Union Of Heroes #15
Union Of Heroes #15
Upsurge gets a call from his parents, something is amiss with his brother. This game's mustard is Alex (@happypuke), and Heroes are Obscurity (Shannon - @_puppyfish), Moara (James - @darthmoblo), Doctor Kingbird (Sofie - @wendigogodancer), Upsurge (Jesse - @Backfliphi5) and Cerulean Century (Freija - @Queenfreija) Made possible from support from: Tony Srimongkolkul, Tony S, Trish, Eli, Mike, Matthew, Bailee, Nicole, Maddie, Phil, Ashleh, Steph, Zak, Jack, Pamela, Jan, Cody, Michael, Robert, Gwynn, Ben C, Hunter, Ben A, Trans Fur Productions, Logan B, Zackary, Jesse, Case