This is a How To Episode. But its called Currency.
This is a How To Episode. But its called Currency.
Uncomfortable conversations to have always involve money. Debt. Bad Credit. It is hard to understand the relationship with credit and money if you never want to talk about it. Here at Salon Chair Chronicles, friends put friends on. Tee and Nickey J really just wanted to know more about NFTs, Crypto, Bit coin doggy whatever and the new verse thing "they" be talking about, but Oh Boy did the episode take a turn. This How To edition on Currency features Greg Belger of Belger Financial. After the hard to hear stuff, Greg is really an all around nice guy that drops specific details and instructions on Basic Investing, Thinking Rich and his formula for legacy planning. If you don't understand the 72/24 rule and how $1000.00 twice a year can save your whole will be poor and working until the day you die. Ouch right! There's more .....Do you know your Status? like really? Can you leverage your current credit to buy anything you want? Celisia Harris of @STATUSCREDITADVISIORS, first of all looks like money. But has also curated a business debunking the notation that credit repair is a scam. Credit Repair is strategy and diligence she says. It is also knowing the rules. Who knew Bankruptcy on your Credit Report is really just some sneak dissing. Or that one of these lousy credit bureaus is just a wanna be reporter, really. Tune in Tee and Nickey J needed this. For sure you might too. Friends don't let friends not know. Listen to this one 2 times and take notes. Build WEALTH yall