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Second Half Comeback with DG Gregory

Second Half Comeback is the podcast where we help ordinary, everyday people redesign the second half of their lives to finally create an extraordinary world for themselves and their families. The idea is to study successful transformation stories and then break down that information into a detailed, specific action plan so that you can execute your own Second Half Comeback.

info_outline Upgrade Your Inner Circle with Geoff Woods 07/30/2015
info_outline Build a Purposeful Business, Get Rich and Make Your Money Matter with Cole Hatter 06/15/2015
info_outline Health, Fitness and Creating Your Best Life with Mike Goncalves 05/07/2015
info_outline Transforming Your Habits with James Clear 04/30/2015
info_outline Monday Motivation: Overcoming "Comfortable" 03/09/2015
info_outline Team Building Tuesday Intro: Why Surround Yourself with Excellence 02/24/2015
info_outline How Not to Launch a Podcast and Other Lessons From My First Six Months in Business 02/23/2015
info_outline Ian Usher: The Man Who Sold His "Entire Life" on Ebay 01/29/2015
info_outline Smashing Boards, Destroying Fears and Reviving Our Dreams 12/30/2014
info_outline Sucker Punch Your Day by Getting Up Early with Andy Traub 12/12/2014
info_outline How to Use Daily Rituals and Systems to Get Your Most Important Shit Done with Greg Hickman 10/19/2014
info_outline 14 How to Finish Strong and Make This the Year That Changed Everything 09/26/2014
info_outline 13 A Thin Fucking Thread: Death and Overcoming Procrastination 09/03/2014
info_outline 12 Akshay Nanavati Pt.2: Focusing on Clarity, Using Milestones, Meditating on Death and Finding "Fearvana" 08/27/2014
info_outline 11 Akshay Nanavati Pt. 1: A Marine and Outdoor Adventurer is on a Mission to Run Across Every Country in the World 08/22/2014
info_outline 10 Wes Chapman Pt. 2 on Self Reflection, Keeping it Simple and Building a Self Sustaining Community of Empowered Youth 08/15/2014
info_outline 09 A Conversation with Wes Chapman From A Human Project, Part 1: Victim or Hero, The Most Important Decision You Will Make in Your Life 08/13/2014
info_outline 08 Systematizing Your Work/Life Balance, People Fuel and The Bravery Muscle: Lessons Learned from an Outlier. A Conversation with Melinda Yeaman 08/04/2014
info_outline 07 The Forgotten Promise 07/28/2014
info_outline 06 The "Secret Sauce" To Building Your Winning Team. 07/23/2014
info_outline 05 The Biggest and Worst Kept Secret to Transforming Your Life and Business 07/20/2014
info_outline 04 Maritza Parra: From Teenage Horse Enthusiast to Becoming the List Building Queen and Even Appearing on Oprah 07/17/2014
info_outline 03 Don't Make It So Fucking Hard 07/08/2014
info_outline 02 Nazrin Murphie and Leah Hynes 07/07/2014
info_outline 01 Joey Kissimmee 07/07/2014
info_outline 00 Intro Episode: What is the Second Half Comeback podcast all about and Why Should You Listen? 07/07/2014