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BraveTV with Dr. Jason Dean

Dr. Jason Dean, a proud American, Husband, Dad, Doctor and Creator of BraveTV and Palmer Natural Health; these are five simple words that describe me in totality. We are Waking Up the World to the lies you are being told about your health and the hidden truths you need to save yourself and your family. We chat with with experts like Ted Nugent, Mark Victor Hansen, Roger Stone, Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, Dr. Shawn Baker, Robert Scott Bell and more. You are blasted with propaganda everyday by Big Pharma and the Medical Industrial Complex who are corrupt to the core and have invaded and bought out your government. We are exposing the deceit to help you free your mind and your health and leave the Sick Care paradigm for good. You are now entering the True Health Care paradigm. It’s time now to open your mind and exit the matrix… I am a serial entrepreneur and a professional speaker worldwide. Through the online platforms, I get to help thousands and thousands of people all over the globe. I have been featured on Clay Clark & General Michael Flynn's ReAwaken American Tour. I have also been featured on OAN, One America News Network, The John Birch Society New American, The Absolute Truth with Emerald Robinson, Frank Speech, Dan Ball and many more! I have interviewed Great Americans like Ted Nugent, Kash Patel, Dr. Sherry Tenpenny, Patel Patriot, Dr. Eric Nepute, Dr. Judy Mikovits and many more. Since I graduated, my motto has been – Save people, Save America. Every day I thrive to save people and empower them so they can create a domino effect on others. Every Doctor tries to help as many people as possible and wants to reach the masses, but that is sometimes impossible or not physically feasible. But if knowledge is given to one, and that one passes it on to another, imagine the number of people we can reach. I was exposed to different healthcare in lifestyle, diet, nutrition, supplements, and chiropractic. This lifestyle believed in whole foods instead of relying on pharmaceutical medication. I truly believe my wife and natural health care saved my life. My life path took me from being broke to being a happy husband, loving father, successful Doctor, and entrepreneur. Each day I live my life purposefully with a passion, which is what I wish to bring to you.

info_outline Brave TV - Ep 1793 - The American Farm Land Crisis - Not Just China! Our Food System in Peril - COVID was MK-ULTRA On Population 06/12/2024
info_outline Mondays with Morley Robbins - Copper & Calcium 06/11/2024
info_outline Brave TV - Ep 1792 - The Las Vegas Shooting Assassination Attempt on Mohammed bin Salman - with John Cullen 06/11/2024
info_outline Brave TV - Ep 1791 - Game of Thrones - Who's Been Captured? 06/09/2024
info_outline Brave TV - Ep 1790 - Does NASA Lie? Is it Flat? Are they Dead? Justin Robert of We Are Change Orlando Joins Me! 06/09/2024
info_outline Brave TV - Ep 1789 - Pandemics, Contagions, Sickness - Germ Theory vs. Terrain Theory 06/09/2024
info_outline Brave TV - Ep 1788 - Fauci Spars with Congress, MTG Wants Prison - Tribunals Next?! 06/09/2024
info_outline Brave TV - Ep 1787 - Will it be the BIG Week - June 3rd is Here! WIll Terrel Be Right? 06/09/2024
info_outline Brave TV - Ep 1786 - Trump Guilty on 34 Charges - Jason Goodman Joins on Lawfare 06/02/2024
info_outline Brave TV - Ep 1785 - John Cullen & I Discuss - Why Will NOBODY Touch H7N9 When It’s ALL Over?!?! 06/02/2024
info_outline Brave TV - Ep 1784 - The Great Parasite Lie - Cancer, Heart Disease, Stroke - The Medical Cover Up!! 06/02/2024
info_outline Brave TV - Ep 1783 - Pride Month Coming - Before the Fall - Libertarian Candidate Full On Woke? 06/02/2024
info_outline Brave TV - Ep 1782 - Memorial Day - What are We Really Celebrating? 06/02/2024
info_outline Brave TV - Ep 1781 - Trump FIRES UP the Bronx - The Hoods Goes Red!! 05/25/2024
info_outline Brave TV - Ep 1780 - Elana Freeland and the GeoEngineering & Transhumanist Agenda 05/24/2024
info_outline Brave TV - Ep 1779 - Something BIG is Coming - Ears, Balance and the Structure Will be SHOCKED!! 05/23/2024
info_outline Brave TV - Ep 1778 - The Sad State of America & Accepting Truth - The Autism Bandwagon 05/22/2024
info_outline Morley Robbins - The Color of Your Organs and Copper 05/20/2024
info_outline Brave TV - Ep 1777 - Terrance Howard on Rogan - Bringing The Empire (Babylon) to It’s Knees 05/20/2024
info_outline Brave TV - Ep 1776 - HopeGirl & Tivon Join Me To Discuss the WBAN, Nano, the BioField, the Internet of Bodies and Humanities Digital Future 05/18/2024
info_outline Brave TV - Ep 1775 - John Cullen - Why the Covid and H5N1 Distraction - What Will Lockdowns Look Like? 05/18/2024
info_outline Brave TV - Ep 1774 - Americans & Their Parasites - How Deep Does it Go? 05/18/2024
info_outline Brave TV - Ep 1773 - America is at the End of the Road - Sitting on a Powder Keg - The Storm is Nearing - UN Troops on Southern Border 05/18/2024
info_outline Brave TV - Ep 1772 - Earthquakes on the West Coast - Aurora Cause by HAARP - Terral Gives an Update 05/18/2024
info_outline Brave TV - Ep 1771 - Leigh Dundas - Freedom Fighting Attorney - Winners Take the Fight to the Enemy! 05/11/2024
info_outline Brave TV - Ep 1770 - John Cullen Returns - The Covid Patsy Covers Bird/Avian Flu - American Food System Poisoned 05/11/2024
info_outline Brave TV - Ep 1769 - Weather Wars HEAT UP - Creating Climate Crisis?! 05/11/2024
info_outline Morley Robbins - Copper & the Brain Connections 05/07/2024
info_outline Brave TV - Ep 1768 - We Dig Deeper Into the PandemicS (Plural) - What Poison Caused the Virus/Exosome in China and America?! 05/07/2024
info_outline Brave TV - Ep 1767 - The 2020 Bird/Avian Flu PANDEMIC & Covid SMoke Screen - Trump Guides America Through Hell 05/06/2024