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Show Me Yours

Welcome to the 'Show Me Yours' podcast, where your hosts, Frank and Amanda, make each other try new things, break free of their comfort zones, and be overall more adventurous. It's the podcast about opening up new doors in life, and being okay if you need to close them back up afterwards. Frank and Amanda live in Queens, NY with their adorably lively Jack Russell terrier Ajax (often heard lumbering around in the background).

info_outline We're Back! 03/12/2021
info_outline Vodka Quarantini 05/04/2020
info_outline Cooking 2.0 01/30/2020
info_outline "We're Back!" Season 2 Premieres! 01/15/2020
info_outline Axe Throwing and Staysgiving 11/22/2019
info_outline Halloween Movies - Part Deux 10/29/2019
info_outline Fall Activities 10/09/2019
info_outline Fantasy Football 09/12/2019
info_outline Night Bodies! - Available Now 08/29/2019
info_outline Astrology 08/07/2019
info_outline Acupuncture 07/24/2019
info_outline Frank Nails It 07/10/2019
info_outline AMANDA RAVES! - Oxomoco 06/26/2019
info_outline Writing Partners 06/12/2019
info_outline An Awkward Conversation with T1Podcast 05/23/2019
info_outline Avengers: Endgame! 05/08/2019
info_outline 016 - Meeting of the Moms 04/24/2019
info_outline 015 - March Madness & Comic Books 03/21/2019
info_outline 014 - Amanda Tours Japan 02/27/2019
info_outline 013 - Museum of the Moving Image 01/30/2019
info_outline 012 - Rubbing Off On Each Other 01/16/2019
info_outline 011 - New Year, New Goals 01/04/2019
info_outline 010 - Christmas Movies! 12/21/2018
info_outline 009 - Viva 'Us' Vegas 12/12/2018
info_outline 008 - Amanda's Trip to Middle-Earth 11/28/2018
info_outline 007 - A Night On The Town! 11/14/2018
info_outline 006 - Halloween Movies! 10/30/2018
info_outline Mini-Episode #2 - Spooktacular Preview for Next Week 10/23/2018
info_outline 005 - Escape the Room! 10/17/2018
info_outline 004 - Easy Frank Oven 10/05/2018