Conversations with Marshall | A Father's Heart Podcast
Conversations with Marshall | A Father's Heart Podcast
We are back with our brand new episode!! This week, we have none other than our brother, male empowerment coach, husband and father, Robert Marshall joining us on the podcast! Robert is as transparent as they come. As a survivor of fatherlessness, bullying and sexual abuse, he uses his story and his passion for helping boys and men achieve healing and personal abundance, seeing them set free from unjust and inequitable systems, socioeconomic walls, emotional blockages, and traumatic boundaries caused by adverse childhood and life experiences. He is also the Founder & CEO of IAmAMan Inc., a nonprofit organization that produces products, services and support to men and boys throughout all stages of development, providing the space and roadmap for them to reclaim their authentic manhood and masculinity. Alongside his work at IAmAMan Inc., he is the author of anthology project ECHOES, which exists to humanize the lived experiences of male survivors of sexual trauma. Robert has made it his life's work to empower boys and men to become the best versions of themselves. At home, he is known as husband to Jackie and daddy to Caleb, Caden, and Ariyah. To connect with Robert Marshall and learn more about his work, visit Tune in and share your thoughts in the comments! Timecode: - Intro - Introduction of Guest: Robert Marshall - Robert's story of dealing with sexual abuse - The good ole days are not the good ole days - Legit or not legit?