longtime friends Melissa Brilliant and Amy Fugazi overshare about everything with the love and trust that only comes from a lifetime of being there for each other. So cut through the fake friends who try to glamourize all the BS masquerading as midlife. We're the bawdy, brutally honest best friends you never knew you had. And we always pick up the check. Love us? Tell your friends. Hate us? Tell your therapist.