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Under The Sheets with the O'Kellys

Megan and Nick have taken to the sea once again, this time on a Leopard 46 Catamaran. Under the Sheets with the O'Kellys is a behind the scenes, casual conversation that supplements their YouTube channels and gives them an opportunity to answer viewer questions in depth. The O'Kellys https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJ6tJAU-6N68ZhTRXyY0Tnw Megan https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCemnXZtTmC_xyhLS8s88hlQ

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info_outline We're in a Movie Set 09/30/2021
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info_outline We’re (not so) Vain 09/16/2021
info_outline Underway again with new lessons learned 09/09/2021
info_outline Our week off YouTube to launch the empire 09/02/2021
info_outline Got Grit? This is what success looks like 08/26/2021
info_outline The anxiety episode - our top 5 fears 07/01/2021
info_outline Getting our priorities straight and our final days in the Exumas 06/19/2021
info_outline More for Newbies cruising and our Columbus backlash 06/10/2021
info_outline The show about nothing & the Q&A continued 05/19/2021
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info_outline Decision Fatigue 04/15/2021
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info_outline You're feeling very, very sleepy 03/25/2021
info_outline YOUTUBE - behind the scenes, how much we earn, etc. 03/18/2021
info_outline Take the Courage 03/11/2021