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Rock Under Fire

Rock Under Fire is a rock and roll podcast dissecting and discussing seven decades of rock in all its beautiful, wondrous, and despicable glory. Once upon a time, rock and roll music was the center of pop culture. Is rock really dead as some suggest? Or is it in a period of stagnancy existing on the fringe? What is its place in the 21st Century? These questions are the constant underlying theme to a different rock-related subject for each bi-weekly episode. Join hosts Mike Derrico, Patrick Ivanitski, and Stick Nixon for this unique ongoing dialogue through rock's past, present, and future.

info_outline The Beehive 06/29/2023
info_outline The Drug Fair Kiss Book 06/27/2023
info_outline North Exit 06/19/2023
info_outline Midnight in Berlin 05/29/2023
info_outline Bouncing Over London 05/14/2023
info_outline Jesse Jackson, Set Lusting Bruce Podcast 04/09/2023
info_outline Heather Drain 03/26/2023
info_outline Baylee Avery 03/12/2023
info_outline Going Off the Rails in the UK 02/27/2023
info_outline Red Shoes & the Blue Album 02/12/2023
info_outline The Feast 12/23/2022
info_outline Through the Decades in Random Songs 12/18/2022
info_outline Our 10 Favorite 80s Pop Songs 12/11/2022
info_outline Our 10 Favorite 80s Albums 12/04/2022
info_outline Creatures of the Night 40 11/27/2022
info_outline In Search of Nebraska 11/20/2022
info_outline What Are We Listening To? 11/13/2022
info_outline Stagefright 11/06/2022
info_outline Tickets 10/30/2022
info_outline Aaron Novak Returns 10/23/2022
info_outline Nirenberg / Baldassaro 10/09/2022
info_outline Taylor Hawkins Tribute Concert 09/22/2022
info_outline INSIDE AUTUMN: Lennon, Springsteen, Reagan 1980 12/07/2021
info_outline Talkin' Dylan with Allison Rapp 12/02/2021
info_outline In Defense of Music From the Elder 11/21/2021
info_outline Headphones 08/15/2021
info_outline Dancing With Demons 08/01/2021
info_outline Free Cuba, Free Britney! 07/18/2021
info_outline Gina Yates, Narcissus Nobody 07/05/2021
info_outline Shut the F**k Up Already 06/20/2021