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Rhetoricity is a quasi-academic podcast that draws on rhetoric, theory, weird sound effects, and the insights of a lot of other people. It's something that's a little strange and, with luck, a little interesting. The podcast's description will evolve along with it. Most episodes feature interviews with rhetorically oriented rhetoric and writing scholars.

The podcast is a project of Eric Detweiler, an assistant professor in the Department of English at Middle Tennessee State University. If you are interested in more information, you can get in touch by using the contact information included on his website or sending a direct message to @RhetCast on Twitter.

Transcripts are available for some episodes. Click "Episode Transcript" link at the end of individual episode descriptions to access the corresponding transcript. If you would like a transcript of an episode that doesn't appear to have one, feel free to get in touch.

Rhetoricity has received support from a grant from the Humanities Media Project.

Creative Commons License
This podcast is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

info_outline Podcasting in the Classroom: A Roundtable on the Humanities Podcast Network’s Teaching Manual 12/15/2023
info_outline "The Path Chose Me": Keith Gilyard on His Career, Writing, and Legacy 10/06/2023
info_outline Food, Feelings, and Other Rhetorical Sensitivities: An Interview with Jennifer LeMesurier 09/16/2023
info_outline AI Goes to College: Large Language Models and the Teaching of Writing 08/30/2023
info_outline Rhetoricians Assemble: A Roundtable of Black Rhetoric Faculty 08/24/2022
info_outline Futures in the Present Tense 11/01/2021
info_outline Crossing Over with Cedric Burrows 06/01/2021
info_outline Demanding Black Linguistic Justice: An Interview with April Baker-Bell 04/11/2021
info_outline Writing After Writing: An Interview with John Gallagher 04/06/2021
info_outline Unflattening Global Rhetorics and Archival Pedagogies: An Interview with Tarez Samra Graban 02/23/2021
info_outline The Big Rhetorical Podcast Carnival 2020 08/31/2020
info_outline Rhetorical Juxtapositions 07/14/2020
info_outline Race, Motive, and the Rhetoric of Display: An Interview with Ersula Ore 06/29/2020
info_outline Call for Rhetorical Juxtapositions 03/19/2020
info_outline The Available Memes of Persuasion: Michele Kennerly and Damien Smith Pfister 02/17/2020
info_outline Little Worlds About Writing: An Interview with Laura Micciche 01/21/2020
info_outline Rhetoric, She Wrote: Andrea Lunsford on the Discipline and its Histories 12/02/2019
info_outline The Weird Possibilities of Academic Podcasting 06/19/2019
info_outline Trumped-Up Rhetoric: An Interview with Ryan Skinnell 01/28/2019
info_outline Writing Our Discipline, Writing Ourselves: An Interview with Christine Tulley 10/25/2018
info_outline Dissertation Dialogues, Vol. 3: John Schilb and Collin Bjork 10/02/2018
info_outline Dissertation Dialogues, Vol. 2: Jennifer Juszkiewicz and Dana Anderson 08/21/2018
info_outline Dissertation Dialogues, Vol. 1: Scot Barnett and Caddie Alford 08/07/2018
info_outline Multimodality Pulling into a Station: Jonathan Alexander and Jackie Rhodes 05/30/2018
info_outline Lichtenberg: A Cross-Section 05/07/2018
info_outline Rhetoric and the Art of Bicycle Racing: An Interview with Bill Hart-Davidson 03/13/2018
info_outline Planting Rhetoric's Future: An Interview with John Muckelbauer 01/24/2018
info_outline Talking #TacoLiteracy with Steven Alvarez 01/04/2018
info_outline CFP: Symposium on Sound, Rhetoric, and Writing 07/10/2017
info_outline Collaborating on Digital Rhetoric: A Roundtable 06/03/2017