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Scholé Sisters: Camaraderie for Classical Homeschooling Mamas

Our goal is to cultivate the maximum number of thinking moms we can. This podcast is for classical homeschooling mamas who yearn for something more than just checking boxes and getting it all done. We discuss topics that matter to those of us who believe that educating ourselves through reading widely, thinking deeply, and applying faithfully equips us for the task of educating our children.

info_outline SS #152: Freedom Isn't Free (with Lauren Scott!!) 02/28/2025
info_outline SS 151: Death of the Scrappy Homeschooler 02/14/2025
info_outline SS #150: 'Tis the Season of Joyful Sacrifice 12/13/2024
info_outline SS #149: Reimagining School 11/22/2024
info_outline SS #148: De-Institutionalizing School (featuring Heather Olsson!!) 11/08/2024
info_outline SS #147: Strong Mothers, Special Needs (with Adelaide Garner!!) 11/01/2024
info_outline SS #146: Education — Training Religious Habits 10/11/2024
info_outline SS #145: Why Latin? (with Angela Reed!!) 09/27/2024
info_outline SS #144: De-stress With Natural Consequences 09/13/2024
info_outline SS #143: If You Build It, Moms Will Come 08/02/2024
info_outline SS #142: Attention is a Homeschool Essential 07/19/2024
info_outline SS #141: Raising Children Who Love to Learn 05/17/2024
info_outline SS #140: Rewards and Motivation 05/03/2024
info_outline SS #139: A Classical College Education (with Andy Patton!!) 04/19/2024
info_outline SS #138: A Little More Conversation, Please (with Andrew Zwerneman!!) 04/05/2024
info_outline SS #137: Fairy Tales are True (with Vigen Guroian!!) 03/25/2024
info_outline SS #136: Moral Training with Charlotte Mason 03/08/2024
info_outline SS #135: Unit Studies Are Overrated 02/23/2024
info_outline SS # 134: What is the 5x5 Reading Challenge? 01/12/2024
info_outline SS #133: Mom is the Magic of Christmas 12/15/2023
info_outline SS #132: Intellectual Training with Charlotte Mason 11/24/2023
info_outline SS #131: Outsourcing for High School (with Jami Marstall!!) 11/03/2023
info_outline SS# 130: Empathy Is Bad for Your Kids 10/20/2023
info_outline SS #129: Physical Training with Charlotte Mason 09/29/2023
info_outline SS #128: Division or Dialogue (with Pastor Chad Vegas!!) 09/15/2023
info_outline SS #127: Curriculum as Crutch 09/01/2023
info_outline SS #126: Hosting a Desert Retreat (with Kara Hughes!!) 08/04/2023
info_outline SS #125: Numbering the Days of Your Homeschool 07/21/2023
info_outline SS #124: Redeeming the Five-Paragraph Essay (with Renee Shepard!!) 05/19/2023
info_outline SS #123: Honor Thy Philosophical Fathers (Brent Pinkall on Chinese Classical Education) 04/28/2023